JF05 - The Valkyrie Song (49 page)

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Authors: Craig Russell

Tags: #crime, #thriller

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‘You could say that,’ said Fabel.

‘Anyway,’ continued Frolov, ‘I report anything dodgy to OLAF, Europol, Eurojust or Interpol. I have contacts in each organisation. But I have fewer and fewer opportunities to do so these days: word has got out about how I operate, so it tends to be only those businesses who have nothing to hide who approach me.’

‘But you have something you want to talk to OLAF about?’

‘I arranged to send them some information and talk to them next week. I’m guessing that this little firework display was intended to dissuade me.’

‘So you think this was a warning rather than a serious attempt on your life?’ asked Fabel.

‘Trust me, I was not meant to die. You see, my death would change nothing: the papers would still go to OLAF with or without my presence. This bomb was intended to scare me off sending the information on to OLAF and from having any more discussions with them.’

‘Then you know who’s behind it all?’

‘Tell me, Herr Fabel, do you have any suggestions? Something tells me that you might.’ Frolov smiled. It was a charming smile and Fabel guessed it came from the oligarch’s arsenal of business weapons.

‘I’d rather it came from you, Herr Frolov.’

‘I have interests in every corner of Europe and I was dealing with a Balkan-based company. My investigators came up with a connection to cigarette smuggling into the EU. That in turn led us to a non-governmental organisation which was fraudulently benefiting from EU funding while in turn funding the warehousing and distribution of contraband cigarettes. Small-time stuff.’

‘Enough to go to all this trouble?’ Fabel indicated the shattered restaurant.

‘Not in itself.’ The smile had left Frolov’s face. ‘My staff includes what you would call forensic accountants and, well, private investigators. One of the investigators died recently in a car crash. He was drunk and speeding. Except I knew him personally – a Karelian called Kontinen. His father had died of alcoholism and Kontinen was a sworn teetotaller. He was also a very thorough man. And a careful driver. So we dug deeper. Kontinen had been looking into our Balkan partner but had come across something much, much bigger.’


‘Kontinen had found out that the company in the Balkans had been using a Serb warlord-cum-gangster as a subcontractor.’

‘Goran Vuja

Frolov stared at Fabel for a moment. ‘Do I sense that our paths have just crossed?’

‘Tell me more about Vuja
’s operation,’ said Fabel.

‘First of all you need to know that Kontinen had discovered that Vuja
was involved in some dirty business out there that was not connected to the company we were investigating. Vuja
was as scummy as they come: a drug and human
trafficker who was selling women into slavery and prostitution. He had been moving and warehousing the contraband cigarettes for the Balkan company, but he had also been subcontracting for somebody out here in the West.’

‘What kind of subcontracting?’

ran three warehouses, using women as slave labourers. We tipped off the Serbian authorities and Vuja
disappeared. Unfortunately, so did the women. What happened to them we don’t know. Vuja
moved into major drug trafficking and ended up dead. In the meantime, we believe he found a new location for the greenwashing operation.’

‘China?’ asked Fabel.

‘Our paths cross again … yes. Western China.’

‘What exactly do you mean by

‘One thing I’ve learned as a businessman is that the environment is setting the agenda these days. There are a thousand and one legislative and regulatory bodies out there ready to shut you down if you breach environmental standards. Greenwashing is when you take action on the cheap to make it
that you’re complying. Green plus whitewashing equals greenwashing – get it? Anyway, one of the things you do is fake shipment manifests for sensitive waste and send it out of the regulatory zone to somewhere like an impoverished former Soviet republic—’

‘Or China or the Balkans.’

‘Exactly,’ said Frolov. ‘But less so the Balkans nowadays. Democratisation and regeneration are the enemies of this kind of enterprise. Anyway, you ship the stuff out of the regulatory zone, in this case the EU, and when you ship it back it’s been processed. Or it simply disappears. But the point is that because it’s been outside the regulatory zone, there’s no health-and-safety or any other control on the conditions or pay of the workers.’

‘So what was being

‘Electronics, mobile phones, that kind of thing. Our investigator, before he died, had been in touch with a Norwegian journalist who had gathered some evidence. The journalist had obtained some samples from the warehouses and had got conclusive results. What they were I don’t know, my people are still trying to trace the journalist.’

‘Don’t bother,’ said Fabel. ‘The journalist and the analyst he sent the samples to are both dead. They were getting close to proving something because the killer didn’t even take the time to try and fake accidents. They were both shot in the head. Professional executions.’

‘I see …’ Frolov sighed.

‘But I know what they were testing for,’ continued Fabel. ‘Polybrominated diphenyl ethers. And I know where the operation was moved to: Hunan Province in China and Bitola in Macedonia, although I guess Vuja
had to quit Macedonia too.’

A black-uniformed MEK officer came over.

‘We can move Herr Frolov out now, Chief Commissar.’

‘Just a minute,’ said Fabel. Then, to Frolov: ‘You’re their number-one target now – you realise that, don’t you? As soon as Vuja
got himself caught he had enough information to perhaps do a deal with the Danish police. So he was killed in Copenhagen. They killed your investigator, then Halvorsen, the Norwegian journalist, and Sparwald, the analytical chemist. Each of them died for having
of the evidence. And you have it all.’

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