Keeper of My Dreams (St. John Series Book 4) (21 page)

BOOK: Keeper of My Dreams (St. John Series Book 4)
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“Well, you can rest assured, Viscount St. John, I did not come to the Caribbean to defraud you or your family. I was coming to ask for your assistance in locating David. But now none of that matters. He deceived us all. He put doubt in your mind as to my character and stole three years of my life. But you can rest assured, My Lord, no money was ever stolen from you by me. My father’s company is very prosperous, even with our ties to the St. John name. My family has more money than many of the nobles and those social climbers at court. So if you think I wanted a shilling of your earnings, you are truly mistaken! Now, if you’ll excuse me, I need to pack. The sooner I get off this ship and away from you the better!” She turned, stormed out of his quarters, and slammed the door closed. She raced to her room and began haphazardly tossing dresses in her sea chest as tears streamed down her cheeks. She sank to the floor. Crestfallen, she placed her head in her hands to muffle her sobs. All her hopes and dreams were destroyed all because of a man . . . all because of a dammed St. John!


* * * *


The next morning London inwardly groaned. In her anger towards Eli, she had packed every article of clothing she owned. As she pulled out the wadded up blue dress, she crinkled her nose. The dress was horribly wrinkled. She gave it a gentle shake but to no avail. She attempted to shake it out again, but it was no use. She was not tall enough. The dress kept dragging the floor. She stood up on her bed and shook the dress again. The wrinkles just would not shake out. She mumbled several curses and began violently shaking the dress. Her eyes grew wide as she lost her balance. She landed with a thud onto the floor.

Eli threw her door open and stared at London on the floor, covered in blue and white material. “Are you all right?”

Her expression was livid and her voice was tight. “I’m fine.”

He watched her attempt to stand. He walked over to her and extended his hand. She proudly raised her chin.

“I can manage on my own. I would hate to ask for assistance as you may think that I might steal something from you.”

He took a frustrated breath. “Look, London, I’m sorry. I told you I didn’t believe him, but I needed to hear you say it.”

She could see the sincerity in his eyes and placed her hand in his. He helped her stand.

“You understand why I am upset with you?’ Reanna asked in an indignant tone.


“Your accusations hurt me, Eli.”

He gave her a rueful glance. “I know and I am truly sorry. I regret my words and actions. I should have known that you could never do such a thing.”

“I still want to know why you did not ask me as soon as David spoke those lies?”

“You were still recovering from the tonic that those pirates gave you. Once home, Madison refused to let you leave her side.”

She crossed her arms over her chest and proudly raised her chin. “I’m still angry with you.”

“Please forgive me.”

“It will take some time. Being accused of being a thief is not something that is easy to forget or forgive.”

“Hit me.”

“Pardon?” Reanna asked.

“Hit me. As hard as you can.”

She drew her brow together. “Why would I do that?”

“It will make both of us feel better. You are angry with me and would love to make me suffer. I feel guilty for my actions, and if you cause me pain, it will help ease my conscience.”

“Ladies do not hit.”

Eli laughed. “Tell that to my mother.” He tapped his bicep. “Now hit me. As hard as you can.”

Reanna could not pass up the invitation. She was still furious at him. “Very well.” She lightly slapped his arm.

“Come now. Alexandra hits harder than that.” He tapped his arm harder. “Really hit me.”

A vindictive smile crossed her face. “If you insist,” she answered in a honeyed tone. She balled up her fist and landed a punch to Eli’s mouth, causing him to stumble backwards. She was thankful now that her brother had taught her to defend herself.

Eli moved his jaw back and forth, rubbing it in the process. “You are stronger than you appear.”

She gave him a tight-lipped sneer.

“Now don’t you feel better?”

“Yes. Actually I do.”

“Are you still angry?”

“As a matter of fact, I am.”

A pained expression crossed his handsome face. “I know. I would be furious if someone accused me of being a thief, too. I just hope you can forgive me before we find your father.”

“That would be a start. Now, how will we get to my home? Being midday, there will not be any carriages to rent.”

“Matt will help.”

“Oh! I forgot about Matthew living in London. Do you promise to take me right away to family? No delays?”

“After we stop by Matthew’s office to arrange for a carriage, I promise I will take you straight to your family.”

“Thank you,” she whispered. “Now, I better get dressed. Mr. Smitty said he would come by to pick up my sea chest and I’m still in my shift.”

Eli’s eyes traveled to the translucent material. He could make out every desirable curve of her body and felt himself becoming aroused. “Yes, I think you should change.”

He picked up the dress and handed it to her.

“I’m still angry with you.”

“I know. I will find a way to make you forgive me. Now I will let you change while I think of a way to get my fool-self back on your good side.” As he was leaving, Gladys entered. She gave him a heated motherly look but said nothing.

Gladys assisted Reanna in dressing. Just as soon as she finished, there was a knock on the door.

“Ya trunk packed, Miss Reanna?” she heard Mr. Smitty ask from the door.

She opened the door. “It’s all packed, Mr. Smitty.”

He entered, followed by two of the other crewmembers. “Now ya pups be careful with Miss Reanna’s belongings. If’n ya drop it, I’ll cuff yer ears and make ya use the prayer book fer a month straight . . . even on the big areas.”

“Yes, sir, Mr. Smitty,” the younger men replied. They picked up Reanna’s trunk and carried it out the door.

“There’s a waitin’ list ta dock. But St. John has rowed ashore ta see if that title of his will get us a berth. I really didn’t want him on this trip, but now I’m glad he came. I’d hate ta sit out here fer a month waitin’ on a spot.”

“Do you think his title will work?”

“I don’t rightly know. I’m not familiar with English ports. Now where I’m from . . . it would be a sure bet.”

“You’ve never been to England?”

“Yeah, I’ve been here,” Smitty answered as he rubbed the side of his weathered cheek. “I was still wet behind the ears. I didn’t care fer it then. Doubt I will now.”

“Oh, I will miss you, Mr. Smitty,” Reanna replied as she crossed the room to the older man and wrapped her arms around him, kissing his cheek.

Mr. Smitty patted Reanna’s back as he returned her hug. A small blush crept up his cheeks at her kiss. “Better not let St. John see ya do that. I’d hate ta be called out by him.”

“Take care, Mr. Smitty.”

“You, too, Miss Reanna. Now come along. Ya can await St. John’s return at the helm with James.”

Smitty escorted Reanna to the quarterdeck. “She’s gonna wait here with you fer a while, Capt’n.”

“Very well,” James replied. He turned to Reanna and smiled. The captain was a very handsome man. He had curly red hair and a matching beard. Both were well manicured. His brown eyes were always filled with happiness. His laughter was contagious and was carried easily by his large barrel chest. “I have enjoyed having you aboard, Miss. I hope you find your family quickly.”

“Thank you, Captain. Your crew has been nothing but considerate this entire voyage. Please reward their kindness handsomely.”

He motioned his head to the starboard railing. “The Viscount has returned. Wonder if he got us permission to dock?”

“Your voice carries easily. Ask him,” she said with a lively twist of her head.

“Hey, St. John! Can we dock?” James’s deep voice boomed over the deck.

Eli turned and gave him a wave. He then walked to the quarterdeck. “We have been granted permission. All of Emerald Shipping’s berths were occupied, but I managed to acquire us a quay three down.”

“Did you speak with Matthew? Is he arranging for a carriage?” Reanna asked.

“No, Matthew was not in his office.” At her disappointed expression, he continued. “I did check, and I have not inquired about a carriage as of yet. I thought that finding a place to dock was a higher priority. Once docked, we will go back to Matthew’s office.”

“How long will that take?” Reanna asked.

Eli turned his gaze to James for the answer. The robust captain answered, “About an hour or two, depending on how many ships we have to avoid to berth.”

“Let us be on our way. I am anxious to see my father.” The worry in her eyes belied the forced smile she displayed.

“As you wish, my lady,” James replied with a playful nod. He gave the order to the crew to prepare to dock the ship. He looked back to London and wondered how St. John was going to let this beauty slip through his fingers.


* * * *


Three hours later,
The Abyss
made berth. Reanna literally dragged Eli from the ship as the gangplank was being lowered. Once her feet were on the dock, she turned to Eli.

“Which way?”

He laughed. “Are you that ready to be done with me?”

“Eli?” she replied with frustration. “I have been gone for over three months. I am anxious to see my father . . . my brother. Can you not understand that?”

“If you are so eager to see them, then why did you sneak off in the first place?”

“That was uncalled for,” she said, piqued.

“I’m sorry. I just find it hard to believe that you were in love with Snowdon.”

“It was a childhood obsession. He was the first man I had ever kissed. I fancied myself in love with him, especially after no one came to my debutante ball except for his family and him.”

“No one came to your coming out?”

She shook her head. “There were a total of ten people at my ball. All were either my family or David’s. I told you the
shuns me. They found the fact that I came from a working family beneath them. Although Matthew did come . . . briefly. Zach asked him to come and make up an excuse so they could leave.”

“Your brother left your debutante ball early?”

“Yes. Not that he missed much.” They reached the end of the dock. “Which way?”

Eli offered his arm to her. “Better take hold. We are not going to a respectable section of the docks.”

“Is any section respectable?”

Eli gave a chuckle. “No, I guess not. Hold tight. Don’t talk to anyone and walk quickly.”

Several minutes later they came to a small building. It wasn’t very impressive on the outside. The wood had dulled and grayed with time. The brass bell hanging above the door was tarnished and in need of a good polish. There were several small windows that had a thin layer of dirt and mud scattered about on them. But as they made their way inside, Reanna was taken aback by the elaborately furnished room. It was much larger than it appeared from the outside. The room was decorated in walnut furnishings and everything was of the finest quality as though it was made for royalty.

She spied Matthew and Michael having a heated discussion. The conversation stopped short as they were spotted. Reanna suddenly grew anxious. Was this what she really wanted? To be returned to her family. If Michael saw her, then she knew she would never be able to change her mind. She timidly stepped behind Eli, hiding from Michael, and hoping that the ground would simply open up and swallow her until she could make up her mind.

“Eli!” Matthew exclaimed and came from behind his desk and extended his hand towards his brother.

Eli took Matthew’s outstretched hand and pulled his brother in for a one-armed hug.

“You keeping London intact?” Eli asked as he looked around the office. He spotted Michael and his eyes grew wide with disbelief. “What are you doing here, Runt? I thought you would still be in New York.” Eli’s eyes then took in Andrea. He raised a black brow and then his gaze went back to Michael. “Who is this?”

Michael recognized the look on Eli’s face. He had seen it countless times. It was the exact same look their father gave them when he disapproved of something or someone. Michael wrapped a protective arm around Andrea’s shoulders and pulled her in close to him.

“Eli, this is Andrea . . . my wife.”

“The hell you say?!” Eli exclaimed, looking back towards Andrea. She was stunning even though she was covered in dirt and dressed as a man. Her long blond hair had fallen down from its confines and rested down her back. Her dark lashes accentuated her dark green eyes. She had a petite heart-shaped face and an upturned nose. She was tall, not nearly as tall as London, but still she had height to her stature.

“It’s true,” Andrea said and smiled, purposefully accentuating her southern drawl.

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