Read Kellen's Tempting Mate Online

Authors: Elle Boon

Tags: #alphas shifter, #Werewolves, #BBW romance, #anthology, #romance, #horror comedy romantic comedy werewolves shifters witches wizards fatasy vampires demons angels psyc

Kellen's Tempting Mate (8 page)

BOOK: Kellen's Tempting Mate
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As her fingers trailed up and down the jean covered length, Kellen grit his teeth. “I’m pretty sure pickles don’t come in that size.”

“I’m pretty sure pickles don’t come.” The way she said the words and the sparkle in her green eyes attested to the naughty girl inside his mate.

“You keep stroking that one, and it will...damn it woman, you’re killing me here.” Kellen swore he hadn’t been that turned on by a female rubbing his shaft since he’d first starting fooling around with the opposite sex.

“I want to touch you. Will you let me?” Laikyn asked as she reached for his belt buckle.

Goddess save him, but Kellen couldn’t have stopped her from undoing it if they were in rush hour traffic and surrounded by a busload of school kids. He needed to feel her skin on him.

The top button came undone, then the excruciating slowness of each tine separating seemed to take forever. When she had his zipper completely open and his dick was able to unfold from the confines of his briefs, Kellen was sure his eyes crossed.

“Damn, I forgot how big you were.” Her hand ran up and down from the tip to where the jeans stopped her.

“I’m the perfect size for you, baby.” It was a tight fit, but he always could make it work.

Laikyn leaned over the console, her mouth hovering over his, but not blocking the view of the road. “Can you drive, while I suck you off?”

Kellen nearly ran them off the road at her question. “God damn, woman. Warn a man before you say things like that.”

Laikyn’s husky laugh had his cock jerking, precome leaking from the tip. Her index finger swiped over the pearly fluid, rubbing it back and forth. “I have great faith you won’t kill us.”

With those words, her head bent and then Kellen was sure he’d blow his load in three seconds flat. Her mouth was like the sweetest torture a man could have, the warm wet suction had him lifting his hips in time with her motions.

He kept a white knuckle grip on the steering wheel with one hand, while the other he tunneled into her fiery mass of hair.

“Shit, your mouth is like fucking heaven.” It took all his concentration to stay on the road, but was sure he crossed over the center line a time or two. Luckily the highway was empty save for their two vehicles.

Laikyn hummed around him, adding to the assault on his senses. He felt his balls draw up, his fingers tightened around the strands in his fist. “Mon Chaton, I’m about two seconds from coming down your throat.”

Her head tilted, green eyes blinked lazily up at him while she licked the tip of his shaft. “That was my plan, Alpha Sir.”

Kellen barely kept his beast from roaring. Was sure his wolf was wanting to claim their mate, the need to shift and do just that was almost like the first time he’d shifted as a boy.

Laikyn turned her focus back to licking and sucking him, using her hand to work the part of his cock she couldn’t take. One day Kellen planned to train her to take all of him down her throat.

The squeeze and twist motion she applied in tandem with her sucking brought him to the edge. Although he wanted it to last, he knew he couldn’t and stay sane. The first shot of come was like the first time he’d experienced an orgasm as a kid. Kellen heard himself yell, but couldn’t say what. His eyes bounced from the road, back to the red haired vixen who greedily sucked him till he had nothing else to give, then lovingly licked him until he was clean.

“You taste good,” she murmured, smacking her lips together.

With a growl, Kellen jerked the vehicle to the side of the road, coming to a rocking halt and hauled Laikyn into his lap. He covered her lips with his, kissing the sweet temptress like a starving man.

They broke apart at the sound of knocking on the passenger window, his wolf nor man happy with the interruption. Luckily, Laikyn was covering his lap, and the fact his dick was out for all to see.

From inside he could see Rowan standing with a knowing smirk on his face. Lowering the window, Kellen waited for the other man to speak.

“Yeah, so just wanted to know if we should maybe give y’all a few, or if you were done playing tonsil hockey or you know?”

Kellen raised his right hand, middle finger extended. “Sit and spin, soldier boy.”

Rowan laughed, walking back to the truck behind them.

Laikyn buried her face in his neck. “I didn’t think I’d like that so much. Now, I really want to do it again.”

Banging his head against the soft headrest, Kellen had to remind himself why it was not a good idea to let her. For one, he’d probably wreck, and for two, he’d definitely pull over again, and next time he’d have his mate’s pants down and either his face buried between her thighs, or his cock. Either way, he was sure the four behind him wouldn’t be amused. Or, they’d be amused, and he’d have to hurt them. Kellen couldn’t hurt the women, therefore, he’d make the men hurt twice as bad. Then, he’d be the bad guy.

“You realize when you think really hard you get two lines right here?” Laikyn traced between his brows.

He caught her hand in his. “Woman, you are a menace to society.”

With ease, he placed her back into the passenger seat. “You say the nicest things.” Laikyn buckled up.

Kellen tucked himself back into his jeans, wishing the trip was over. As he watched, a shiver wracked Laikyn’s frame. “Are you cold?”

She ran her hands up and down her arms. “Have you ever heard the saying about someone just stepped over your grave?”

Kellen hung his hand over the wheel and stared at Laikyn, unsure how to answer her. He was sure he didn’t like the thought that someone would be anywhere near Laikyn, especially if they had plans to hurt her. He couldn’t imagine a life where she wasn’t in it. Knowing the saying meant someone had walked over the place she would someday be laid to rest, made all his inner warnings flare to life. He opened his senses, searching for the unknown, but didn’t get anything other than he and Laikyn. “Let’s just get home. You are going to outlive me or I’ll tan your hide.”

“That sounds like a promise,” she said leaning closer to his side.

If it wasn’t for the console separating them, he knew without a doubt she’d be snuggled up next to him.


aikyn didn’t want to freak out, but the same eerie feeling she’d had at her apartment flared as she and Kellen had been sitting alongside the road. She believed it wasn’t her two ex-co-workers, but fear of the unknown was much worse. The fact she had no clue they were part vampire, couldn’t sense or smell them, worried her. She trusted Kellen to protect her, but how could you protect against something you didn’t know was there? Hell, she’d never seen the man who lived across the hall. If she had she didn’t remember. Making a mental note to call Damien and Luke to find out more first chance she got let her relax and enjoy the rest of the trip.

Kellen let her choose what they listened to on the radio, shocking her. They both enjoyed the same type of music, which ranged from hard rock, to newer country, and classic rock. He said he got all stabby when pop music came on, which made her laugh.

“So, you don’t like the Biebs?” Laikyn asked on a yawn.

“The who?” Kellen signaled for their exit.

Laughing she turned the radio up on the song with the artist in question. “I think he has the voice of an angel.”

The big bad alpha rolled his eyes. “I’d snap his ass in two with one hand.”

She snorted. “Of course you can. But can you sing like that,” she asked nodding toward the radio.

“Nope. Don’t need to. I can fuck like a machine. He can sing all night long. Whereas I can fuck all night long. I call that a win win. I’ll take my expertise over his any day.”

His words had her squirming. She watched him inhale, the blue of his eyes turned brighter.

“I can smell you. The taste of you is still fresh in my mind. Would you like to listen to him sing while I’m buried deep inside you, Mon Chaton?”

And just like that, she was ready to leap over the seat and have her wicked way with him. “You are making me a right hussy, you know that? I mean, seriously. I think I’ve thought of sex like a dozen times in the past two years, and each time was when I thought of you. I’ve thought of nothing but sex since I saw you again.”

He ran his hand up her inner thigh, stopping between and pressing. “I bet you are wet.”

Laikyn didn’t even think of lying. “Of course I am.”

The lights from the Iron Wolves Club were lit up with the parking lot full of cars and trucks, and a multitude of bikes. Kellen continued driving till he reached the back lot where the apartments were located. Disappointment hit her that he hadn’t taken her and the trailer filled with her belongings directly to his place.

“I need to stop here for a few, then we’ll head home. We’ll store the trailer in my barn. Do you want to come inside with me or wait out here?”

She wondered if he’d read her mind. Her walls were up with no signs of cracks in her mind. Even the twins couldn’t breach them, which coming from hybrids was obviously quite the feat.

“I better call my parents and let them know I’m back. I’ll meet you inside in a few.”

Kellen leaned over and kissed her quick and hard. “If you’re not there by the time I finish, I’ll come back. It shouldn’t take more than ten, maybe fifteen minutes.”

He hopped out, striding back to the other vehicle. Rowan and Lyric stayed inside with Syn, but Bodhi hopped out, a scowl on his face. Laikyn opened her door, and walked back to speak to the others. “What’s up with Bodhi?”

Syn shrugged her shoulders. “No effing clue. He was silent most of the trip, save for some tapping on his phone. If I didn’t know better I’d say he had a mate somewhere.”

Hurt flashed across the gorgeous younger woman’s features. Laikyn stood on the running board. “Don’t do what I did and run away for years. You don’t want to lose two years of your life. Trust me on that.”

“Hey, it’s no biggie. Rowan, you guys think you can handle unloading and all that, then bring my rig to me tomorrow? I’ll catch a ride home with one of my friends inside. I could use a drink or twenty.” Syn’s smile didn’t reach her eyes.

“Let Kellen know, but yeah, I got this.” Rowan agreed.

“Thank you. Take care of my girl. Oh, and Lyric too.” Syn hopped down.

Laikyn watched the other woman walk in a door farther down than the one Bodhi entered.

“She going to be okay?” Laikyn asked Lyric, knowing the two girls were best friends.

Lyric looked sad. “She will be once one stupid wolf gets his head out of his ass. I just hope he does it before she does something that can’t be taken back.”

“Darlin, if you know something that I should, you better tell me.” Rowan’s deep growl reminded her of his presence.

“I promise, if I know she’s in danger I’ll scream it from the rooftops. Right now she just needs to get wasted and blow off some steam.” Lyric patted her mate’s leg.

“Who needs to get wasted?” Kellen asked.

Laikyn nearly screamed at Kellen’s deep baritone so close to her ear. She hadn’t heard him come up behind and wondered if the others hadn’t either. From the shock on Lyric and Rowan’s face she assumed Kellen had indeed snuck up on all three of them. “You almost made me pee my pants, Kellen.”

He nuzzled her neck. “Hmm, that is not how I want to get your panties wet.”

“TMI, boys and girls. You ready to roll? I need to practice making babies,” Rowan said.

Kellen glared at Rowan. “Don’t you already know how to do that? Do I need to give you a tutorial or what? You take part A, and stick it into part B. You need more instructions, like a video? I have several of those as well.” Kellen’s arms wrapped around her middle while he joked with Rowan.

Lyric laughed. “I think we know the how, it’s just fun practicing until we are actually ready to do the making. Of course, if you are volunteering for babysitting duty, we might just step up the timeframe,” she said blinking up at Kellen.

Laikyn was lifted off her feet. “You watch your own brats. I’m going to go practice with Laikyn after we unload the stuff from the back of Syn’s truck. Let’s roll out.”

Kellen carried her back to his XV and deposited her in the front seat. “I am all up for practicing with you, Mr. Styles.”

“That is good to hear, since I plan to practice a whole hell of a lot. Buckle up, baby.” He waited for her to do the seatbelt then shut the door.

“If you need instructions, remember I’m a doctor. I know all about anatomy.” She winked as he paused in starting the vehicle.

“You really are mounting up those spanks.”

And didn’t that just make all her girly parts tingle. She wondered just how far she’d let him go, and couldn’t wait to find out. Laikyn knew Kellen wouldn’t hurt her in any way. A nice, sensual spanking though? Yeah, she totally thought she’d be down for that.

“What’s put that look on your face, and got you all hot and bothered,” Kellen asked with one hand on the wheel, the other placed possessively on her thigh.

Even if she wanted to lie, which she didn’t, he’d smell her deceit. “I was just thinking of your hand on my ass.” Hearing the words come out of her mouth had a visual that nearly had her squirming.

Kellen’s fingers tightened on the wheel. “Me, too. Have you counted up the number yet? I think we should start at an even ten. What do you think?”

Damn! She thought of his big hand coming down on her backside. “What if I don’t like it?”

Electric blue eyes turned to her. “You’ll love it.”

She didn’t doubt his words, and loved the deep growl that accompanied his words. Lord, she couldn’t wait to get to his place and explore.

“Wow, it’s awfully foggy,” she commented.

“Yeah! That it is.” His head turned back and forth.

Laikyn glanced behind them to see if Rowan and Lyric were still following, but couldn’t see their headlights. “Should I call Lyric and make sure they’re okay? This fog sort of crept up on us.”

He gave a sharp nod, slowing down as the heavy stuff clouded the view from the front.

As she pulled her phone out, the no signal sign glared at her. “My phone has no service. How about yours?”

Kellen pointed to his front pocket. At any other time she’d be psyched at reaching in and teasing him. Now, she hoped his phone worked. Her heart pounded as she saw three bars. Quickly she dialed Lyric, waiting for the other woman to answer.

BOOK: Kellen's Tempting Mate
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