Just What the Truth Is (23 page)

BOOK: Just What the Truth Is
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“Hey.” He smiled up at me as soon as he heard me approach.

“Hey, yourself.” I kept walking until I was right next to him, but I still didn’t feel close enough.

Micah must have felt the same way, because he rolled his chair back and patted his lap.

I sat down, circled my arms around his neck, and rested my chin on his shoulder. “So what’d you find out this morning? Do you think you have what you need to get your case settled?”

Micah kissed my cheek and rubbed my back. “Yup. I interviewed every staff member at the client’s office who had access to his e-mail. His secretary started bawling after two minutes. Turns out the plaintiff was so sure our client had been trying to cut him out of the sale that he approached the secretary and offered to give her a portion of his winnings from the lawsuit if she’d look through e-mails to find proof that our client had been working on the deal before the partner got bought out. When she couldn’t find any proof, she created it herself by editing that e-mail. She said she regretted doing it and would have eventually gone in and just deleted the thing, but before she could, we had our disclosure deadline, and we found the e-mail and turned it over to the other side.”

I hugged Micah even tighter. It was a great catch on his part, and I was proud of him. “So what now?” I asked.

“Now I stay up all night and draft a letter convincing the plaintiff that walking away from this lawsuit with nothing is preferable to facing a counterclaim for malicious prosecution and falsifying evidence because he was conspiring with that employee.” Another kiss to my forehead, and then Micah whispered in my ear. “I’m sorry that I won’t be able to spend any time with you tonight. Soon, though. I promise once this is over, my evenings will belong to you.”

I wasn’t upset. After all, I understood the pressures of his job. “Don’t worry about it. I need to get my stuff packed anyway, so this’ll give me a chance to get it done without you around as a constant”—I kissed his nose—“delicious”—I kissed his cheek—“hot as hell”—I kissed his chin—“distraction.” A soft peck on his lips, and then I pulled away before things got out of hand. “Do you want any kitchen stuff or anything else from my place, or should I just bring my clothes and personal things to your house and donate the rest to charity?”

“You can bring anything you want. If I need to get rid of some of my stuff to make room, that’s fine. I want you to feel comfortable there, honey, because it’s
house now.”

A noise from the doorway got our attention. I turned my head and jumped to my feet when I saw Lanie Jorgens, one of the other litigation partners in the firm, standing just inside the threshold of Micah’s office and watching us.

“Please, don’t stop on my account,” she said. “You’re giving me enough fantasy material to last a hell of a long time.”

“If you’re that hard up, Lanie, it’s time for you to go out and meet a man,” Micah responded, completely unfazed by both her comment and the fact that she had caught us in a somewhat compromising position.

Well, I supposed it wasn’t really a compromising position. It wasn’t like we were making out, and we were in Micah’s private office. Plus, we were going to move in together. No reason to hide anything.

Geez, I had thought I was done with the whole coming out anxiety, and there it was rearing its head again. Well, it probably wouldn’t be the last time either, but it did feel easier this time. I reached over and took Micah’s hand in mine. He smiled at me, the sides of his eyes crinkling in a breath-stealing way.

“You introduce me to a straight guy that looks like either of you two”—Lanie pointed her finger and moved it back and forth between us as she spoke—“and isn’t intimidated by a woman who uses her head for something other than a decorative accessory, and I’ll get right on that. Until then, images of the two of you bumping uglies will have to be enough.” She plopped down in one of the empty chairs facing Micah’s desk and leaned back. “So, did I hear you say something about moving in together? Any chance I can get some cameras installed in your bedroom like in those reality TV shows? Just for my own personal viewing pleasure, of course.”

Lanie was just the first person at work to hear our good news. The following morning, it was the firm’s HR administrator when I went in to ask for paperwork notifying them about my change of address information. Of course that meant I also had to tell my secretary, because her feelings would be hurt if she heard about my relationship from somebody else at the office before I told her myself.

And by Tuesday afternoon, when we were at happy hour with most of the people from our office celebrating Micah’s success in settling his case, one of the senior attorneys in my section walked up, coughed before looking anywhere but in my eyes, and mumbled, “I hear congratulations are in order so, uh, you make a lovely couple.” Yeah, it was awkward as hell, but it was also well-intentioned and nice.

I probably shouldn’t have expected a fire and brimstone speech from anyone at a firm that had hired Tucker Jones, an openly gay associate, and Micah, who was openly gay and our highest-grossing partner, but my self-flagellation had known no bounds, and I had spent many years being certain that other people would hate me as much as I had hated myself if they found out that I was gay. So getting acceptance and even support from my colleagues was a huge relief.

Chapter Twenty-Two



know if it was excitement over winning his case or the conversation we’d been having about how far along I had gotten in my packing the prior evening— hell, it could have just been hormones—but Micah had my back against the door and his mouth latched onto my neck as soon as we walked into the bedroom.

He helped me undress in a “get those clothes off before I rip them off” kind of way, and then he pushed me down on the bed and swallowed down my cock.

“Oh! Christ, Micah!”

There was no warm-up, no time for my brain to process where I was going, I was just plunged straight into an incredible blow job and a rapidly approaching orgasm. I clutched the back of his head and pumped my hips up, pushing my cock farther into his mouth and throat. The rough treatment didn’t bother Micah. In fact, I was pretty sure I heard happy moans coming from around my spit-slicked cock.

“Yes, suck my dick,” I demanded as my hips flew up and my cock plunged balls deep into his mouth. “Take it, Micah, take it. Ungh, yes! Take my load.”

My entire body stiffened and arched, with only my shoulders and ankles touching the mattress as I shot down his throat. Micah swallowed every last drop before licking me clean. When my body stopped trembling with aftershocks from the powerful orgasm, I tugged on Micah’s ear. “Come up here. You melted me, and I wanna suck you too.”

He crawled over my body and kneeled above me, straddling my shoulders as he unfastened his pants just enough to set his hard dick free. It found my waiting mouth like a divining rod.

Micah held onto the base of his cock and fed it to me, looking into my eyes as my mouth stretched around his wide, hard dick. There was something particularly sordid about that position, lying flat on my back, completely naked, with my almost-fully-clothed lover pinning me to the bed and watching me as he fucked my mouth. And I found it erotic as hell.

Micah pulled his dick out of my mouth slowly, then rubbed the wet head over my lips, chin, and both cheeks before shoving it back inside. “Fuck! You look so good with your lips wrapped around my dick.” He pulled back until I was swirling my tongue around just his glans. Then he plunged in until he was pressing against my throat. “You like that, honey? Like sucking me off?”

I did like it, and I liked the dirty talk too. The whole scene was so arousing that my dick was somehow making an incredibly fast recovery. I wrapped my hand around my hardening member and stroked myself as Micah continued to take control of my mouth.

“It’s so good with you, Ben.” His words came out in breathless gasps. “Always so good with you.”

Just a little more time and a little more stimulation and I knew I would be going off again. The realization excited me further. I increased the pressure of my sucks, moaned around his dick, and pumped my hips, pushing my own dick through my fist.

“Oh, yeah,” he rasped. “You like this. So fucking hot.”

He pushed farther into my throat, almost making me gag, before backing off and then pushing back in again. After several repetitions of that pattern, he took his cock out of my mouth and rubbed it on my face again.

“So gorgeous. Gonna cum all over your face.” His voice was husky and low, full of arousal and promise.

I whimpered and thrust my hips up and down, increasing the pace of my strokes.

“You want that, Ben? Want my seed all over your handsome face?”

Formulating a verbal response was impossible, but I nodded and grunted and opened my mouth, hoping that’d show him how much I wanted him to spill all over me.

Those blue eyes burned as he leaned above my face, his hand flying around his dick. “Here it comes. Here it comes.” His head tilted back, but his eyes remained focused on me, and then long streams of ejaculate shot out of his cock onto my lips and cheeks.

I closed my eyes as my own orgasm hit, coating my hand in wet warmth. I felt Micah’s fingers softly mapping my face, rubbing in his seed. When I finally opened my eyes, his adoring gaze greeted me.

“I’ve never done anything like that,” he whispered.

“Me neither.” My voice was just as quiet.

His eyes dipped and then he raised them to meet mine again. “I liked it.”

He sounded so shy, which struck me as funny after how aggressive he had just been. I chuckled.

“I liked it too,” I responded. “Guess we have some new things we can explore together, huh?”

His lips met mine with a soft kiss, and then I felt his tongue dart out, licking his own flavor off me. So hot.

“Well, we’ve got a lifetime together. Good to know we can keep it interesting.”



out of work a little early on Friday and went back to my condo to do the last of the packing. The prospect of starting the next phase of my life—the one I shared with Micah—had me so excited that I had been able to think of little else. After talking about current market conditions with Micah’s friend David—strike that,
friend David—who was a Realtor, I decided to rent out my condo instead of selling it.

I had also taken a careful inventory of Micah’s furniture and décor. It wasn’t just the architectural style of his house that was decidedly modern; the same was true for the interior space. I really liked how it looked and saw no point in changing it just so I could stand on principle and say half my furniture needed to be there too. So I picked a few pieces that I thought might add rather than detract from the design and decided to leave the rest in my condo.

Renting my place out furnished would garner a bit more rent every month, according to the Realtor I hired to find me a tenant. I wanted to use David, but he worked mainly in EC West and Central, and my condo in EC North was far enough away that he thought it would make more sense for me to hire someone who specialized in the area. The idea was sound. But the execution had an unfortunate unintended consequence.

I was going through my bathroom cabinets, packing extra toiletries and wondering whether it was possible for those little hotel sample-size body gel bottles to reproduce, because there was no other explanation for why I had so damn many of them, when my phone rang. It was my mother, and I suddenly realized that I hadn’t talked to her in close to two weeks, which was longer than I usually let things go before I touched base. Enter guilt, stage right.

“Hi, Mom.”

“Ben, hi. Uh, are you home, dear? Because your father and I are right down the street, and we’d like to come see you.”

Wow. That was as close to stopping by uninvited as my mother had ever come. Sure, she called first, but still. I was so happy at the prospect that my parents missed me and wanted to spend time with me, that maybe they finally accepted me as I was, that I didn’t think about the boxes strewn about my living room. “Sure. Come on over.”

I had just enough time to toss out the fitness magazines that doubled for porn I had left on my counter to show Micah. When I came across them while packing up my bedroom, I thought it would be a funny little anecdote to share with him, a “look how far I’ve come” kind of moment. But then I decided I didn’t want him looking at other men, even if they were Photoshopped images of people he would never meet in real life. Huh, I never realized I had a jealous streak. Well, I guessed I had never been with someone I wanted to keep, someone I loved.

The knock on my door disrupted my mental musings, which was probably a good thing.

Come on, don’t act surprised. You’ve gotten a glimpse inside my mind. You know how unbalanced things are in there.

“Hi, Mom. Hi, Dad. Come on in.”

I held the door open for my parents as they walked into my condo. The place wasn’t very big, and the front door opened to the combination entryway/living room/dining room. All the furniture was still there, so there wasn’t an issue with places to sit. But I knew I would have to explain the boxes lined up against the wall.

BOOK: Just What the Truth Is
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