Read Just Her Luck Online

Authors: Jeanette Lynn

Just Her Luck (79 page)

BOOK: Just Her Luck
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“Uhmmmm… yes?”

It was Ephraim’s turn to laugh.

“And why, might I ask, would you allow such a thing?” my blonde rogue grumbled.

“I like him best?”

“Aw, what the hell!”

We were interrupted when we heard a door smacking down the hall.

“Hey!” I heard Reeve shouting.

“Sounds like somebody woke the bear,” I whispered, listening interestedly.

“Which one of you assholes has my woman?” he bellowed.

I grinned.

Thatcher and Ephraim shared a speaking glance.

“Should we make a run for it, or do you think he could break down the door if we lock it?”

“Do I look like I could run anywhere?” Thatcher muttered sarcastically.

“If properly motivated, brother, anything can get accomplished,” Ephraim told him.

always shove
outside and lock ourselves in,” Thatcher mused thoughtfully.

“I am right here!” I shouted.

Ephraim grinned.

“Hello! Whoo hoo!” I waved a hand in front of them, but they ignored me.

“Sacrifice her to the beast?” he chuckled.


Reeve opened the door, the wood banging into the frame.

I stood up on the bed and walked to the end, hopping into Reeve’s arms as he glowered down at them both.

He stormed out, me naked in his arms, then stormed back in.

“Give me my damn shirt,” he snarled.

I leaned down when Ephraim held it out, winking at me.

I shoved it over my head and stuck my tongue out at him, Reeve hurrying out the door.

“Aw, baby, don’t be upset!” I heard him holler down the hall, in between fits of laughter.

“Go play with your ponies, cowboy!” I shouted back.

Reeve gave me a hard, hot kiss, pulling back to arch a brow at me.

I sniffed a little. “They were teasing me.”

I played with the hair at the nape of his neck, my naked sex brushing against his flat tummy, the muscles rippling as he walked.

Good grief, I’m a horny bastard.

My sex clenched at the thought.

“Want me to beat the shit out of them for you, gremlin?” he asked gruffly.

“Would you
do that?” I eyed him skeptically.

He nuzzled my cheek, somehow managing to walk straight at the same time.

“If they really hurt your feelings, yes.”

I grinned happily, giving him a big smacking kiss.

“My hero!”

He barked out a laugh.

We passed a groggy Bowen, poking his head out of his room.

He glanced at Sawyer, who was yawning from his own doorway, scratching his bare chest.

“If I’d have known that was all it would take, I’d have beaten their asses weeks ago,” Bowen muttered, eyeballing Thatcher’s room.

I broke my lip lock with Reeve long enough to glare at my grinning brutes from over his shoulder.

“Harm one hair on their heads, Bowen Harrison, and I’m biting yours off!”

He chuckled at my feistiness. “Love you too, girly.”

I flipped him the bird and he grinned wolfishly.

“Which head?” Sawyer chuckled, curious.

“Both!” I exclaimed, blowing Sawyer a kiss.

“I thought you were mad at them?” Reeve inquired.

“I am,” I sighed, “I was. What can I say? Men are stupid.”

I hid a smile when his hand rubbed over my ass warningly.

“Is that so?” he raised a brow at me, mock scowling.

I pushed into it, daring him to follow through, tugging a little at his hair as he closed his bedroom door, locking it before he made his way to the bed.

“Yes,” I purred, “you’re all ruled by your cocks.”

He tossed me on the bed, laughing darkly when I squealed, mid-air.

I scrambled and rolled onto my back, turning to keep an eye on my grumpy old man.

I watched, propped up on my elbows as he shoved his briefs down, kicking them off, and jumped me, growling at me as he nipped my chin, thrusting his hardened member against my dripping sex, teasing, but never entering me.

I moaned, squirming when he latched onto one of my breasts, tormenting me with his lips and tongue, bringing me to a fever pitch, just to leave me teetering.

I whimpered in protest when he pulled back, grinning a Cheshire cat grin.

Total male triumph was stamped all over him.


His fingers traced my collar bones, tickling and tingling a path across my chest, leaving behind little sparks of pleasure at his touch.

“I dunno, my little hell cat, seems to me like we men aren’t the only ones being led around by their anatomy.” His chuckle was pure male cockiness.

“I was wrong,” I squeaked hastily, writhing underneath him as he teased me beyond reason, never missing a bit as he brushed his cock, over and over, then in small tight circles, right against my pleasure button.

My nails dug into his forearms, clutching onto him for dear life as he licked and plucked at my nipples, biting my neck, taking out all the stops to get me to break first.

Hit that clit! Fuck me already!
I wanted to scream, barely reigning myself in.

A few more minutes of
and he’d break me for sure.

I licked my lips, and he leaned down to nip at them, nibbling them lightly.

Moaning out loud, I crushed my mouth to his, a death grip on him as it brought our bodies right where I wanted them, aligning us perfectly.

I slammed down and rammed myself home, calling out, very vocally, my thoughts and feelings on the matter.

Something along the lines of… “Holyshitmotherfuckin’A’Aaahhhh! Reeve! Fuck! Fuck me! Fuck me now! Please!”

He was just as vocal as well, hollering like an injured lumberjack in the middle of the woods as he fucked me hard and fast, the bed ramming into the wall, leaving a lovely impression of the bed frame behind as we tried to grind each other into the mattress.

Maybe we’d leave an impression in that too.



…Eggs N Bakey



“You made her sore didn’t you?” I heard Bo gripe at Reeve.

Reeve didn’t answer, but the self-satisfied grin on his face as he shoveled in another forkful of food was answer enough.

I set a platter down in the middle of the table, interrupting them, refilling his coffee.

“What are you talking about, fellas?”

I put the coffee pot back.

“Nothin’,” Bo rumbled, grabbing a ham steak with his fork to put it on his plate.

I walked back over.

“Nothin’, huh?”

“Yep,” he glanced at Reeve, “nothin’.”

Reeve smiled around his coffee, eyeing me.

My fingers brushed his shoulders as I walked around to my seat.

Thatcher snorted from the couch, waving his fork at his brothers.

“If I had to guess,” he studied his brothers closely from his perch, “I’d say Bo’s bitchin’ ‘cause Reeve’s had you
week long and the bastard went and had you again, uh
… whatever the hell it was you two were doing in there that had Reeve yodeling like that,
putting you out of commission for him and Sawyer. It sounded like you two were tearing down walls. Do I sense a dry wall patch up job coming up?”

Reeve’s face reddened, but other than that, gave no indication that he was paying any attention.

Thatcher looked at Bo in mock sadness.

“You poor, poor bastard,” he shook his head sadly, “now you’re going to have to jerk off or something and you
it just isn’t the same.”

“You little…” Bo snarled.

I jumped up and gripped his hand, stopping him from pummeling my broken rakehell-
butt face or not-
as said butt face laughed hysterically.

I let go when he eventually calmed down.

My poor sexy conqueror is getting ants in the pants for a little lovin’.

Definitely going to have to take care of that later.

He grumbled under his breath, glaring at Thatcher, stabbing his breakfast viciously.

I wanted to laugh out loud.

“I take it back,” I cut into my own ham steak, making it into little squares, ready to pop in a bite. “You can beat his ass. Oh, and I forgive you for being mean to him.”

I got a chuckle out of Bo for that.

“Hey!” Thatcher’s laughter died.

I shrugged. “What? I must have forgotten, with you being gone all week and getting frazzled from your broken leg and everything, just how, erm,
you can be.”

“Trying?! Trying!”

The rest of the guys grinned, turning their attention back to their food as Thatcher griped on, bemoaning me and life in general.

I winked at him when he looked over at me, smiling to myself when he winked back.

Man, I’ve missed them,
I thought happily, glad to have all my guys back, under one roof.

This is just the way it should be.



Groped Into It



“Are you sure? It would only take a second,” he grumbled, eyeing me dubiously as I crouched down underneath his desk.

“Would you just shut up and take your pants off! I’m trying to love you here!”

He dropped trou’ and sat down, pushing himself into his desk, just like I’d requested.

“If anyone walks in, you give away what I’m doing and I stop, got it?”

Bo shifted restlessly in his seat, my fingers gliding over his fat cock greedily.

He grunted, trying not to squirm.

“I still say we should lock the door,” he grumbled.

I licked the head of his shaft, and he moaned, the sound of papers sliding across his desk making me grin.

“Where’s your adventurous side, my sexy conqueror? Don’t you like a little kink? The thrill of being caught? Erm… by one of
men anyways…”

“No. Not right now I don’t, and especially not by one of the employees. I don’t want anyone else stumbling in on you naked, seeing how sexy you are, all those desirable curves. That’s private. Special.”

My tongue traced the seam of the slit on his cock head.

He shivered.

“Besides, if one of my brothers comes in here, I’m not willing to share right now. I might just brain the bastard if he tries to horn in. Those pouting sexy lips are mine, sweetheart. This is

Aw, so sweet.

He wants me all to himself.

I showed him my appreciation quite thoroughly, deep throating him at his work desk.

Reeve’s familiar knock sounded a little later, but Bo was a little too busy white knuckling his desk, saying a very emphatic, fervent prayer under his breath as he stiffened and groaned, pumping his hips a little as he came down the back of my throat.

The salty sweet tang brushed my tongue as he gave me his release, his large frame slumping down when he eventually finished, his softening cock still twitching as I sucked and licked him clean.

“You got a minute?” Reeve asked, walking in after another series of knocks went unanswered.

I knew he was going to say no, giving us away, so I pinched his inner thigh, making him jump.

“What’s up?” he grunted.

“You alright?” Reeve asked, “You’re being kinda jumpy.”

Bo’s chair creaked as he shifted his weight.

I grinned, my fingers walking up his naked inner thigh.

He tried to shoo my hand away, but I wouldn’t be deterred, running my hand under his balls.

“Ah, nope. I’m fine. What did you nee…
I mean, need.”

Reeve hummed under his breath, crossing to the door.

“Naw, forget it. I’ll ask you later.”

“You sure?”

“Yeah. I’ll wait ‘til you’re not, uh,
.” He snorted, the sound of the door knob turning reaching my ears.

“How the hell did he know?” I grumbled, my voice muffled from under the desk.

Bowen chuckled at me, pulling his chair out enough to let me out.

“Because, my little hell cat,” Reeve grinned, still in the room, “he looks like you just rung his bell.”

“Oh,” I grinned back, flattered, “why, thank you.”

I batted my lashes playfully at him and blew him a kiss.

I know, I’m sick, but I like it and they like me, so who cares!

BOOK: Just Her Luck
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