Keeper of My Dreams (St. John Series Book 4) (16 page)

BOOK: Keeper of My Dreams (St. John Series Book 4)
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“Charming? More like maddening.”

“Go find Max,” Nicholas snapped.

“Why would I want to find him?”

Nicholas’s face was expressionless. “So he can beat the hell out of you.”


“I personally would love to plant my fist into that outspokenly bitter mouth of yours, but I know that if I did Madison would give me hell. Honestly, she acts like you are all children.”

“Now I know why we never socialized when younger.”

“Oh, that’s not the reason. Our mothers never liked each other. Come to think of it, my mother doesn’t like either of your parents. But she simply adores Madison,” Nicholas said as his grin widened.

“You know this?”

“Of course. My mother says Elizabeth is a . . . how did she put it?” he pondered as he rubbed his chin. “Oh, yes, ‘a brazen red-haired bitch’ and Robert is an ‘overbearing ox.’ Elizabeth says my mother is ‘a weak-minded twit’ and that my father is a ‘hen-pecked spineless pansy.’ Not that either of them know I am privy to this information. I actually overheard each talking to Mrs. Potts. But it makes for interesting dinner conversations."

Eli gave Nicholas a befuddled look and shook his head. He turned and walked away.

“Where are you going, Eli?”

Eli was off to find a place to take his tonic. The last thing he wanted his galling brother-in-law to know was that sea travel did not agree with him. So he lied. “To find Max. After these delightful conversations with you, I need someone to pound on.”

His comment was meet with Nicholas’s roaring laughter.



Chapter Twenty


It was hours before dawn when
The Demon
approached Harbour Island. Reanna laid the back of her head against the bulkhead as she closed her eyes. Last night was miserable. Her current living quarters was not a traditional cell but a small smelly closet next to the captain’s quarters. She didn’t even have room to fully extend her legs. And the pièce de résistance was that she had the pleasure of hearing the sexual prowess of the captain and David all night.

As the ship pulled into the berth, it bumped against the wooden dock, causing Reanna to fall over. She quickly sat up and watched a roach scurry across the toe of her tan slipper. When the insect climbed off her shoe, she took her foot and stomped the disease-ridden pest. At least she had an opportunity to kill one thing on this blasted ship.

Her eyes turned to the door as the lock rattled. She glared at David as he entered. “Time for your medication, my dear sweet Reanna.”

“I have a better idea. Why don’t you drink it?”

David gave a fake laugh. “Still witty as ever I see.” He walked over and knelt down beside her. He traced her jaw with the back of his index finger. “And still plain looking as an old boot.”

She smiled sweetly at him. In the next instant she took her foot and kicked him in the groin. He fell backwards. “I hope it shrivels up and falls off, you no-good whoring murdering bastard.”

David instinctively grabbed his crotch and lay motionless on the floor as waves of nausea came over him. He righted his body, stood and grabbed Reanna by the hair. She cried out as her body was lifted from the floor. Her bound hands attempted to stop his assault but to no avail.

“Come now, Reanna,” David seethed. “Angelica wishes to see you.”

“You both can go to hell. I have no desire to socialize with either of you.”

“I really don’t care,” David replied as he pushed her out the door. He walked her to the adjacent room and shoved her into the captain’s quarters.

Reanna watched as Angelica climbed out of bed, naked. She was not the least bit embarrassed by her nudity. The pirate’s body was not as unappealing as one would think. She had a toned abdomen, with a narrow waist and large breasts. Several scars were scattered about her torso and legs. A large pinpricked black tattoo of a dragon was wrapped around her upper thigh. The pirate pulled on a black silk robe, covering her form. She walked over to her desk and opened a drawer. Taking a vial out, she sauntered to London.

“Now be a good girl and drink this for me.”


“What is that?” David asked.

A malicious sneer crossed Angelica’s face. “I’m not certain, but Billy said it would sedate her. Now, Reanna, it would be wise for you to comply. I would hate to resort to physical harm to get you to drink this.” Angelica shook the small vial back and forth.

Reanna held her chin up proudly and clamped her jaw tightly closed.

“Still not willing to comply, eh? Good. David, hold her down on the bed.”

Reanna felt her former fiancé wrap his arms around her waist and carry her over to the bed. She bucked and kicked against his forceful embrace, causing her slippers to fall off her feet. Pain surged through her foot as her heel connected with his shin. She cried out with frustration and fought with all her might. She had no desire to touch the bed that these two had soiled all night; however, she was no match for David’s strength. He tossed her roughly onto her back. She attempted to scramble off the bed, but he pressed her shoulders to the bed and used his weight to hold her down. She squirmed under his hold but it was pointless. She felt the bed sag to her left and spotted Angelica crawling on the bed. The female pirate climbed on top of Reanna and straddled her hips. Angelica leaned over and grasped Reanna’s jaw with such force that her inner jaw was cut by her teeth. The way Angelica held her face caused Reanna’s lips to pucker open. Angelica pulled the cork from the bottle with her teeth and poured the drug into Reanna’s mouth. The female pirate then covered Reanna’s mouth with her hand and pressed down.

Reanna attempted to spit the vile concoction from her mouth but the barrier of the pirate’s hand kept the liquid in place. Reanna refused to swallow the vile concoction. She felt Angelica’s fingers around her nose as she pinched her nares closed.

“I will let you breathe when you swallow.”

Reanna could hear her heart pounding in her ears. She attempted to buck Angelica off but it was no use. The movement exerted her body and her lungs screamed for air. She was unable to keep up her rebelliousness and swallowed. She felt Angelica’s weight leave her body and she took several quick deep breaths. David’s weight then left her and she violently coughed.

She sat up quickly and the room started to spin. She heard Angelica’s laughter. The femme fatale sauntered over to Reanna and pushed her back to the bed. Reanna was unable to stop her downward descent. Her body bounced onto the bed causing waves of nausea to come. She turned her head and watched Angelica.

The female pirate smiled viciously at her, turned and dropped her robe. She strolled seductively to David. “Pleasure me,” she purred as she began unbuttoning his trousers.

“Now?” David questioned in mortification.

“Why not? Let her see what she’s missing. Besides, she will only be awake a few more minutes, and after sitting across her hips, I find myself aroused.” Angelica pulled David to her and sucked his lip.

London turned her head and closed her eyes. Colorful stars invaded her vision as the light began to fade. Ringing echoed in her ears. The last noise she remembered was the sound of the objects from Angelica’s desk being knocked to the floor. Then the blessed blackness came.


* * * *


The orange sunrise was just peering over the waves as
The Abyss
docked at Harbour Island. Seagulls squawked in the distance fighting over their morning meals. A squadron of pelicans lumbered by low to the water searching for fish. The ship wasn’t even fully tied off before Max took a rope and slid down to the docks. He had no trouble finding
The Demon
. Several minutes later, he returned as the gangplank was being lowered.

“Did you find her? London?” Eli asked as he met Max at the top of the gangplank.

Max gave Eli a strange look at his slurred words. “She’s docked four berths down between two large Dutch merchant vessels.”

“What are we waiting for?’ Eli asked as he attempted to go past his brother. As he did so, he stumbled.

“Are you all right?” Max asked, placing a steadying hand on Eli.

Eli jerked his arm away. “I’m fine,” Eli hotly replied, fighting the nausea and the lasting effects of Natasha’s remedy. “We have to hurry. Those bastards have London.”

He was stopped by Max’s hand on his arm again. “Your name will not make them comply. Allow Smitty to find out their plans first. Then we’ll kill them.”

“There is not time to wait. London is in danger—”

“And they were after my wife,” Max reminded in a low growl. “No one is on the ship. I looked. Smitty can find out where they went.”

“So can I,” Eli said, shaking Max’s hand from his arm.

“No. They would see us both coming and bolt. Then all would be lost. The old man blends in and is seen as unthreatening.” Max looked over Eli’s shoulder and yelled, “Smitty!”

The old one-eyed man approached. “What’d ya want, pup?”

“There is no one on board Angelica’s ship.”

Smitty nodded his head. “I’ll see what I can find out.”

Eli watched as the old man made his way to the dock. His movements were calm and unhurried, as though he was on a casual trip. “Why is he taking his time?”

“You have a lot to learn. Things work differently here. Hurried movements indicate trouble and that makes people nervous. Smitty will find out the information we need. Give him an hour. If he has not returned by that time, then we will go.”

“I should go with him,” Eli said as he jerked his arm away from Max.

“Why are you so concerned for her? Last I heard you wanted her out of your home. She was a burden that you had no need of.”

“Where did you get that information?”


“Your wife was misinformed,” Eli heatedly replied.

“My wife is never misinformed,” Max replied in a piqued tone.

Eli could feel the change in Max as he defended his wife. “Do not try to intimidate me, Max. I am not easily swayed by individuals who puff up like a cock.”

“Please don’t kill each other on my ship,” Nicholas said as he approached.

“It’s my ship,” Max reminded, his eyes still locked with Eli’s.

“True, but remember how you acquired her.”

Eli’s head turned to the side with arrogance as he spoke with disdain. “Yes, Max. Please enlighten me on how you managed to procure a former pirate ship.”

Max looked out of the corner of his eyes to Nicholas as he sighed in frustration. Leave it to Nicholas to put him in this situation. If he told Eli how he really acquired
The Abyss,
then he and Nicholas would swing from the gallows. To Max’s relief, Smitty returned.

“That was quick,” Max said as he addressed the old man.

“I jest happen ta know where ta go,” Smitty replied.

“Where did they go?” Eli asked, his question to Max now forgotten.

“Someone saw Angelica takin’ a large parcel to a big house about a mile from here. Said it took two men ta carry it.”

“Did you get the exact location of the house?” Max asked.

Smitty gave a big grin. “Did ya even hafta ask that one, pup?”

“I never should have doubted you, old man. Get the crew ready. Tell them we leave in ten minutes.”

“Yes, sir, Mr. Hart,” the gunner replied. He turned and went below deck.

Max turned to Eli. “Come on.”

“Where are we going?”

“You are unarmed, Eli. Follow me.”

Eli followed his newly acquired brother to one of the storage rooms below deck. Max took a key from his pocket and unlocked the door. As they entered, Eli’s eyes grew wide at the numerous assortment of weaponry in the room.

“Get something that will cause damage but will not hinder movements,” Max said as he placed a pistol in the waistband of his trousers. He then chose two cutlasses, another pistol and a blunderbuss.

Eli gathered weapons of his own. As Max picked up the large cannon-like gun, Eli asked, “Thought you said to get weaponry that would not hinder movements.”

Max shrugged his shoulders. “This is how I’m going to knock on the door.”

When the brothers emerged from below deck, there were several other men waiting. Eli’s eyes grew wide with recognition as he stared at the tall black man on deck.

“You!” Eli said as he pointed to the man. “You are a pirate!”

Max looked at Eli then at the man he was pointing to. “Slim is a trustworthy employee. You have him mistaken for someone else.”

“No. I would recognize him anywhere. He assisted with Madison’s kidnapping three years ago. He was one of the men Commodore McClain captured.”

“Ya are mistaken,” Slim said.

“No. Your height gives you away. I was standing at the starboard railing when you were captured.”

Nicholas approached at that time. Eli had an ominous expression as he pointed at his tall Jamaican shipmate. “What is going on?”

“Seems your brother-in-law thinks Slim is a pirate,” Max replied as he raised the brow over his right eye.

“That so?” Nicholas questioned.

“I know he is. He assisted in Madison’s kidnapping!”

“We can discuss this issue later. Right now we need to locate Reanna,” Nicholas said, reminding Eli of the mission at hand.

“I don’t want him going. Lock him up until we return,” Eli demanded.

“No. Slim is a hell of a swordsman and is extremely useful in battle. He comes with us,” Max said.

“Don’t argue, Eli. Max is correct. We will need every man available. Now let’s go before Nubian disappears,” Nicholas said.

Realizing Nicholas was correct, Eli nodded and said no more.

Twenty minutes later the group of men arrived at the gate to Nubian’s home.

“You’re sure this is the right house?” Max asked Smitty.


“Let’s go,” Eli said.

As they walked through the gate, two men approached. “State your business,” one of the men commanded.

“Personal,” Eli said.

“No one gets in without an appointment,” one of the guards said as he placed his hand on the pistol at his waist.

Before Eli could reply, the tall Jamaican threw his dagger and it impaled the man’s throat. The second man turned to run only to be tackled by James. James hit the man once, knocking him unconscious. The group of men then silently made their way to the home. Max placed his hand on the doorknob and cautiously turned it. The door opened without issue.

“Guess your door knocker has no place here,” Eli whispered with sarcasm.

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