Read KissedByASEAL Online

Authors: Cat Johnson

KissedByASEAL (15 page)

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“Okay?” she asked.

He’d been quiet for too long as he reeled with her request.

She wanted a weekend of sex? He’d give her a weekend she’d never forget, and he sure as hell was done pussyfooting around. If he only had her for three nights and then never again, he was taking everything she had to give.

“Yeah. Okay.” He rolled away from her and stood.

“Where are you going?” She swung her legs so she was sitting on the edge of the bed.

He had been planning on going to hide in the bathroom for a little bit, maybe take a shower to give himself time to calm down and squelch the anger he felt but didn’t want to show. But she’d put herself in the perfect position for something else.

“I’m not going anywhere.” He took a step forward and angled his length toward her mouth. He waited for her to protest, but she didn’t.

With her gaze locked onto his the whole damn time, she opened her mouth and took him in, surrounding him completely.

The feel of sinking into her hot, wet mouth while she stared at him with eyes he could happily lose himself in forever nearly brought him to his knees.

This was not good. His plan to make this about meaningless sex was failing miserably.

It would never work as long as he could see her.

Closing his eyes, he palmed the back of her head and tried to ignore that his heart was way more invested than it should be in what he’d meant to be just a simple blow job from a woman who would never be his.

. Ha. There was nothing simple about any of this.


The morning sunlight slanted through the window, casting streaks of shadow and light across the bed where Darci and Chris were tangled together beneath the sheets.

She felt him stir behind her and smiled when she felt the evidence of his morning arousal pressing into her.

Groaning with the effort, she rolled to face him. “Good morning.”

“Good morning.” His voice was low and gruff from sleep, but he was obviously wide awake. He swung one leg over hers and, straddling her, reached for a condom on the bedside table.

She guessed he hadn’t been kidding when he’d said he intended to cram as much sex as possible into this weekend. Not that she was complaining, but she supposed she should be happy they’d actually gotten to sleep as early as they did last night.

Of course, they’d never gotten around to eating dinner and the welcome basket had only yielded so much. She was starving.

As Chris slid inside her, she knew food would have to wait for both of them.

Today, his lovemaking was the opposite from how their first time together last night had been. Last night, he’d spent what felt like an hour exploring every inch of her. This morning, he got right to business, squeezed his eyes tight and thrust fast and hard.

That wasn’t to say it wasn’t good, just different. By the time his spine bowed and he let out a groan, shuddering to completion inside her, she followed right behind him with an orgasm of her own.

Then it was over.

He pulled away from her and got out of bed. “I’m taking a shower.”

“Okay.” She was feeling satisfied and boneless, but apparently, he was anxious to get on with the day.

Lucky for her, since she had to wait for him to be done in the shower, she had some more time to relax.

Darci stretched and snuggled deeper beneath the covers, but soon she realized she was too excited about the day to laze in bed long.

Flipping back the covers, she sat up and after glancing at the amazing view outside, moved to stand in front of the closet and stare at her minimal choices.

She heard the water in the shower turn off and called loud enough he’d hear her through the door, “What should I wear?”

Chris opened the door and came out of the bathroom accompanied by a burst of steam. He was already dressed in shorts and a T-shirt.

He didn’t blink twice that she was standing in front of him naked as he asked, “For the cruise? Something nice but not too fancy, I guess.”

“Not just the cruise. What about for the rest of the day? Don’t we have to go out and patrol the grounds and keep an eye on what’s happening with the guests and stuff? And I thought we’d have breakfast. I’m hungry.”

“Order something from room service for yourself. I’m going to do a sweep alone. It’s way more efficient if I do it on my own.” He came over to the closet and, reaching past her, bent to grab his sneakers from the floor. He carried them to the chair and sat to put them on.

“I thought we decided it looked less suspicious if we walked around the grounds as a couple.”

“That’s why I’m going for a run. No one looks twice at a guy jogging alone. I can cover the whole property faster than if you’re with me.” He talked as he focused on tying the laces of his running shoes.

“Oh, okay. That makes sense.”

Something was different. Chris was different. She felt it, like a burst of cold cutting through the warm air. He was polite and civil, if she asked a question, he answered, but there was an edge to his words and his tone.

He stood and grabbed the menu off the desk. Handing it to her, he said, “Order whatever you want. Collins is paying.”

“Do you want something?” she asked as he reached to flip the lock.

“Don’t worry about me.” He pulled open the door and glanced back. “The shuttle to the marina for the boat trip is at three. I’ll be back before then.”

It was mid-morning now. Surely he wasn’t planning on staying away all day and only coming back in time to change for the boat trip.

The way things had gotten so strange between them, maybe he was. She knew sex changed things, but this was ridiculous. He was like a different person.

Maybe it was the job. He was in work-mode or rather, back in SEAL-mode. She could understand that. The guys must have to put themselves in a different mindset to perform at the level they did, to do the things they were required to do.

Hopefully, good old Chris the joker would be back to normal again tonight after the boat trip. Until then, she’d just have to deal with his serious side.

Given the beautiful setting he left her in, she figured that wouldn’t be too hard.

~ * ~

“Mr. Cassidy, good morning.”

Chris turned from the bar where he’d just finished devouring the last of the glass of juice and sliced fruit plate he’d ordered. He was soaked through with sweat from his run and had only stopped because he needed the fuel.

He hadn’t planned on encountering Mr. Collins, but here he was. “Good morning, sir. Everything going okay?”

“I was going to ask you that.”

“I’ve done a thorough sweep of the property.” Twice, actually, as he ran full out one time around the perimeter, and only slightly slower the next, in an attempt to sweat Darci out of his system. “Everything looks secure. Business as usual. And I’ll be going over the yacht with a fine toothed comb the moment we board.”

“Do you anticipate a problem there?”

“No, but I’m going to insure that by doing a thorough sweep before we get underway. It might mean I have to tell the captain the truth, but I don’t think we have to worry about his telling your family I’m there as security.”

“Probably not. Just make sure he knows I’d rather keep your true function a secret.”

“Yes, sir. I will.”

Mr. Collins nodded. “Good. Well, I’ll let you get back to that girlfriend of yours.”

Chris couldn’t let that misperception pass. Especially not now that he knew how far it was from the truth. “She’s not my girlfriend. That’s just the cover story. She’s really the sister of one of my teammates from GAPS. She was available and capable, so she was the best choice to accompany me as my cover and as a second set of eyes for security purposes.”

His babbling protest sounded like bullshit. Like he was trying to convince Mr. Collins that he hadn’t been getting sweaty with Darci since they’d left the Welcome Party yesterday.

But if the older man saw through Chris’s story, he didn’t let on. “Whoever she is, I’ll see you both later.”

“Yes, sir.” Chris only breathed freely again once the man had left.

He needed to get his mind off Darci and his head back in the game.

The wedding guests would be scattered all over the resort until they rallied for the boat trip. Maybe he could convince Darci to hang around the pool until it was time to leave. That way he would be free to make occasional sweeps of the public areas—the restaurant, the beach, the gym—while she kept an eye on the pool area.

But first, he needed to take another shower and change into clothes that weren’t drenched in sweat.

Chris signed the bill for his breakfast and headed back toward the room, bracing himself the whole way for the assault on his senses that was sure to hit him from just seeing Darci in their room.

He had to wipe the sweat off the keycard he’d had in his pocket before sliding it into the door. He found Darci outside, sitting at the table laden with plates that must have contained her room service order.

“I’m back.”

She spun at the sound of his voice. “There’s food left, if you’re interested.”

“I’m gonna take a shower quick, then I’ll be out.” He forced himself to look away from what appeared to be a plate of bacon and headed into the bathroom.

He was quick to shower and dress, but he probably should have taken his time. He realized that as he wandered outside and was faced with the expanse of Darci’s bare back in a halter dress.

When she turned and smiled, he forgot all about how he’d come outside to investigate her breakfast leftovers because the fruit he’d eaten wasn’t cutting it. His mouth was watering for another reason.

“How was your run?”

“Good. Thanks.” He reached out and grabbed a strip of bacon.

“You’re back sooner than I thought you would be.”

“Yeah, I thought maybe you and I could go to the pool for a bit before we get changed for the boat thing.”

“Okay.” Her bare foot was up on the chair in front of her, causing the skirt of her dress to fall away and expose a good amount of leg. “Do you want to go now? I’ll have to put on my bathing suit.”

The thought of Darci in a bathing suit pushed him over the edge.

“No. We’ll go in a little bit.” He reached down and braced one hand on each arm of her chair, putting his face close to hers.

“What did you have in mind until then?” Her gaze dropped to his lips, before raising to his eyes. She smiled, as if she knew exactly what he had in mind but just wanted him to say it.

“Let me put up the
Do Not Disturb
sign and I’ll show you.”

“Do we have time for that?” she asked.

He snorted. “I’ll make time.”

She smiled. “Okay.”

Chris grabbed her hand, pulled her out of the chair and kissed her hard. She kissed him back with an enthusiasm to rival his own.

Darci pulled back from the kiss. “I like you like this.”

“Like what?”

She shrugged. “Playful. In a good mood. When you left this morning you were kind of serious.”

Pissed was more like it. Mad over her not wanting to be his girlfriend even though she was willing to have sex with him. But then again, he’d never actually talked to her about him wanting more, had he?

Her not knowing how he felt, what he wanted, was on him and he couldn’t blame her for it. Either way, now was not the time or place for deep discussions. He’d think about that after they were home. Now was the time to take advantage of that big bed.

“It must’ve been the run. All those endorphins. Or maybe it’s just this dress.” He grinned and reached behind her head to unhook the halter.

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