Kidnapped the Wrong Sister (9 page)

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Authors: Marie Kelly

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica, #Romantic Erotica

BOOK: Kidnapped the Wrong Sister
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“Well enjoy your little victory, because you won’t be seeing a penny.  From now on you are on your own Alexis”, he said with a cold look in his eyes glaring at his brother. “I don’t think you are going to enjoy being penniless”, he finished, before he turned on his heels, moving angrily out of the airport, his whole body stiff, as people instinctively moved out of his way.  Diona watched him go, feeling tears prickling at the back of her eyes, as she felt something tearing so deep within her.

felt Daryle move over to her, her arms moving around her shoulders.  “I’m so sorry Diona”, she said gently, as her sister pushed down the tears, forcing a smile to her face.  “I’m fine”, she said turning to Alexis, who was looking at the two women in surprise, not sure what was going on, seeing only his brother leaving.

“So you’re Alexis”, she said softly, “It’s nice to meet you”.  She held out her hand, as he took it.  He looked like a slightly shorter, less imposing version of his brother.  The same good looks, but with a more easy-going nature she thought.  “Break my sister’s heart Mr Dranias”, she said, “And I will hunt you down and make you pay”  Alexis smiled warmly at her.  “I don’t ever intend to hurt your sister”, he said before once more turning his attention to the woman beside him as he smiled at her, his face so full of love.

had, it transpired, already purchased a ticket for the same flight.  His intention was to keep pursuing Daryle until she forgave him, he now sitting happily beside her holding her hand, the two talking about the future.  Sitting by herself, Diona held onto the armrests the whole flight, her knuckles white as she gripped them.  Her eyes were firmly shut, as the small film of perspiration on her brow showed her terror at once more being on a plane.  As they took off, Daryle moved to sit beside her, holding her hand talking comfortingly to her, before Diona told her she was OK and allowed her to return to Alexis.  She kept playing over the many scenes on the island with Nikias, and the way he turned on her at the airport.  He had not even given her a chance to explain.  With a small sob catching at the back of her throat she looked out of the window, feeling the small tears as they wound their way down her cheek.


moved in with the two sisters for the next few months as, true to his word, Nikias cut him off without a penny, removing access to credit cards and all other monies.  Daryle and Diona therefore moved in together to share a room, allowing him to use Daryle’s smaller one. 

wondered how he would handle suddenly being yanked out of his world of privilege and plenty and had been pleasantly surprised when he found himself a job as an executive based on work within Nikias’ organisation.  She was further impressed to find that he very quickly moved up the corporate ladder, as she discovered that like his brother, Alexis had a flair for business, and soon he made enough money to put down a sizable deposit for his and Daryle’s first home. 

As they
moved in together, three months after leaving Greece, Diona had no misgivings, seeing how devoted to each other they were.  She envied the love the two shared and soon found that her sister had no real need for her anymore, knowing that she had Alexis and he her. 

Spurred on by the way she
had once more reacted to flying, Diona finally sought help for her phobia, and within a month of her return, found that she was able to board planes without the fear which normally gripped her.  With her fear of flying finally overcome, three months after their exit from Greece, she once more took up a three month contract working with a relief agency in the tropics, and so their lives continued, with not a word from Nikias Dranias.

Despite her sister having asked several times what
happened between the two of them, Diona never told her how Nikias had held her on the island against her will believing her to be Daryle.  She had not wanted to upset Alexis any more than he already was, despite his best efforts to hide it, and soon they stopped asking.

t was now six months since Alexis left Greece with the two sisters.  As Diona moved out of the arrivals gate, she smiled happily to see her sister standing with the tall man beside her.  As they rushed over, she embraced them both, now loving Alexis as much as any sister could love a brother.  There was question after question from both, as she laughed, finally holding up her hands.  “Please, give me a chance”  Alexis, with a big grin on his face grabbed her case, leading the two women to the new company car which he had just been given. 

raised an eyebrow.  “Top of the line”, she said, her eyes mocking him, as he flashed her a warm smile.  For a second she was reminded of a similar smile, shaking the memory away as she once more felt the small stab of hurt deep within her stomach.  “Isn’t it great Diona?”, Daryle smiled.  “They want Alexis to become a partner”, she said, her voice full of pride as he smiled down on her, his eyes as usual full of love for the woman he was to marry in three days’ time.

“I’m thinking it over”, he laughed. “I might just start up a company myself”, he said, Daryle looking back at him with a look of understanding in her eyes.  Later on that evening Daryle told Diona that he still tried to contact Nikias, and that they had invited him to the wedding, but that he still refused to speak with him.

“He misses him Diona”, she said sadly, “And it is my fault.  If it hadn’t been for me then they would never have fought”  Diona looked her sister in the eye, her expression serious.  “No Daryle.  It is Nikias’ fault.  Alexis was a spoiled playboy until he met you.  Now look at him - he is successful, he is making plans for the future and he is happy.  If his brother can’t see that then that is his loss”  Daryle looked deeply back, a great warmth filling her features.  “Thank you Diona”, she said softly, as the two hugged, before excitedly talking about the wedding.

As t
he day of the wedding finally arrived, Diona felt the headache once more starting to pound in her temple.  Since arriving back she been so busy that she tried to ignore the small cold which seemed to be building up within her.  Taking some Paracetamol, she determined that no headache was going to ruin her sister’s big day.  As she helped Daryle put on her dress, she felt the tears building up as she looked over at her.

“Oh Daryle, you look so beautiful”, she whispered softly, seeing the way the dress shaped her perfect figure, before flaring out with the long train billowing behind.  “I’m so happy Diona”, she responded, her whole face shining.  “I love him so much”  Diona nodded, knowing the deep feelings which ran between the two, knowing that theirs would be a long and happy marriage.  Diona wore a cocktail dress, a soft blue halter neck which fastened at the nape of her neck.  The two laughed when deciding to buy it, agreeing that one of the shapeless frilly bridesmaid dresses was too much torture to make any woman bear.  As she looked in the mirror, she saw how lovely she looked, her hair softly curling around her face, with the back pulled up in a soft knot.  The two sisters smiled happily at each other as they left Diona’s flat, where Daryle stayed that night as they clung on to the superstition that it was unlucky to see the bride the night before the wedding.

As the car
picked up the two sisters, Daryle looked so longingly at Diona.  “I wish you could find someone as wonderful as Alexis”, she said laughing, as her sister looked back at her with a small giggle.  “Maybe I’ll find someone at your wedding”, she laughed. “After all isn’t that tradition?  I mean I hope that you have invited lots of hot guys”, she said, seeing the look of shock enter her sister’s eyes at her choice of words.“Diona Brown”, she gasped with mock horror as the two sisters laughed happily together. 

In the
vestibule, Alexis laughed too, his face happy as his friend Chris joked with him.  As Chris’ phone rang, he struggled to hear the caller on the other end, raising his eyes as he moved out of the vestibule to take the call. Alexis sat down on one of the pews, legs apart as he rested his arms on them looking out of the window, his mind a thousand miles away deep in thought, a small sad look coming to his eyes. 

In the past six months his life
had changed so dramatically.  He had been living the life of a careless pampered rich kid, his brother always there to pick him up.  He frowned slightly remembering just how bad he had been, sighing gently as the memories of his many misdemeanours returned to haunt him.  However, that had been before Daryle.  Seeing her face in his mind brought a soft smile to his lips.  He shuddered remembering how close he had come to losing her, and remembered the leap of faith he took the day his brother gave him the ultimatum.

With a sigh he knew that he
had not regretted his decision for one second, finding Daryle to be everything he thought she would be. Her generous, forgiving, loving nature had swept him away when he first met her, and as he had grown to know her better, he had fallen deeper and deeper in love with her and he knew with all his heart that she felt the same.

The only shadow on his happiness
had been losing his much-loved brother.  Looking down, a small flash of pain crossed his handsome features as he missed the brother who had brought him up, looked after him and who now refused to even talk to him.  Giving himself a small shake to brush off the sadness, he smiled gently.  This day was going to be perfect he told himself, finally he and Daryle would be man and wife and he longed for the day that they would have children of their own, once more sad that Nikias would not be there to share in any of his happiness.

As he
sat, he heard the door open, the old wood creaking and echoing in the large open vestibule.  “You know, you really want to marry that girl,” he joked looking up expecting to see Chris.  But it was not Chris standing in the doorway looking at him, but Nikias.  Rising slowly to his feet Alexis looked warily at him.  “If you’ve come to try to talk me out of marrying her Nikias...”, he began, stopping as his brother shook his head, his expression one of uncertainty and hurt as he looked at his younger brother.

“No, I came to see you”, he said so softly. “To wish you happiness”, he added looking so unsure at Alexis.  Alexis, however, moved forward, his arms embracing his brother, who held him tightly, his eyes closing with relief.  “I am so sorry Alexis”, he said, a catch in his voice as the emotion of the reunion hit them both, “I have missed you so much”  The two of them tried to ignore the moisture which misted both of their eyes.  “And I’ve missed you too Nikias”, he said so softly, his voice just as full of emotion.

“I should never have turned my back on you”, Nikias said as Alexis shook his head.  “You never did Nikias…I know that”, he replied, holding his brother’s eyes.  “I never told Daryle or Diona, but I know”, he said softly, as Nikias looked back at him.  “Nobody would have ever given a playboy like me the kind of job I got, not when the real power behind the Dranias Empire turned his back... But I got one with hardly an interview.  Mr Drake told me everything one day”, he continued softly, “Told me how you had vouched for me, offered him a contract he couldn’t refuse if he took me on”

looked at him with surprise, seeing how much his younger brother had grown up in the past six months.  He was no longer the little boy he had always viewed him as, but a man, a man who he looked at with such respect.  “Maybe Alexis, but you kept the job… did so much more with it”, he said softly.  “And I am happy for you and Daryle, you love her very much don’t you?”, he said, as Alexis’ eyes lit up with that love.  “And she loves me Nikias”, he said, “She loves me”

smiled a warm smile as they both embraced again, patting each other on the back as brothers do.  As they moved apart, both laughing, Chris returned, his face showing his surprise at seeing Nikias.  “Nikias”, he cried as he rushed forward to shake his hand, “You came”   Nikias gave a small nervous laugh.  “I’m not sure if I am still wanted”, he laughed,” I will understand if you…”

The other two men however,
looked at each other, signals passing between the two.  “Well you know this does let me off the hook”, Chris laughed, as Alexis smiled warmly at him.  “Thought I might have to actually do this best man thing”, he said, pulling off his jacket and waistcoat.

looked at him in surprise.  “No…I couldn’t expect you…”, he began as the others started to help him off with his jacket.  “No way bro…you want to be forgiven then you be the best man” Alexis smiled, as Nikias finally pulled off his jacket putting on the waistcoat and jacket Chris had been wearing.  Fortunately the two men were of a similar size, the jacket a little snugger at the shoulders than he would have liked.  With one final grin Chris hugged Alexis.  “See you at the finish line”, he joked, once more shaking Nikias’ hand as he moved out into the church to sit beside his surprised girlfriend as he gave her a small wink.

As the time
came, the two men moved out to the front of the church, waiting for the bridal party.  Nikias looked over at the brother he had missed so much, thankful now that he had swallowed his pride and come to the wedding.  With a small shudder he knew that there was still one more person he wanted so badly to see, the thought of her causing an electric sensation to fly through him with the anticipation of once more seeing her lovely face.

As they
stood at the end of the aisle, the music began and slowly the two sisters moved down the aisle together. Diona stood side-by-side with her sister, as they decided that she should also be the one to give Daryle away.  As they looked down at the waiting groom Diona gasped, feeling the whole room swaying for a split second as she saw the man standing beside him - as she saw Nikias.  It was a major feat to keep her feet moving towards the waiting group, as she felt her heart beating so fast in her chest.  She could not understand the way she was reacting to the man whom she had grown to hate so much.  What was he doing there, she asked herself feeling a panic building within her.  Looking over, she could see the happiness emanating from Alexis, as he stood beside his brother looking down on his future wife.  As if on automatic pilot, she performed the duty of handing her sister over to Alexis, before moving to the side, now looking at Nikias as he stared back at her.

forced herself to look away, not to make any eye contact with the man before her who was once more raising such bittersweet sensations within her.  She watched Daryle and Alexis, a small tear winding down her cheek as they declared their vows of love and marriage, so happy to see her younger sister finally so settled and happy.  As the group moved back up the aisle, she found herself walking beside Nikias, who placed his hand against her back to guide her, shocking her with the instant white hot tremor which shot through her whole body at this simple touch. 

As they
reached the exit of the church he leaned down to whisper in her ear, “You look beautiful”, his voice sensual as she closed her eyes feeling her body betraying her, biting her bottom lip to stop the small groan leaving her mouth.  “Thank you”, she returned stiffly, moving away from him as the photos were taken.  As she stood beside Daryle, her sister pulled her to the side.  “I didn’t know”, she said quietly, “I swear I didn’t, he just appeared at the very last minute”, she said, looking with concern into her sister’s pale face.

smiled weakly, patting her arm.  “Don’t worry about it. It’ll be fine…at least Alexis is happy”, she said, seeing how his eyes shone with sheer joy, as he grinned up at his brother, who was looking back at him with that wonderful smile which had her knees shaking.  As she stared, his look moved over to her, as if he sensed her eyes on him, the electricity which had always been there between them once more flying through the air.  Dropping her gaze she turned from him.  “He is nothing to me”, she said with little conviction as her sister was pulled away for photos.

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