Kindred (43 page)

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Authors: Nicola Claire

BOOK: Kindred
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How does he give me some of his powers?”

His proximity alone would allow for the exchange. It is an intrinsic part of a joining, but is not limited to after the joining ceremony is complete. If a vampyre and their kindred Nosferatin have connected on a most intimately basic level beforehand, it is possible to use the power of both for a necessary task. Be it healing, protection warding, or enhancing strength and the like.”

Protection warding?”

To ward a property or a person. A protection ward can be carried out by a vampyre or Nosferatin to a certain extent, but to significantly boost that ward, a sharing of powers is needed. Although the sharing is intrinsic, a kindred vampyre or Nosferatin can intentionally choose to use the power from a sharing for enhancement, should it be for the benefit of both. However doing this intentionally before they have joined, creates an even stronger connection, one that does not allow the other party to pull out of the joining so easily. There should always be a choice to join.”

I felt the chair and ground go out from under me, the realisation of what Nero was saying hitting so hard. Michel had warded my apartment before, I knew this, I knew it was possible and I didn't have a problem with it, he was keeping me safe in a way that I found acceptable. But he had also warded the holiday home in Taupo and to such an extent that he was adamant that Max could not find us. Yet, when I challenged him on how that was possible, he refused to tell me. Now I knew why. He didn't want me to know he had crossed the line, using my powers to boost the ward and thereby making it damn near impossible for me to refuse to join.

Was anything I felt for Michel even real?

Are you all right, Kiwi?” Nero was leaning forward and looking intently in my face, his hand was on my now shaking shoulders, his thumb gently rubbing where it lay.

I took a moment to steady my heart rate, calm my breathing, allowed myself to just concentrate on his touch. After a few seconds I felt the world right itself, but hell, my head hurt. So did my heart.

I'm fine.” It was quiet, a little shaky, I have no doubt he didn't believe me. He didn't remove his hand, just continued to rest it there, so warm and calm and safe.

Will you tell me?” His voice was soft and low, like he didn't want to frighten me.

I just shook my head. Another thing for me and Michel to battle in private. This was not Nero's to fight.

When I didn't answer he sat back, removing his hand, but the warmth it had created remained.

Your ability to recover from two Dream Walks in one night will improve after your powers arrive and as time passes. To start with, two Walks in one night will probably only make you sleep for, let's say, three days, not seven and that may become less as time goes by. However, it is not something I would recommend you attempt unless absolutely necessary, the risk to your safety when you sleep is obviously great, even with your kindred vampyre nearby.”

Well, that made sense and besides, I couldn't think of another occasion that would necessitate me to do a double Dream Walk in one night. I certainly hoped not anyway. I couldn't think of anything else I needed to know about Dream Walking, I thought we'd covered it enough for now. That just left my other nifty early power.

My other power is glazing vampires.”

I'd realised it was a pretty cool power when I first used it, I had never heard of it ever happening before, vampires just don't get glazed, but I was sure Nero would have known all about it and would offer up some wisdom. Some tips, maybe tell me about how many there actually were like me out there, glazing up a storm.

You can do what?”

I guess I was wrong.

Glaze vampires. I made a vampire who had been commanded by his master to detain me and not allow me to sleep, let me sleep, so I could Dream Walk.”

Nero was still, no emotion on his face and then just a twitch in the corner of his mouth, then another and then he was laughing. The most amazing, full bodied, throaty and rich laugh. The whole room felt wrapped in its brilliance.

You are phenomenal, my Kiwi. Truly phenomenal.”

So, I guess that's never happened before?”

Not to my knowledge.” And then he sobered. “I do not think this is a gift you should share with too many. It would not be safe. The vampyres would feel a little threatened I think.” He laughed again, then looked me in the eyes, his a swirl of cinnamon and copper. “You are amazing.”

He stilled there a moment, then cleared his throat and looked away, as though he was uncomfortable with the comment, or the proximity to me, all of a sudden.

I felt a little sad at that, I'm not sure why.

Well, that's it. They're my powers so far. I guess I'll come into more in a few days time.”

From present evidence, I do not doubt it, but I am afraid I could not tell what they will be. It is different for each of us. Most Nosferatin will feel them arrive, it is not a shock, just a little tingling sensation. Initially one or two, then over a period of months, the rest. They do not all arrive at once, only improved strength and speed are a certainty from day one, but what you will receive, I could not say. I can only assume it will be monumental, as far as you are concerned, Kiwi.”

Well, that's great. I'll just have to be patient. Not exactly one of my best qualities. At least it will be a subdued affair, a slight tingling I can handle.

Is there any of your kindred's powers you wish to discuss?” Nero asked.

I was pretty sure he was trying to sound me out on how powerful Michel had become, maybe to relay the information to Nafrini. Another joined master vampire coming into her territory would be of a concern, but I wasn't going to give too much away. I'm not stupid, I wouldn't put Michel, or me for that matter,  in that  position, but I was curious about how Michel's abilities to read my emotions could be handled. Him always getting the drop on me by instantly knowing what I was feeling was beginning to give him power over me. Power I didn't want to relinquish just yet, if ever. If I could learn to hide my emotions, then so much the better. Maybe Nero knew how and besides, this power didn't seem like a strategic battle secret or anything.

Michel can read my emotions. Do you know how I can hide them from him?”

Why would you wish to hide them, Kiwi?”

He can always tell what I'm feeling, even if I don't want him to. And -” Yeah, and here's the thing. I had really hurt him with them once, used them like a weapon. The effect on him had been so strong, so devastating, it had broken my heart in two. I never wanted to do that again. “- I can hurt him with them. Throw them out at him. I don't want to do that.” I couldn't say

The last had been said in a whisper, I'm not even sure how Nero had heard. But he took my hands in his and turned me to him.

It is a gift. Not all kindred vampyre will receive.”

A gift? It's a nightmare!” My voice was breaking as I said it.

He reached up and brushed away a tear which had started down my cheek, his hands a little rough and hardened, a warrior's hands, but so warm and soft despite the small callouses there.

Far from it, Kiwi. This is the gift that will bring your kindred vampyre back towards the Light. How can he not be affected, changed, by what he now must feel?”

Chapter 30

Nero didn't stay long after that and when nightfall came Michel appeared at my door. I really wasn't sure how to face him. I was still so upset about the warding of the Taupo house and the fact that it would have had an effect on my choice to join with him. Not to mention him having had Rick glazed. How could I look him in the eyes? How could I spend the entire evening with him?

Luckily, it wasn't necessary. He was distracted, an issue had arisen in Wellington that he had to attend, one of his line requiring his assistance. The thing with vampire families is, when a vampire is made by a master or chooses to be absorbed into a family line, they swear their allegiance by blood to that master, prepared to do anything he commands. What do they get in return? Safety, protection and the backing of a level one
Sanguis Vitam
master when needed. Half of Michel's business dealings were with his line, sorting out problems, keeping them in line and on occasion, like tonight, assisting them with his power and presence. It takes a lot of time and energy to be master of a line and Michel's had recently nearly doubled. He was busier than he had ever been before.

Part of me worried about that. I didn't like to see him distracted or tired, but there was nothing I could do. Vampire families and vampire politics are what they are. That's probably why power and strength are so important in the vampire world.

It will take all night,
ma douce
. I won't return before sunrise and I will have to sleep tomorrow. This night is likely to be... busy.”

We were sitting on the couch, not long after he had arrived. Michel had manoeuvred us there as soon as he walked in the door, not even registering my discomfort when I opened it to him, he was that distracted. Weird.

Is everything all right? It's not dangerous is it?”

It's surprising how the reality of fear for someone's safety overrides all other thought, because suddenly I didn't care about the protection ward in Taupo or Rick. I was sure I would get back to those though, just give me time.

It will be fine. I will be fine. It is just an urgent matter that cannot wait. I will see you tomorrow evening and I swear I shall make my absence up to you then.”

That last statement was said as he nibbled my ear, sending a delicious wave of pleasure down my neck and body. I felt myself relax into him, a reaction so instinctive, so natural, I could not have controlled it. He just had that effect on me, despite my brain telling me otherwise. I think even if I was really,
, super mad at Michel, he would still elicit that same response, right in the middle of me throwing a temper tantrum. Damn.

I couldn't leave without first saying goodbye. I missed you today.” Now his lips were on my face, my cheek, my jaw, my mouth. His words interspersed with kisses and nips and licks.

I thought you didn't have much time.” There was no denying it, my voice was shaky, a little breathless.

He pulled away slightly, looking a little flushed himself. “You are right. I am getting sidetracked.”

Sidetracked?” I lifted an eyebrow at that.

He laughed. “OK. Deliciously sidetracked. Is that better?”


He stood then, ready to leave and I felt an absolute sharp sense of panic. It rippled through my body, sending adrenaline racing through my veins. I racked my brain for something to say, something to stop him walking out my door. I'd never felt this absolute terror before, fear for his safety, fear for him leaving me. I felt a little small at that. I'm a big girl, I don't rely on others for my happiness, but right then, my mind and body was telling me otherwise.

He stopped immediately, feeling the emotions rolling off me and turned to come back to my side.

Ma douce
, please do not worry. I will return.”

Why am I so scared?” My voice was pitifully small. I cringed a little at it.

He kissed my forehead, leaving his lips against it as he said, “It is the Bond. It has not fully settled. It will get better.”

I don't like it. I don't like being this way. This is not who I am.”

Michel pulled back, holding me by my shoulders and looking me in the eyes, his so blue and indigo, so deep and mesmerizing.

I know who you are, Lucinda and the Bond does not alter that for me. You are the strongest, most capable human I have ever met. The fire that burns within you is a blaze. You will learn to control the Bond, trust me.”

I hoped he was right. I hoped I could win this battle, because if I didn't my life as I knew it would be over. Why did it feel like I was constantly fighting for me?

Michel sensed I had calmed and gave me a quick kiss on the lips, then straightened up and walked out the door. It was only later that I realised, he hadn't fed from me tonight. And man, didn't I just love the emotions that rolled through me at the thought of that.

Work the next day was normal, no surprises, no supernatural events, just a great day with normal people who genuinely cared. A few of my workmates, who were about the same age as me, were teasing me about my upcoming birthday and getting older. How little they understood the repercussions of my ageing. How turning 25 only a few weeks ago had meant just another year, but now it meant so much more.

I've never been one to make a big fuss, I mean, it's just another year over, isn't it? And to tell you the truth, it only reminds me of my parents. You know, my real parents, my biological parents. I wonder what my mum was like when she was pregnant with me, was it an easy birth, was I a good baby for her those first few weeks she had me and I had her? And my father, my Nosferatin father. What had he been like? Would he have cried at my birth, knowing I would not live past my 25
birthday, because of the choice he had made? Did he regret having me?

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