Keep Me (33 page)

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Authors: Faith Andrews

Tags: #Contemporary

BOOK: Keep Me
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“Don’t go getting too cozy… it’s Brenda. But shoot.”

“How the hell can I ever repay you for this?”

Her voice caught, there was heaviness in the tone of her response. “You’ve already done it. You showed her how to love again after what that SOB did to her and my grandson. We owe you, Marcus. Just keep loving my little girl. That’s all I’ll ever ask. Oh, and that you make no mention of this whole shenanigan. She’ll be more apt to forgive her underwear model heartthrob than her meddling mom.”

I laughed so hard I had to hold my side. I hadn’t been this happy in days, so the feeling overcame me like a tidal wave. “Thank you! You have no idea how much this means to me!”



My stomach was in so many knots, I was pretty sure I’d succumbed to that butterfly swarming in my belly shit that girls chattered about. But this was worse—in the past twenty-four hours my broken heart was given hope and if for whatever reason Tessa wasn’t going to give me a chance, I’d be fucked up for good.

As promised by secret agent Brenda, the cab brought me to their home. The place holding Tessa, warm and protected, safe from me.

After paying the cabbie and grabbing my stuff, I stood at the curb, afraid to make my move.
It’s do or die time, dude.
I walked up the pattern-stoned driveway, taking it all in. The Bradleys’ home was modest and welcoming. I could see why Tessa would think of it as a retreat—a clay colored stucco ranch landscaped with cacti and palm trees on a quiet cul-de-sac of almost identical houses—it just screamed tranquility.

Knocking on the door, I felt the need to clutch my balls to see if they were still there.
Yup, sack intact!
It was my heart I really had to worry about.

“Coming!” Tessa shouted, the clicking of her flip-flops getting closer and closer.

When she swung the door open—oh my god, that fucking body. Flawless bronzed skin glistened with trickles of sweat that I wanted to lick off her. She must have been sunbathing, wearing practically nothing. Scanning the length of her, my eyes finally landed on her face, to a priceless expression. Her big sapphire eyes grew wider within the frame of her thick lashes. Her complexion went from flushed to pale then back to flushed again, and her lips—those fucking scrumptious lips, they dropped open in a surprised ‘O’. “What the hell are you doing here? How did you—”

I fought the urge to grab her, to touch her, and just let the words fall out. “I love you, pretty girl. I came all this way because you needed to hear that. I love you and I can’t live without you.” It came out effortlessly—I couldn’t wait another second to tell her.

She stood there silent, motionless. Not exactly the reaction I was hoping for.

“Did you hear me, baby? I said I love you.”

With a hand on her hip, she came back at me. “Oh, I freaking heard you, but really, Marcus, why are you here?” she asked, totally emotionless. No smile on her lips, no spark in her eye, no falter in her cold tone.

I was too late. I felt my heart sink down to my gut, my shoulders slumping over in defeat. Game over—
No! Fuck that!
I wasn’t going down without a fight. I stood up tall, straightening my shoulders and inching toward her. “You’re gonna let me in and you’re gonna let me explain.” I realized part of the reason she ran away was because I wasn’t exactly gentle with her at the lake house. I didn’t want to rehash any of that, so I raised my hands in front of my chest as a peace offering. “Please? Can we talk?”

I stared into her eyes, my insides tangled together; my heart felt like it was dissolving into the blood that pumped around it.
Fucking kill me now, I was done for.

“I really don’t know what more there is to say, Marcus. But sure,” she huffed, finally letting down her guard, “come in.”

I followed her inside, watching her perfect ass sway back and forth. Alone at last—”Where’s Luca?” I wanted to make sure.

“Out with my parents.”

Brenda was a gem—setting this whole thing up so perfectly. I owed that lady flowers or a nice dinner out. Hell, I might even tattoo her name above my heart to show tribute.

Tessa led me into a living room—tiled floors, a large skylight filtering in the bright sun, comfortable, inviting furniture. Looked like something Riley might have put together. Serene and soothing—the perfect setting for what I hoped would be “the makeup.” Leaning over the couch, she picked up a piece of clothing that was thrown over some pillows. She quickly pulled it over her head to cover up.

“No need to hide from me, pretty girl.”

“I’m not hiding,” she bit back. “I’m protecting myself.”

Was she talking about the goddamn dress or me? “Protecting yourself from what?”

. You know what, let’s not beat around the bush. There’s no sense in delaying the inevitable. And the quicker we get this over with, the quicker you can be on your way back home.”

“Hold up a second,” I interrupted, walking closer to her.

“No.” She backed away, outstretching her arm to ward me off. “I can’t do this. You can’t waltz in here and throw that word around like that and pretend you mean it. You don’t know
love is.”

“You’re wrong,” I fought back. “I’m not pretending. I. Love. You. I’ve never been more sure of anything in my life.” I held my hand over my heart. No, not to be cheesy, but because I thought it would burst out of my chest, unable to contain the magnitude of what I really felt.

Tears welled up in her eyes, her nostrils flaring as she tried to hold back. “You’re so fucked up. How can you do this to me? I was such an idiot to believe you could change. I fell for it, I really did—I thought I was in love with you, too. But then you did—then I found you with
. Why, Marcus? Are you that fucked up that the minute something goes wrong you need to fix it with a quick lay?”

The distance was too much. I had to hold her. In the past, we showed each other how we felt with touch—I had to show her now. I brought my hand up to cup her tear stained cheek. “You’re wrong, baby. Please believe me. She came up there and forced herself on me. I didn’t kiss her back. I didn’t even touch her! I was pissed at you, yes, but I would never do something like that to you. And before you even bring it up, I never meant to hurt you, physically. I was only trying to stop you. I was out of my mind and needed you to understand. It was stupid, impulsive, but I’m not like him, and I will never lay a hand on you like that again. Please, can’t you see? You. Are. Everything. To. Me.” I kissed the tip of her nose and when she didn’t retract, I continued my speech. The one I’d rehearsed over and over again on the plane ride over here. “I don’t want anyone else. I want you and you alone. I
you, Tessa. You make me whole, you make me feel, you make me want to be the type of man my mother would be proud of.”

Her hands inched up around my neck and I leaned down into her hold, pressing my forehead against hers. “I’m scared, Marcus. This is all so crazy. I want to believe you, to believe that I’m enough. But what if I’m not? You’re… you. A lady-killer, a young, hot, fly-by-the-seat-of-your-pants guy. Why do you want me? Why would you want to tie yourself down when you have so much ahead of you? How could you love me? I’m freaking
to let you love me—to give myself to someone again. There’s so much up against us, it’s like we’re meant to fail.”

I pulled back, lifting her chin with my finger. “Look at me.”

When her eyes met mine, I searched deep, exploring the emotions spilling from her gaze. “I’ve wanted you for as long as I can remember. I finally got you and now… I want to keep you.” I placed my hand over her heart, tapping a finger to show my intentions. “And I want you to keep me
. Please, baby, keep
. I love you, so much it hurts, but if you tell me you don’t feel the same, that’ll kill me. We can make this work. Fuck the odds—what we have is undeniable. A rock-solid friendship, a magnetic attraction, off-the-charts sex, and this love—this love I feel for you is positively unbreakable.”

“Unbreakable?” She smiled. “Where’d you hear that one?”

Geez, that stung. “I thought about it all on my own. Give me some credit. I’m pouring my heart out to you here and you mock me?” I couldn’t hide the hurt in my voice.

“I’m sorry, Marcus. It’s just I’ve been broken so many times—”

“This isn’t so many times, pretty girl. This is
. I’ll do everything in my power to keep you happy.” I kissed the creasing lines in her worried forehead. “Safe.” My lips brushed her damp lashes. “Loved.” I trailed kisses down her tensing jawline to her lips. “Mine.” My mouth covered hers, finally claiming her.

Her trepidation seemed to evaporate with the taste of my lips. Her hands were frantic as her fingers pulled my short strands, bringing our bodies closer. “I love you, too. Oh, God, I love you so much, Marcus.” She moaned against my lips, her body molding to mine, her heart finally reciprocating. Those three little words from her mouth—this was the first time any woman had ever spoken them to me. Tessa—my first love. It was the most beautiful thing I had ever heard.




He loved me. He came all this way—how the hell he knew where I was, I had no idea—but he flew across the country to tell me he loves me. I had never felt so special, so wanted before. It was overwhelming. Indescribable.

He cradled my head in his hands, the bulky bandage a nagging reminder of what almost tore us apart. I forced all images of that out of my head as my body melted into his, my skin tingling with every touch. Our kiss went from wild and hungry to slow and deliberate. The usual fast and furious can’t-get-enough-of-each-other heat was turning into the we’re-in-love-and-you’re-mine-to-savor-slowly passion.

His lips and fingers roamed my barely-clothed body, his arousal poking through his jeans against my stomach. One hand caressed the length of my back, untying the string of my bikini top. I arched forward, allowing the tiny fabric to fall between us. His lips abruptly left mine and trailed a path down my neck, across my collarbone, finally encasing my breast with his warmth. Teeth clamped gently around my beaded peak and I cried out, wanting more. I needed to feel him inside me, wondered if it would feel different now. Now that the two of us were done playing games and ignoring the truth about how deep our connection had been all along.

As his tongue circled my sensitive flesh, his fingers inched inside my bathing suit bottom and then lower still between my already drenched folds. My hands fisted his hair as my head fell back, enjoying all the ways Marcus knew how to please me. Little did he know the most satisfying pleasure had nothing to do with how well he maneuvered my body. The pleasure of knowing he loved me trumped even the most earth-shattering orgasm.

“I love you,” I moaned, unable to hold it in.

The declaration fueled him to delve deeper, his fingers breaching me faster and harder, his thumb circling my clit. My legs felt weak, my core tightening. I held onto his broad shoulders for support as his fingers brought me to climax, rocking against his palm, thrusting with each passing wave.

“God, this is crazy!” I panted, breathless. As my insides spiraled back down, the tremors passing, I took in the scene—I was topless, in my parents’ living room, in broad daylight. They could walk in at any minute. Why didn’t I care?

Marcus’s eyes were still dark and heated and the bulge in his jeans—it needed to be set free. “Yeah, crazy
.” He groaned, returning his mouth to the crook of my neck. “And there’s plenty more crazy where that came from. Where’s your room?”

“Room?” I asked, as I unbuttoned his jeans. I didn’t want to waste even the tiny amount of time it would take to get upstairs. I wanted him right now. “Here. Take me here.”

His smile grew wide, his tongue darting out to lick his lips. “My fucking pleasure, pretty girl.”

The bikini bottom was practically ripped from my body, Marcus’s strong arms lifting me and wrapping my legs around his muscled back. He moved us to the couch, placed me down, and undressed. Each intricate tattoo only embellished his rugged beauty. Every rigid ripple and solid line contouring his body had me in adoration of what was mine.

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