Jolted (Conflicted Encounters #1) (23 page)

BOOK: Jolted (Conflicted Encounters #1)
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He stared down at my chest and slowly palmed my breast. I moaned when his thumbs stroked over my hard nipples. I arched my back, pushing myself into his hands. He roughly pushed me back on the bed and slid my shorts down my legs. The only sounds in the room was our panting and the storm raging outside.

I felt vulnerable and exposed under his gaze. I fought the urge to cover my naked body.

"God, you're gorgeous," he said in a rough voice, sending goosebumps across my bare skin. His hands followed the trail behind them.

I placed my hand on his chest. "Is this what you want?" I asked him, as he asked me that night in the warehouse. I thought I might explode if he pushed me away at the last second.

The look in his eyes told me he knew exactly what I was asking him. I wanted him to decide what he wanted, but not with his brain, full of worries and paranoia. I wanted a choice based on what he felt, because for the first time ever, I was making a choice based on how I felt and nothing else. I was making a choice based on the fact that I was actually feeling again.

"I have wanted this since the moment I saw you sitting on that barstool, Princess," he whispered, lowering himself on top of me. "I wanted you that night, and every second since then." I leaned up and captured his lips, pulling him the rest of the way on top of me.

He pulled away from me, dragging his lips down my neck. "You have no idea how hard it was saying no to you that night. It was the hardest thing I have ever done," he whispered.

"Don't say no again," I pleaded breathlessly.


He slowly ran his rough hands down my legs and rested them on my hips. He lifted me up to push me higher up on the bed. Ryder reached over to his nightstand, returning with a foil packet. I watched in fascination as he pulled back to take his own pants off and then rolling the condom over himself. My breath caught upon feeling our bare skin touch as he crawled over me

My heart raced and the sound drowned out the storm outside as he crawled over my naked body. I felt like I was his prey and only seconds away from being devoured. He snaked his hand to the back of my neck and pulled me into a kiss. His fingers tangled in my long, wet hair. My legs shook from the nerves and excitement as he placed himself between my legs.

He stopped and looked down into my eyes, as if asking for permission. I ran my fingers through his hair and pulled him down to me. I threw everything I had into the kiss. All my fear, needs, and wants traveled through my body and were laid out for him on my lips. I arched my body into his and he groaned into my mouth.

I squirmed under him, trying to get him closer to where I needed him. I felt him smile as he held me down. "Patience, Princess."

"I think I've been patient enough," I argued in a raspy voice.

With those words, he slowly slid into me. We both gasped and I threw my head back. He went slow and as deep as he could go before he stilled. I was so close to release with just the feeling of fullness from him. The room felt like it turned into a sauna, with the moisture from our hair and clothes mixed with the heat. All I could hear was our panting breaths.

When he started to move inside me, I cried out. Every cell in my body felt what he was doing to me. I had never been so overwhelmed and consumed before in my life. It was both terrifying and thrilling at the same time. I felt like I was giving it all up, all my control and everything I’d held on to for so long. Like I was about to free fall off a cliff. I just hoped that something would break my fall.

Ryder's hands skimmed over every inch of skin he could reach. It was like he was memorizing every part of me. I dug my nails into his back and relished in the pleasures he gave me. I could feel the pressure building, a promise of the best sensation I had ever felt. Every movement and touch was pushing me higher and higher.

"Shh. Scarlett," he growled in my ear. The rasp combined with the intensity in his voice pushed me over the edge. He covered my mouth with his to smother my moans. I fell apart in his arms as my vision faded and my climax overtook me.

When I finally felt like I was coming down from my high, another wave came over me instantly. I buried my face into his neck while I shook and trembled underneath him. He pushed into me harder and faster. His body jerked as he took my lips again to drown out both of our moans. I felt him swell and convulsing deep inside me.

His body collapsed on top of me, and neither of us moved for a while. When both of our bodies calmed and our breathing slowed, Ryder kissed my forehead before rolling off of me. I laid there, limp and spent, still breathing heavy.

"Wow," I whispered into the darkness.

"Exactly," he said back.

"Is it always like that?" I asked before thinking. Ryder turned to his side and propped his head up on his elbow to look down at me.

"How many people have you been with?" he asked. "You weren't a...”

"No. Only one," I said, looking away.

He placed his fingers under my chin to make me look at him. He kissed me softly and held his lips to mine. I felt like I was with a different Ryder. He wasn't the man that was pushing me away and then pulling me in for weeks. He ran his fingers up and down my back, and I rested my head on his chest. It always amazed me how hands so rough could feel so soft on my skin.

I could smell the warm, damp air from outside. The smell of wet grass and wet pavement that had spent all day roasting in the sun. I breathed it in deeply. The scent would be my new favorite thing. It would always remind me of this time with Ryder. Calmness, that I hadn't felt in so long, wrapped around me as I drifted off into sleep.

"You work today?" I heard through my fuzziness.

Memories about where I was, and why, filtered back in my mind and I slowly opened my eyes. I was still laying with my head on Ryder's chest. I blinked and rubbed my eyes, trying to come back to life.

"No, I'm off," I rasped.

"Good," he said. I could hear the smile in his voice. He pushed me back on the bed as he pushed himself up to look down on me.

"Don't you have to work?" I asked.

"I think I'm sick today," he said with a wink. He lowered down and kissed me.

His kiss was every bit as powerful and consuming as it was last night. Every touch from him seemed to erase a part of the old me. Each kiss seemed to erase a worry and negative thought. Just when I was feeling completely wiped clean, he pulled away. His eyes were dark and his eyebrows were pulled together, like he was thinking.

"What?" I asked.

"Just trying to figure you out," he whispered.

"Me too," I admitted.

"Everyone has secrets, Kallie," he said seriously.

The sound of my name from his mouth stilled me. He barely used my real name when he talked to me. It was usually Princess, which I hated.

"I think I'll keep mine," I said, closing my eyes.

"I think I can get them out of you," he said in a teasing tone as he moved on top of me. My body relaxed when I realized he wasn't going to keep interrogating me.

Hours and a shower later, we laid in his bed in silence. We could hear Scarlett moving around the apartment. I hoped she would assume we both had to work that day. Ryder's hands made circles on my bare stomach and I ran my fingers through his hair.

I didn't have a thought running through my exhausted mind. I didn't have any worries and my mind wasn't running through all the potential problems I could be facing later. I wasn't planning my next moves; I was just brain dead.

"Are you guys going to stay in there all day?" we heard from the outside of the door.

Ryder's body stiffened, and I clasped my hands over my mouth.

"We had plans today, Kallie. So get your cute ass in some clothes and get out here," she demanded. I could almost picture her with her hands on her hips, glaring at the closed door.

I sighed and rolled over to find my scattered clothes. When I grabbed what could have been my shirt, I realized it was still wet. I sighed and rolled onto my back.

"What's wrong?" he asked me.

"Clothes are wet," I whispered.

"There's no need to whisper," Scarlett hollered. "Would have been nice to do that last night, though," she muttered as she walked away.

"What are you guys doing today?" Ryder asked as he slid his lips over my neck. I squirmed under him and my body started to heat up again.

"Don't start that or I won't be leaving this room," I warned.

"That's the point," he growled lowly.

After several minutes of kissing, Scarlett banged on the door again. My body was ready and shaking under his. I sighed and quickly slid out from under him before I started something I couldn't stop.

"I don't want to be in more trouble than I already am," I explained.

He nodded and handed me one of his shirts. I slipped it over my body. The shirt barely covered my butt, but it would have to do. Scarlett already knew, so there was no point in hiding the fact that I was naked.

"I like that," he said, tilting his head and looking at me. I couldn't quite read his expression, so I took the moment to slip through his door.

I couldn't avoid the walk of shame. I felt a strange sense of déjà vu as I tiptoed past Scarlett, who was on the couch, to her room in Ryder's shirt. I heard her snicker as I kept my eyes on my destination. Once in the bedroom, I quickly found some clothes and put them on. The smell of Ryder on his shirt was making it too hard to leave.

After I applied makeup and had my hair in a long braid, I stared at myself in the mirror. My eyes were clear, my face still had a pink tint, and I felt like you could tell what I had been doing all night with just one look. I looked different, but the same. I took a deep breath and braced myself for the lecture I would be receiving all the way into the town.

When I came out, Ryder and Scarlett were in another staring match in the kitchen. I cleared my throat as I approached. Scarlett spun around and met me with the same smile she always had. I didn't sense the anger and disappointment I thought I would. Ryder still seemed a little stiff and tense, and I wondered what happened while I was gone.

"Ready?" she asked.

"Do I get coffee first?"

She sighed as she grabbed a thermos and filled it with coffee. She slid the cup to Ryder and he mixed in the sugar and creamer.

"I have a limited time I can get us in, so we gotta go, babe," she explained.

"That's fine. I'm ready," I said as my stomach did a flip.

I took the coffee from Ryder and our fingers brushed. I wanted to grab him and kiss him, but I knew I wouldn't be able to leave, and I was sure Scarlett would blow her cool. He didn't smile, but he didn't seem completely hostile either. I could feel his eyes on me as I followed Scarlett out of the apartment and down to her car.



The day was cool for the mid-summer. The sky was overcast and gray. The small town looked asleep, even for the late afternoon. I followed Scarlett to her car and we rode in silence out of the sleepy town.

"So," she finally started once we were on the highway.



"Look, I'm sorry," I rushed out. "I know you told me to stay away yet I just slept with your brother. I'm a terrible friend."

"Darling," Scarlett said, reaching over to stop my frantic hands. "I'm not one to tell others how to live their lives. I won't let anyone tell me what to do, and you shouldn't either. I was just giving you advice. I didn't want to see either of you hurt."

I sighed. "I doubt he will be the one hurt in this," I mumbled.

Without the intoxicating smell and feel of Ryder keeping me in a cloud, I was starting to see the situation I might have gotten myself into. I threw away all my previous morals, my conscious, and ignored that nagging voice in my head. I jumped blindly into bed with him. Now, I really had no plan, which was not like me at all.

"You'd be surprised, babe," she said, looking over at me. "He's not as closed off as he thinks he is."

I nodded and stared out the windshield with wide eyes.

"Hey, don't worry," she laughed. "Everything is gonna be fine. Nobody has to get hurt. I just always assume the worse."

"You think?" I asked, knowing she didn't.

"Yes," she nodded as we reached the city and parked at the strip mall. "You sure you're ready for this?"

"Yep," I said truthfully. I had given this a lot of thought and made my mind up weeks ago.

A bell rang as we walked into the tattoo shop, announcing our presence. Rock music poured from the speakers and filled the small space. The walls were white and lined with framed posters and photos of tattoo designs. A glass counter lined one wall, filled with body jewelry. I deeply inhaled the sterile smell and tried to calm myself.

"Scarlett," a voice boomed from behind the counter.

"Hey, Brent. This is Kallie," she said, motioning to me.

"Well, nice to meet you," he said, sticking out his large hand to shake mine while smiling at me.

I nodded and placed my hands in his. Brent was tall and built like a tank. His arms and chest looked like they would burst from his polo at any second. His arms were completely covered with ink, with even more climbing up his neck from under his collar.

As I shook his hand, I tried to read the letters tattooed on his fingers. His eyes and smile were welcoming, despite the gauged ears, pierced eyebrow, and lip. I smiled back then followed him and Scarlett down a hallway and into a small room.

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