Journey to the Highlands: Robbie and Caralyn (Clan Grant Series Book 4) (9 page)

BOOK: Journey to the Highlands: Robbie and Caralyn (Clan Grant Series Book 4)
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Chapter Seventeen


Gwyneth tore over to the two lassies in the corner.

Ashlyn yelled, “Gwyneth!” before jumping into her arms.

But when Gwyneth leaned down to grab Gracie, too, the wee one ran right past her, straight into Robbie’s arms. He picked her up, and she wrapped her arms around his neck and tucked her head down onto his shoulder.

Gwyneth’s nose wrinkled and Ashlyn burst into tears. “We smell, Gwyneth. Other than changing Gracie’s raggies once a day, they wouldn’t allow us to clean ourselves. We are dirty. Mama would be so upset.”

Robbie said, “We don’t have time to clean you now, Ashlyn. We must leave.”

Logan passed a jug to Tomas and said, “Grab some water from the creek.”

“What in hellfire are you doing, Ramsay?” Robbie barked from over Gracie’s head.

“My guess is you are sending them north, aye? To your clan?”

“Aye. So how does that change the situation?”

“Weans don’t like to be dirty and we have a long trip ahead of us. The further we travel, the colder it will be for them. ‘Tis better to clean them now, near the creek.”

Robbie finally agreed and set Gracie down as Tomas raced off to get the water. If Logan wanted to take charge of this, then he would grant him his wish. “We need to clean you before we go,” Robbie told the wee lassie. “Then I promise to take you both away from here.”

A few moments later, Tomas came in with the water. Robbie, Gwyneth, and Tomas all stared at the ewer, unsure of what to do next. Tomas finally set it on the floor, then he and Robbie dragged the two bodies out of the way, covering them up.

As they did their unseemly work, Logan grabbed a big basin and dumped the water into it. When the two men finished their task, he handed the other adults bowls and buckets and said, “More.”

Robbie decided it was the best job for him. He knew nothing about washing bairns, and judging from the look of Tomas and Gwyneth, they were equally ignorant.

By the time they returned, Logan had ripped strips of linen from Ashlyn’s shift and had both girls scrubbing their faces with the sliver of soap he had always carried. He dumped the new buckets of cool water into the basin, took Gracie’s gown and rag off, picked her up under her arms, and said, “Ready, lass?” Gracie nodded and Logan dipped her bottom into the basin and swirled her around in it. She yelped and giggled while they all stared in disbelief. Robbie had never seen the lass even smile. Now she was giggling with Logan?

He took her out and handed her to Gwyneth with a linen strip. “Dry her.” Then he turned his back, held his plaid out to the side, and said to Ashlyn, “There’s another basin of fresh water. Go ahead and do what you need to, lass. We won’t watch. Gwyneth can help if you need.”

As they waited for Ashlyn, Logan’s companions stared at him in disbelief. “What?”

Robbie laughed. “You have talents even I didn’t expect, Ramsay.”

“I told you I have a niece, but I also have a nephew, and both were sickly with no mother. I learned how to care for them. ‘Tis not so difficult.”

As soon as Ashlyn finished, they headed out to the horses. Ashlyn rode with Tomas and Gracie with Robbie. They headed north and outside of town. As soon as they found a clearing, Robbie stopped and they gathered a group of logs for a fire.

“Hellfire, Grant. I thought we’d go back to the priory to find Caralyn,” Gwyneth said.

“Nay, ‘tis after dark and she’ll be with Murray by now. He still controls her.” He pulled both girls over to him and spoke directly to them. “Lassies, I know you wish to see your mama, but ‘twould not be safe right now.”

Ashlyn nodded but her shoulders slumped.

“Can you get her away from Malcolm, Captain Grant?” she asked in a small voice. “We don’t like him.”

Two wee faces stared up at him and his heart broke. He knew they wouldn’t be happy about his decision, but Robbie had guessed his wishes correctly. He’d decided the best way forward was to send them to the Highlands. “That is exactly what I plan to do, Ashlyn, but I need to make sure you two are safe first so he can’t come and steal you away again. Your mama is forced to do what he wants when he holds you away from her. Do you understand?”

Ashlyn nodded. “I think so. I always hear him tell mama he will hurt us, and he did paddle us both once while mama screamed and cried. She told him she would do whatever he wanted if he would stop hurting us. I don’t want to go back with him ever again. Where will you hide us?”

“I am going to send you to a wonderful place, but it will take a while for you to get there so I need you both to be strong. And you won’t see your mama for a wee bit, but everyone in this place will love you both and take care of you, and I promise we’ll join you soon. There will be other weans for you to play with, but most of all, I know you’ll be safe.”

“Where is that?” Ashlyn stared at him, wide-eyed. “We have never played with other weans.”

“I am sending you to my clan. You’re going into the Highlands to the Grant keep, a big castle with lots of nice people to love and care for you.”

“Will Mama come, too?”

“Aye, as soon as I rescue your mama, I’ll bring her to you.”

“Can we not wait for you?” Ashlyn whispered.

“Nay, Malcolm will try to find you again. I need to get you as far away from here as possible. I’m sorry, lass, but ‘tis the only way.”

Ashlyn pondered what he’d said, then nodded. She grabbed Gracie’s hand. “As long as we go together.”

“Aye, you’ll go together.”

“How will we get there?” She chewed her lip as she glanced at the group around her.

“Logan and Gwyneth will take you. Tomas and I will find your mama.” Robbie knew he was still acting like the Captain of the Grant warriors by speaking before asking them, but he was willing to take a gamble.

Gwyneth made a strangling sound in her throat.

Ashlyn peered up at her. “Gwyneth, you’ll go with us? Please?”

Gwyneth nodded, but she gave Robbie a hard look that he couldn’t ignore.

“Tomas, take the girls and find them some oatcakes. Lassies? You’re hungry, are you not?” Both nodded and followed Tomas over to the horses.

As soon as they left, Gwyneth got right up in his face, not stopping until she was no more than an inch from his nose. “You can’t mean it. I will not travel with that lout.”

“Gwyneth, I am trying to do what is the best for the lassies. I need people I trust to travel with them through the Highlands, which isn’t going to be an easy trip this time of the year. I have four other guards near Glasgow I’ll send with you as protection.”

“Fine, then send Tomas with us. Logan can stay here.”

Logan stood behind her, his arms crossed over his chest and a smirk on his face.

“Nay, Logan knows the Highlands the best of anyone I know, and he’s the foremost tracker, too. I would feel better if he was with you. He won’t just lead the group, but also track ahead and make sure no one is in the area. Traveling with two bairns is too much of a risk. There are wild boars and wolves. You will protect the lasses while Logan leads, tracks, and kills when necessary.”

“But I have never been to the Highlands. I don’t want to go that far north. ‘Tis freezing up there.” She swung her arms wide as she rambled.

“Didn’t you tell me you are good with a bow and arrow?” Robbie asked.

“Aye, I am, but…”

“Then you can help find food, too. See how thin Ashlyn is? Surely they haven’t been fed much, and Ashlyn gives Gracie her share of whatever food they’re given. I need you to watch over them both. ‘Twill not be an easy journey, and the girls need you. And I think Caralyn will feel better if she knows you’re with them. I’m asking you to put your problems with Logan aside for the lassies. Once there, you can do whatever you like, but I am sure Caralyn would appreciate it if you wait until she arrives before you take your leave, and I think the girls will feel safer with you around.”

Gwyneth stared at Robbie, then at Logan, her hands on her hips.

“Lass, I think you might like the Highlands. ‘Tis beautiful land, and you may stay as long as you like at the Grant clan. We’ll reward you when I arrive. Take a trip to our armory; find new weapons for your arsenal. I’ll pay you in wool garments for the winter. Whatever your needs, let me know.”

Logan sighed, the smirk leaving his face. “Lass, I have pledged it before, and I’ll do so again—you have my word of honor on the Ramsay clan that I won’t touch you unless you ask. I will control my banter for the girls’ sake. I think Ashlyn will feel more comfortable riding with you.”

He strode over to his horse and pulled out one of his plaids. “Here, you can wear this when you get cold, and it will be cold, especially at night.”

She stared at Logan, then walked over to take the plaid he offered, throwing it over her shoulders and tying it in a tangled mess around her waist. “Lord, give me strength. Grant, I need to borrow your horse before we go to alert my family of my plans.” She strode into the trees before she yelled over her shoulder. “I’ll need my own horse, and I’m not your lass, Ramsay.”

Logan grinned and said to Robbie, so she couldn’t hear him, “You are now with my plaid on you.”

Tomas walked into the clearing with the two girls in tow, a stunned expression on his face. “Did I just see Gwyneth with your plaid on, Ramsay?”

“Aye, but she apparently doesn’t know what it means, so be quiet about it. ‘Twill be a cold ride and you know it.” Logan said, giving him a wink. He stooped down to pick up wee Gracie, who put up no fuss.

Robbie gave Tomas one more job to do before he sent Logan and Gwyneth to the Highlands. “I don’t want to wait long, Tomas. Find some provisions and the guards fast and get back. We probably only have a couple of hours until Murray discovers the girls missing. He may send guards out right away.”

Logan said, “Don’t worry. We’ll lose them if they do.”

After Tomas left, Robbie smirked at Logan. “I doubt you gave Gwyneth your plaid just to protect her from the cold. Quade will love to hear this.”

“Aye, I meant what I said in the cottage. She’s mine and no one touches her. The plaid will guarantee that your guards know their bounds.” Then he snickered. “Just don’t inform her of its meaning. I don’t understand why she doesn’t know, but mayhap they don’t do this in the Lowlands to the west of Glasgow. And I’ll tell my brother when he needs to know.”

Two hours later, the group was saddled and ready to go, guards included. Right before Gwyneth was about to mount, a somber faced Gracie ran over to Robbie and held her arms up to him. Robbie picked her up and she whispered in his ear. “Pweez save my mama.” She cradled his face in her wee hands and gave him a kiss before hopping down and running back to Gwyneth.

Those four words were the first words he had ever heard Gracie utter.


Chapter Eighteen


The next day, Caralyn was allowed to go to the priory again. She had come to help Sister Donna with more new arrivals, including one that was carrying, and suddenly found herself part way through the delivery of a new bairn. Fortunately, Caralyn hadn’t had much time to think, elsewise she would have been too scared to assist. Just as well, because she had been disappointed to see that Gwyneth had left.

After cleaning and drying her hands, she returned to Sister Donna’s side and took the newborn bairn in her arms. She had cleaned him up while the sister cleaned up the mother. Now she could only stare at the baby in wonder.

“May I hold him?” the new mother asked.

“Of course,” Caralyn answered. She handed the wean over to his mama. How selfish of her to want to hold the lad. He was just so perfect. Caralyn had gotten there right before his dark shock of hair emerged from his mama, but a few pushes before he’d entered the world. She had helped Sister Donna tie off the cord, and watched in wonder as the new mother delivered the part that follows birth. Thrilled with her assigned task, she’d been more than happy to clean up the new lad as he continued to announce his presence to the world.

It was time to take her leave after the wondrous experience. She excused herself from Sister Donna, knowing that Malcolm would be home shortly. She didn’t want to get there after he did.

Once back in Malcolm’s keep, she crept up the steps to her chamber quietly, still savoring the magic and wonder of new life. The slamming of the door into the great hall was a shock to her system, and she needed to grab onto the railing to keep from tumbling down the stairs. When she glanced over her shoulder, Malcolm stood at the base of the stairs.

“Where are they?” he sneered.

A growing fear crept up her spine. “What? Who? What are you talking about, Malcolm?”

He followed her up the steps and pushed her the rest of the way up and through the door to her chamber. He twisted her arm behind her back. “Your daughters have disappeared and two of my best men are dead. Who did it?” He tightened his grip on her arm until each finger dug into her flesh.

“What are you talking about? My daughters? You have lost my bairns? Och, saints above, help me. Where are my lassies?”

“Do not lie to me, bitch. You know where they are.” He leered at Caralyn, his fury so potent she could feel the force of it.

“Malcolm, I don’t know where they are. Did you check everywhere? Gracie likes to hide. Mayhap they were hiding.”

He jerked her tighter to him. “They are
hiding! I said my men were dead. One took a knife to the throat and the other took a knife in the ribs. The air was driven out of both of them. This is all your fault! That captain…what was his name? He wants you, I could tell.”

“Captain Grant? Why would he steal two innocent lassies? Please, Malcolm. Let me go. You are hurting me.”

“And just in case you have any foolish ideas, know that I’ll never let you go. I’ll follow you to the end of the earth and drag you back here to my side. You are mine and no savage Highlander frightens me. Wherever you go, I’ll follow. And when I do find you, I will beat you until you are in so much pain, you can’t move for three moons.”

Malcolm tossed her on the bed before turning in place and heading back out the door. He closed the door and locked her in. “You will go nowhere. Do you hear me? Nowhere.”

Caralyn forced three deep breaths to slow the blood shooting through her body in fear. She had never seen Malcolm this way. He had been angry before, but now he was crazed. It had to be Robbie. Aye, Malcolm knew who had taken her lassies. Now she was imprisoned.

Get them to safety, Robbie. Please protect them
. She had to believe that the right thing had finally happened. Her girls were going to be safe.

Which meant Robbie would be coming for her soon.


In the middle of the next night, she heard a distant scratching against stone. She jumped out of bed, thankful Malcolm was still out, and rushed to the window, her heart beating fast in her chest as she pulled the furs back to see who was outside. She sighed as she peeked down the side of the stone wall.

Captain Robbie Grant was scaling the side of the castle again. She quickly changed her night rail to a gown and donned warm wool socks and boots. She always had a small sack with a few essentials at the ready, so she grabbed it and stood next to the window, her hands twisting in her skirts. Could this be happening? Would she finally be free of Malcolm?

Moments later, Robbie’s hand pushed through the fur and his head popped into the room as he hung on to the ledge. “Are you ready, lass?”

Caralyn ran to the window. “Do you have my daughters?”

“Aye, I do. They’re away from the brutes. I’m here to take you to them.”

She couldn’t stop herself. She cupped Robbie’s face and kissed him quickly on the lips. “Thank you.” When she lifted her lips, her gaze caught his and she blushed.

“I thank you, lass, but if you kiss me any more than that, you’ll force me to lose my footing and fall.”

Her hand flew to her mouth to cover a gasp. “Och, I’m so sorry.”

Robbie grinned. “I’m not. You know I love the taste of you, lass, but don’t make me lose my mind just yet.”

She giggled and he jumped inside the room. Before she knew it, he had hoisted her into his arms and stepped back onto the ledge. “Ready, lass? Now hang on to my waist.”

Caralyn nodded her head and gripped him tight. Her head fell against his chest and she tried to hide her sigh of happiness. Robbie was so strong and kind, everything she had ever wanted in a man. He smelled of the woods and pine, as well as the mint leaves he often chewed. His power should be enough to scare any man away. Safe, she just felt safe in his arms.

If ever she wanted a man, he would be the one.

Her mother’s voice interrupted her thoughts.
I told you, a man like this would never stay
interested in you. He would never marry you, especially since he knows your secret.

She closed her eyes to will her mother away.
Please, Mama. Don’t I deserve happiness, too?

They landed with a soft thud and Robbie set her down carefully before leading her to his horse. She noticed Tomas wasn’t far away, and there were another two warriors further down the path.

She settled in front of Robbie on his horse and leaned into him, allowing the intimacy of the contact to invade her senses. They rode for miles. The further they went, the more the darkness of the night against the bright moon increased her anxiety. Fear that they were being followed consumed her, and she kept thinking she heard other horses behind them. Several hours later, she couldn’t hold back any longer.

“Stop. Please stop.” She turned to glance at Robbie. “I need to stop for a moment.”

Robbie found a small clearing and signaled to his men to stop.

“Lass, if you have to take care of your needs, just say so.” He helped her down from her horse and motioned for his men to inspect the area for safety.

“Nay, I mean, aye. Please, wait. My girls. Where are my daughters?” She needed to know more; she couldn’t stand the suspense a moment longer.

“Och, lass. We have your lassies. I sent them on ahead a couple of nights ago.” He brushed a stray hair back from her forehead.

Caralyn held her face in her hands. “Och, thank the saints above, and thanks to you and your men, Captain Grant. They are unhurt?”

“Aye, they were dirty and hungry, but no harm had been done to them.”

“And you fed them?” She knew it was a ridiculous question. Of course, he would have fed them, but she still had to know.

Robbie smiled. “Aye, of course. We fed them, and Logan and Gwyneth cleaned them up before we left.”

“Logan washed my girls and they accepted that?” She couldn’t believe her ears. Wee Gracie hated strange men.

“Aye, not many of us have much experience there. Ashlyn was upset they hadn’t been allowed to bathe. Logan has a niece about Gracie’s age. He took care of Gracie and Ashlyn took care of herself.”

She sighed. “Thanks to you, again. Where did you take them?”

“Caralyn, relax. The lassies are fine, but ‘twill be a time before we reach them.”

For some reason, she didn’t trust the expression on Robbie’s face. He was anxious, but she couldn’t decide why. “What do you mean? Where are they?” She wrung her hands, awaiting his answer.

Robbie grasped her hands in his, rubbing them to warm them in the cool night air. “I sent them to the only place I could ensure their safety—my home, Clan Grant.”

“You don’t mean the Highlands. Do you?” Her eyes widened as she spoke.

“Aye, lass. I sent them to my home in the Highlands.”

Saints above, she would faint for sure. Her daughters were a long way away from her now. “What? With who? Who has my bairns? Och, saints above, my bairns will never make it through the Highlands. How could you do such a thing? They are but wee lassies.” She jerked her hands from his and paced in a circle, her hands resting on her hips.

“Caralyn, they are with Logan Ramsay and Gwyneth and four of my warriors. I promise you they will get them there safely.”

“How could you send my girls with five strange men?” The pitch of her voice had almost reached a scream. Her head pounded as all her fears raced through her mind.

Robbie strode over and grasped her by the shoulders. “Calm yourself and stop your screaming. We don’t need to draw attention to ourselves.”

Caralyn swiped at her mouth, recognizing the truth in his words. But she still feared for her girls—so far away, and with strangers. She held her head in her hands as the tears started. “Nay, nay.”

Robbie gave her a puzzled look. “Lass, I promise you, naught bad will come to your lassies. I would trust those men with my life. Don’t you trust Gwyneth?”

“Aye, I trust Gwyneth. But they have rarely been away from me. Only because of Malcolm, and he sent them with two bad men. Now they go with others.” She reached for Robbie’s arm. “I just worry about them. Did they seem accepting of this?”

Robbie wrapped his arms around her. “Caralyn, they are Highlanders. They live and breathe honor. The girls were fine with them. And Gracie was comfortable with Logan, believe it or not. The important thing is they are safe.”

Caralyn grasped his wool tunic and sobbed into his chest. He was right, she knew it. She just couldn’t handle being away from her girls any longer. She hadn’t seen them in so long, and now it would be even longer. She had thought to see them in a day or so once Robbie had rescued her.

He held her close and ran his fingers through her hair, massaging her neck. “They are unhurt. Please listen to me before you yell anymore.”

His soft voice soothed her and she clung to him, allowing his voice to lull her chaotic emotions.

“I sent them to the Highlands because Malcolm will follow us. I don’t think he’ll let you go easily. He’ll be in pursuit as fast as he can gather a group of fighters. I wanted your girls to be safe. Logan is the best tracker and one of the best swordsmen of all the Scots. Gwyneth is talented with a bow and arrow, as are two of the other men. Don’t you agree?”

“Aye, you’re right.” His hand had fallen down to her back and was caressing her softly there, his touch easing the tight muscles. Finally relaxing, she told herself to let him take over, to let this man take care of her and her bairns. Mayhap she could let him worry for a day so she could rest, hard as it was since she had been relying on herself for so long.

“As we ride, I’ll tell you all about Clan Grant. Believe me, the lassies will love being there, and my sisters and my brother’s wife will take good care of your daughters.”

“They will?” her voice barely a whisper. She thought back to all she knew about Robbie Grant—the man who had given her hope for the first time in years, like a blossom finally blooming within her, the man who had saved her and her girls from a life in hell. He had done all this, and she had screamed at him.

“I’ll tell you two more things to settle your mind, and then we must go. Alex’s wife, Maddie, was mistreated. Trust me when I say that she will not allow anything bad to happen to your girls. And second, Logan is uncle to two weans who were so sickly that he was forced to care for them at times. His brother said he cared for them better than any woman could. Logan loves wee ones. You can trust him.”

She nodded her head lazily, but didn’t let go of him.

“We will have a difficult enough journey with just the four of us. I gave Logan and Gwyneth a lead of two days to make sure they’d get the lassies to safety in time. We might have to deal with Malcolm, but they won’t.” Robbie pulled back and lifted her chin with his fingers. “Can we go so we can stay well ahead of Malcolm? I worry about you, as well.”

Caralyn nodded and then pointed to the bushes. Robbie leaned down and kissed her lips, a soft, tender kiss that melted her heart. Had she ever been kissed by a man without intimacy on his mind? He gave her a light push toward the bushes as he walked in the opposite direction.

A few minutes later, she stepped out of the bushes into his waiting arms, giving herself up to him, allowing him to take care of her. He settled her in front of him on the horse and galloped into the distance with the others following.

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