Keeper of My Dreams (St. John Series Book 4) (17 page)

BOOK: Keeper of My Dreams (St. John Series Book 4)
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“You two bicker more’n a married couple,” Smitty replied as he walked through the open door.

As they entered the home, all was eerily quiet. The group split up. Slim, Smitty, and Nicholas went up the stairs. Eli, James, Samuel and Max took the lower level. As the four men made their way down the hall, they paired off. James and Samuel took the left hall, Max and Eli the right.

Max and Eli cautiously approached the first door. Max placed his hand on the knob and pointed to Eli. Eli nodded his understanding and cocked the pistol in his hand. When Max thrust the door open, Eli lowered the weapon and entered. Disappointment filled him as he realized the room was empty. They proceeded down the hall. The next four rooms were all found to be empty. As they approached the next door, muffled voices could be heard.

Max looked to Eli. “Have you ever killed a man before?”


“Don’t think. Just pull the trigger and remember these bastards deserve to die. They were going to take my wife. Instead, they took your woman and are going to force her into prostitution. Keep those thoughts in your mind and your aim will be true and accurate.”

“I take it this is not the first time you have killed a man?”

“After a while you no longer count. You ready?”

Eli realized just how dangerous his newfound brother was. He simply nodded his head. Max pulled his pistol out, cocked the weapon and pushed the door open silently. Both Eli and Max pointed their pistols at the occupants in the room.

“What is this all about?” Mr. Nubian asked.

“Where’s the woman?” Eli asked as he pointed his pistol at the man behind the desk.

“What woman?” the man Max had his weapon pointed at asked.

“There’s two of you?” Eli asked as his gaze went between the two men.

“So that explains how you did it,” Max said, realizing now how Nubian seemed to be in two places at once.

The man behind the desk pointed the other man. “He’s the one you’re after, Hart. Theodore is the instigator of it all.”

Max took a frustrated breath, a menacing scowl upon his face. “I was hoping to get to beat the information out of you.”

“He’s a liar!” Theodore yelled. “It was his doing. He is the one who arranged to have Angelica come for your wife!”

An ominous presence came over Max. “And that is both of your mistakes. I warned you to not come after my wife again, Nubian. Now you must pay.” Max pointed the blunderbuss at Theodore’s abdomen and pulled the trigger.

“No!” Ambrose yelled as he watched Max blast a large hole into his brother. He reached into his desk and grabbed his pistol. There was a loud bang and then Ambrose fell to the floor. Max turned to find Eli still pointing his smoldering pistol at the man.

Another man jumped out from a hidden passage. He was followed by two more men. The man raised his pistol and fired at Max. Max turned just as the bullet grazed past his upper arm. Max’s eyes narrowed to dangerous slits as he pulled his cutlass out.

“My turn,” Max replied with malice as he engaged the man.

Eli turned to face the two other men. He pulled out his sword and engaged the men. Each man’s blows were easily blocked. The years of practice he had during his youth made him an expert swordsman. Being the oldest of seven brothers he was constantly battling more than one brother at a time. In his youth, he had complained about the unfairness of it, but now he was thankful. Before he realized what he was doing, he had run one of the men through. There was a loud bang and the second man fell. Eli turned to find Max placing the pistol back in its holder.

“Ya see. Easy.” Max then walked around the desk and turned Nubian over. “You didn’t kill him. He’ll die, that’s for certain. Gut shots are a horrible and slow way to die.”

“That’s what I was aiming for.”


“If London is not here, we need him alive to find out her location.”

“Smart thinking.”

Nicholas entered at that time. “London is upstairs. She’s been drugged, but she is alive.”

“Which room?” Eli asked.

“Third room on the left.”

Eli shoved Nicholas out of the way and raced to the stairs. Slim was coming down the stairs at that time, carrying Reanna. Eli’s heart dropped. She was limp in Slim’s arms, her right arm hanging down in front of her and her neck extended. Eli could see her chest rising rapidly and her skin appeared flushed.

“Shi needs a doctor,” Slim told him.

“Is there one on the ship?”


“Give her to me. You go to the ship and notify your physician.”

Slim gently placed Reanna in Eli’s arms and then ran out the door towards
The Abyss

Nicholas and Max emerged from the study. Eli turned to the men. “I have to get her to the ship. I will leave you to deal with Setters.”

“You already have.” Max eerily replied. At Eli’s confused expression, Max elaborated, “He’s dead.”

Eli nodded and followed the others out the door. Eli refused to let anyone carry London. He needed her near. Needed to make sure she was safe. All he could think of since she was taken was finding her and then killing the bastards who took her. The feelings he had at Meredith’s death were nothing compared to the fear he had after London was taken. He felt like they had stolen a part of his soul. Every second she was gone, a piece of him felt like it was dying. He looked down at her lifeless form and felt helpless. He didn’t know what he would do if this woman before him died.

Once on board
The Abyss,
Eli carried London to the captain’s quarters. He gently laid her down on the bed. The ship’s physician, Mr. Jamison, entered. He was a short pudgy man with a bald head and a long white mustache. He was carrying a small satchel. The man sat the satchel on the table and walked to the bed. Using his index finger and thumb, he opened London’s eyes. He then leaned over, opened her mouth, examined inside and smelled her breath. After placing his ear to her chest, he raised up, made a “hmmm” noise and walked back to the table.

“What are you doing?” Eli asked.

“Shhh,” Mr. Jamison replied as he held up his index finger, never looking Eli’s direction. He opened the satchel and pulled out several clear vials of liquid along with some pieces of linen. The man shoved Eli out of his way as he returned to his patient. He opened Reanna’s mouth and swabbed her cheek with each piece. Returning to the table, the physician placed each piece of linen in a different vial and proceeded to swirl each vial. He held the vials up and studied them before looking at Eli.

“I think she has been given devil’s weed.”

“You deduced that through those vials?” Eli asked.

“No. I am performing an experiment to see what chemicals react with different illness.”

“You’re wasting valuable time for your experiments!”

“No. I am wasting valuable time by debating this issue with you,” Mr. Jamison rebuked. “I came to the conclusion by her symptoms. Now if you would kindly stop interrupting me, I need to think. She does not have much time.”

Eli realized the doctor was right. “Do you have an antidote?”


Eli crossed the room to the doctor and grabbed the lapel of his jacket, pulling him in close. “If she dies, I will personally dismember you.”

The man swallowed nervously. As he studied Eli’s expression, a feeling of dread came over him. “I might have something. I don’t know if it will work.”

“Try it,” Eli growled, releasing the doctor.

Mr. Jamison pushed his spectacles back on his nose. He turned back to his satchel and dumped the entire contents on the table. As he rummaged through the scattered supplies, he would pick up one small vial of dried herbs, look at it, then toss it back to the table.

“It has to be in here somewhere,” Mr. Jamison mumbled as he pushed the supplies around.

“What are you looking for?”

“Calabar bean.”

“That’s poisonous!”

“So is devil’s weed! But I have heard that one works against the other. I’m not sure if it will work. I’ve never tried it before.” The physician looked at Eli. “If I don’t try it, she will die for certain.”

Eli’s world began crumbling around him. He swallowed hard and opened his mouth but no words would form.

Mr. Jamison could sense Eli’s hesitation. “She is in pain. I could feel her muscles spasm under my hand. If it works, then she should recover quickly. If not, then her misery will end more quickly. I know it’s a double-edged sword. But I will leave the decision to you, My Lord.”

Eli looked at London. He watched her chest move up and down rapidly as she struggled to breath. She emitted a faint, pain-filled moan.

“Is there another way?”

Mr. Jamison could sense Eli’s agony at the decision. “Some of the locals from Cuba gave me a tincture of some sort. They said the plants are used to cure all sorts of ailments. One even claimed it saved his daughter after she had eaten a false morel.”

Eli looked at the physician with hope. “Try those.”

“My Lord, I’m not even certain they will work.”

“And you have the same opinion of the calabar bean. Try the herbs.”

“You favor bush medicine?” Mr. Jamison asked, pushing his spectacles back up his nose.

“My housekeeper at home uses them frequently and with great success. If the herbal remedy does not work, then try the calabar bean.”

“Yes, My Lord. But I fear we are gambling with her life.”

Eli closed his eyes, fighting the tears, and nodded his head.

Mr. Jamison placed a sympathetic hand on Eli’s shoulder. He felt sorry for the young man in front of him. To help ease Eli’s conscience of the decision he had made—even though Mr. Jamison believed it was the incorrect one—he said, “You’ve made the right decision. Now please help me locate the vial. It contains an amber-colored tincture with bits of whole herbs in the bottle. And hurry. I don’t know how long the drug has been in her system.”

Eli and Mr. Jamison scrounged through the supplies. Eli spotted a small brown leather pouch. As he slid the pouch out of the way, he noticed it had weight to it. Opening the bag, he pulled out a vial. “Is this it?”

Mr. Jamison looked at the object in Eli’s hand. “Yes, it is.” He then looked inside the purse. “Hmmm. I could have sworn I had another vial. Oh, well.”

He pilfered around the messy table and located a spoon. He walked over to London. “Help me hold her head,” he ordered Eli.

Eli crossed the room and did as asked. He gently lifted London’s head up as Mr. Jamison spooned the mixture in her mouth. She moaned in protest and attempted to push the bitter remedy out with her tongue.

“Swallow this, my dear,” Mr. Jamison instructed as he placed another small spoonful of the bitter tasting tonic in her mouth. He made a frustrated sound as London pushed the liquid out again. He looked to Eli. “Tilt her head back to make her extend her neck. When I spoon in the tonic, cover her mouth with your hand. She has to get this down.”

Eli laid London’s head on the bed and then grasped the side of it, tilting her chin upward. He leaned over and whispered in her ear, “You have to drink this, love. I can’t lose you.”

Mr. Jamison placed another spoonful of the foul tasting mixture in her mouth. Eli watched as she puckered her mouth and a small amount of the liquid trickled out of the corner of her mouth. He covered her mouth with his hand. The heat radiating from her face surprised Eli. Her flesh was hotter now than when she had blisters covering her face.

“Swallow it, London.”

She moaned again. Relief filled him as he saw her throat move as she complied. Eli looked at the doctor. He smiled.

“Good. Now, Miss Reanna, you must drink some more. I know it tastes dreadful but you must,” the short man instructed. London swallowed several more spoonfuls of the foul-tasting medication.

Mr. Jamison looked to Eli. “With any luck, that will work. I am unsure of the concentration of the tincture or even what is in it for that matter. Hopefully, it will counteract the devil’s weed and we have given it to her in time.”

“When will we know if it worked?”

“If she is still alive by sunset, then it worked. If she seems to be getting worse, then we need to try the calabar bean.” He placed a sympathetic hand on Eli’s shoulder and left.

Eli pulled a chair over to the bed and sat down beside Reanna. Her face was so red. He picked up her hand and gently squeezed it. She had to make it. She just had to.

A little while later, Nicholas came in and informed him that
The Demon
had left port while they were at Nubian’s home. There was no hurry to go after them, since one of the crew had ever so conveniently disabled the rudder chain. So Angelica and her crew were just floating about the ocean with no way to steer their ship. A malicious sneer crossed Eli’s face. He would have his revenge.



Chapter Twenty-One


Several hours later, Max informed Eli that
The Demon
had been spotted. At their current rate of speed,
The Abyss
should catch up to them within the hour. Eli stood and walked over to the huge multi-paned stained glass window. He could not help but marvel at the craftsmanship of this vessel. No expense was spared. The elaborate furnishings and woodworkings on this former pirate ship would even outshine many of aristocratic homes in Governor’s Harbour. As Eli studied the architecture of the vessel, anger filled him. The furnishings were more than likely bought with money acquired from stealing from Emerald Shipping. Another thought crossed his mind. This would have been the same room Madison had stayed in while she was onboard this bloody ship! His eyes turned to the settee. How many times had Madison insisted that is where she slept? Was this the same seat? Eli’s eyes scanned the room. This ship had caused his family nothing but heartache and it still was. His eyes landed on London.

The redness had decreased, but she was still hot to the touch. Her breathing was still rapid and labored; however, her heartbeat had slowed. Was this a good sign?

Nicholas entered the room at that time. He placed his shoulder on the frame of the door. “Time for the fun.”

“What the bloody hell are you talking about?” Eli snapped hotly.

Nicholas held up a cutlass and tossed it at Eli. “We’ve flanked
The Demon
. Be prepared. They will not fight fair. Nets and rigging will be used as distractions and to ensnare you as well. You will be fighting multiple enemies at once. Make each shot count for you will not have time to reload. Use your cutlass when you can and steal their weapons at every opportunity. Use their own weaponry against them. Keep an eye on your back at all times and don’t count on anyone to come to your aid.”

Eli raised the brow over his right eye. “You say that like you have done this before.”

Nicholas gave a nonchalant shrug. “I have dealt with pirates a time or two. Now come on. Mr. Jamison will guard her.”

“He’s the doctor?”

“Yes. And he used to be a marine. She will be safe.”

Mr. Jamison entered at that time. “No harm will come to her while she is under my care.” He pulled off his oversized jacket and Eli was taken aback by the amount of weaponry strapped to the doctor. Jamison noticed Eli’s expression. “One must be prepared for every situation imaginable. Now—be off, gentlemen. I promised a certain young woman I would return by this evening for dinner and I do not intend on breaking that promise.”

When Nicholas and Eli emerged from below deck, they were almost even with
The Demon

“Get the planks and hooks ready!” Max commanded as he walked the length of the ship, reminding Eli of a caged beast. “Keep a steady hand and have deadly aim. They will show no mercy, so show them none in return. Send them to meet Davy Jones in a painful manner—preferably with a cutlass through their abdomen and a dagger in their throats!”

“Interesting motivational speech there, Max,” Nicholas told Max as he approached.

“I’m sorry would ‘cut their peckers off and feed them to the sharks’ sound better to you?”

“No, no. Die a painful death is much better.”

“When we’re finished, remind me to punch you in the mouth,” Max replied in his usual dry manner.

“Would you two shut it?” Eli yelled. “Hell, you two fight more than any of my brothers.”

“We don’t fight,” Nicholas replied. “We have interesting persuasive discussions.”

At that time, a shot was fired from one of the crewmembers on
The Demon

“Uveah, make us one!” Max commanded.

The tall thin man tossed the first grappling hook across. Several of the other crew followed suit. The enemy crew attempted to remove the joining cables but they were not quick enough. Soon the two ships were joined. Nicholas and the others crossed to the other ship. It was a fierce battle but during the fighting Angelica was nowhere to be found.

As they fought, Eli realized Nicholas was right. At every opportunity his opponents would not fight fairly. They tossed cables and netting. At times he was fighting three men at once. As he turned to fight his next opponent, he spied a woman dart below deck and gave chase. He followed her into the captain’s quarters. As he entered, his arm was hit by a club, causing him to drop his cutlass. The club came towards his head; he ducked and rolled away. When he stood, he was face to face with the female pirate.

Her eyes traveled the length of Eli’s body. She tried to use her feminine wiles by standing straighter to make her breasts appear larger and holding her head up to elongate her neck. She licked her thin pale lips.

“Angelica?” Eli questioned.

“Depends on who’s asking,” she purred. She licked her lips again as she began unlacing her blouse. “Ya know, I always wanted to mate during a battle.”

Eli took a step backwards. He did not want to strike a woman. He pulled his last pistol out and pointed it at her. “Stop.”

A coy look crossed her face. She lowered her lashes and then smiled vindictively. “If you command me to.” She leapt forward and grabbed Eli’s wrist attempting to wrestle the pistol from his grasp. Eli was amazed at the amount of strength this woman possessed, but she was still no match for him. He easily overpowered her and in an instant had her pressed against the wall with her hands behind her. He held her wrists with one hand and pulled the tie from her hair with the other. Taking the ribbon, he tied her wrists together.

“There is someone who wants to speak with you,” Eli spoke.

“There is someone who wants to speak with you, too,” Angelica said as she turned around.

“And who would that be?”

“Me,” a voice came from the doorway.

Eli’s eyes turned to the man. “And who pray tell are you?”

“Why, didn’t Reanna tell you about me? I can see why she wouldn’t, considering it would disrupt our plans. Allow me to introduce myself. I am David Snowdon, Reanna’s fiancé.”

Anger and betrayal filled Eli. This was the man London had come looking for, the man she was to marry.

“I can see she has played her part well. I wasn’t sure if she could pull off the part . . . she has an issue with keeping secrets. But I can see her love for me kept her in character.”

“What are you talking about?”

“Why, her part in our plan, mate. Oh, surely you know of it by now. She was to gain your trust, then rob you. Embezzlement is new to her, but she is so good with numbers. Pity that she arrived late or we would have taken more than we already have. Although, she did procure quite a hefty sum during her short time there.”

“You planned all this?” Eli asked, still doubting Snowdon.

Angelica caught on to what David was up to. “Yes, my dear. You didn’t find it the least bit suspicious that a beautiful young woman found your home and offered to assist with your family business?” She hoped she had guessed correctly.

“You’re lying,” Eli defended.

“She played you well, didn’t she? I admit, I was worried at first, when she told me her plan,” Snowdon needled.

Angelia used Eli’s distraction to her advantage and began loosening the ribbon around her wrists.

“Her plan?” A look of malevolence crossed Eli’s face.

David smiled inwardly. “Yes. Your family has made millions from the materials processed at Hollingsworth’s mill, mate. It infuriated Reanna that your family made so much, while they brought in so little. Because of their association with the St. Johns, every respectable businessman avoided them like they had the plague. Treated them like peasants. The mill was about to go bankrupt. Reanna refused to live like a pauper and decided to embezzle money from you . . . right from under your roof. Brilliant!”

David could see the fabrication he fed Eli beginning to worm its way into his mind. He took advantage of Eli’s distraction and punched the black-haired man. Eli stumbled backwards, tripped over a chair and fell. His eyes grew wide as he watched Snowdon raise his pistol.

“And now you will die and no one will know what we have done to your family. They will be—” Before Snowdon could finish, he made a strange noise and looked down at his chest. Eli could see the tip of a sword extending through Snowdon’s shirt. Snowdon fell forward. Eli saw Max wipe the blood from his sword on the doorframe.

“He talks entirely too much,” Max said. His eyes then turned to Angelica. “And you will scream entirely too loud when I am finished with you.”

Angelica swallowed nervously. She blinked rapidly. “Max! I’m so glad you saved me!”

“Don’t lie to me, Angelica.” The ice in Max’s tone frightened her beyond reason.

“It’s true Max!” Angelica beseeched. “David threatened me. He drugged that sweet girl and threatened to torture me if I didn’t comply. I wouldn’t lie to you. Especially after all that we have been through together. After all the nights we’ve shared.”

“And I have regretted every one of them.” Max crossed the room to her. “I will make you suffer far worse than Hawkins,” Max told the brown-haired woman, referring to the pirate who kidnapped Kristina the first time.

A harsh expression crossed Angelica’s features. She knew now that her life was worthless and a terrible fate was already set for her. “I should have killed that Spanish bitch at our first meeting. She has ruined everything! Everything I tell you!”

“Kristina has never done anything to you.” Max’s tone was eerily calm.

“She attacked me, then she stole you from me!”

“I was never yours, Angelica. You were an entertaining romp, a good piece to satisfy my needs, no more. Now would you prefer to swing or swim?”

“Go to hell, Max!” Angelica jerked her arms free from the restraint and pulled a Queen Anne’s pistol from the back of her trousers. She raised the pistol at Max. Before she could fire, Eli charged, knocking her down. The weapon went off.

“Eli!” Max exclaimed as he darted towards his brother.

Eli pushed himself off Angelica and looked down at the female. The bullet from her pistol traveled upward and entered through her chin, causing instant death. He turned his gaze back to Max.

“Pity. I hoped she would have opted for swimming. I would have loved to have had the opportunity to toss her over the side and then listened as the sharks feasted upon her repulsive flesh.” Max turned his gaze to Eli. “Come on. Let’s go home.”

Eli followed his brother to the deck. The sight on deck shocked Eli. Angelica’s entire crew lay slain. Eli could smell the pungent smell of whale oil. One of the crew was emptying the lanterns. Another crewmember tossed a lamp onto the accelerant. The flames started following the trail of flammable liquid.

“That’s it?” Eli asked. “You kill everyone and then burn their bodies along with the ship.”

“I’m sorry, would you like us to shed a few tears for our slain enemies?” Nicholas asked as he swatted Eli on the back. “A few words of praise for their futile attempts at defeating us?”

“No. But I thought—”

“Whatever you thought was wrong. They would have done far worse to us. After we were slain, they would have mutilated our bodies and then sent our heads back to our families,” Max said.

The group made their way back to
The Abyss
as the flames ate their way around
The Demon
. Once safely on board
The Abyss
, Eli gave a fleeting glance at the burning vessel as Snowdon’s words echoed through his head. Could London really have been that well-trained of an actress as to trick them all? He turned and made his way below deck. When he entered the room where London was, he was greeted by Mr. Jamison’s pistol. When the older man saw it was Eli, he lowered his weapon.

“She is improving but not out of the woods yet.”

“So the bush medicine is working?”

“I’m glad to say so.”

“Thank you, Mr. Jamison.”

The physician gave a short nod and left. Eli walked to the bed and sat down in the chair. Even if she came out of her drugged state and he asked her, she could still lie about it. The only way to find out the truth was to travel to England. Now that he knew her true identity he would arrange passage for them as soon as she recovered.

Her faint moan drew his attention. Her eyelids fluttered and slowly opened. She took several quick shallow breaths.

“Eli.” Her words were a ragged whisper.

“Shhh.” Eli gently stroked her hair, fighting the emotions in his voice. Taking her hand in his, he kissed it. “You’re safe now.”

“The pirates?”

“They’re no longer a worry. Rest now. I will not leave you.”

“I knew Natasha should have made me a charm. I didn’t want to partake in your family’s tradition.”

“I’ll have her fashion you one once we’re home. Now rest.”

She gave a weak smile and closed her eyes. “You look like a prostitute.”

He chuckled as he looked down at his clothing. He looked nothing like a prostitute. His shirt was tattered and he was covered in dirt, sweat and blood. He turned his gaze back to the resting beauty and smiled. She would be all right. His London would return to her normal self soon. Then he would ask her about Snowdon’s accusations. He just hoped he could handle the truth if what Snowdon said was true.

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