Jodi_ByTheLight (5 page)

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Authors: JenniferLitteken

BOOK: Jodi_ByTheLight
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“Shit.” His gaze landed on the bed.


“There’s only one bed. I’ve got to get the room changed.”

She blinked at him and headed toward the bathroom.

“Where are you going?”

“I’m going to take a shower.”

“Wait until I get a different room.”

She shook her head wearily. “I can’t. I’m filthy and I’m not going to stay this way another second.”

She walked into the bathroom and locked the door.

He raked his hand through his hair. “Great.”

He checked his watch as the muffled sound of the shower drifted out into the room. Pacing the room, he rolled his shoulders as he waited. He couldn’t leave her alone to go get the rooms changed. He’d wait until she was out of the shower. He eased onto the edge of the springy bed, his body weary from the past two hours, yet his mind alert for the danger. Mental clarity was part of the job and he was nothing, if not all about the job. Being a Guardian filled a void on the baser levels and gave him purpose. Some wolves had families; he had his position.

The shower turned off and he stood as the bathroom door opened.

His heart nearly stopped beating in his chest. Ava stepped out wearing nothing but a towel.

She looked up at him and smiled. Her wet hair hung like black silk ribbons across her slender shoulders and grazed the tops of her firm breasts. Her long legs peeked out from the bottom of the threadbare towel.

She was fucking gorgeous.

He forced his gaze up to her face.

She brushed her hair away from her green eyes. Unlike most women, she didn’t seem afraid of him. In fact, he couldn’t even smell fear anywhere on her body.

He cleared his throat and picked up his bag, pretending to rifle through it to hide his throbbing erection. “Stay here and lock the door behind me. Make sure it’s me before you open the door.” Not waiting for an answer, he slammed the door behind him and hurried toward the office.

A few minutes later he was back, knocking at the door.

Ava opened the door and locked it behind him.

“There aren’t any rooms with two beds. We can try further down the road.” He kept his gaze on the ceiling. She still had that fucking towel on and he was still sporting an erection. Another few miles on the Harley would give his body time to cool off.

“I’m exhausted. We’ll just stay here. It’s no big deal.”

He grimaced. Despite being a wolf, sleeping on the floor did not appeal to him.

He pulled out an extra toothbrush and a tube of toothpaste out of his bag and tossed them on the bed.

“I could just kiss you for that,” she moaned.

He met her emerald gaze. Heat flared in his belly and his body hardened. All that lay between them was that skimpy rag. With just one pull, that poor excuse of a bath towel would be on the floor.

Before his body could react, Ava turned on her heel and headed toward the bathroom with toothbrush in hand.


Ava walked out of the bathroom feeling wonderfully clean. All she needed now was something to sleep in. In her haste to change at the truck stop, she’d thrown away her pajamas. She didn’t think she’d need them.

Damon held out an oversized, long-sleeved, T-shirt he’d retrieved from his bag. “You can sleep in this.”

“Thanks,” she muttered as he headed toward the bathroom. She held up a handful of the soft material to her face and inhaled. It smelled like him.

She shook her head and climbed into his shirt. What the hell was wrong with her? She barely knew this guy, yet here she was sniffing his clothes. She needed to get a grip.

Pulling back the covers, she slid between the cool sheets and closed her eyes. She had never been so happy to see a pillow in her life. Thanks to Damon, for tonight she was safe.

She wasn’t sure how much time had passed when she opened her eyes and glanced across the bed. It was empty. She sat up and squinted against the darkness.

Damon lay sprawled on the floor, his muscled arm thrown across his eyes.

“What are you doing?”

“Getting some sleep. You need to do the same. We’re going to have a long day tomorrow.”

“You can’t sleep on the floor.” After all he’d done, it wasn’t right for him to be spending the night on the floor.

“Ava, go to sleep.”

“Damon, get in the bed.”

He moved his arm and looked at her like she’d grown a second head. “What?”

“You can’t sleep on the floor. You can sleep in the bed with me. It’s fine.”

“No. It’s not.”

“I promise to stay on my side. I’m too tired to make a move on you anyway.” She snorted.

He gave her a horrified look. She flinched at the insult.

“If you won’t sleep in the bed, then I’m going to sleep on the floor with you.” As much as she didn’t want to, she stood and grabbed a pillow. He scrambled to his feet.

“Damn it. Get back in the bed.”

“Are you coming?”

“Yes.” He made a growling noise.

She watched him make his way to the other side of the bed and pull back the cover. Satisfied, she slid back under the sheets and closed her eyes.


Damon woke up, his cock rock hard and aching. Ava’s arm was wrapped around him like a vine. Her soft body pressed against his side while her arm was slung low across his stomach, inches from his throbbing dick.

He gritted his teeth as he tried to ease toward the edge of the bed, hoping to quickly slide out before she woke.

She moaned softly, her breath scorching his shoulder while her hand snuck even lower past the waistband of his boxers.

Sweat broke out across his body at the warmth of her touch. God, he wanted nothing more than to bury himself between her thighs until they were both sated.

Her breasts pressed against his arm, the outline of her hard nipples burning his skin through the thin shirt. He bet those tight buds tasted as sweet as she smelled.

She sighed and shifted, rolling to her back as she pulled his arm across her flat stomach. She tugged his hand down to her thigh, his fingers very close to the heated treasure that lay between her legs. Gritting his teeth, he used all his self-control to move his hand away. She moaned and covered his hand.

He couldn’t breathe.

He should stop her. He. Really. Should.

He’d been with a lot of women, but they were usually one-night stands. A woman with Ava’s beauty had never given him a second look, let alone touched him like she was doing.

But then again, she was asleep. She was probably having some dream about a Calvin Klein underwear model.

She moved and her shirt rode up dangerously high on her thigh.

Fuck. Was she not wearing any panties?

His body clenched so tight he thought his bones might shatter.


He jerked his gaze up to her face, expecting to see her looking back at him. How was he going to explain his hand on her thigh? She’d never believe the truth.

Her eyes were closed, her face lost in concentration as she dreamed.

She wasn’t awake. She just said his name in her sleep.

The thought shot through him as his erection grew painfully hard.

He needed to get out of bed before he climbed between her legs and gave her something to moan about.

Gritting his teeth, he pulled his hand away and rolled off the bed in one fluid movement. He pulled the sheet up to her waist.

She stretched her arms over her head and blinked. Her gaze settled on him and she sat up. Her oversized T-shirt gaped open, giving him an amazing view of a firm breast.

She followed his stare to her chest. Blushing, she tugged the shirt back into place.

“What time is it?” She ran her hand through her tousled hair.

“Almost eight.” He kept his back to her as he slid on his jeans and repositioned himself. Once his equipment was under control, he turned and faced her.

She narrowed those pretty green eyes at him. “I’m assuming from your phone call last night that we are not going to Jonesboro.”

“Not right now.”

She shook her head. “As much as I appreciate what you did for me, I think we need to have a talk before I agree to go anywhere else with you.”

“There’s no need for a conversation. It’s simple. You were kidnapped. I rescued you. I’ll keep you safe until I can get you to your father.”

She gave him an astonished look. “My father?” She narrowed her green eyes in suspicion. “Did my father call you?”

“Not me personally, but he contacted my Commander.”

“Commander? You mean from the military base that is stationed in Little Rock?”

He stared at her for a minute. Though no one spoke about what they were, everyone living in the compound was a werewolf. They tried to blend into the human population, even going so far as to set up a military base where the Guardians could train. The U.S. Government had known about the existence of werewolves for decades. The government made a pact with the werewolves to protect their secret in exchange for service in special operations in various branches of the military.

“Our wolf Pack, Ava. He contacted our wolf Pack.”

She gave a little laugh and smiled. “Wolf Pack. Is that the code name for your team?”

He took a step toward her. “Why are you acting like this?”

“Like what?”

“Like you don’t know you’re a wolf.”

“Is that slang for female?” She gave a brittle laugh as her smile faded.

“Look at me.”

She looked him in the eye. Females rarely looked him in the eye. They were too afraid.

He stared into her green gaze, looking for the lie.

He sucked in a harsh breath. She wasn’t lying.

“Ava, how can you not know what you are?”

“Know what?”

“That you are a wolf.”

“Right. I guess that means you’re a wolf too.” She smirked.


“You’re like those freaks that kidnapped me?” Her smile faded and her face paled. She scooted toward the edge of the bed and stood, slowly easing toward the door.

“Make no mistake. I’m nothing like those wolves.” He had a code of duty and honor he lived by. Rogue wolves lived by their desires, killing and stealing without remorse.

She held her hands palms out as she continued to back toward the door. “You know what, I think I can get home on my own. I’ll just go ask the desk clerk to call me a taxi.” She reached for the doorknob.

The second she opened the door, he sprang. Grabbing her around the waist, he slammed the door shut and pressed her back against it.

“Just let me go and I swear I won’t tell anyone that I ever met you.” Her voice was a whisper caressing his cheek as he leaned into her. His cock twitched.

“I can’t let you go.”


Chapter Three


“My father can pick me up and take me home.”

“It’s not safe, Ava. You can’t go home.”

She stilled and her green eyes widened. “What do you mean?”

“They bombed your house in Jonesboro and our Council Hall in Little Rock.”

“Oh, God. Did anyone get hurt?” She covered her mouth with quivering fingertips.

“I don’t know. Barrett didn’t have time to give me the details. He said not to bring you back there and to keep you out of sight until he could find a safe house.”

She shook her head. “I don’t understand. Are you saying they bombed the Council Hall because of me? Because you saved me?”

“Yes.” He took a breath. She seemed more concerned about the Council Hall than her own home.

She shuddered. “This is my fault.”

“That’s not true. None of this is your fault. If you want to blame someone, blame those fuckers who took you.” He tilted her chin with his fingertips, forcing her to look at him. “Do you understand what they were going to do to you?”

She blinked back the tears swimming in her eyes, trying to be brave.

He hated to see a woman cry, but he wanted her to be safe. He needed to hear her say the words. Her naivety could get them killed if she weren’t careful. “Tell me. Do you have any idea how much danger you were in or what they were capable of doing?”

She swallowed with visible effort, raw emotion scraped past her taut lips. “They were going to rape me.”

He cupped her face in his hand. “They were going to rape you repeatedly. No one ever has the right to take someone by force, to be chained up while abused, over and over again. No one has that right, do you hear me?” His tone hardened. He couldn’t stop envisioning what those rogue wolves had planned for Ava. It made him want to rip them apart.

Their gazes locked, and he couldn’t stop the barrage of words spilling off his tongue.

“Don’t ever think any of this fucked-up shit is your fault. If anyone is to blame, it’s that Pack of red wolves.”

She grimaced. “Just when I thought you were back to being normal you go and make another doggie comment.”

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