Just Breathe Trilogy Box Set (33 page)

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“I didn’t know you bought the dress,” Nathan remarks, jumping up and down hugging me.

“Uh, yeah. I wanted it to be a surprise,” I return as my blush deepens.

I knew that if I didn’t wear Nathan’s dress, the one that Joe bought for me, I would never hear the end of it from Joe about why I didn’t put it on, even with it just being the first night. I do love the dress and the way that I feel in it. Joe shares a very pleased gleam in his eye while suppressing a smile at the fact that I’m wearing it.

We file out of the suite in pairs, with Joe and I last as we leave Sadie behind for a few hours. Piling into the Teslas that are free for our use with the suites, we drive out for dinner. It’s luau time.

The setting, entertainment and food are marvelous at the luau. It’s an experience that everyone should have at least once in their life. As the evening moves by and the entertainment is finished, all eight of us are up dancing and having fun. When a slow song starts playing, I rush to take my seat at the table. Five steps later, Joe is grabbing my hand and pulling me into him.

“What are you doing?”

“Dance with me,” he requests.


Instead of arguing with me, Joe holds me tighter to his rock, hot body with his right hand as his left hand takes my right. “You look exquisite in that dress,” he redirects.

“Thanks.” I blush, enjoying the closeness of his body. “Some cute guy, I don’t remember his name, bought it for me.”

“Cute, huh?”

“I think so. I can’t really remember,” I tease.

We sway to the music effortlessly.

“I’m surprised,” Joe begins.

“By what? That I’m wearing the dress?”

Chuckling, he explains, “No. But, thank you for that! You look even more beautiful under the moonlight wearing it.”

After blushing more at his compliment, I’m able to ask, “Then, for what?”

“For someone who always like to have control, you’re letting me lead the dance.”

As I comprehend his words, my feet suddenly falter. “I’m sorry,” I say after almost stepping on his toes.

“That’s my fault. I shouldn’t have said anything,” he offers, taking the blame. He repositions us gracefully as if nothing happened.

“No, it’s my fault,” I disagree.

“No, no. It’s mine. I shouldn’t have said anything. You were doing very well,” he insists, assuming responsibility. Within seconds, our step wavers again. “Now I’m distracted.”

“Distracted? By what?” I ask.

He tentatively discloses into my ear, “I’m distracted by you.”

Sweat gathers in my palms. Clearing my throat, I ponder what to say, but I’m left speechless. My eyes hesitantly meet his as the heat in my cheeks boils hotter.

His lips are seductively inviting, especially as he bites his lip trying to stifle a smirk. “The fact that all I want to do is kiss you right now. I’m tempted to do it, risking the chance of getting slapped,” he admits freely.

My feet waver at his admission, but he flawlessly stabilizes me. I keep my head turned in the direct of our friends dancing for two reasons. One, to not give Joe the opportunity to kiss me in public, and two, to see if our friends are watching us. Thankfully, my friends are all consumed by their own partners. Relief temporarily settles in my heart, but something catches my attention just beyond the dance floor. My heart roars, my body becomes rigid, and I can feel all of the blood draining from my face.

“You okay?” Joe mutters.

I barely hear him.

“Emma? You okay?” a voice questions very slowly.

Shock engulfs me as I stand motionless. “I . . . I . . . need to use the ladies room,” I fumble.

My chest aches with each shallow breath, gasping for air as I dart away from the dance floor. My vision blurs a little just before I make it to the farthest stall in the women’s restroom. I’m not sure if anyone was following, but I don’t care. Trembling, I press my hands to the walls to steady myself. Breathe, Emma. Breathe. My eyes were playing tricks on me. That’s it. Breathe, Emma.

I hear a woman whoop, trailed by light scuffling and a man’s voice. “It’s okay Mama, I’m just looking for my sister, and don’t worry I’m gay.”

Two men's designer shoes appear at the base of the stall door, escorted by a light knock. “Emma?” Jared searches.

Sucking in some air, I confirm, “I’m . . . I’m okay.”

“Will you let me in?”

“I . . . I just . . . need a minute,” I claim, working on controlling my breathing.

“No one noticed, by the way,” he offers sweetly. “Other than Joe, they all think you’ve been in here.”

“Uh huh . . .” I affirm. My head is spinning and a tear or two trickle down my face.

“I locked the bathroom door, so no one else is coming in until we head out,” he indicates. “It might not be good to let the door stay like that for too long. We wouldn’t want to bring too much attention over here.”

“Just a second . . .” my voice stutters. “I just . . . need . . . a second.” Cautiously, I stand to make sure I’m not dizzy anymore. I take a deep breath in before unlocking the hinge.

“You okay,
?” Jared says, studying my face.

“Mmm hmm,” I testify but I still haven't convinced myself that I am.

He surrounds me with a careful bear hug. “Do you think you can make it out of here?”

“Yeah . . .” my voice shakes.

Laughing he says, “We’ll you’re hiding it well from your face already, but your voice says otherwise.”

“Thanks,” I muster.

There aren’t any women waiting outside of the bathroom when we finally leave, which settles me more. Jared and I walk arm and arm over to our friends who are now sitting at the table chatting and drinking.

“Yay, you’re back,” Maggie beams. “Did Jared tell you?”

I bluff ignorance, “Tell me what?” I glance around the table.

The only two people who know about my lie are Joe and Jared.

Witnessing the sparkle, I know now that my eyes were not playing tricks on me.

“Henry proposed,” Maggie gleams, extending her left hand over for me to see the enormous rock glistening on it as she jumps up and down.

At least ten karats, probably larger, my eyes are having trouble focusing, a rounded square, pink diamond rests in the middle of a vintage style band. Clear diamonds encompass the gem as well as the entire band wrapped around her tiny finger.

“Wow!” I gulp, keeping my eyes on the ring. “I’m so happy for you. Congratulations,” I add with a forced smile, moving over to hug her and then Henry.

I immediately take my seat, feeling my legs buckling underneath me. Jared discretely takes my hand in his, dangling them between our seats. Everyone’s attention goes back to Henry and Maggie as I process what happened. With my free hand, I reach for the glass of wine sitting in front of me. I chug it in two large gulps. On an exhale, I search for more. Right as he’s reaching for it, I take Joe’s glass and chug down the rest of his as well.

“Easy there lightweight,” Joe mockingly suggests, loud enough only for me to hear as he takes the empty glass.

Our waiter brings over two bottles of champagne and new glass flutes to toast the occasion.

“To Maggie and Henry,” Jared salutes, once the waiter has filled everyone’s glasses.

Anxiety rises within me and my hand clenches down on Jared’s.

“To Maggie and Henry,” the rest of us repeat.

I down my glass of champagne discretely, only capturing Joe’s attention.

“And to love,” Nathan adds.

“To love,” everyone repeats, except me.

I hold up my glass and pretend to drink.

“Tonight we celebrate, tomorrow I want details,” Jimmy attests. “Let’s get back to dancing!”

I try to sit down a few times, claiming that I’m tired, when really all I want to do is drink to numb the pain of officially losing one of my two best friends. Either Jared, Nathan or Joe drag me back out after I get a gulp or two of more wine. Joe is right, I am a light weight. I barely drink and when I do it’s only a glass. The amount I’m drinking right now is a bit excessive. I’m right on the line of numbing the pain just enough, but almost too much where that line can blur and disappear, allowing the possibility of losing all of my inhibitions.

I dance with my friends but end up with Joe each time a slow song comes on. “How are you holding up?” Joe inquires holding me tight.

“Great,” my mouth slurs a little. My nose takes a large whiff of him. “God, do you smell good.”

A hearty laugh escapes his throat. “Careful, beautiful . . .you don’t want to start anything you might regret,” Joe sinfully replies.

“Mmm,” I hum. “Is that a challenge?” I slide my left hand under his jacket and up his bulging chest. His right nipple hardens as my fingers graze over it several times.

Laughing again, he answers, “You have had too much.”

“Maybe it’s just enough,” I suggest, placing my mouth closer to his bare skin.

“And, why is that?” he asks while trying to control his words.

“Enough to give you what you want.” I press my hips into him.

“Now I know you definitely had too much,” he whispers in my ear before kissing me on the cheek.

My mouth turns in the direction of his, wanting a taste. Joe keeps his mouth just far enough away as we stare into each others eyes.

“How we doing over here?” Jared questions behind my back.

“Fine,” I offer, laughing into Joe’s chest.

“I think it’s time to go,” Joe recommends.

“So, you are trying to sleep with me,” I contend, snickering.

“Yep. Time to go,” Jared confirms. He and Nathan dance away for a moment.

Twenty Two

“I can take her from here,” Joe offers as he and Jared walk me to my room.

With a wicked grin, Jared states, “It’s not her that I’m worried about.”

“I’ll be fine,” Joe insists.

“You don’t know what she’s like when she’s drunk,” Jared argues. “She gets freakishly stronger.”

“Stop talking about me like I’m not here,” I slur in protest. “I’m not drunk, just a little buzzed.”

The two of them stare and laugh.

Offended by their mockery of me, I demand, “Out! Out of my room!”

Jared turns and heads to my bathroom and comes back with a glass and something in his hand.

“Ooh, you’re a good friend. You brought me more to drink,” I confess. Taking a sip, I immediately spit it out. “What the hell is this?”

“Water,” Jared comments.

“I take it back. You are not a good friend,” I demand.

Joe muffles another laugh.

“Take these too,” he offers, holding out his hand.

“I don’t want them,” I protest.

“Either you take them willingly, or . . .” he pushes.

I’m not in the mood to fight, and as much as I’ll deny how drunk I am, I know that Jared would have the leg up if we did wrestle, especially with Joe to help him. I do get stronger with liquor, but not with this much in my system. Plus, I don’t want to mess up my pretty dress. I like my dress and each time I remember that Joe gave it to me, I can’t help but smile.

“Fine,” I say, reaching out and popping the two black pills into my mouth, chasing them with the glass of water.

“She’ll be fine now. If she
more, just feed her two more of these and extra water.” He places the bottle down on the nightstand.

Jared takes the empty glass and fills it again, then hands me the glass. Despite my protest and desire for more liquor, I eagerly drink the water.

“Watch out for her,” he adds. “She’s sneaky.”

“Got it,” Joe replies.

“I love you.” Jared hugs and kisses me on the cheek.

“Still not my favorite person right now,” I comment with my arms crossed.

“I still love you anyway,” he sweetly remarks, tugging at my heartstrings.

“Love you too,” I mumble under my breath.

Joe walks Jared out while I work on unzipping my dress. Taking my shoes off, I head to the bathroom to use the mirror to see better. Yep, definitely more drunk that I thought. Eyeing my reflection, my pleased grin begins to change to a subdued sadness as the reality of tonight begins to sink into my heart. One of my two best friends is getting married. I’m happy for her, but my gut drops knowing that I’ve lost her. A tear runs down my cheek as I look away.

“You okay,” Joe checks, walking towards me.

“Huh? Yeah. Good,” I return, wiping the tear away.

“What’s wrong?” he searches with concern.

“Nothing,” I lie. “Umm, can you help me with the zipper?” I turn and move my hair out of the way.

“Sure.” He gently lowers it with ease.

Our bodies hover close, not wanting to separate. He softly cups my chin and dries my cheeks from the tear stains. With the power of alcohol coursing through me, I kiss Joe. He returns the embrace before he unexpectedly pulls away. My eyes blink slowly as I try to comprehend what just happened.

“We should get you to bed,” he directs.

“Okay,” I quietly agree, pouting.

I suddenly feel frisky at the thought that he might want to fool around.

Incoherently, I take off my dress and hang it in the closet. Left with just a strapless bra and a matching lace thong, I search for pajamas. Retrieving light grey boy-shorts underwear and a matching tank top, I ungracefully change. Not caring about my hair and make-up, I turn to get under the covers. A giggle sneaks out of my mouth when I find Joe on the edge of the bed petting Sadie. I forgot he was in the room.

Amused by the thought, I tease, “Were you just watching me get dressed?”

“No,” he contends, looking at me. He jerks his head away immediately.

“What’s wrong?” I ask, gulping down the rest of the water in the glass on the nightstand.

Clearing his throat, he comments, “Nothing.”

For some strange reason, I sit down on Joe’s lap. “Are you mad at me?”

“No. God, no. Why would you think that?” he professes without hesitation. He brushes a few strands of hair off my shoulder.

Shifting, I straddle him, watching his express as he keeps his head turned to the side. I slide closer to him, but he firmly places his hands on my hips. “You look like your mad at me,” I say with concern.

With a genuine smile, he looks at me. “I’m not mad at you.”

My intoxication and physical desire for him urges me and my lips are suddenly embracing his. Joe doesn’t fight and allows my lips and tongue to caress his. My hands slide down his shoulders to his top shirt button, and when the second button is loose, he pulls away.

“We should get you to bed,” his gruff voice states.

I slide under the covers towards the middle of the bed as Sadie curls up next to me. Joe shifts the covers and then sits down. I pout when I realize that he’s not joining me.

“What’s wrong?”

“You aren’t joining me?”

“Not tonight,” he asserts.

I pout more, but it doesn’t seem to phase him.

Laughing, he kisses me on the forehead. “Goodnight, beautiful.”

“Goodnight, Joe.”

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