Katie's Hellion (Rhyn Trilogy, Book One) (27 page)

Read Katie's Hellion (Rhyn Trilogy, Book One) Online

Authors: Lizzy Ford

Tags: #fiction, #romance, #paranormal, #young adult, #contemporary, #ya, #good vs evil, #immortals, #lizzy ford, #rhyn trilogy, #katies hellion

BOOK: Katie's Hellion (Rhyn Trilogy, Book One)
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Part of him was pissed.

He knew if he did anything, Katie would
suffer. Again. So he clenched his teeth and nodded.

"Maybe that's all in the past. The immortals
can polish her up a little. It'll make Hannah so happy," Giovanni
said with genuine warmth.

Giovanni took Rhyn’s silence as encouragement
and began to discuss his pedigree and which immortals he knew. Rhyn
found he didn't need to respond; Giovanni was capable of discussing
himself --and his Hannah --without any sign of stopping.

Instead, Rhyn began to wonder where exactly
his mate would fit in. It wasn't here, in a place best suited for
privileged immortals accustomed to wealth. It wasn't in the
barracks of Kris's fortress. Gabriel had told him just how small
and cluttered her apartment was.

She was like him: someone who didn't fit in
anywhere she should.

He had nothing, no castles or gold like his
brothers. He had nowhere else to go. It'd never been a problem when
it was just him. Now, he had a reason to care what tomorrow
brought, and he wasn't certain he liked the newfound feeling.

Hannah returned a short time later, the only
thing that interrupted Giovanni's ramblings. Rhyn pulled himself
from his thoughts as he stood. He didn't like thinking --he
preferred to act.

"…my greatest honor to meet you," Giovanni
said with a warm smile. "You're welcome here with Katherine

, Rhyn corrected him

Hannah appeared puzzled by the invitation but
smiled when Rhyn turned to her.

"Hannah, dear, please instruct the servants
that Rhyn and Katherine are given whatever they ask for."

"Of course, sweetie," Hannah replied.
"Katherine's waiting for you. She said you were interested in
taking a walk around the estate."

Rhyn said nothing and followed her out of the
study. They strode through the opulent mansion down a stairwell
spilling into sunlight and swaths of green grass at the side of the
main house. He was unaware how tense he was until Hannah left him,
and he breathed in deeply. His muscles were so bunched, they ached
when he shook them free.

"They can be pains in the ass," Katie said
from her seat on a stone bench beneath a massive oak tree. "They
mean well, I think."

He gazed at her, at once hungry and pensive.
He didn't know much about the woman staring at him except that she
was the strongest person he'd ever met. She was genuine,
straightforward, and sweet. He wanted her in his life, permanently,
only he'd need his brothers' help. To keep her, he'd go to

"I have to go somewhere," he said

She frowned, and he couldn't tell if she were
more disappointed or relieved at his news.

"You'll be safe here. Giovanni is an

"Giovanni?" she echoed, surprised. "Hannah
must not know. She can't keep secrets like that."

"She doesn't. I'll be back soon enough."

She looked as if she wanted to say something,
then crossed her arms with a glare. He didn't want to try to
interpret the look or await her scathing return, not when he needed
to find a place for them go to. Instead, he started walking away
and summoned his powers, wondering which of his brothers could be
coerced into giving him what he wanted.

"Rhyn, wait!" she called.

He faced her. She approached him, gaze
troubled once again.

"Kris sent me an apology," she started.

"And?" he asked impatiently.

"He said he knows someone older than him who
can put my life back the way it was."

Her words surprised him. She didn't meet his

"He said he only needed two months of my
time, and even if he didn't do what he needed to at the end of it,
he'd let me have my life back."

"You trust him after what he did to you?" he

"He's not a bad person, Rhyn. If he's making
the offer, he'll keep his word," she said. "I can't live like this,
Rhyn. I won't make it."

Stunned, he waited. She fell silent.

"You said you loved me last night," he said
at last. "I'm leaving now so I can find a safe place for you."

"I was tired and probably half-drunk," she

"I read your mind."

"And you wonder why I want out of this
world?" she snapped, fire lighting up her features. "It doesn't
matter what I feel, Rhyn, when I know I don't belong in this world
or here with you, and I know without a doubt I won't survive, even
if you find some place on another planet to stash me! I don't want
that, Rhyn!"

"Gio and Hannah say your life sucks as it
is," he pointed out.

"But it's my life, even if it does suck. You
try but you can't protect me, Rhyn, which you've proven a dozen
times over. Two months is all Kris asks, and I'm free. What do you
have to offer?"

He said nothing. He had nothing. They both
knew it. She turned away, but he saw the tears gathering in her
eyes. He'd never felt inadequate in his long existence until he
stood before a mere mortal with the knowledge he had nothing to
offer her.

"Don't come back, Rhyn," she said softly.

"You said you're giving Kris two months. How
about me?"

"How about you

"If, at the end of those two months, I
haven't fixed things, you'll go back to your world. If I make
things right, you'll stay. With me," he said in a hushed tone. "As
my mate."

She was quiet briefly, considering, before
she said, "Fine. Sixty days."

Emotions spiraled through him. He wasn't sure
what he felt, but it wasn't gratitude. If anything, he was stunned
she agreed so quickly. It meant she didn't believe him.

She walked away. He watched, sorrow and then
fury filling him.

He'd never had anything worth fighting for
until now. He'd spend the rest of his existence in Hell before he'd
let her go without a fight.

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