Jon Black's Woman (3 page)

Read Jon Black's Woman Online

Authors: Tilly Greene

Tags: #sex, #native american, #contemporary, #sex toys, #bdsm, #domination, #submission, #tattoo, #bondage, #ds, #western, #ranch, #oral sex, #toys, #montana, #domsub, #teepee, #tilly greene

BOOK: Jon Black's Woman
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Fine, she knew intellectually it
would be different and she was excited to see what developed. She
was interested in him and all the complications it entailed, and
not what their scenario offered.

“Have I surprised you?” Saki asked
with a worried note in her voice.

“Kind of, but not really. He said
something about tying me to a pole before he took me, which I took
as a hint he was into the bondage thing. I wanted to know as it
might play a part in whether we get together or not.” There, she’d
said it out loud. She was considering going to him in the way he

“You’re not turned off by his kinky
side, are you? Because I think if it came down to his having you or
the bondage stuff, he’d choose you in a heartbeat. From the way the
guys talk, he is as good as caught by you.”

“Seriously?” She was surprised by
the claim. It was big for him to deny a part of his sexual
preferences in order to have something with her, and she knew she
wouldn’t make him choose.

“Yes! Jon sits at your side and
doesn’t look away. They aren’t calling it a crush or infatuation,
but love, and apparently he’s never fallen before.” Saki finished
her water and went to put her glass in the kitchen. She came back
in and asked the one question Molly had been mulling over in her

“Do you know if you’re open to
having a relationship with Jon, BDSM or not?”

“A bit intrigued, no, interested.
Very interested, especially as you aren’t scared by what is
involved, so why should I be? As for a relationship, absolutely!
Even if we never had sex, which obviously wouldn’t happen, but even
if we didn’t, I’m attracted to him and his brain. The sex is like
the cherry on top of a pile of whipped cream.” They laughed at the
analogy, but it was her truth. She liked the quiet Jon and wanted
to spend more time with him. The sexy Jon, the one who wanted to
tie her up and take her, also seemed breathtaking.

The weird thing for her was how she
needed him, which surprised her. She hadn’t needed anything for a
long time, only need and want were exactly the emotions the hunky
cowboy inspired in her. All he had to do was look at her with those
long-lashed chocolate brown eyes and lush lips, and she

The more she considered having sex
with him, the more she realized her first affair had been child’s

Her first and only intimate partner
had been her coach. She spent too much time with him and had
believed the world rested on him. He could do no wrong and she
eventually grew into an adult who wasn’t looking for someone to
worship. No longer was he interested in the twenty-year-old, not
when there were other sixteen-year-olds panting after him and doing
anything to get his attention. Unfortunately, he had decided during
the Olympics to actively look for someone new, and she was

Molly wouldn’t blame losing the gold
on him and his actions, or even her parents’ lack of support.
However, the emotional mess during an important mental and physical
challenge meant she learned a big lesson. Don’t trust anyone else
to be there for her, the final outcome was all in her

That was it! Jon had put the
decision in her hands and it was up to her to take what she wanted
or not. She definitely wanted the man, but she had to figure out if
there was something more she wanted besides sex.

Easy, she wanted to have all of him.
Heart and mind were what she was after, not merely the body,
although his deliciously hot form would be a welcome addition. Once
she knew what she wanted, there was only one question to answer.
How did she get everything on her list?

“Saki? How do I get him? Not for a
night or two of sex, but all of him. I know you say he wants me,
maybe even loves me, but I’m not sure. He doesn’t know me, at least
not all of me. Tell me, how do I capture his attention and woo
him?” There, progress was being made to achieve her goal of having
him at her side.

“Do you love him?” Her friend asked
as she sat back on the couch.

“It’s been a long time since I had a
man in my life, loved someone, and I am not as confident about my
feelings. I’m starting to, and everything I hear about him pulls me
closer to feeling more for him than I had.” She’d locked herself
away for long enough. It was time to move on with life and open her
heart again.

“In my opinion, you’ve spent time
with him and know him well, but on a friendly level. Maybe you need
to get physical. You said it’s been a long time since you’ve been
with a man. I think you have a lot of pent up passion and it needs
to be released in order to know for sure. Play around, get kinky or
not, but experience being with him in a different way. See if the
intimacy makes the answer more obvious.”

“I can manage getting close to him,
no problem. What I need to know is how do I seduce him?” She hadn’t
ever had to work for a man before. Her coach had been attracted to
her and, when she finally realized it, she had been ready to jump
in with both feet.

“You know what I’m going to say. Put
the red makeup on your nipples. Give him a hint it’s there, maybe
give him a look, and I guarantee he’ll take you. No question about
it.” Saki had worn the makeup with Matt, and Molly knew how well it
had worked on him.

“Do you have any?”

“I sure do, even brought extra pots
with me from Japan. You can have one. Go braless tonight and wear
your sheer white blouse, then he can get a hint of the bright red
whenever he checks out your breasts. He won’t be able to not look.
Once he gets an eyeful of the red, I don’t doubt his eyes will
remain glued to them.”

“You’re a wicked woman, Sakura
Nakamura,” she laughed as they headed to her friend’s

“I’m learning and more than willing
to share the information.”

“Keep talking, I need to know as
much as possible if I’m going after this man. Jon oozes sex appeal,
and sounds like he knows all the tricks, and I must play the game
right in order to catch the guy.” Molly had rarely failed, and she
was going to do whatever it took to get her man and hopefully have
a few orgasms along the way.

No river flowed near the ranch, but
that hadn’t stopped Jon from finding a way to enjoy water while
outside. He’d built a private sanctuary behind a high wall on the
edge of his land. The only structures were a shower stall built of
stone with a path to a teepee surrounded by tall grass and trees.
No one could chance upon the space and he let his hair down,
literally, whenever he was there.

Pulling off his hat, he walked into
the teepee and looked around, taking in what could be seen and what
he knew was there. Finally he understood why it had been important
for him to finish building it. The inside wasn’t particularly
large, but he could stand up and walk around the center pole for a
few feet before his head touched the walls.

The teepee housed a leather-covered
spanking horse and a swing with its own stand tucked under the
slant of the walls. He could access a low to the ground bondage
frame by crawling or sitting on his knees. Behind the center pole,
facing away from the entrance stood a small chest of drawers.
Sitting on top were folded blankets, rather innocuous, but inside
were leather straps, whips, and many more toys. Everything rested
on the fabric-covered floor. His next project involved finding a

Hopes of Molly coming to play with
him filled the structure.

Until today, he’d only ever dreamed
about tying her up and taking her until she cried out his name.
After their kiss in the barn, he had more reason to think it was
actually possible she’d visit.

At some point, before he lost the
plot and dipped his hand in her pants, he realized she was, if
anything, a secret submissive. She’d been open to his kiss and
focused on pleasing him. When her legs couldn’t open wide enough
and she’d tried to climb him, he’d accepted the step she’d taken.
Right then, he knew she was meant to be with him, and knew her
being a sub to his dominant was possible. At least, he hoped so,
but he’d possess her in whatever way she came.

Reaching down to grab hold of his
hard cock, he gave a squeeze and smiled.

“All she has to do is ask,” he
muttered and walked out to the shower. Setting his hat on a nearby
bench, he pulled off his boots and socks, then stripped off his
jeans and underwear. With purpose, he walked under the head and
turned on the water.

It was cold, but refreshing. He’d
picked the veggies they needed for dinner and he wanted to clean
off before getting dressed. There was no rush until he needed to
head up to Matt and Ted’s house. He’d take the veggies, cleaned and
prepped for grilling, then he’d have plenty of time to stop by the
cottage and collect Molly and Saki.

Soap he bought from a local lady who
made her own rested on a rock set off to the side. He liked how she
had bars available made of sage and juniper, and not only pretty
flowers. There was no need for him to go around smelling like a

Once he was clean, Jon looked down
at the rock hard erection he still sported. The only relief around,
besides her, was his hand. He’d handled things that way since she’d
arrived, once more was no big deal. Hopefully it was the last

Heavily lathering his hands, he set
the soap back down and turned around while remaining under the
rain-like shower head. Facing the teepee, he imagined Molly walking
naked into the structure with her arms secured behind her back. He
adored her breasts and would keep her in whatever position they’d
sit pushed out and his for the taking.

When they weren’t bouncing freely,
he wanted to clamp the tips and leave trapped bits of flesh for him
to lick, bite, and tease with his fingers. Maybe he’d use his new
nipple cylinders. Admittedly he’d bought them with her in mind. The
device would make her nipples stand out even further. Turn redder,
yes, but it was the standing out that had him stroking his rod a
little quicker.

Images of her sliding on and off his
cock while tied to the swing, secured to the horse with her ass in
the air and strapped to the frame, flicked across his mind like a
movie. No matter how he had her, he’d happily fuck her as she
screamed her passion.

There were two won’t do’s on his
personal list, however, and they were set in stone. He’d never
cover her eyes because he wanted to see the blue as he took her. He
wanted to watch the pleasure bleed into them and their focus to be
on him and them. Her mouth would also remain uncovered. She
possessed delightful lips and he wanted to dip his fingers between
them for her to suck, or thrust his cock in and out of

He most wanted to hear her call him
by name while his hands, mouth, or cock gave her

Fast and furiously, he pumped his
rod as he looked at his teepee. Nothing but pleasure would happen
within its canvas walls, whether she was bound or not. The
structure was originally built to honor his heritage as a place for
him to exist tranquilly. He wasn’t a full blown Crow, but a mix of
various tribes and some white blood here and there. Jon did things
his way. Some, he believed, came from his heritage and others were
all him.

Peace and pleasure were two things
he wanted in life, and to have them however possible made him
happy. Pleasure hadn’t played a major role for him until Molly
entered his world. Now he needed to express his unique desire
however, wherever, and with whomever he wanted. He chose an English

Stroking himself made a loud slick
slapping sound because he was wet, and it pleased him to hear. Sex
and the enjoyment of it was nothing to hide from. Actually, it was
something to revere, honor, and he planned on doing that with Molly
at his side.

“Molly,” he groaned out loud.
Flashing before his eyes, she thrust her bare breasts up for him to
devour, and seed shot from his cock. Shouting at full volume and
with pleasure, he climaxed in the wild.

Turning around, he doused his body
with cold water and laughed because he remained hard. His boner was
sticking out, but it might as well. Turning off the water, he
collected his things and walked back toward his house. Only one
thing ruled Jon’s brain, and it was how he couldn’t wait to have
her in his own space.


“You look gorgeous,” Saki told her
as she stood back and looked Molly over.

Because it was warm at night, Molly
chose a loose black skirt, which fell below her knees, and a
short-sleeved, almost sheer white blouse. Normally she’d wear a
bra, chemise, or at least a tank top beneath to make it less

Knowing where to look, she could see
her nipples and they seemed obvious, but she would admit it wasn’t
as noticeable as she assumed they’d be.

Molly was slightly uncomfortable
with baring it all and kept tugging her blouse away from her

“Stop it! Seriously, I can hardly
see them and I know they’re painted red.”

“I don’t know. What if Matt or Ted
notice? I would be so embarrassed.” She pulled on her top and tried
again to hide her nipples, only nothing worked. Maybe she should
put her bra on and be done with trying to seduce Jon.

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