Just What the Truth Is (22 page)

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I was almost out the door when Micah called my name. I turned around and met his tender gaze.

“Thanks for taking care of me, Ben.”

My chest tightened and my heart stuttered. “Always.”



was thinking of going to LA at the end of the month for Rosh Hashana,” Micah said.

I was sitting at the end of the bathtub, leaning against the glass tiles, with my arms wrapped around Micah, who was lying between my legs with his head resting on my shoulder and his hands stroking my thighs and knees. The steam and the quiet were having the intended relaxing effect on me, and based on Micah’s slowed speech pattern, I thought he was finally winding down.

“Mmm. Which one’s Rosh Hashana again?”

“Jewish New Year. It’s not super time-consuming, just a few hours in temple the first night and again the next morning. But it’ll be nice to see my family, and if the trial settles, we could make it a longer trip. Maybe two weeks, and then we’ll be there for Yom Kippur too.”

Okay, that woke me up. “We?”

Micah tilted his head back and kissed my chin. “Uh-huh.
. I’d like you to meet my family, and I want them to meet you. What do you think?”

“I think it sounds like you’re pretty serious about me,” I teased.

“Don’t bust my balls about this, Benjamin.”

I dragged my hands across his chest, over his stomach, and down to his groin, where I cupped his soft cock and balls. “Oh, now you know I’d never hurt your balls. I love playing with them far too much.”

“You’re not funny,” he grumbled.

“I beg to differ. I think I’m pretty friggin’ hilarious.”

He sighed. “Whatever. So are you gonna come meet my family?”

I was having too much fun to stop playing with him. “That depends. You didn’t answer my question.”

“What’s your damn question?” Growly Micah was just as adorable as regular Micah.

“My question….” I gave his package a final squeeze and then ran my fingers back up his body and played with the hair on his chest. “Is whether the invitation means you’re serious about me?”

Micah suddenly pulled away, splashing water over the side of the tub. At first I thought I had pushed him too far and he was pissed. But then he twisted his body around so he was facing me and rose so his left foot was planted on the bottom of the tub along with his right knee. He reached for my hand and yanked it toward him, resting it on his elevated knee.

“I was going to wait until after the trip so my mother wouldn’t kill me for doing this with a guy she’s never met, but you leave me no choice. Ehm, Ben Forman, will you make me the happiest guy on earth and become my domestic partner?”

I couldn’t hold back my laugh. “You did
just ask me to be your domestic partner. Was that supposed to be some kind of proposal? ’Cause I’ve gotta tell you, Micah, it was seriously lacking in the romance department.”

“Hey, you can blame our political leaders for that. As soon as they pull their heads out of their collective asses and overturn DOMA, we can get hitched and have it mean something. But for now, domestic partners is the best I can do.”

I flipped my hand over so I could get a grip on his wrist, and then I pulled him forward until he toppled and landed with his chest against mine. “You’re such a lawyer,” I said as I stroked his cheek.

“Yeah, I am.” He leaned forward and kissed me, taking my bottom lip between both of his and tugging it gently before pulling away. “But I’m also a guy who is ass over teakettle in love with you. If you want romance, I’ll buy you flowers or get candles or… hell, I’ll fuckin’ Google ‘romantic gestures’ first thing in the morning and follow every damn suggestion, just….” He sighed deeply. “Ben, I love you. I mean, I really, really love you.”

It was hard to breathe after that little speech, and I couldn’t blink fast enough to keep the tears from leaking out of the corners of my eyes. “I love you too, Micah,” I whispered to him. “Yes, I’ll come meet your family. And yes, I’ll move in with you. But the ‘happiest guy on earth’ title is off the table, because as of this moment, it belongs to me.”

Chapter Twenty-One



think given the late—or was it early?—hour, I would have been asleep the second my head hit the pillow. But as it turned out, helping Micah relax and unwind had ended up getting certain parts of me all worked up. More specifically, my heart, which actually ached as a result of the depth of my feelings for Micah, and my dick, which was about the furthest thing possible from relaxed, again, because of those feelings.

Don’t get me wrong, I wasn’t complaining. Great sex was worth a sleepless night any day of the week and twice on Sunday. So I figured I would go for middle-of-the-night orgasm number two.



“On Thursday night when you were working late, I was home alone and I was bored and, um, horny so I….”

He sat up, letting the blanket pool around his waist. From the expression on his face, it was clear that I had gotten his attention. “Yeah?”

“I thought it might be, uh, nice to watch some porn. So I went online and I saw something that I wanna try.”

“Yes,” he agreed with a firm nod.

“You didn’t even hear what it is yet.”

“You said porn, right?” he responded. “As far as I’m concerned, anything that involves getting sweaty and sticky with you goes on the ‘yes’ list. No questions asked.”

I smiled at him and circled the perimeter of his nipple with the tip of my index finger. “Ditto.”

“Hmmm, a fantasy swap. This could be like the best version ever of ‘you show me yours and I’ll show you mine’.”

Just the thought of hearing Micah tell me one of his fantasies was enough to make me moan out loud. “Yeah, you’re on,” I said, before pulling him down and pressing close to his body.

We lay on our sides, our hands exploring each other as our tongues danced. I ran my fingers through Micah’s chest hair, pulling on the soft strands just enough to make him groan. After that, I reached lower and cupped his cock, feeling the silky skin covering hard steel. I curled my fingers around his erection and slid my fist up and down. Micah decided to get in on that action and took my dick into his hand, jacking me in concert with my movement around his hard member.

“It always amazes me how much better it feels to have your hand on me than my own,” I mumbled into his mouth.

“Mmm-hmm.” He tilted his head, taking our kiss deeper and sucking my tongue harder.

I knew that if we didn’t stop soon, it would all be over, so I reluctantly pulled away. “Flip onto your stomach for me.”

No question, no complaint, just immediate compliance as Micah wiggled a little and got onto his stomach and rested his arms at his sides. I straddled his thighs and flattened my hand on his back, running it over the smooth skin, feeling the wiry muscles bunch beneath my touch. Just that simple act—looking at my lover, touching his body—had me hard enough to pound nails. And now I was going to have this every day. I closed my eyes and thanked the universe for letting Micah Trains walk into my life.

I had promised Micah total relaxation, so I thought starting with a massage would do the trick. After retrieving a bottle of lotion from the nightstand, I coated my fingers and palms and began with his neck and shoulders, rubbing the muscles until all the tension eased from his body. Micah remained still beneath me except for the occasional wiggle and more-than-occasional groan of satisfaction. Those groans sounded an awful lot like sex noises, so by the time I reached his lower back, I was done with the massage and ready to move on to something a little more X-rated.

I caressed the mounds of his ass and scooted down a bit further, wedging myself between Micah’s legs. Then I bent forward and placed a small kiss at the base of Micah’s spine, right above his ass. That kiss led to another just a bit lower, and soon my hands shifted from caressing Micah’s ass to pulling those cheeks apart and exposing his cleft.

My fingers explored first, running over the normally hidden skin and making Micah tremble. And then I dipped my face forward and let my tongue follow the same path.

“Ben!” Micah shouted my name and brought his knees up and out so his ass was elevated and available to me.

“You like this?” I asked him before leaning down to take a long swipe from his balls up to the edge of his crack.

“Yeah, ungh! Yes, I like it. Don’t stop.”

I had no intention of stopping. The flavor and scent of my lover, the sound of his pleasure, the feel of his body, all those things had me just as worked up as Micah. I stopped talking and concentrated on Micah’s body. Long licks gave way to short swipes focused more and more on his rosebud until eventually, I was circling that puckered opening with my tongue and then pressing my way inside.

“Oh, God,” Micah moaned. “Feels good.”

It was good for me too. I wiggled my tongue just on the inside of his body, then pulled it out and licked around his opening again, before darting back inside. Eventually, my lips were pressed tight against him and my tongue was buried all the way inside, plunging in and out of his ass.

I needed to get inside that hot body so desperately that I was shaking. I moved back onto my knees and grabbed the bottle of lotion that was still lying next to me. It would have to do instead of lube. No way did I have the presence of mind to go in search of anything at that moment. I coated my cock and leaned over Micah, my left hand flat on the mattress next to him and my right hand griping my hard cock and positioning it at his entrance.

Micah pushed back as I moved forward, and I broke through that ring of muscle easily, entering the welcoming warmth of his body. I stilled when I was balls deep, dropping my forehead onto Micah’s shoulder and willing myself to calm down so it wouldn’t be over before it started. Once I thought I had at least a modicum of control, I raised my hips, pulling my cock almost completely out of his ass before slamming back down again.

“Yes!” he shouted and met my thrusts, moving his hips up as I pushed down.

We found our rhythm, our bodies rocking together in concert, the pleasure almost overwhelming in its intensity. Micah folded his elbows so they supported his elevated body, and I reached my right hand underneath him, taking hold of his erection and stroking him off in time with our thrusting motions.

“I’m right there, Ben. Right there. Right there.” His head shot up, neck stretched, and I felt his cock pulse and spill over my hand. “Fuck, yes!”

He was still shaking when I found my release and shot deep inside his body. After a few seconds, we both collapsed, shifting onto our sides. I tucked one arm under Micah’s neck and draped the other over his waist as I pressed my chest to his back.

“Shit, honey, you should watch porn more often,” he said breathlessly. “I think I’m gonna buy you a subscription for you birthday.”

I laughed and kissed his neck. “Stop working so damn hard and we can watch it together.”

He was quiet for a couple of minutes, but once our breathing slowed to normal, his hand covered mine and gave me a squeeze. “Just let me get this one case handled and you’ve got yourself a deal. With a man like you waiting for me at home, it’d be a crime to keep spending so much time at the office.”



of how busy Micah had been preparing for his trial, our only time together in the office had been after hours when we walked to get dinner. As a result, nobody saw us with one another enough to realize there was anything going on between us. Well, that was about to change.

Micah spent most of Monday morning and early afternoon at his client’s office. And if the excited buzz on the litigation side of the floor was any indication, I guessed that he had confirmed his suspicions about the “smoking gun” e-mail being a fake. We hadn’t talked about a specific timeframe for me to move into his place, but I found myself so happy and excited at the prospect of spending every night with Micah and waking up in his arms every morning that I decided there was no point in delaying it.

With his case in a fever-pitch mode and him trying to broker a settlement at the eleventh hour, I figured Micah wouldn’t leave the office until very late that night. Well, if I was going to be alone that evening anyway, I might as well use it productively and pack. Of course that meant getting boxes, which meant leaving the office before the truck rental and packing supplies store closed. Okay, they probably stayed open until nine, but I couldn’t concentrate on work anyway, and I wanted to get my packing done so I could bring my things over to Micah’s house that weekend. With my decision made, I closed the document I was working on and walked over to Micah’s office to say goodnight.

He was hunched over his desk with a pen in his mouth and his hand on his head, concentrating on a document. I paused at his doorway and looked my fill. Short brown hair, brow creased in concentration, full lips, and even though I couldn’t see them, I knew there were intelligent blue eyes to go with that package. My body instinctively moved toward my sexy lover.

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