Journal of the Undead (Book 1): Littleville Uprising (8 page)

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Authors: S.G. Lee

Tags: #Zombie Apocalypse

BOOK: Journal of the Undead (Book 1): Littleville Uprising
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The week passed quickly. Saturday morning, Evan was awake and showered before his alarm sounded. Major Stone couldn’t help chuckling to himself. He was used to seeing the young men under his command do outrageous things to impress the fairer sex. However, both Frank and Kate were relieved that impressing Emma meant studying harder and taking extra classes. If things between them continued, Evan could end up in an Ivy League school as a result of his courtship. Naturally, Frank was apprehensive about Evan dating the daughter of one of his colleagues, but Emma seemed to be a good influence so he kept his reservations to himself.

Evan’s stomach did flip-flops as he pulled into the Wexleys’ driveway. Seconds later, he saw Emma rush out of her house. He dashed over to the passenger side and opened the car door for her. She looked at him curiously; no one her own age had ever opened a car door for her. Her concerns about holding a conversation for the entire two-hour drive proved unnecessary. Once Evan broke the silence, it was easy to keep the conversation rolling. Encouraged by how easy it was to talk to him, Emma finally asked the question that had been on her mind since they’d met.

“So, I was wondering why your family doesn’t live on base. Isn’t it a long drive for your dad to make every day?”

“It’s not any further for him than for your dad.”

“But my dad’s a civilian. He can’t live on the base.”

“True. I think it’s because of me … if my dad gets reassigned he doesn’t want me to have to start over in my senior year. My mom, Lucy, and I would stay here until I graduate. If we lived on base, we’d either have to rush to find someplace else to live or go wherever Dad was being sent. My dad’s
to be stationed here for the next two years but, well, I guess you know what that’s like. From what Matt said, you’ve moved almost as many times as we have.”

“Like you said, we’re
to be here for the next two years also but I’ll believe it when I see it.”

“It probably would have been easier on Lucy if we did live on base. The other kids there know what it’s like to move around all the time and they’re usually more sympathetic. At least she’s finally making some friends, thanks to you.”

Evan resisted pointing out that if Emma had taken her own advice, she probably would have made more friends as well. Although he couldn’t blame her for not trying too hard; most of the girls they’d met at Lincoln High were cliquey, backstabbing, self-absorbed jerks.

Inevitably, the conversation turned to the Homecoming dance. Evan was relieved to find out that even if she hadn’t already signed up for the class Emma would not have accepted Tyler’s invitation.

“I don’t do the whole school dance thing,” Emma laughed. “So; did Matt put you up to this?”

“Um, what do you mean?”

“Nothing. It’s just that things always seem to turn out the way Matt wants. He was really mad that I was going to take the car. I mean, seriously, he thinks feeling up a cheerleader in the backseat is more important than my college applications.”

Though Emma was still laughing, there was a trace of annoyance in her tone. Evan breathed a sigh of relief but the little voice in his head kept insisting he should tell her the truth.

What she doesn’t know won’t hurt her. Besides, I really wanted to go out with her and Matt just gave me the green light
, he silently told the voice.

On further consideration, he decided to repay Matt. It couldn’t be considered payment if he repaid the money. With his conscience appeased, Evan steered the conversation to safer topics for the rest of the drive.


The class was more informative than she had hoped; Emma was busy filling page after page with notes but her date’s mind wandered as the professor droned on with the lesson plan. Evan was anxious for the class to end so their date could begin. Hidden in his trunk was a cooler packed with delicious food prepared by his mom for their picnic. Lunch was just the beginning of his plan to impress Emma; after the second half of class was over, he planned to take Emma to an art exhibit on campus. Following that, they’d have a nice dinner at a quaint family-owned restaurant.


When the class was dismissed for lunch, Evan sprang from his seat. Emma was reviewing the back page of their itinerary for lunch suggestions when he took the paper from her.

“Don’t bother with that! I’ve got something better in mind.”

He took her by the hand and escorted her outside to a secluded spot near a cluster of trees. While she held their place, Evan dashed to his car and retrieved the cooler and a blanket. Basking in the sunshine, they sprawled out on the blanket to enjoy cold fried chicken, homemade potato salad, and fresh fruit salad. The crisp autumn breeze danced through Emma’s hair as they talked, ate, and laughed. Their brief reprieve from the dreary classroom flew by and Evan found it difficult to go back inside. He was tempted to suggest cutting class but knew Emma wouldn’t approve. Instead, he reviewed the campus map while Emma scribbled more notes. To Evan’s delight, the second half of class and the Q&A session wrapped up quickly.

Taking advantage of the gorgeous weather, they walked to the other side of campus to view the art exhibit. Since Emma had not objected earlier, Evan felt brave enough to take her hand again. Though she didn’t make eye contact, a smile crept across her face. Evan’s attentiveness surprised Emma; it hadn’t occurred to her that Evan found her attractive. After years of Jillian’s criticism, she believed she was completely unappealing to boys. Still, she relished the attention and marveled at how natural it felt to hold Evan’s hand. It all felt natural; their conversations, the shared laughter, and even the way he touched her arm while he drove to the restaurant.

Snuggled into a corner booth, Evan made a mental note to give the restaurant a high rating on both for excellent service and atmosphere. Their only disappointment came when the waiter finally brought them the check, signifying their evening was drawing to a close. Emma reached for her bag but Evan playfully slapped her hand.

“I don’t know what kind of dates you’re used to, but you’re not going to pay when you’re out with me.”

Emma’s flushed cheeks were partially concealed by the dim lighting but she assumed Evan still noticed. In truth, she wasn’t used to any kind of dates. Evan was her first, though she wasn’t entirely sure if it counted as a date. Emma’s thank you was barely louder than a whisper.

Her silence on the ride home had Evan worried.
Idiot! Why would you slap her? Do something or you’re gonna blow your shot with her.
Gently taking her hand, Evan raised it to his mouth and placed a delicate kiss on the spot he had slapped.

“I’m sorry. Even playing, I never should have hit you. I didn’t mean to upset you.”

In the middle of an internal debate over whether or not she was on a real date, Emma hadn’t noticed her prolonged silence. Evan’s lips brushing against her skin roused her from her inner monologue.

“I’m not upset. Why would you think that?”

“You haven’t said a word since we left the restaurant.”

“I wanted to ask you about something but I wasn’t sure how to say it. I was wondering … when you said ‘date’ … is this really a date?” No sooner were the words out than Emma immediately regretted it.
Why did you say that to him? Now he’ll know you’re a total loser
. Feeling foolish, she muttered, “Never mind.”

Slowing to a stop at a yellow light, Evan put the car in park. He turned to Emma, cupped her face in his hands, and looked meaningfully into her eyes.

“Yes, I considered this a date; hopefully the first of many.” He’d planned to lean over and kiss her, but the light changed too quickly and the car behind them blared its horn. Just like that, the moment was gone.

Once Evan’s attention was back on the road, Emma’s breathing resumed. Making a conscious effort to keep the conversation going, she chatted superfluously as he drove.

During a quick pit stop to fill the gas tank, Emma grabbed some drinks and attempted to pay for the gas.

“Seriously? What part of ‘you’re not paying when you’re out with me’ did you not understand?”

Emma made a dramatic show of hiding her hands behind her back, but her eyes sparkled with mischief. For the rest of the ride, their conversation was lighthearted and punctuated with laughter.

It was well before Emma’s curfew when they pulled into the Wexleys’ driveway. Evan took her hand as they walked to the front door, his eyes fixated on Emma’s cherry-red lips. The Slushie Emma drank in the car had turned her lips a deliciously vibrant shade. Evan couldn’t help but wonder if they tasted like cherry too. Longing to find out, Evan leaned in and lightly touched his lips to hers. He paused, waiting for a slap. Since she didn’t object, he pulled her closer. With their bodies pressed tightly together, Evan’s kiss became more demanding. Emma’s head was spinning and her knees felt weak but she didn’t want it to stop. Though her eyes were closed, flashes of light seemed to flicker overhead, reminiscent of old movies where fireworks went off during the lead couple’s kiss, only it lacked the swell of orchestral music. She suddenly realized the flashing was not from imaginary fireworks; someone inside the house was flicking the porch light and Emma suspected it was Matt.

Still holding Emma, Evan paused to look around after having noticed the lights as well. They flickered again, but this time Emma threw open the front door and hissed through her clenched teeth, “I swear to God I’m going to kill you, Matt!”

Only it wasn’t Matt standing there …

are you doing?”

“I was waiting for you to get home, honey.”

Emma knew it was parent-speak for, ‘I wanted to make sure you were home before curfew.’

“Yeah, well, I’m home so you can go to bed. Good night!”

Outraged, she slammed the front door. Evan was shocked that Emma would speak to her father so rudely. He had no doubts his father would have planted his size eleven boot in Evan’s rear if he even
about mouthing off like that.

As if magnetically attracted, Evan’s lips were drawn to Emma’s and he put everything else out of his mind except her. His hand caressed her cheek and Emma felt deliciously dizzy again. Softly kissing the length of her neck, Evan murmured an invitation.

“I’m going to take Lucy to the park tomorrow. Do you want to come with us?”

Unable to verbally respond, Emma nodded her head in agreement.

“Then it’s a date … until tomorrow.”

With a final deep kiss Evan said good night and watched her go inside. Emma’s lips tingled as a smile crept across her face.

Patiently waiting upstairs, Matt was sitting on the edge of Emma’s bed, ready for details. As she shared highlights from her date, Matt silently congratulated himself on his matchmaking prowess. He hadn’t seen Emma that happy in a long time. In return, she listened as her twin rehashed almost everything that happened at the dance, although he kept his intimate details private.


The next morning, Matt was raiding the fridge when he heard a knock at the door. He was surprised that Emma had agreed to an early date; she had never been a morning person. Evan seemed disappointed that she was still sleeping.

“Could you get her for me, Matt?”

“Even if the house was on fire, I don’t think I’d wake Emma up. You want her, you get her … but if I were you, I’d stay out of arm’s reach.” Noticing the worried look on Evan’s face, he added, “Relax, my dad’s at work and Jillian won’t be home for hours. Go!”

Reluctantly, Evan climbed the stairs while Matt flippantly hummed
. Paying no heed to Matt’s warning, Evan brushed Emma’s hair back and kissed her cheek. With a contented sigh, Emma turned on her side. Suddenly, her eyes snapped open as she bolted upright. She stared wide-eyed at Evan trying to determine whether she was dreaming or if he was really sitting on the edge of her bed.

“I thought you were coming with us to the park today?”

“Oh my God! What time is it?”

“Time for you to wake up. I’ll wait for you downstairs.”


Impressed that Evan was still in one piece, Matt offered him some breakfast. Within fifteen minutes, Emma was showered, dressed, and headed downstairs. Unlike most girls, she didn’t need three hours to get ready. Emma snatched a couple of strips of bacon from Matt’s plate and poured herself a glass of juice.

With a scowl, Matt protectively picked up his plate and left the kitchen.

“Leave my food alone. Make your own if you want some, brat.”

Emma’s sly smiles made Evan suspect that it was all part of her plan to encourage Matt’s departure. Taking full advantage of their privacy, Evan’s lips were pressed against hers as he pulled her closer.

“Good morning, beautiful.”

While Emma munched her stolen bacon, Evan leafed through the newspaper left on the kitchen table. Scattered between the usual doom and gloom, two curious headlines caught his eye. The first described a recent outbreak of viral infections claimed to be the cause of death for nearby high school students.

“This school,” Evan pointed at the headline, “they’re the team that didn’t show up for Matt’s football game, right?”

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