Jock: A Secret Baby Sports Romance (49 page)

BOOK: Jock: A Secret Baby Sports Romance
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alton steps
across the loft space of his apartment to the frosted glass wall that separates the bathroom area, and I can hear the metallic crank of a faucet followed by the sound of water filling a tub.

I prop myself up on my elbows, biting my lip as I arch my brow at him through the open doorway. “Do you seriously talk to girls like this?”

He steps out of the bathroom, leaving the water running and he stalks back towards the bed. “Maybe.”

I roll my eyes. “And it works?”

He slides back into the bed, and I gasp as his fingers move right back between my legs, stroking against my slick entrance.

“You tell me, darlin,” he growls into my ear, making me whimper as his thumb rubs across my clit. He suddenly withdraws his fingers and stands from the bed again, leaving me panting and wanting all over again.

A one-time thing, huh?

I drop back into the bed. What am I
? This was supposed to be
time, to get us back to normal around each other so that we could just get this all out of our system. What I
be doing is getting up and getting out of here, and putting this little memory where it belongs.

Dalton steps out from behind the glass, and my breath catches.
he’s gorgeous - his steely grey-blue eyes piercing right into me, that rugged and yet charming farm-boy grin on his chiseled, stupidly handsome face. That fucking
of his, like coiled steel and marble.

And that

I blush as I realize I’m staring at it hungrily. And how wet I am, and how much I
want him
all over again. A one time thing?


I want him
over and over
again. I want to drink a gallon of him until I’m drunk off the feel of him.

“You coming or what?”

I look up, swallowing thickly as I meet his eyes. “Well not yet, but maybe you can help me with that.”

Dalton grins broadly, his brow shooting up as he chuckles and shakes his head. “Dirty,
girl,” he mutters, his eyes trailing over my body. “Get over here.”

,” I toss back with a grin.

“Don’t make me come over there and
you in here.”

“Is that a threat?”

“That’s a promise, darlin,” he growls, his eyes flashing at me hungrily “Now get that sweet ass in here before I spank it all over again.”

bossy,” I say with roll of my eyes as I slip out of bed and pad across the room towards him.

“Oh you haven’t
bossy yet,” he whispers in my ear as I brush past him, his hand sliding down to playfully swat my ass.

I groan as I step into the steamy water of the tub before sinking into it, feeling him climb in behind me. He pulls my back against his body, and I grin as I feel mine react to the hardness I can feel starting to grow against my ass. Dalton’s hand slides between my legs, making me sigh as his fingers find my clit. I reach back and wrap my fingers around him, stroking him in time to his fingers on my slit.

I turn and look up to meet his gaze, and I can feel the blush creep into my cheeks.
, what is this? I don’t
like this. I don’t get flustered.

“Now, weren’t there some big words just spoken about you-” I can feel my cheeks burning. “About you, um…”

I trail off as the blush creeps into my face.

“Say it,” he growls, a hungry grin teasing his lips.

“About you
licking my pussy?
” I finish quietly, feeling my pulse thud through me.

Dalton grins wickedly. “You’re developing
a dirty mouth, you know,” he growls against my lips.

“Whose fault is that?” I toss back, watching his eyes flash.

He’s suddenly spinning me around in the deep tub, and I squeal as I feel his strong, powerful hands grip me by the waist and push me up onto the edge of the tub. I gasp, my hands reaching back to claw at the white tiles of the wall as his mouth moves to my thigh, kissing up my skin.

His strong hands grip my legs and spread them wide, opening me up entirely for him as his eyes feast on me.

do you have a sexy pussy,” he growls.

I blush, rolling my eyes. “Dalton-”

“I’m not kidding, it’s Goddamn
.” He looks up at me and winks. “Actually, I better taste it to make sure.”

I’m just about to roll my eyes again, when I jerk my hips up instead as his tongue suddenly slides up my seam.

“Oh my God, Dalton-”

He growls as he pushes my thighs wide apart and buries his tongue inside me. He pushes it
and curls it around, licking the slick wetness from my entrance. His hands slide down to cup my ass, pulling my hips off the edge of the tub and against him as he starts to fuck me with his tongue.

“Yeah, the opinion stays,” he growls, looking up at me. “Fucking perfect.”

He slips a finger inside of me, making me gasp as he leans up to yank my face towards him with the other hand. And I can taste myself on him, which is new, but yet gut-wrenchingly hot at the same time. Because I’m not afraid to taste what he does to me, or what his mouth does to my body.

He moves away from the kiss, trailing his lips back down my body as I lean back against the tile wall - warm and slick from the steam of the bath. Dalton’s tongue slides down through my lips, teasing over my clit and making me gasp before swirling over my entrance again. He moves up and presses his lips in a seal around the tight little bud of my clit, sucking gently, lightly dragging his tongue across it.

And I’m going to
for him.

I feel like some sort of goddess, perched on the edge of the porcelain tub with my legs over his shoulders, my head thrown back, and Dalton’s mouth and tongue
my body. I cry out, dropping my hands to his hair and stroking his perfect locks as he swirls his tongue around my clit again and again. He pushes two fingers inside, curling them up and forward and stroking that perfect spot inside as he teases my clit with his tongue.

, Dalton-” I gasp out, my face scrunching up and my hands tightening in his hair as I feel his mouth and his fingers start to push me over the edge.

“I’m- I think I’m going to-”

“Come on my tongue, Hailey,” he growls into my pussy, the vibrations of his voice buzzing through me and making me shiver.

“I want to drink every single drop when you come all over my mouth.”

I gasp when he moves his other hand lower, a single finger slowly teasing around my ass. And I want to say it’s “dirty” or that it’s “wrong” for him to touch me there.

But I don’t.

Because I
his fingers on me, wherever he wants to put them. I love his crude, dirty mouth and the things he says to me with it, or the way he uses it on my body.

I love that this is so wrong and I never want it to stop.

And when I come, I’m crying out his name, gasping as his wicked tongue and fingers send me crashing over the edge of my orgasm.

I pant as I stare hungrily into his eyes. “I need it.”

He grins, “
, huh?”

“I need your cock,” I say boldly, unflinchingly. “Right now.”

Dalton eases his rock hard body out of the water, his thick cock bobbing heavily between us as I sit perched on the edge of the tub.

Jesus, he’s huge.

“You know, I could watch you drooling over my cock all day.”

I jerk my head up to see him grinning that cocky smirk at me. I roll my eyes. “I’m not
over it.”

“Eye-fucking it.”

“Oh my God, you’re

He chuckles, “Oh just admit it, you’re under its spell.”

I roll my eyes, and I
to say something back - to toss back another quip or a line, except I don’t.

Because he’s totally right.

under some sort of spell with his cock right there in front of me like that, as ridiculous as it sounds. It’s like just looking at it has my body reacting, my nipples hardening and my clit aching to be touched.

Stupid, magical cock.

I lean forward, my fingertips running up his thighs as I slowly wrap my lips around him and suck him into my mouth.

Dalton throws his head back and groans. “
Holy fuck,
” he hisses out, his reaction only spurring me on as I start to roll my tongue across his head and suck on him harder. His hand slides down into my hair - something I think I would normally
, except in that moment it has me practically moaning around his cock. He’s not holding or pulling me or anything, but I love the feel of his hands there,
me as I form a tight seal around his shaft and start to bob my head.

“Fucking hell,
Hailey…” He groans, his hand sliding down to run across my jaw. I bring a hand up to his balls, running my fingertips over them and feeling his sharp intake of breath as I suck him in as deep as I can.

He pulls me gently off of him, and he tilts my face up with his hands as he leans down to kiss me fiercely.

He spins me around and moves behind me, and his hands slide over my ass and my back as he bends me over the edge of the tub. I moan as I feel his tongue on me again, dragging wetly through my folds as his thumb rubs slow circles around my clit. His tongue drags higher, and I gasp as I feel him swirl it across my asshole, making me squeal.

, he’s so dirty, and I fucking

His wicked tongue moves back to my pussy again, and he’s got me whimpering before he moves to kneel behind me. I can feel his cock, sliding across and teasing at my entrance as he reaches out for the vanity drawers next to the tub. There’s the tear of foil and then his hands sliding across my ass.

I groan as I feel his thick head slide between my lips, seeking my entrance. When he drives in deep, my breath shudders. He stretches me completely, and when his hips come to rest against my ass and he’s buried to the hilt inside me, it’s like nothing I’ve ever felt.

He starts to pull out before driving back in deeply, and then I’m moaning as I grip the edge of the tub and rock back to meet him. With every thrust, every grip of his fingers on my body, and every hot brush of his mouth across my skin, he’s consuming me until I can’t think thoughts anymore.

I’m not thinking about the details anymore, or what this means, or what comes after.

I’m only thinking of us, here and now in this moment.

All I can focus on is the deep, even strokes of his cock making my body shudder and cry out for him like I’ve never felt before. All I can latch onto is the sound of his breath in my ear, his lips and his teeth across my neck, and his fingers rubbing across my clit.

And when I come, it’s like letting everything else in the world shatter away. I arch my back and scream a silent release as I go crashing over the edge. Dalton fucks me right through my orgasm, his thrusting sending me spiraling right into another climax before he roars out his release. He buries himself to the hilt as he comes, throbbing deep inside of me.

We’re panting as we sink back into the tub, his muscled arms sliding around to pull me back tight against him. He reaches over and turns the hot water on again, letting the steaming water pour over our toes.

“Well, it’s a good thing we got all
out of the way, now isn’t it?”

I roll my eyes as I turn my head to look at him, seeing that smirk on his face before he leans in and kisses me.

Don’t think about what comes next, just be here now.

Except, as life will tell you, “what comes next” has a way of turning into “what
” before you even have a chance to notice.


od this is bullshit

The campus is in the middle of “Spirit Week”, which is really just another way of saying “the football team hypes everyone up into a frenzy.” Another way might be “the entire school is given free ride to go
as long as they’re going nuts about school pride and football.”

Hey, I didn’t write the rules.

And normally, I’d be in my damn element here. Flashy parades? Beer? Girls posing for pictures on my lap with their tits out? Yeah, normally that’s just
in a nutshell.

Except I’m very much not “normal” me anymore.

She’s changing that.

And it’s nothing she’s doing, or pushing me into, it’s just the proximity to her that makes me
, somehow.

Being around her makes me want to be a better version of myself, and I’m pretty damn okay with that.

The crowd filling the basketball arena goes wild as the whole team comes running out onto the court. A student rock band on the far side of the courts launches into some aggressively loud number as the singer screams “go Hawks,” and the entire place goes nuts. The whole court is jammed with players, and students, and staff, and alumni, and even the media, all swirling through each other across the court, posing for pictures with players, shaking hands, and generally going crazy as the whole rally kicks off with a bang.

And again, this should be my damn natural habitat. People lining up to shake my hand or high-five me, girls eyeing me hungrily, and reporters with microphones just
to get a single soundbite from me.

The whole thing
me. Moreover, it annoys me, because the only thought going through my head during the whole thing is that I’d rather be somewhere else.

I’d rather be
else, actually.

I don’t want to talk to reporters, or grin for stupid fucking selfies with vapid, obnoxious girls.

I want to be alone with Hailey, tearing her damn clothes off and burying myself to the hilt inside of her.

I want to bend her over and lick her pussy for the next, oh, four hours or so. I want to escape, away from this
with her and her alone, and let our fingers and our tongues and our bodies do the talking.

I’m frowning into the faceless crowds, feeling my patience wane more and more, when there’s a small tap on my shoulder.

“Okay, no more damn self-”

I freeze as my eyes go wide and my jaw just

Holy shit

Hailey’s standing before me, wearing a grin, an adorable blush, and a cheerleader outfit.

An honest-to-God, real Hawks cheer outfit.

And she looks fucking

Her hair is up in this high ponytail that’s just
to be tugged on as I take her from behind. The top of her blue and white uniform hugs her tits
, and when my eyes drop to that skirt and those legs, my cock goes
-hard in my pants. It’s high, it’s short, it’s pleated, and it makes her legs look fucking
. Add in a pair of knee-high white socks with a Hawk’s-blue stripe around the top, and she looks like original sin standing right in front of me.

The whole thing tugs something
inside of me, and it’s taking everything I have not to throw her over my shoulder, head to the nearest office or closet, and bury every single inch of my cock inside of her.

See, and here’s part of it.

Since getting to school, even being the King that I am and with the reputation I’ve got, I haven’t actually

Anyone but
, that is.

Because I was done the second I saw her that first day in the backyard. Even if it took me longer than it should have to figure that out, and even if she wouldn’t even give me the time of day, or buy into my antics or bullshit, I was
on day one. After that, there wasn’t any other girl in the damn world for me. Hell, after that and even before I admitted it to myself, I was going out of my damn way to sabotage
when it came to other women.

Because there’s one untouchable, unattainable, and unflappable girl who’s managed to get inside my head and inside my heart.

There just isn’t
for anyone else after her, and I am
okay with that.

But of course, that means rising football star Dalton “Ten” Cole hasn’t fucked a single damn cheerleader since he got to college.

Something tells me that’s about to change.

to grab her up into my arms, or fucking kiss her right there hard enough to leave a mark.

But we can’t do that. Not here, because - well, because we can’t.

“You look good enough to
,” I growl into her ear as I step close to her.

Hailey’s face goes red as she bites her lip, her eyes darting across mine.

“I fucking
making your cheeks go red like that, you know.”

“Yeah, I think I picked up on that,” she says with a roll of her eyes.

“So you on the squad now? Going to be doing any routines? Some high kicks?”

Hailey arches a mischievous brow at me. “I’m not sure that would go over very well,” she says with a little grin on her face.

“I have to disagree.”

“I-” She shuts her mouth as people start to swarm around us, forcing us to step apart.

“What?” I mouth over two frat guys who’re trying to hug me.

Hailey just shakes her head and starts to move away.

“Hey, hang on,” I growl, shoving them aside and catching up to her. The crowd surges around us, people pushing phones and pens in my face, but I manage to grab her arm and pull her around. “Hang on, what-”

Someone shoves her from behind, and she suddenly falls into me as the crowd surges around us with the blaring of the rock band across the court. I make a move to help her up, but then her lips are right in my ear.

“I don’t think the high kicks would go over very well,” she husks, her lips
brushing my ear.

“Because I’m not wearing any panties.”

Hands are grabbing me, pulling me away to pose for pictures as Hailey steps away. And there are suddenly thirty people between us, thirty microphones and cameras, and thirty roaring, demanding voices.

But I don’t see a single
of them.

Because my eyes are
on Hailey as she grins once more, turns, and saunters away. My eyes are
on that little skirt and the groan catches in my throat at the thought of perfect, innocent, good-girl Hailey waltzing across the gym in a miniskirt…

…And not a
stitch of fabric covering her bare pussy.

* * *

ell hey there

I groan at the sound of Meredith’s voice before I turn and smile thinly at her. “Hi.”

She’s wearing that same black trench coat and black heels combo that she was wearing when she came to my room that night. But something tells me the outfit is
more expanded here at the rally than it was before.

She’s grinning this smoldering little smile at me, and I eye her suspiciously. “What can I do for you, Meredith?”

“You can finish what you started.”

Aww, shit.

I start to shake my head when she laughs, her hand reaching out to rest on my arm. “The
,” she says with a dramatic sigh and roll of her eyes, as if I’m
for thinking she might mean anything else.

Dirty boy
,” she adds with a wink that makes me frown. “I really do need to finish our list of questions though, if I could borrow you for a second.”

I sigh as I look up and scan the basketball court. We’re into the mingling phase, where the players are all just walking around saying hi to people and shaking hands with wealthy alumni - I’m pretty sure they can do that without me. Off across the room, I see Hailey, looking fucking incredible in that little outfit as she stands smiling next to her dad and talking with some official looking types in suits.

“It’ll just be a few quick minutes, I
,” Meredith says, jerking my attention away from Hailey and back to her.

“Okay, yeah that’s fine,” I finally say. “Fire away.”

She laughs. “Not
, silly, the background noise is going to kill my recorder. She nods towards the doors that lead down the hall to the athletic department offices. “Can we find a quiet space?”


“Oh my
, Dalton!” She giggles, twirling her hair around a nail. “I’m a
, and I can keep my hands to myself.” She winks, “If you

“I do.”

She rolls her eyes. “Well, let’s go do this and then you can get back to your little party, okay?”

I shoot one last look over the crowd towards Hailey, before I frown and turn back. “Alright, let’s make it quick.”

* * *

, first question.” Meredith is leaning against the desk in the volleyball coach’s office, with me slumped on the couch against the wall. “Do you have a personal dream NFL team you’d like to play for someday?”

I almost grin at how professional Meredith turns once we’re alone in the back office. “I…I don’t know, actually.” I shrug. “I guess playing for-”

” she says, rolling her eyes as I frown.

Um, okay?

“Next question. Who got you into football to start with?”

I nod, this one’s easy. “My dad got me a ball for my seventh birthday, and after that-”

“Okay, these questions are seriously boring me, how about you?”

I narrow my eyes at her. “They’re
questions, Meredith.”

“Yeah but they’re so
.” She stands up from leaning against the desk. “Don’t you think?”

I shrug. “I dunno, yeah, sure. They’re a little stock.”

She takes a step towards me and grins. “Well what if I ask some better ones?”

There’s a quiet little warning bell in my head, but I ignore it. “Yeah, sure, let’s just get-”

She suddenly undoes the tie of her coat and shrugs it off.

I was
wrong about her having added anything to the outfit since last time.

“Through this,” I finish, trailing off as I raise a brow at the totally nude reporter standing three feet from me.

“Here’s a better question,” she husks out as she steps forward until she’s right in front of where I’m sitting. Her eyes are hooded as she looks down at me. “How many times do you think you can make me come with that big cock of yours before we have to get back out there?”



“Dalton, my dad is looking for-”

Hailey stops dead in her tracks, one hand on the doorknob, one foot inside the door, and both eyes wide and locked on the scene in front of her.


It’s a single word, but it says
. It’s this sound like something breaking through the ice of a frozen lake, the sound of loss, and betrayal.

And it fucking


“I- I need to go.” And then she’s turning and running back down the hallway.

Meredith is
, but I quickly shove her away as I stand.

she’ll be fine!” She says, trying to snake her hand up my arm.

I shake her off and whirl on her. “Goddamnit, I said

She rolls her eyes. “Oh my
what’s the big deal? She’s just your stepsister, she’ll be-”

Meredith’s red lips suddenly clamp shut as her eyes go wide. “Oh…

Oh, shit.

Her face lights up as her mouth opens again. “Oh, oh,
a naughty boy, sugar, aren’t you?”

“It’s not what you think,” I say icily, narrowing my eyes at her. “She’s just going through some stuff.”

BOOK: Jock: A Secret Baby Sports Romance
13.18Mb size Format: txt, pdf, ePub

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