Keeper of My Dreams (St. John Series Book 4) (22 page)

BOOK: Keeper of My Dreams (St. John Series Book 4)
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“Egad! She’s a yank,” Eli replied. The disbelief on his face was replaced with humor as he began to laugh.

“What’s so funny, old man?” Michael asked at the same time Andi said, “Southerner.”

Eli’s eyes smiled. “I stand corrected,” he said to Andrea. He then addressed Michael, “Mother is going to kill you.”

“Why do you say that?”

“Because she is determined to see one of us married in a sensible fashion and you were her hope. What happened?”

“Madison had a sensible marriage,” Michael insisted.

“Which part? The part where she was abducted by a pirate during her honeymoon, a pirate who just happens to be her husband now, or the—”

“What?!!” Michael and Matthew asked together.

“Oh, that’s right, you weren’t there. You both departed just after Father’s announcement of our new brother. Well, it turns out that our brother-in-law was none other than Alexander Xavier and our newly introduced brother was his quartermaster.”

“Bloody hell.” Michael leaned back against the desk.

Andrea looked at the men with confusion in her eyes. “Who’s Alexander Xavier?”

“That is the pirate who abducted our sister and had been a pain in Emerald Shipping’s side for years,” Michael informed Andrea.

“The good news is that Father is now back on speaking terms with the governor,” Eli told the group.

“He stopped speaking to Jonathan?” Matthew asked.

“Yes. Apparently, Jonathan knew about his son’s alternate lifestyle. Knew about it for years.”

“Blimey,” Matthew replied.

“Yes. Governor’s Harbour has been a bloody mess since you two left.”

“And how did all this information come about?” Michael asked.

Eli gestured towards the woman standing behind him. “Miss London found out the information.”

“Who is she?” Matthew asked. Eli’s broad shoulders had hindered the view of the beautiful woman. She looked oddly very familiar, but Matthew could not quite place where he knew her from.

“You know . . . the woman who washed ashore.”

“This is her?” Matthew asked.


Michael looked to the woman and a welcoming smile came to his face. “Reanna?! I’ll be damned. Zach will be thrilled to know where you’ve been.”

“You know her?” Eli asked, forgetting the connection between Michael and Zachary.

“Yes. She is Reanna Hollingsworth. Her brother, Zach, and I are good friends. In fact, Zach and Matthew were just sparring a little over an hour ago at Holland’s.”

Eli looked to Matthew. “So that was where you were. I rowed ashore earlier and came here.”

“Reanna?” Matthew questioned still in disbelief that the mystery woman was an acquaintance. “Your father and brother will be so relieved. They have been worried sick about you.”

Michael walked over to his brother and the woman and turned his head sideways as he studied her. He drew his brow and pressed his lips together in thought. “I didn’t get a good look at you before I left. It was late in the evening when Eli found you and I had to leave early in the morning.”

The woman looked at Michael and he could see hope in her eyes. Reanna knew that any chance she had of changing her mind was now gone. To keep up the pretense of being excited about returning home she asked, “Is my father home? What about Zach? Where is he now?”

“Your father traveled to France to look for you. Zach should still be at the gym.” Matthew informed her.

Tears formed in Reanna’s eyes. She knew Holland’s was no place for a woman. But she just wanted to get away for the inevitable. She turned towards Eli. “Can we go there now?”

Eli looked down at the beauty beside him. “Holland’s is no place for a lady.”

Matthew and Michael both looked at each other and laughed.

“What’s so funny?” Eli asked his younger brothers.

“I’ll tell you later, old man,” Michael told him, wondering how Eli would react knowing Andrea had ventured inside the all-male establishment.

“Eli, please,” Reanna begged.

Eli looked down at the beauty beside him. He could not deny her, not after all that she had been through these past weeks. Not after he had accused her of being a thief. He took a deep breath. “Anytime you are ready. Would you like to freshen up first? We just docked and—”

“How in the King’s name did you get docking privileges?” Michael asked.

Eli gave his younger brother a sneer. “When you have a title, Runt, anything is possible.”

“He has a ship in port?” Andi asked excitedly as she walked over to the group. “Can it sail now?”

Eli looked at his new sister-in-law strangely. “What’s the hurry? We have just met. I would like to get to know you better.”

“But we have to find my sister!” Andi stated as she looked at Eli like he had gone mad.

“Well, by all means, go find her. Bring her over—”

“She’s on your brother’s damn ship crossing the ocean and—” Andi’s rant was interrupted by Michael.

“It seems she has managed to . . . shall we say . . . acquire passage on Noah’s ship.”

“He let a woman on
The Diamond Runner
?” Eli asked in disbelief.

“Not exactly,” Michael said. “Just after Andi and I were married, her sister was kidnapped. We tracked her here and found out she had escaped from her captor and then snuck aboard Noah’s ship.” Michael took a deep breath and looked to his oldest brother. “There is one more thing you should know, Eli.”

“What’s that?”

“The man who kidnapped Alyssa was Peterson.”

Eli’s presence became eerie. Everyone in the room could sense the change in him. The concern he had for his brother changed to that of one wanting to cause harm.

“Did you kill that bastard?” Eli asked with malice in his voice.


Eli shot his brother a dark look. “Why the hell not?” he asked as he grabbed Michael by his dirt-covered shirt collar.

“I suggest you let me go, Eli,” Michael warned his brother. “I know how much you hate Peterson, but no more than I. He has caused harm to both of our wives and their families. I did have the opportunity to kill him, but the Sheriff of Shortridge came along. He overheard Peterson’s confession of kidnapping and murder and arrested him. What would you have me do? Kill Peterson and an innocent man, in front of my wife?”

Eli allowed his brother’s words to sink in and he let go. “Sorry,” he mumbled as he began smoothing out Michael’s jacket.

Andrea was patiently watching the encounter. Sibling squabbles were not new to her, so she did not think twice to interrupt them. “Now kiss and make up, because I need a ship.”

Eli raised a brow to Andrea. “She doesn’t sugarcoat anything, does she? Just gets straight to the point.”

“When you have four sisters, you have to speak up quickly. Now . . . ship?”

“We just arrived on
The Abyss
,” Eli stated and then his facial features changed to a humorous expression again and he began to laugh. “I’ll be damned. There is a forty-gun pirate ship sitting smack dab in the middle of the docks of London.” His laughter echoed throughout the office.

“Where’s my pistol,” Andi asked as she started patting her sides.

“Andi,” Michael warned.

“Pistol?” Reanna croaked.

Eli just laughed harder until he heard the cocking of the pistol as Andi pointed it at him. “Egad, she’s a hellcat.”

“Better answer her, Eli,” Michael stated as he nonchalantly crossed his arms.

“We just docked. The crew was getting ready to depart for . . . further entertainment. I would say it would be a safe bet that Slim and Mr. Smitty are still aboard.”

Michael looked at his brother. “Aw, hell. You mean you traveled here on a pirate ship and we are going to have to travel back to the West Indies on one?”

“Wait,” Andi asked as her expression sobered. “I’m not traveling on a pirate ship,” then she stated, “What do you mean, a pirate ship?!”

“You see, Poppet, shortly after our sister’s marriage, Max mysteriously acquired the ship and began offering protective services for Emerald Shipping using said ship. He retired from sailing just before the birth of his daughter, but he had a full functioning crew. Never could figure out how that fellow acquired a pirate ship. But after London’s discovery, it all makes sense. So you see, if you don’t mind traveling on a ship crewed by ex-pirates, then you have a way to find your sister.”

“But a pirate ship!” Andi exclaimed again.

“Shhh, we don’t want the Navy to catch wind,” Eli said. “James was nervous enough docking here, especially since there was a British Man O’ War docked just a few berths down.”

“You mean the crew of that ship is the same group that we fought?” Michael asked.

“Yes. Quite cheeky fellows they are, but good men all the same.”

“I cannot sail on a ship with those men, not after the battles I have had with them,” Michael insisted.

“It’s the fastest ship in any waters. We made it here in a little over a month, even after being blown off course by a storm. If you want to reach Governor’s Harbour about the same time as Noah, then that is the only option you have. Otherwise, you better kiss your desire to catch him good-bye, because he was going to sail for the Orient about two weeks after docking.”

“How do you know his schedule?”

“Because we met him on the way here, a fortnight ago. Although I do not recall seeing a woman nor did he mention having one on board.”

Michael rubbed his jaw. “I do not want to sail—”

Andrea interrupted Michael. “Please, we must. It is my last hope in finding Alyssa.”

Michael looked down into the pleading eyes of his wife. “Fine,” he said. He then turned to Eli, “Please show me where you docked so arrangements can be made to travel back home.”

“Very well,” Eli replied. He turned towards London. “Please stay here. You and Andrea can become better acquainted while Michael and I speak with Slim.”

“But what about finding my brother?” London questioned. “You promised me, Eli!”

“He’s not going anywhere. He will be at the gym. Just as soon as I arrange passage for Michael, I will return and we will travel to your family’s home. While I am out, I will arrange for a carriage. Rest and freshen up while I am gone.”

London gave Eli a look that expressed her fury at him. He gave her a wink and walked out the door with his brother. His action was met by her tossing her parasol at him. Michael looked at the object on the floor, then back to his brother.

“And you think I am the only one with a hellcat,” he replied with laughter as he followed his brother out the door.

London smiled sweetly at Matthew and Andi. She walked over to the desk and picked up the decanter of brandy sitting on the corner. She poured herself a small snifter and downed the contents in one swallow. She then hurled the glass across the room at the door.

“Stupid no-good lying bastard!” London gritted out. “I hate men. All men. Old, young, handsome, ugly. They all deserve to be carted off to Tyburn Hill and hung!” She then turned to Andi and smiled sweetly. “So, Andi, please tell me about yourself.”

Matthew sat back down and began laughing. His brothers certainly had a knack for choosing women. Yes, indeed they did. As he observed the two feisty women, he smiled. Maybe staying a bachelor would be the wisest decision he had ever made.



Chapter Twenty-Six


Eli and Michael returned two hours later. While out, the men made arrangements for Michael’s and Andi’s belongings to be transported to
The Abyss
. Just as soon as the men returned, Michael and Andi left. Reanna turned her gaze to Eli and began tapping her foot angrily.

“I know. A carriage is waiting. Zachary should be home now.”

“You promised me, Eli. You said you would take me straightaway to my family, not two hours later!”

“We are going now,” he replied in an obnoxiously dry voice. Her irritation at being delayed infuriated him. “I told you earlier, Holland’s is no place for a woman. I was giving Zach time to return home from his outings.”

“Andi went there, so why could I not?”

“What my little brother allows his wife to do is up to him.”

“I am not your wife, Eli, so do not try to dictate my life. I could have gone with you and Michael. You could have just dropped me off at that dreadful club.”

“You obviously do not know your brother.”

“Like you do?”

“No, but Michael does. After Zach leaves Holland’s, he likes to visit his

“I know all of Zachary’s friends. They would have gladly accepted me at their residences.”

“No, you misunderstood my meaning. His lady friend.”

“Oh,” her eyes flared wide with knowing. Then they lowered dangerously. “You mean you had me waiting here so my brother could go whoring with his mistress?! You men are all alike. You think with the wrong body part!”

Matthew sat behind the desk listening to the delightful banter between his brother and the woman Eli was so obviously interested in. Her last comment sent him doubling over with laughter.

“Egad, she’s a saucy little chit. I like her. If I had known you were so interesting, I would have visited Phillip more often.”

Reanna tossed her head sassily in Matthew’s direction. “You bloody St. Johns! The lot of you think you’re so damn irresistible and important! This one here,” she said as her eyes blasted Eli, “thinks women should do as he commands in order to keep his mood pleasant just because his disposition is in a constant state of flux. Just because he has a bloody title coming his way does not give him the right to order people about like we are all commoners! He does whatever he wants and doesn’t give a damn how it disrupts others’ lives . . . my life! Now if you will excuse me, gentlemen, I have a carriage to board so I can get back to my life!” She turned and left the room in a whirl.

“You picked a hell of a woman there, Eli. I just gave her a compliment and she turned it into an insult. What did you do to make her so angry?”

“Shut it, Matt.” Eli stormed out of Emerald Shipping’s office followed by Matthew’s laughter. He spotted London as she approached a hack.

“I’m going to ask you again, how much to take me to my destination?” London asked the driver.

The man looked down at Reanna and a questioning look crossed his face. “Wot ya doin’ down ‘er without an escort anyways? Go on now, I done told ye I don’t oblige yer kind.”

“How dare you?” Reanna seethed. “I am not one of those women. Now, how much?”

The driver looked behind Reanna and spotted Eli. “Afta’noon, Govn’r. Is there sumthin’ I can ‘elp ye with?”

“Please take us to the destination the lady requested,” Eli responded as he opened the carriage door.

Reanna glowered at the driver, clenched her jaw and entered the carriage. She plopped down in the seat and waited for Eli to join her. He closed the door and sat down in the opposite seat, facing her. She turned her head and looked out the window.

Eli shook his head. He could hear her mumbling, but her words were unclear. When the coach lurched forward, he addressed Reanna. “What the hell was that all about?” He was taken aback by the malevolence in her blue eyes.

An unpleasant smile crossed her face. She was unmarried and pregnant. Eli was leaving her to deal with the issue on her own. If she told him, would he ask her to marry him? In her heart she knew the answer was no. She needed to distance herself from him—forget Eli St. John so she could go on with her life. She was angry, but not at him, at herself for allowing herself to get into this situation.

“I am just ready to find my father and get on with my life,” she lied, fighting the wave of nausea coming over her from the motion of the carriage.

“Something else is troubling you. Is it the delay in locating your family? I already told you that—”

“I’m just ready to go home! I have had nothing but heartache and disappointment on this damned adventure. I’m ready to get back to my life.” As she spoke, she was amazed at the steadiness of her voice.

Her comment infuriated Eli. The thought that she was upset because of that twit David was enough to bring his rancid mood back. The mood that had consumed him for the past five years. The mood that was broken with the first sight of her.

“Fine. I will have a porter bring your belongings here. I will not escort you in. You can explain your whereabouts to your brother yourself.”

“Zach has his own townhome. He will not be at my father’s.”

“I know. I had him summoned to your home.”

Reanna gave a curt nod and turned her eyes back out the window. The sun was shining brightly, warming the July day. Normally, she would have found the ride delightful, watching the children play as they passed by the parks, watching the couples stroll along the streets—but today her heart was breaking. She let her bitter feelings come out in her words.

Shortly after they departed Matthew’s office, the coach stopped before her home. Eli exited the carriage and held the door open for her. As Reanna’s feet touched the ground, she heard the front door of her home open and Zach exited. He had a guarded expression to his features, but when his eyes landed on her, his features softened and he raced to them. He picked her up around the waist and spun her in circles.

“God, I’m so glad to see you. We have been worried sick. Where have you been?” Zach asked as he placed his hands on her shoulders and took in her appearance.

“I’m so glad to be home, Zach. I left a note, did you not get it?”

“When Clara delivered the message, it was damp from her tears. The ink smudged and we could only make out that you had decided to go somewhere, but the destination was illegible.”

“I traveled to the West Indies to look for David.”

Zach’s eyes traveled to Eli, then back to Reanna. “I take it you didn’t succeed.”

“I’ll leave you two,” Eli replied as he turned and started to step into the coach.

“Wait,” Zachary replied. He outstretched his hand. “I don’t think we have been formally introduced, Viscount St. John. I am Zachary Hollingsworth.”

Eli took the hand and returned the man’s handshake. Zachary and Reanna resembled each other. Both had brown hair and blue eyes. Zach’s height matched Eli’s. As Eli gripped the younger man’s hand, he could feel the strength behind them. The younger man was muscularly built. Eli’s mouth curled at the corner as he noticed the younger man’s injuries from his earlier bout with Matthew.

“Nice to meet you, Mr. Hollingsworth. You know who I am?”

“Yes. You look like your brothers.”

“Please do not hold that against me. I see Matthew has taken you to use as his opponent in the ring.”

Zachary laughed. “Yes. He has a hell of a right, but his left is weak.”

It was a fact Eli already was aware of, but he said, “Good to know for further reference. Good day then.”

“Where are you going? You just arrived. Please come in for a drink and allow me to thoroughly express my gratitude for bringing my sister home.”

“The offer is appreciated, but I need to be returning to Matthew’s.” Eli’s eyes turned to Reanna and his tone turned bastardly. “I have served my purpose and my promise.”

Zach could feel the tension between his sister and the eldest St. John. He knew his little sister too well. He could see the tears she was fighting. She turned her back and stiffly walked towards the house.

“Reanna?” Zach called after her. “What’s wrong?”

“David’s dead!” she cried and quickly entered the home, slamming the door.

Zach turned his gaze back to Eli. His tone was brisk as he asked, “What did you do to her?”

“Pardon?” Eli asked, his stance now threatening.

“Reanna. She was crying.”

“Tears of joy, I imagine,” was Eli’s droll reply.

“Good day, My Lord,” Zach replied in a dismissive tone. He wasn’t sure what had transpired between Reanna and the eldest St. John or how she managed to be in his company, but one thing he was certain about was that his baby sister was not happy.

Eli watched as Zachary entered the home. His eyes traveled to the large window and he could make out London. She placed her hands to her face and collapsed to the floor. Zachary entered the room at that time and knelt down beside her. Eli turned his eyes away from the window.
Tears for Snowdon
. The thought that London was shedding tears for that sod made Eli’s blood boil. The thought that she loved Snowdon and not him tore his soul apart. The realization of where his thoughts were turning angered him further.

Eli ordered the driver to take him to Matthew’s home on Piccadilly. He sat down in the coach and fought the desire to order the driver to take him to Holland’s or better yet The Old Nichol Rookery. He was sure the East End slum residence would take great delight in trying to best a nobleman. With the amount of rage surging through Eli right now, he doubted that any man could best him—even Max.

When he arrived at Matthew’s townhome, he was greeted by Mr. Henry, the butler. “Good evening, My Lord,” the tall thin man replied. “I hope your trip to England was satisfactory.”

“Not really. When will Matthew be home?”

Unfazed by the surly reply, the butler did not bat an eye as he answered, “He just arrived. He is around back tending to his horse.”

Eli walked to the small stable behind Matt’s house. He could hear his brother mumble something. “Who are you talking to?” Eli asked as he entered the stable.

“Myself,” Matthew replied. He looked worriedly towards Eli.

“What’s wrong, Matt?”

Matthew pulled out a letter from his jacket and handed it to Eli. He observed Eli’s reaction as he read the note. Eli’s jaw tightened and his face turned a slight shade of red.

Eli’s eyes then returned to Matthew. “He’s dead? Peterson is dead?”

Matthew could sense his brother’s disappointment. He knew that Eli wanted to be the one to kill that son-of-a-bitch. “Appears so. While you and Michael were out, I sent one of my men to see where Peterson was being held. He returned with this.” Matthew pointed to the letter. “Apparently, his relatives could not get him out of prison quick enough and seemingly the Sheriff of Shortridge was not impressed by his title.”

“Either that or didn’t believe him.”

“True. But at any rate he was placed in a cell with those greatly below his station and they killed him.”

Eli’s gaze went back to the paper before he balled it up. “Pity. I wanted to kill him myself.”

“The least we could have hoped for was the opportunity to watch him being properly hanged at Tyburn Hill.” Matthew sighed. “Did you get Miss Hollingsworth to her home?”

“Yes,” Eli snapped.

Matthew could feel his brother’s anger. He wasn’t sure if it was the fact that he didn’t get to personally kill Peterson or if it was Reanna. Whatever the reason, Matthew knew the cure. He raised his fist, gave a quick jab, hitting Eli’s jaw.

“What was that for?!” Eli snapped as he recovered from the blow.

“To see if you can still hang with me, old man,” Matthew answered as he took another swing at his brother.

Eli blocked the blow and landed a hit of his own, connecting with Matthew’s cheek. Matthew stumbled backwards a bit and smiled. “You’ve improved, old man.”

“When you’ve been dealing with pirates and piratical brothers, your skill improves.”

The brothers fought for several minutes. Each blow Eli landed did not help release the tension in his body. It only infuriated him more knowing that he was not taking his frustrations out on Peterson or Snowdon. That would be a hard feat now, considering both men were dead. Matthew ended the bout with an uppercut to Eli’s jaw. The eldest St. John stumbled backwards and fell down. Matthew walked over and peered down at his brother. He studied Eli’s dazed expression and smiled.

“Thought as pissed as you were that you would have more in you. You still fought better than normal, but not good enough.” Matthew offered his hand to assist Eli to stand. Eli took his brother’s hand. When he righted himself, he staggered. Matthew put a steadying arm around his brother. “Is she really worth this?”

“Shut it, Matt.”

“Not this time, Eli. I have never seen you so despondent . . . not even after Meredith’s death. What transpired between you and Miss Hollingsworth?”

“A mistake.”

Matthew’s brows shot upward. “Egad, you bedded her?”

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