Katie Friedman Gives Up Texting!

BOOK: Katie Friedman Gives Up Texting!
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To the entire, extended Utz family

especially Mama Rose



Hey, everyone—nice to see you.
It's me, Katie Friedman.

You guys remember me, right?

I'm the one who's usually cheering on the sidelines while Charlie Joe Jackson tells you all those heroic stories about how awesome he is. But he's not all that awesome. He's lazy, conceited, and obnoxious. He's also been my best friend since kindergarten.

*   *   *

But enough about him.

Let's talk about me.

*   *   *

I have an important question to ask you.

Are you doing something else besides reading this book right now?

Are you texting, or Instagraming, or watching a TV show online, or anything like that?

Are you FaceTiming with anyone?

Are you checking Facebook? Snapchat? Twitter?

Are you on Face-Twit-Chat-Gram?

I know, Face-Twit-Chat-Gram doesn't exist.


But it might by the time I finish writing this book.

Or you finish reading it.

Can I ask you something else?

Are you ever worried that screens might run your life? And maybe ruin your life, too?

I didn't think so.

I wasn't worried, either.

I should have been.


Part 1





Here's what happened
breakfast on Monday, April 23:

I texted Hannah Spivero:
I need to talk to you at lunch.

She texted me back:
About what?

I texted her back:

She texted me back:
What kind of stuff?

I texted her back:
Nareem stuff.

She texted me back.
Got it. KK

*   *   *

I posted a picture of my dog staring at herself in the mirror.

*   *   *

I got a text from Becca Clausen:
Mom says yes to rehearsal wednesday

I texted her back:
Yay! Lots to do! Talent show in two weeks! Should we rehearse Saturday, too?

She texted me back:
Dunno, might have basketball

I texted her back:

*   *   *

Then I texted Charlie Joe Jackson:

He texted me back:

I texted him back:
Nareem thing

He texted me back:

*   *   *

Then I got in the shower.

*   *   *

Here's what happened
breakfast on Monday, April 23:

I got a text from Nareem Ramdal:

I texted him back:

He texted me back:
See you at school

I texted him back:

*   *   *

Then I got a text from Eliza Collins:
Hi Katie!

I texted her back:

She texted me back:
Did you do the math?

I texted her back:

She texted me back:
Can i take a quick look in homeroom?

I texted her back:

She texted me back:
Last time i swear!!!

I texted her back:
I guess

She texted me back:
You're the best!

*   *   *

I texted Hannah:
Eliza is driving me crazy

Hannah texted me back:

I texted Hannah back:
Can't take it anymore.

*   *   *

Then I texted Becca:
Can Sammie bring her drums to rehearsal?

I got a text back:
Dunno will ask her

Then I looked up and saw my parents looking at me. They were both shaking their heads.

*   *   *

Here's what happened
on the bus ride to school
on Monday, April 23:

I texted Charlie Joe:
Eliza is so annoying sometimes

I got a text from Charlie Joe:

*   *   *

Then I texted my mom:
Are you picking me up after school?

She texted me back:
Can't, working, take bus okay?

I texted her back:

She texted me back:
K is not a word, and stop texting in school.

I texted her back:
I'm on the bus

She texted me back:
Got to go, love you honey.

I texted her back:

She texted me back:
Very funny.

*   *   *

I got another text from Charlie Joe:
Good luck with the Nareem thing

I texted him back:
THX gonna need it

*   *   *

Then we got to school, and the day began.




“The Nareem thing,”
in case you're wondering, was me thinking I might break up with my boyfriend, Nareem Ramdal.

Nareem and I had been going out for nine months, which is approximately eight months and twenty-one days longer than the average middle school relationship. But that's not why I thought it was maybe time to break up.

I thought it was maybe time to break up because I wasn't sure I liked him anymore. You know—
liked him
liked him.

Hannah ended up asking me about it at lunch. “What was the Nareem stuff you wanted to talk about?” she whispered.

“I'm thinking of breaking up with him,” I whispered back.

“Hey, no secrets you two,” said Celia Barbarossa, who was sitting next to Hannah. “Especially if it involves the opposite sex. Anything you need to tell us?”

“Maybe,” I said. “It's about Nareem. He's awesome, of course. I just think that maybe, you know, it's time.”

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