Jingle All the Mitchell Way: A Holiday Novella (9 page)

BOOK: Jingle All the Mitchell Way: A Holiday Novella
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Chapter 11



Eight hours. That’s how long it took for us to make it from New Orleans to Dallas. During the drive, which I took turns with Jake, the girls talked about the movie and the experiences Amber had while on the set.

We even got the girls pictures with Santa, AKA Uncle Jake in a costume, because let’s face it, they weren’t sitting on a stranger’s lap. They screamed bloody murder, but we sent the picture to their grandparents anyway just to say we did.

We’d managed to keep the secret wedding under wraps, and with the family agreeing to meet us in the city, all we had to do was make sure Reese and Jake were up to tying the knot on a whim.

While Amber was away from the rest of us, she made calls to family members, who’d all offered to do their part in making everything come together. We’d booked a church, a hall, and even DJ. The food was being catered by the same company the production company was using while shooting in town, and the cake was being made by our Aunt Van, who loved to be creative, and the ceremony would be officiated by Uncle Colt, who’d become ordained a few years back. I think my wife used the prepping as a release for stress she was under. Filming was taking a lot out of her. She worked long hours, and was often too tired to hang out with any of us. I didn’t regret bringing the kids along, because even if we only got to see her a couple hours out of the day, it was still better than nothing. I would have gone crazy without seeing her for weeks on end.

Since the movie crew had a couple days before production continued, Amber and I used the extra time to get the family settled into local hotel as they all arrived.

My parents got there first; mom feeling like she had to be on hand in case something went wrong. My dad was more interested in visiting all the steak houses in the area, since Dallas was known for having some of the best. As soon as Uncle Colt and Aunt Van showed up, the two men were nowhere to be found. They’d probably eat themselves to death and be on the news for combusting. My sister and her husband arrived later in the day, followed by the rest of the relatives from Kentucky. Reese’s family trickled in the following morning. Because it was supposed to be a surprise, both of the parents got together and celebrated, while Amber and I managed to head back to the RV without giving anything away.

That night, while in bed with Amber, our daughters sleeping soundly between us, we reflected on everything we’d accomplished, and how surprised Reese and Jake were going to be when they saw everyone they loved in that church.

Amber had arranged for one of the interns to pose as a tour guide. We were going to take a cab into the city and start at the church, where the family would all be waiting. She’d also arranged for my parents to bring us a change of clothes, including dresses for the girls, who would hopefully pose as flower girls alongside their cousin, Sarah.

When we arrived at the church Amber took Olivia from Reese, while I carried Lex. Reese stood outside taking pictures for what seemed like forever, especially since we knew the big surprise was waiting inside for them.

The moment the two of them walked into the chapel and spotted family members standing there, they knew what was up. I put my hand on my brother’s shoulder. “We wanted to do something special for the two of you, since you’ve gone out of your way to make Amber’s dreams come true.”

Amber took over. “Reese, I know how much time and detail you’ve put into planning your wedding, so with the help of the rest of the crew we were able to bring everything you wanted here to Dallas. Your dress, the menu, the music, it’s all ready for you.”

Reese covered her face with her hands. It was obvious it was a moment where she was overwhelmed with joy. She finally looked at Jake, who shrugged with an ear-to-ear grin. “Do you still want to do this?”

“You know I do. I just can’t believe this is happening,” She said as her parents approached.

I put my arm around Amber, giving her a little push to convince her it was time to get changed.

It was nearly an hour before Reese was ready to come out. While everyone waited they caught up and mingled, none seeming to complain about having to wait before the service could begin.

There was a time when I thought Reese would be my wife; a time where I loved her and promised her forever, but the moment I saw her round the corner in her dress I knew she’d always belonged to Jake. I couldn’t regret the choices we’d all made to get to this point. I would have never met Amber and started a family. We wouldn’t have the perfect life we’d made.

In front of Reese were three beautiful little girls, all in matching dresses, and my expecting wife. She took my breath away as she marched slowly up the aisle, holding a bouquet of winter flowers she’d searched everywhere to have delivered. Sarah, being the oldest of the children, led the twins up the aisle, showing them how to drop the flowers as they went.  When they saw me standing next to their uncle Jake, they ran toward us, forgetting all about the task they’d been picked to do. The crowd of family laughed, especially when they wanted to be held by me and my brother. I managed both in each arm, noticing the beads of sweat running down Jake’s head. Uncle Colt leaned forward to speak to just me. “You’ve done good by them, Jax.”

“Thanks.” It meant a lot coming from him. I turned my attention back to Jake, who looked like he was prepared to hand Reese his balls, even though he and I both knew he’d given them to her long before. “You can still back out, bro. Just make a run for it.”

“Shut up, Jax,” He said quietly so only I could hear.

“Seriously,” I added. “Just duck out the side entrance. I’ll tell everyone you left the country. I tell them you were gay and met someone at a rest stop. I’ll say you ran off to the Swiss Alps to adopt orphans and raise sheep.”

“I’m doing this. Shut up, and stop trying to talk me out of it.”

“It’s your funeral.” I felt Uncle Colt kick me to get me to listen.

Jake was ignoring me anyway. The moment he saw her I knew I couldn’t get under his skin. “God, she’s gorgeous. I can’t believe you did this for us.”

“My wife likes happy endings. What can I say?”

“Jaxon Mitchell, you’re in a church!” Uncle Colt reprimanded.

“Fornication is in the bible. I’ve highlighted the good parts just to prove it.”

He rolled his eyes and pretended I didn’t exist.

Jake turned and gave me a look of disapproval. Of course I’d bring sex up while his wife-to-be was walking down the aisle. I peered over at Amber and threw her a wink. I couldn’t wait to take that dress off of her. I also couldn’t wait to share our news, even though I knew we’d have to wait a couple more weeks, just to be on the safe side.

As Reese got closer I could tell she was crying. In front of me I heard a few sniffles coming from my brother. Getting married at the courthouse didn’t make any of this as intense as it felt standing in front of all these people. Jake couldn’t keep it together. The moment their eyes met he was a puddle of tears. I wanted to laugh, to make fun of him for being a pussy, but I felt my eyes start to sting. I had to look over at Amber to clear my head. My brother was finally getting hitched to Reese. In all honesty, they should have tied the knot before me.

Just as Uncle Colt was about to start the ceremony, Jake turned around to face me; speaking loud enough the whole congregation could hear. “You know, as much as we appreciate you doing this for us, I’ve got to say, it wouldn’t be fair unless you were a part of it too.”

“We are a part of it. It’s exactly how Reese planned it.”

“Jake isn’t talking about our wedding. He’s talking about the one you and Amber never got to have. You went to all this trouble. You brought our families here to share it with us. Why not renew your vows in front of the family? Celebrate alongside of us. Experience what it’s like to have a big wedding. I’m sure Uncle Colt doesn’t mind.”

“As long as Jax behaves himself,” Uncle Colt added with a low snicker. He got a kick out of putting me in line.

“It’s your day,” Amber insisted.

Jake wasn’t taking no for an answer. “Come on, bro. Give the family a good show. Are you really going to miss the opportunity to make out in a church?” Some people laughed, but while a smile formed on my face, my eyes locked onto Amber’s. Then the room began to spin, and my stomach turned with knots. “Want to get married again?” I asked her from afar, sitting one of our daughters down so she could run over to her grandmother.

She nodded happily. “I’d marry you every day if I could, Jax.”

I put my other daughter down, held out my hands and awaited hers to fill them. While we readjusted up at the altar, Jake explained we were just in it for the show. Since we were already married, we wouldn’t need documentation.

Right before Uncle Colt could begin, I stared into my wife’s eyes, our hands still laced together. “Let’s do this shit.”

She looked appalled. “Jax, we’re in a church.”

“Sorry. God is probably saying the same thing. After all, what good is a big wedding without a bigger honeymoon?”

Uncle Colt cleared his throat before beginning. “I’m going to start with the renewal of vows from Jax and Amber, and then continue to the nuptials of Jake and Reese. Go on, Jax. Tell your wife how you feel about her.”


I opened my mouth to say something smart, but changed my mind at the last second. Amber deserved something to cherish, and I was going to give her plenty. “Amber, my stunning wife I fell in love with the moment I saw you naked.” I snickered while I let the crowd of people, including Reese’s family, who I might add used to consider me a son, all gasped or laughed.

“I know I’m full of surprises, and I don’t always make the best of choices, but there’s one thing that will never change, and it’s my love for you. Thank you for helping me make beautiful babies, for showing me burnt dinners can be salvaged because they were made by you, and for always going the extra mile under the sheets. You rock, babe.”

She laughed while shaking her head. Nothing surprised her anymore. “Jax, I used to think you were crazy and unpredictable, but as the years go by I’ve learned it’s just how you see the world and life. You don’t expect things to be perfect. You appreciate what we have, even if it’s burnt dinners or leftovers of those burnt dinners turned into a mystery meatloaf.” The room filled with laughter as she said it. “You have always loved me for being myself, and I love you right back.”

From the crowd, I could hear my father’s voice. “Go on and start making out. You know you want to.”

Uncle Colt pronounced us, albeit after I’d already pulled her lips against mine. If the people wanted a show, we were going to give it to them, tongue and all.






Chapter 12



We were still in shock Jax and Amber had pulled this off, down to the small details Reese was adamant on having. The stressing over the wedding could finally be over, giving us our lives back. On this day I’d promise to love and cherish Reese, the women I think I’d always been in love with from the moment she stepped into my life. Against the odds, forsaking others, nothing could keep us apart. Jax doing this for us, well it made me feel like he’d finally let go of every bit of ill feelings regarding what happened in the past. I had my brother back, my very best friend in the entire world. That’s not to say Reese wasn’t a close second as far as friendship goes, but let’s face it, Jax and I shared DNA. You couldn’t get any closer to another human being than that, not unless you cloned yourself.

In front of our family, before God, I was prepared to say my vows. She’d made me write them down, even though our wedding date had been far away. With Uncle Colt’s blessing, I began to confess my adoration and devotion to the woman I loved.

“Reese. I still can’t believe we’re getting married today. It’s crazy. I know you made me memorize my vows a long time ago, but if it’s okay with you I’d like to just say what’s on my mind.” I waited for her to nod before continuing. “Being with me hasn’t always been easy. Everyone in this room can attest to that.”

Jax stopped kissing Amber to interrupt. “Especially me.”

“Especially him,” I agreed. “But through it all our love has only grown stronger. We, as a couple, have grown stronger. I’ll never regret loving you. You’re my partner, my friend, and one day the mother to our children. Thank you for being patient with me, for growing with me, and for teaching me the meaning of love.” In my defense, the tears were nerves. Reese was the most beautiful thing I’d ever laid eyes on. Being here with her, in front of everyone, it was all too much. I couldn’t control my emotions. Seeing me tearing up only made it more difficult for her to keep it together.

“Jake,” she struggled to say my name. “I’ve dreamed of this day for so long.” She began to bawl, so I pulled her close, her head falling against my chest. The congregation of family waited for her to calm down, a few sniffles could be heard echoing off the high ceilings. “I’m sorry. It’s exactly as I envisioned it to be.”

Amber got her a tissue and then went back to stand next to Jax.

“Jake, our future may be unwritten, but I can already tell it’s going to be filled with magical memories. I’ve never felt more love than when I’m with you. You are my soul mate, and I promise to never take you for granted. For better or worse,” she turned to point to Jax. “Even when you’re under the influence of your crazy brother, up to no good, doing crazy shenanigans, I’ll still be by your side. You have a heart of gold, and I promise to be true to you for the rest of our lives.”

Our nuptials were sealed with a long kiss. It was almost too surreal to believe.

We were officially married.

Mr. and Mrs. Jake Mitchell.


The reception was where the fun began. To start things off, Jax took the microphone from the DJ and announced us into the room. Everyone stood to greet us as husband and wife, all the little cousins ran around the dance floor, ignoring the adults as usual.

Then my brother continued on. “So, my wife and I would like to thank everyone for making the trip out to share in this wedding between Jake and Reese. In honor of you tying the knot, we’ve prepared a number to perform for everyone in celebration. Please clear the dance floor and enjoy the show.

He dropped the microphone, causing a loud blistering sound to fill the room. People covered their ears until the DJ turned it off. When all settled, Jax and Amber were in the center of the dance floor. He’d put on a Santa hat. I took Reese’s hand and squeezed it. “This can’t be good.”

“Nope,” she agreed. “If he takes off his clothes I’m going to kill him.”

“He’s probably going to.”

“Yeah, I know.”

All of a sudden the lights went out, only one remaining on the couple. All eyes tuned to them, everyone preparing for what could only be described as a unforgettable moment.

It wasn’t a secret that Jax and Amber could dance. Aside from being a stripper, Amber had been dancing her whole life. Jax just had good rhythm and could always find it easy to pick up on moves as he went. It was obvious they’d practice this routine. From the moment they began it was choreographed.

The music, a raunchy song from the nineties about licking someone up and down played loudly, Jax and Amber moving to the beat, depicting sexual innuendos as they went. I didn’t know whether to laugh or cringe. It was hard to watch, especially when Jax started doing a solo shimmy. As soon as he leaned forward I knew the pants were removable. Call it twin intuition, or just the ability to predict what my idiot brother was about to do, but I was certain the clothes were definitely coming off. He’d obviously changed, putting on a pair of Velcro-lined pants. The second he tugged, they split open, falling to the floor and he spun around, shaking his ass for all to see. Instead of boxers, he had on a pair of women’s panties, displaying the words ‘Just Married’ on the rear.

“Those are mine,” Reese admitted. “Oh my god I’m going to kill him.”

I scanned the audience, seeing many holding up their phones to capture pictures and video of the whole ordeal. Some people were clapping, even whistling. Then, when I thought it couldn’t get any worse, my parents joined them, grinding their bodies together like they were about to get it on.

I had two choices.

I could put a stop to the madness, or I could embrace that this was my family, and no matter how crazy they were, I would always be a part of it. I chose the latter, mostly because I didn’t want to be the only one not making a fool out of myself. I pulled Reese out onto the dance floor, shaking my hips to the beat, and pulling her in for a chaste kiss. “Welcome to the family, baby.”

Reese laughed so hard I thought she was going to fall back. It was all the proof needed to know she was right where she belonged.












BOOK: Jingle All the Mitchell Way: A Holiday Novella
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