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First of all, if the children do lie, it is probably for self-preservation, and because they learned to do so from their mother. For Kate, lying is like breathing. She even lied in her blog when she said that lying is something she has “always harped against.” Maybe she meant that she has always harped against having “a group of lying kids” on her hands, but it is perfectly OK for her to lie.

After her weeping and gnashing of teeth about the lying kids, she had the nerve to ask the
“How could this be happening?”

It’s happening because eight beautiful little children were terrified of what their mother would do to them if they were found to be the one who damaged her precious, piece-of-crap globe.





You have already read some of these excerpts from Kate’s journal in the MOMMY’S JOURNAL chapter. Here’s one more.


July 2007

After naptime Kate went into the kid’s room and found a tall dresser had been knocked over, a lamp knocked down with it’s bulb shattered, leaving shards of glass everywhere, a two foot by one foot section of the wall was peeled down to the inside of the drywall leaving those pieces thrown everywhere in the room. The locked box of lotions was opened and all over the floor and smeared everywhere!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Kate said this had all happened while she was downstairs listening on the baby monitor and thinking the kids were playing nicely.


Anybody who has ever used
baby monitors knows that they are so sensitive you can hear a baby breathing. That’s kind of the point of them. So Kate was downstairs listening to her children through the baby monitor, and she did nothing about what must have sounded like World War III upstairs. How could anyone hear a dresser being toppled and a light bulb shattering and think “they are playing nicely”?





Kate is in control of the Gosselin operation 24/7, including when she is traveling. She makes time for every infinitesimal business detail that comes along and is constantly monitoring her emails and talking on her cell phone. Yet, somehow, she failed to handle the minor little detail of paying for her kids’ lunches at school, and managed to make it look like it was Jon’s fault in the process.

In an email from April 24, 2009, Beth Stine from the children’s school informed Kate that lunch money accounts for Mady and Cara were overdrawn. She told Kate that “Madelyn’s” account was overdrawn by $234.65, and Cara’s account was overdrawn by $187.60. She asked Kate to please send in a check made out to LCDS for $422.25 to cover the amount currently owed, and to please send in a little extra to cover their cafeteria purchases through the end of the school year. She explained to Kate that if there was any money left in their accounts at the end of the year she could carry it over to the next year.

her response to Beth, Kate managed to show her ignorance, provide excuses, and blame Jon for the situation all in one fell swoop of just four short sentences. Kate told Beth that Mady and Cara were obviously “buying lunch a lot more than I realized!!!!” She explained that she would be away until the next week, but would mail her a check as soon as possible. Kate then apologized, and told Beth that she travels a lot and “Jon must not be packing lunch as I had thought! :)”

I have never seen Kate Gosselin EVER put her children’s needs ahead of hers, whether those needs are for lunches or anything else. And, of course, it was all Jon’s fault anyway.





What kind of mother, not just a loving mother, but any kind of mother, would do this?

In Season 4, on the “Legos & Safaris” episode of
Jon & Kate Plus Ei8ht
, while racing on a small pond in little paddle boats with the kids, Kate races ahead of her small children so she can beat them in the race. Then, back on the interview couch discussing the incident, Kate enthusiastically tells us, “…and I ended up passing everyone and winning!!!”

Most mothers go out of their way to let their little ones win races or games until they get to an age where they are capable of learning how to handle defeat. A grown woman racing against her 5-year-old children…and taking delight in beating them…and then bragging about it to the world, is a perfect example of someone who is sick, emotionally vacant, and narcissistic. I think I gave her too much credit when I compared her to a 13-year-old child. In this instance, she seems to not have made it beyond 8 years old in the maturation process.

On that same trip to San Diego, Kate again showed her lack of maturity and reason by punishing Mady and making her miss out on seeing some wildlife that the kids were all looking forward to.

“Mady was having a meltdown and I opted that if she has meltdowns she needs to skip out on the fun. She was very angry with us but we made her stay back cause I just didn’t want her ugliness to rub off on everybody else, I wanted them to have a good time and I was excited to show them these fish so she stayed back with Jenny.”

Kate didn’t want Mady’s “ugliness” to rub off on everybody else, but she sure wasn’t worried about her own ugliness ruining their good time. While feeding the fish, Kate says to Joel, “Um yeah, you’re dripping it on yourself! You’re gonna stink! That was wonderful, Joel! Now you’re gonna stink like a fish but we can’t change you!”

I’d like to ask poor little Joel if he had a good time being scolded and ridiculed by his mother. Any possible “ugliness” from Mady would have paled in comparison to that shown by Kate.





The following are excerpts from my daily reporting for


Jon & Kate Gosselin PA Reporting

August 2009

…Jon got a basketball from the garage and shot around for a few minutes with Cara. The other kids are playing. They’re thrilled that Jon is home because Kate rarely lets them outside and I never hear them yelling and playing while she’s here. They’re going crazy running around now and having fun.


Jon and Kate Gosselin PA Reporting

September 2009

5:30 pm – Kate was supposed to come home to relieve Jon but she was waiting for him to leave the house and Jon didn’t want to leave the house and let the kids alone without her being there, so we had a three hour stalemate. Kate went to the tanning salon and the UPS store the paps told me and then to the Giant where she bought groceries. She then sat in her Land Cruiser in the Giant parking lot for over an hour while Jon waited at the house for her to get home. He was getting pissed at her for acting like this.

Jon told me that it was exhausting taking care of eight kids alone in response to my question. I have a couple little ones and I can’t imagine what it must be like to have eight. He said he just did dinner, dessert, played, bathed them all while Mady and Cara packed their own lunches for school tomorrow. He told me that with the little girls, you have to shampoo, condition and brush their hair as well. He loves doing it all. He always smiles when talking about the kids.

7 pm – Kate finally came home and she was dressed to kill in a bright pink dress and heels. She looked stunning. When she first pulled in I could hear just a brief but heated exchange but that was because of the kids. All the kids were excited to see her. I could hear “Mommyyyyyyyyy” from the road and they were giving her big hugs etc. Mady and Cara and most of the little ones helped with the groceries and Kate’s bags. There was just one pap and me there at this point and she didn’t seem happy about it. She did her best to keep herself hidden behind the car and trees, parking right by the front door again.


Jon & Kate Gosselin PA Reporting

September 2009

…Another neighbor from Elizabethtown that I spoke to several weeks ago told me that Kate was always screaming at the kids, even when they were very small. She would run the house like a military base, expecting the kids to jump whenever she yelled for them. “I saw Kate spank the kids many times. She believed in old-school discipline. If she said something and they didn’t listen, they’d get spanked. It got to the point that the kids would cover up when she yelled at them because they didn’t know if they were going to get hit or not.”


Jon & Kate Gosselin PA Reporting

September 2009

After leaving the Target shopping center, she drove in the opposite direction of home and I wasn’t sure where she was headed but she ended up at the kid’s orthodontist in Wyomissing. The TLC crew was there waiting for her outside in the back where she parked. She pulled into their very small lot and a pap pulled in right next to her and she yelled to TLC “They can’t park here! They can’t park here!!” and the TLC guys told him he had to leave. I had parked past there and ran back to see her get out of the car. Kate yelled at Mady, “Move! We’re late because of you!”


Jon & Kate Gosselin PA Reporting

September 2009

I went to the filming location from yesterday to back report on what happened inside during the shoot.

I’ve been going in there for years getting my daughter’s dance supplies so I know the owner well enough to ask questions. She told me off the record that “Kate was very polite and courteous while the crew was filming, but as soon as they stopped, she lost her smile and became very bossy to the camera guys, telling them which angles to shoot her from and when to and not to shoot the kids. She yelled at the kids to behave several times when the cameras were off but laughed off their behavior when they were filming. She seemed to treat the kids like props rather than little people. She talks to them with disdain, like they’re a burden to her. The kids didn’t seem to mind though. They looked very happy and the nanny was there to take care of them. She would take them to the bathroom and be there to control them for Kate.”

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