
Read Katsugami Online

Authors: Debbie Olive

Tags: #urban fantasy, #paranormal romance, #fantasy, #magic, #epic fantasy, #fantasy series, #shapeshifter, #fantasy romance, #young adult or teen, #hikari okami kitsune series

BOOK: Katsugami
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Copyright 2015 by Debbie Olive

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Chapter 1

Katsuro no Hiroyuki paced
across the room as he waited for his fellow Onmyouji's response.
"How long do you think you could keep me waiting?" he asked while
trying not to sound disrespectful. "I see you haven't changed since
we last saw each other, was it a tenth of a season?" replied an
amused Katsumi no Katashi.

"Whatever it is that you're
playing at just count me out of it because I have no interest, tell
me this have you agreed to place me on watch duty in the human or
yokai world?" as he spoke his eyes fastened on the one who had the
power to determine his fate for Katsumi no Katashi wielded so much
power even among his kind.

"What do you think? That I
would let my favorite take up such a dangerous task you really must
think so poor of me, are you in a hurry to lose your life?" His
voice raised in irritation.

Wanting to diffuse the
situation that was rapidly getting out of hand as his brain started
to formulate the next plan, hoping it would be enough to gain the
favor he sought.

"Would I beg and say that
it was only a joke? What was I thinking that he of all people would
grant my request?" with that in mind knowing that the only way to
get what he wanted was to plead with the one who held his destiny
as he bowed his head to beg for forgiveness.

"Please Katsumi no
Katashi-sama I meant no disrespect by asking for the guard duty
this is the only way to prove my worth as an elite onmyouji, if you
deem it to be something detrimental to my well being then I Katsuro
no Hiroyuki would humbly withdraw my request"

Wondering what had come
over his disciple for him to show such humility in the face of
possible rejection, "You're no longer the selfish, ill-mannered,
impulsive child it seems time truly brings about a sense of
maturity. I will take your request into consideration and allow you
just this once to guard the Tori gate located at the sumiyoshi
shrine that connects our world and those of the yokai.

Chapter 2

The next morning came as Katsuro
no Hiroyuki overslept were it not for the voices of the others
residing in the compound he would have forgotten the duty entrusted
to him, jumping from the futon to head straight for a quick bath
afterwards he hurriedly wore his mint green kariginu "clothe" and
asagutsu footwear.

Removing the weapon box from the
compartment below the tatami "floor" as, he began selecting the
best of the shikigami and spell tags before returning the rest of
the weapons to their previous hiding place. Crouching a little he
began using his fingers to form the Akiraka ni suru spell to keep a
look out for anyone that may be around before leaving his room so
as not to be discovered by the others, after making sure the place
was safe he then snuck out through the back door heading through
the garden leading into the forest path moving as quickly as his
legs could carry him

Releasing the shikigami iguru
before mounting on it, as they both took to the air while releasing
the spell of invisibility to hide from the very eyes of the humans
whom he had sworn to protect. Gradually the journey was coming to
an end as they were drawing closer to the tori gate of the
Sumiyoshi shrine which was now visible, on getting to the entrance
Katsuro no Hiroyuki slowly descended from the back of his eagle
style shikigami, flicking his fingers to disperse the shikigami
into its lifeless form afterwards he headed straight into the

There were few people still
praying in front of the offering box located at the center of the
shrine, none seem to notice that an onmyouji had just passed by
since the spell of invisibility had not been released. Watching the
people closely Katsuro no Hiroyuki noticed there was a woman who
had it not been for the faint yokai aura that seem to be emanating
from her there would have been no way he would have known she
wasn’t human.

What should I do? There are other
humans around, maybe I should lure her outside the shrine?” all
these he asked himself before making the decision to quietly
approach the young woman as he dispelled the spell that hid his

Standing among the worshippers was
a raven haired beauty with dark eyes dressed in a wine and gold
colored yukata which hid feet that were covered in red sock and
wooden slippers, her hair was held in a finely crafted kanzashi
embedded with pure dark glittering onyx stones. Deep in thought she
didn’t notice when her worst enemy was very near until he

Excuse me my name is Katsuro, can
we go somewhere private there is something I wish to discuss with
you.” Wondering what the strange man wanted she decided to follow
him as they begun heading towards the entrance of the shrine.
Exiting the shrine completely he gestured with his hand for them to
turn left into the forest; while all this was going on the woman
didn’t say a word as she obediently followed him.

Chapter 3

The deep brown Ginkaku-ji style
mansion home to the onikisu noble family to the front was a grown
senbonzakura "thousand cherry" tree on the right was a
shishi-odoshi "water fountain" at the back was a zen garden made of
gravel resembling that of rippling water with small plants growing

Inside one of the rooms in the
mansion voices could be heard as a gathering was made to discuss
their fate among other noble families, seated at the head of the
table was Yuudai-sama the head of the family to the right was his
wife Azami-sama, while on the left was Namika and Shinju his

Clearing his throat he began by
saying "You all know the Naginata family are well known for their
battle prowess and weapon making skill, recently the head of their
family asked me to make a sculpture to commemorate the birth of
their heir" pausing to allow what he said to sink into their

"We heard of his birth, nothing
special just another child born into the noble family" said

"They want it placed at the genkan
"hallway" leading to the living room, what worries me is that this
is the first time they have ever asked for our help and I want us
to create it using highly refined onyx stones, by doing so this
would bring their respect and also gain us some favor in the
process" said Yuudai-sama

All the time he spoke his wife
didn't say a word sensing there was more he was yet to tell them,
what came next surprised everyone.

Namika take Shinju with you to
the human world and bring Akihana home."

Chapter 4

A few feet away stood Katsuro no
Hiroyuki as he tried to gauge the strength of the unknown figures
across him, the younger ayakashi kept staring at the intruder as
neither made a move.

Nami-niisan hasn't been able to find Aki-niisama its no use
asking her what to do next, hmm...let me see....maybe I should ask
the human over there? But there is something about him that makes
me uneasy...
" thought

"What should I do? Why are they
even here? When you think you have gotten rid of one then more keep
showing up. This is so annoying!" as he muttered to

"Should I go or not go? No, what
if he is as dangerous as I thought? Maybe I shouldn't but Otosama
said we can't return without Aki-niisama, what should I do?" Shinju
felt so confused. The inner battle within him came to an end as he
finally made a choice; the young ayakashi began walking towards the

"What is he doing? Why does he
approach me? no time to think...let me make the first move" dipping
his hand to pull out one of the spell tags from the side gathering
of the kimono, as this was halted when the ayakashi shouted "Stop!
I mean you no harm, please we are only here to bring Oneesama home,
and we have cause to believe she resides among the

Moving swiftly Namika struck her
brother hard across the face "Who gave you the permission to speak
to the human? Next time I wouldn't be so forgiving" then with a
swing of her hand the blood from the blow landed on the

Chapter 5

Earlier Akihana had sensed the
strange aura of her kind from where she sat in the park after
leaving the shrine.

"This feels familiar, no it can't
be, there is no way any of them would come looking for me" she
thought as the urge to see if it was true resonated strongly within
her. Deciding to give in, moving beyond what the human eye could
see as she made her way to the source of the

What she saw shook her to the core
as the shrine looked ravaged, seeing her sister holding on to the
human who looked as though at any time he would breathe his last,
as the front of his clothe was stained by blood with bruises on one
of his feet.

"What is going on here? Why did
you have to harm the human? Tell me right now!" she asked in a
voice which shook with anger and what resembled pain.

Namika did not know the moment her
sister arrived until she spoke, so focused was she on dealing with
the one she held in her hand. Turning to where her elder sister
stood as she said "Aki-niisama how did you get here? We have been
looking for you" with a slight movement of her hand she flung the
human who landed some feet away.

"Disappear Hebi no Ishi" she
commanded as the creature returned into the dark stones where it
was summoned from hidden within its mistress kimono.

Chapter 6

I’m asking you, why did you harm
the human? Do not let me repeat myself” said Akihana in a voice
tightly restraining her anger. Meanwhile Shinju watched from where
he was waiting for when it felt safe to do so, seeing his eldest
sister was emanating a strong aura to kill.

I better keep away until
Nami-niisan and Aki-niisama stop fighting.” he thought.

What is he to you? When I saw he
knew where you were and didn’t say anything then I decided to
punish him a little although I got a little carried away along the
way.” said Namika with a slight smirk on her face.

In case it failed to come to your
attention, he didn’t know where I was; after he warned me to leave
the shrine we went our separate ways. Tell me this, what did you do
to him I’m sure you didn’t just grab his neck?” while she spoke
Katsuro no Hiroyuki wondered what they were saying for his mind was
barely able to keep up with what was said among them.

I hope they don’t get into a
fight, thank goodness the barrier I erected earlier is still in
place if not some of the people would have walked into our fight
and would have been killed in the process.”

Aki-niisama I did what was
necessary to find you, Otosama told us not to return without you,
when the human proved difficult the Hebi no Ishi released its venom
into him. Some of his vital organs are liquefying as we speak.” As
she spoke with head bowed signifying, no ill will towards the one
who stood before her.

I will heal him, after which we
head back. I’m sure Otosama has great need of me that was why he
sent you. Where is Shinju? Tell to get ready we’ll be leaving soon”
she began walking straight ahead of her sister to where the dying
onmyouji laid on the ground.

Kneeling by the side of the human,
using her sharp claws Akihana slit her wrist as blood flowed from
the wound; with the other hand she pried open his mouth to bring
her bleeding wrist to his mouth.

Katsuro no Hiroyuki felt a strange
sensation entering his body, slowly opening his eyes as he saw the
yokai he spoke with earlier in the shrine, placing her blood soaked
wrist into his mouth.

Stop, what are you doing?!” he
asked while struggling to free himself only to be forcefully held
down, as she continued to feed him with the blood from her wrist.
Tired of struggling against something he couldn’t control, his body
slowly surrendered into an exhausted sleep.

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