Jock: A Secret Baby Sports Romance (35 page)

BOOK: Jock: A Secret Baby Sports Romance
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…I get off with Hailey Garrison.


is big
, strong hands slide over my skin, pulling me on top of him as his mouth finds mine. I gasp into his lips at the ferocity of him - the animalistic way he manhandles me and puts me where he wants.

He’s hooking his fingers into the waist of my panties and he looks up into my face. “I thought I told you not to wear these anymore.”

“What are you talk-”

I gasp. He yanks hard on them, pulling them tight before they rip under his powerful grip. He grins wickedly up at me, straddling his muscled, rock-hard torso as he slips the torn panties from between my legs.

“Get up here,” he growls, grinning wolfishly at me as his powerful hands slide down to cup my ass. He pulls me up his body, and I moan as he centers me right above his face.

“Fuck, Hailey, I’ve been dying to eat this pussy like a fucking Georgia peach.”

He pulls me down onto his mouth, my lips opening in a silent scream of pleasure as his tongue buries deep inside of me. His hands grip me by the hips, sliding me bodily back and forth across his mouth, fucking me with his tongue as I melt into him.

His tongue slides over my clit, swirling around and around the hard little bud, pushing me towards the very edge. He growls, his tongue flicking faster and deeper, wanting to make me come.

that I come.

And then right before I do, he’s lifting me up. I whimper as he flips me over onto the bed and kneels between my legs. He’s wearing the white briefs from his billboard ad, and his legendary cock forms a HUGE bulge, stretching the cotton.

“I know you’ve been waiting for this, darlin,” he drawls out, hooking his thumbs into the waist.

“Please…” I whisper, watching as he starts to pull them down in slow motion. “I want it.”

He grins that cocky smirk of his. “I know, and I’m going to give you every last inch.”

And then he’s yanking the briefs down over that bulge, and his thick, straining cock springs free.

He’s stroking it, his eyes looking at me hungrily and drinking me in as he leans over me. His lips brush against mine, his eyes pierce into mine, and suddenly I gasp as I feel it.

I feel it right against my opening.

“Beg me for it, Hailey,” he growls. “Beg me to fuck your tight little pussy like you’ve never been fucked before.”

I awake with a start, gasping as I sit bolt-upright in bed with my pulse pounding in my ears from the dream.

With my fingers and my toes still tingling from it.

With my panties absolutely
from it and the lingering ache it’s left between my legs.

I blink at the light streaming in from my dorm-room window, and turn to glare at my silent alarm clock.

Which has apparently never gone off.


I jump out of bed and swear at my dead alarm clock, before I curiously follow the cord down to the outlet. I scowl at the cellphone charger I don’t recognize in the spot where my alarm clock plug usually is.

Oh you have got to be kidding me

Dalton, of course. Dalton who apparently managed to unplug my alarm clock for his cellphone. Dalton leaving the trail of chaos and destruction in his wake as always.

…Dalton who would
leave my head or my dreams last night, much to my mortification.

And as if my first day isn’t going to be off on the wrong foot already what with Dalton crashing my evening and spending the night, now I’m going to be late, too.

At least he’s gone when I get up, and I’m not
late for class yet, just off my schedule. I bite my lip and feel the heat rise in my face as I glance back at the bed, hoping to God that the sheets weren’t kicked down like that when he left.

But forget that, today's the first day of classes, and I’m already behind schedule.

* * *

, neighbor.”

Roxie’s sitting on a bench smoking a cigarette outside the English department when I leave later that afternoon.

“Hey yourself,” I mumble out. I’ve been tired all day from staying up too late dealing with Dalton - not to mention from the embarrassingly fevered dreams I had
him once I finally went to sleep.

“So,” she grins at me, blowing smoke out the side of her lips. “Couldn’t help but notice you had a
last night.”

I feel my face go bright red, the heat blooming hot across my cheeks. I quickly shake my head. “Oh,
, that was just Dalton.”

Roxie rolls her eyes. “Yeah, no, I
that it was Dalton Cole.” She arches a brow at me, a mischievous grin on her face.

what you’re implying,” I mumble quickly, still feeling my face burn and my body shiver as the memory of the dream comes rushing back. “Need I remind you he’s my

“And need I remind
that literally every straight girl on this campus, and maybe even some of the gay ones, wouldn’t have minded being in your shoes last night?” She grins. “Or your bed for that matter?”

I roll my eyes. “He slept on the
, Roxie.”

She laughs. “Hey, I’m just giving you a hard time, girl. But, uh, get ready for it.”

I frown. “For what?”

“For the fact that half the dorm saw him leaving your room this morning.”

Oh, God.

I cringe, feeling the heat come rushing back into my face as I bury it in my hands.

Roxie laughs and puts an arm around me. “Sorry, don’t hate the messenger.”

happened,” I sputter out. “I mean,
nothing happened.”

“You’re not related.”

I groan again. “Dalton and I could be complete strangers and I’d
think he was disgusting.”

She rolls her eyes as she stubs her cigarette out on the bottom of her boot. “Yeah, sure,
,” she says, smirking to herself.

“Oh my God, Roxie, I wouldn’t be attracted to a guy like
in a million years.”

She snorts out a laugh and stands, “Garrison.” She grins and shakes her head at me, “You’re
going to have to get better at that, you know.”

I frown. “At what?”


* * *

cute when you’re sleeping you know.”

I jump at the sound of his voice as I walk out of my last class of the day. I whirl to see the devil himself leaning against the wall outside the science building. He’s changed since last night, into khakis and this effortless white t-shirt that presses tightly across his broad chest and molds across his hard, muscled-

Oh stop it
, I mutter to myself, shaking my head.

I glare at him. “Stalker much?”

He shrugs nonchalantly. “Hails, would a
spend all that time charming the nice lady at the registrar’s office into giving me your whole class schedule?”

I wrinkle my brow. “Uh,
definitely.” I shake my head. “And I’m sorry, were you
me sleep?”

“Oh, certainly,” he says with that grin, his eyes twinkling as he steps towards me. “Heavy breathing, creepy touches, some cellphone camera shots - the whole nine yards, darlin.”

I grin in spite of myself, “Weirdo.”

I turn and start to walk away, but Dalton falls in next to me. “But anyway, on the subject of being a creep and watching you this morning, are the pink polka-dots with the frayed elastic just like a ‘
sleep thing, or were you just trying to spice things up since I was spending the night?”

I can feel my face
in red hot heat, as I drop my jaw and stare at him.

“Are you fucking
kidding me!

I lunge at him, balling my fist up ready to punch him on that perfectly dimpled, smirking jaw.

” He puts his hands up palms out and shakes his head, giving me that innocent look I’ve seen him flash at my dad or his mom to win them over. “I was a
gentleman,” he drawls out, grinning at me. “I averted my eyes from your

I frown. “You did?”

“Nah, not really.”

I groan and roll my eyes as he laughs.

“Honestly though, I
think your social life could improve with some new ones.”

“Jesus,” I mutter. “Neither my
nor my social life are any concern of yours,” I hiss under my breath as a group of students spot Dalton and start to crowd around us. All the guys high-five him, and two other girls come screeching over from across the quad, giggling and hyperventilating as they pose next to him for a selfie.

I roll my eyes and march on ahead.

“Anyways, where were we,” Dalton’s caught up with me at the edge of the student parking lot, jogging past me to get in my path.

were nowhere.”

He strokes his chin. “Oh, right, your panties and me helping you get some new ones.”

I groan and roll my eyes, starting to push past him when I shiver at the feel of his lips right next to my ear.

“I could also help you
of those old ones first,” he husks, sending a shiver down my spine.

I swallow quickly, trying to will the heat out of my face as I turn and look at him as coolly as I possibly can. “You can’t talk to me like that.”

He grins right back. “Like what?”

“Like- like I’m one of
girls,” I say, nodding at the two he just took a selfie with who are waving at him and giggling. One makes a “call-me” motion as Dalton waves back.

I shake my head. “Okay,
I’m not ‘those’ girls.”

“Never said you were, darlin,” he drawls out.

“Look.” I sigh. “Dalton-”


“Our parents are getting married-”

“Very true.”

I shoot him a look as he cuts me off and he makes a zipping motion across his lips.

“And you and I have
in common.”

Dalton clutches at his heart dramatically. “But look how close we’ve gotten as friends so far - sleepovers and everything.”

The grin creeps across my lips before I can stop it, and I quickly turn away, shaking my head. “Oh please, you and I both know you would’ve never talked to me if my dad wasn’t your
and marrying your mom.”


“And I’d never talk to you,” I finish with a shrug. “Nothing personal.”

Dalton rolls his eyes. “Oh, yeah, of course.”

“Look, I’m just being honest,” I say with a shrug. “Besides, I’ve got a
of work to do this semester so I can transfer.”

“Worried I’ll distract you?”

I blush. “
,” I say quickly. “Hardly.”

“Well then I guess we don’t have a problem, do we?”

I roll my eyes. “You are

“Oh, I think most of the tabloids will tell you I’m pretty easy, actually.”


I groan and go to push past him.

“Aww, where’re you going?”

“Home, we’ve got dinner with your mom and my dad tonight, in case you’ve forgotten.”

“Was just headed there myself, hop in.”

I turn back to him and frown. “Huh?”

Dalton nods past me, and I turn to see the brand new, gleaming black and chrome Escalade parked behind me with the blue and white Hawks mascot painted on the back fender.

He’s grinning and jangling a set of keys as I turn back to him.

“Tell me the University didn’t
buy you a freaking car.”

“Aww now don’t make me a liar, Hails. Besides, the
could never.”

I shake my head and he grins. “Alumni boosters, baby.”

“That’s disgusting.”

“No, that’s a sports program that brings in forty million a year in revenue for this fine academic institution, darlin.” He flashes me that grin again. “I’m just the headlining act.”

BOOK: Jock: A Secret Baby Sports Romance
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