Kindred (45 page)

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Authors: Nicola Claire

BOOK: Kindred
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Part of me wanted to, but a bigger part, the part that makes me get up off the ground when a vampire's knocked me down, or run towards the danger when my fear is screaming no, that part of me said, no. Don't hide who you are. Don't try to be something you're not just because someone wants you that way. If Rick couldn't see that I was still the same person inside despite everything that was happening to me, then he could go to hell.

Right now, I needed friends and as weird as it was to say it, those vampires at
were my friends. I started up the hill.

Jett was on the door again. Seems Bruno had moved on to greener pastures. As to be expected, he was dressed in black. The same black jeans and tight black T-Shirt I'd first seen on him. He wore it well. His long curly hair was tied back at the base of his head today, it made the features on his face stand out even more than usual. The nose so much bigger and uglier, with its slightly crooked bend, but the smile he gave me was genuine and it lit up those big blue eyes and made you not want to look anywhere else. I chided myself for looking. Michel may not be able to glaze me any more, but other vampires still could. Best to be more careful.

Hey, Jett!”

Hey yourself, Lucinda.”

You know, you can call me Luce, all the others do.”

The master does not.”

Yeah, well, the
calls me whatever he damn well likes, but you, you can call me Luce. OK?” I hadn't meant that to sound so rude, really I hadn't, it just kinda came out that way. “Sorry, that was a bit rude. I've had a rough night.”

There is nothing to apologise for.” His face was even, neutral. I think he meant it. I think.

So, is it busy in there tonight?” For some reason I just wanted to be prepared, a big crowd of dancing humans just wasn't my cup of tea this evening.

Private function.”

OK. “Can I go in? Or will they chuck me out without an invite?”

This is your home, you can come and go as you please.”

Um, it's not my home, Jett. I have an apartment.”

He just looked at me as though I was the one who was crazy. Jeez, vampires!

Your home is with the master. The master lives here.”

This was so not going anywhere. “Right. I'll go in then.”

He nodded, that slow short incline of his head he seems to do and opened the door to the inside.

I was immediately met with a mixture of vampire
Sanguis Vitam
signatures, differing power levels, tingles and pinpricks along my skin, more so than usual and with a cursory glance around the room, I recognised the scene. No Norms. The only humans here were groupies and willing donors. The vampires were partying tonight. I wonder why?

It was kind of like a scene from a movie. Seriously gorgeous people lounging around on sumptuous furniture. They were all dressed to impress too, latest fashions, stunning outfits, flawless make-up and hair. Some were openly feeding, others getting a little too familiar for the public setting that it was and still more hiding in the shadows doing God knows what. I didn't want to look too closely, those were images I could gladly keep from repeating in my dreams.

There was a heady scent in the air too, intoxicating even, it sent shivers down the spine. Did vampires give off pheromones when en masse like this? It wasn't quite an orgy, but I didn't doubt it could turn that way in a flash. This was so unexpected. I'm not a prude, but I'm not a swinger either. I don't frequent those sorts of places where they dress up in leather and wear whips and chains like jewellery.
had always had a little zing to it, the dark furniture, lush surroundings and low lighting screamed indulgent behaviour, but this? This was something else entirely.

I scanned the room for a familiar face, but couldn't see anyone other than Doug behind the bar and he was busy, orders flying off the counter in that vampire preternatural speed. Whoever was footing the bill for this bash was gonna feel it. I decided I'd just head in the direction of the Private area, when a vampire stepped in front of me, barring my way.

He was tall, really tall, so I had to crane my neck back to look up at him. That's not saying much, I have to look up at most people, but still, he looked like a tree. Strong arms in a casual dress shirt of deep red, over tight form fitting black trousers. I'd got so used to vampires wearing black lately that my eyes lingered on the shirt, taking in the broad chest, thick arms. I shook myself and kept on tipping back to get a look at who this guy was. He obviously wanted my attention, but I wasn't going to step back and show fear. That would have been a dead give away, emphasis on dead.

He was of course handsome, I don't think there would have been an ugly vamp in the room tonight, Jett with his crooked nose was about as bad as it was going to get and he was standing outside. He had  slightly unruly blonde hair, but it had that staged look about it, like he'd spent an hour gelling it into place. His eyes were a piercing blue, intense azure, it made his lightly golden skin stand out. Vampires don't get sunburns, unless by accident right before they
die, but if they had tanned skin when they were turned, it more or less stays that way in the undead life as well. I'm picking this guy was from a sunny country, maybe Greece or Turkey? His mouth was full and currently in a beguiling smile. It finished off his features with an all mighty full stop. This guy was simply dazzling.

Can I help you?”

Absolutely, you can,” he drawled, American, wouldn't have picked that.

He reached out to touch my hair running a hand through the strands, then rested his hand at the side of my neck, stroking over my pulse point.

What are you doing?”

He cocked his head at me, a little surprised I was asking that question. “What does it look like I'm doing? Savouring my meal.”

Oh great. I was so glad Rick was not here to hear this.

I'm not on the menu.”

All the humans here are for our enjoyment. Be that physical or nutritional. Which one are you?” His voice was husky, inviting.

His hand at my neck had tightened, the other one now gripping my left arm slightly. Where was everyone tonight? None of Michel's guys would have stood for this. Where was a decent bodyguard when you needed one? Guess I'm on my own. Again.

Neither. And I suggest you remove your hands before you get yourself hurt.” Best to come out guns blazing with a vampire holding your neck.

He laughed at that, actually threw back his head and laughed. Didn't loosen his grip though, did he?

Perhaps you could be both. First my meal, then my entertainment. I've always liked my fun with a bit of bite.”

At that his fangs slipped out and down and his lips drew back in that definitely not-sexy move some vampires have. If only they practised in front of a mirror, they'd get a hell of a lot more pussy that way, I'm sure.

I really didn't think I should stake someone on Michel's property, in the middle of a private vampire function. The repercussions would be too great. God knows who was running this party and how they would react, and really, I had no idea how Michel would either. Neither thought was comforting.

So, where did that leave me? His fangs were getting closer, I could feel his hot breath against my skin, the world had squeezed in to just him and me, those fangs and my bare skin. Time had slowed, but not stopped, in too short a space of time his teeth would pierce my flesh. Nobody in the room had come to my aid, some had noticed, but had simply turned away, the vampires uncaring, the humans too weak to show support. God, why was I always ending up in these situations?

Out of frustration I shouted
in my head. I was angry that he hadn't been here to greet me, that he hadn't sensed I had arrived, that he didn't even know that some Neanderthal vampire in his bar was now about to chomp down on my neck and then do God knows what to the rest of me. Where the hell was he!

The door to the club opened with a resounding bang. I couldn't see who had done it, I was facing the wrong way and kind of in a bind, but I could sure as hell feel it. And then everything happened so fast. Michel appeared beside us with eyes blazing the most amazing array of purples; violet, heliotrope, amethyst and amaranthine, sparkling like diamonds around the room. In the next instant the vampire was flying through the air and landing in a heap against the bar, breaking wood and glass and sending patrons flying.

He was on his feet in an instant, but as soon as he saw who his attacker was, stilled. A look of shock and outrage on his features.

Surprisingly his voice was very calm when he said, “Is there a problem?”

Michel just growled and slowly walked towards him. His
Sanguis Vitam
was electrifying. Vampires in the vicinity were scrambling to get out of the way, as far as possible out of the way. Humans were being discarded, left where they had been dropped, they too were making desperate escapes, but somewhat more pitifully. I felt Bruno come up and stand beside me more than I saw him, my eyes too transfixed by the display that was Michel. He glowed, the most stunning shade of blue and purple, it made him seem so godly, so terrifyingly beautiful. It didn't seem possible that he was of this world.

The vampire realised then that things were not going well, but I could tell he was struggling to understand why. I almost felt bad for the guy and took a step forward to say something to Michel. Bruno's hand came down on my shoulder, not hard but firm,  halting me in my place. I understood, this was not something a human, albeit vampire hunter/kindred Nosferatin should get in-between of. So, instead, I threw my thoughts out to Michel. I wasn't sure if he'd hear them, but it felt right and I had nothing to lose.
He didn't know who I was, Michel, he thought I was another human groupie, a donor. He didn't know.

Michel hadn't paused, still making that slow and determined walk towards the vampire, who was by now every shade of green, sick with fear. I wasn't sure if Michel had even heard me or not, his gaze so intent, his step so sure. He growled a low threatening sound that rumbled around the room and made several of the humans whimper. I didn't blame them, I would have whimpered too if I wasn't trying so hard to get Michel's attention.

Michel stop! You don't need to do this. He didn't know. Please, for me.

Somehow that got through to him. Wow. I don't know if it was
I was saying in my thoughts to him, or if it was the fact that I had just been sending thoughts non-stop throughout all of this and finally they had broken through his anger and rage, but he stopped advancing on the man and his glow slowly diminished. His eyes still blazed, but he had
reschooled his features into that neutral mask vampires wear around each other.

It seems my kindred Nosferatin is prepared to forgive your transgression.” The vampires eyes widened alarmingly and he slid a quick glance to me and then back to Michel. “She has more compassion than I, however, as the infringement was made against her, I shall allow her to mete the punishment.”


all eyes were on me. Before they couldn't even spare me a glance, but
they were transfixed. Super great.

Lucinda?” He hadn't turned towards me, he was still staring intently at the vampire, but in his mind he sent the thought,
come stand with me, ma douce.
At least he was lucid enough to use my pet name, I thought weakly, as I came to stand next to him.

The vampire had started apologising then, almost drivelling in his rapid flow of words, “Sorry, I had no idea, had I known... You were so beautiful,” he received a small growl from Michel then. “It's just I couldn't understand why you had not yet been taken. I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry, so very sorry.”

I'd raised my hand then to tell him to stop making a fool of himself, but he'd kind of run out of steam anyway and seemed to look as much like a vampire as a pussy cat right now.

What am I meant to say?
I asked in my mind, directing the thought at Michel.

He is yours to punish, you choose,
came his cool reply in my head.

What punishment could I give him?

I was hoping for a stake through the heart.
I heard it then, the lightness in Michel's thought, he was enjoying this. Typical.

I don't want to hurt him. Who is he anyway?
This mind talking could prove very helpful.

A visitor, come to pay their respects. It seems word of my power increase has reached the furthest corners of the Iunctio and those who wish to strategically align themselves with us have started calling. And then there are those who just want to come and see if it is true.

Which is he?

Michel smiled at me then, a small turn of his head towards me, his eyes lifting to meet mine.
The former I think. I believe he is the representative for the American Council of Families. They have long been requesting a meeting, some of their business interests have much in common with mine, however, their methods of arranging that meeting have been - how should I say? - blunt.

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