Knocking on Heaven's Door (67 page)

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simplicity and beauty, 267–68, 269
singularity, 194
skill and talent, 400–401
SLAC (Stanford Linear Accelerator Center), 100, 105–6,
soufflé, 51–52,
spacetime, 91, 119, 314, 323–28, 364–65,
SpbarpS collider, 130–31
special relativity, 25, 96, 118, 284, 298
spectral lines, 176
speed of light, 8, 103, 228, 245, 251, 277, 282, 346, 349–50, 422
Spielberg, Steven, 9
Spiropulu, Maria, 300
spontaneous symmetry breaking, 263–64, 268, 283, 285
spyglass, 32
squark, 308–10,
SQUID (superconducting quantum interference device), 385
Superconducting Super Collider
stadia, 422
Standard Model, 97–101, 105–9, 130–31, 181–82, 243–54, 273
and background events, 164, 209
elements of, 114–15,
graphical summary of,
LHC measurements, 211–13
reaching beyond at LHC, 114–19
search for Higgs boson, 286–96
particles, 222–23, 241–54
and supersymmetry, 302,
, 304–5
Standard Model forces, 88–90,
Stanford Linear Accelerator Center (SLAC), 100, 105–6,
stars, 32, 34, 174, 346, 358, 369, 390
Star Trek, 169
statistical uncertainty, 203–4
statistics, 200–201, 209
Stelluti, Francesco, 37
stochastic cooling, 109
stock trades, 191–92
strange quark, 247, 249
Streb, Elizabeth, 7, 15–16, 348, 399
string theory, 92–93, 194–95, 333–42, 351
and extra dimensions, 313–18
and landscape, 338–39
and model building, 334, 339–42
and quantum gravity, 54, 92, 335–36
strong force, 82–86, 88, 104, 114,
sublime, 40, 41–43,
subprime mortgages, 184
Sun, 35–38,
, 349–50
Sundrum, Raman, 167, 170, 175, 314, 322–26,
, 404–5
superconducting quantum interference device (SQUID), 385
Superconducting Super Collider (SSC), 137, 138, 145–46
superconductivity, 235, 284
superfluid phase, 139
Supernova Cosmology Project, 372
superpartner, 303, 306, 311
Super Proton Synchrotron (SPS), 133–36,
supersymmetry, 92–93, 302–11,
, 318
and dark matter, 381–82
and hierarchy problem, 302–3, 306–7, 310–11
and Higgs boson, 288–89, 295–96,
, 305–6, 311
supersymmetry breaking, 306, 311, 313, 403
in art, 266–67, 268
and Higgs mechanism, 278–80, 283–84, 285
systematic error, 425
systematic uncertainty, 203–4, 425
systemic risks, 182–83
systems biology, 20
Taj Mahal, 266–67
talent and skill, 400–401
Tale of Genji
, 3
tau, 114, 243–244
Taubes, Gary, 405–6
Taylor, Richard, 100
technicolor, 117, 312, 318
technology, 202–3, 356–58
and Galileo, 31–38, 39
and progress, 414–15
Tegmark, Max, 351
telescopes, 32–36, 218, 350, 391
temperature, 19,
and LHC, 129, 139, 155
Tennyson, Alfred, xxi
Tevatron, 109,
, 129, 138, 163, 218, 236
theory of forces, 278–79, 283
theory vs. model, 272
thermodynamics, 18–20, 46–47, 272–73
“thinking outside the box,” 407–8
This Time Is Different
(Reinhart and Rogoff), 195–96
thought experiments, and Galileo, 26, 30–31
Tom Jones
(Fielding), 3
Tonelli, Guido, 219
“too big to fail” policy, 190
top-down theories, 333, 334–35
top quark, 104, 247, 250–51
ATLAS, 225–29
CMS, 225–28,
transition radiation, 228–29
transition radiation tracker (TRT), 228
triggers, 163, 196, 236–40
Trinity College (Dublin), 22
truth and beauty in science, 259–75
Tucker-Smith, Dave, 310
Tychonic system, 37–38,
uncertainty, xix, 201–6, 412
uncertainty principle, 10, 79–80
unification, 88–90
unified force, 88–90
unified theory, 270, 333–34
see also
Grand Unified Theory
universal constant, 123
universal parameters, 17
Big Bang theory, 352–59, 362–64
edge of, 113–24
scaling the, 70–72
tour of, 346–51
see also
University of California, 98–99, 384
University of Dublin, 21–22
University of Padua, 26–28, 74–75
University of Utah, 40, 41
University of Washington, 400
up quark, 82,
, 247
Uranus, 368
vacuum, 280–81, 285
energy, 374–75
valence quarks, 85–86, 110
van der Meer, Simon, 108–9
Vanity Fair
, 128
vector boson, 108–9
vector calculus, 22
Venus, 35–36,
VERITAS (Very Energetic Radiation Imaging Telescopic Array System), 391
Vicente, Mark, 10–11, 201
violet light,
, 77–78
virtual particle, 84–85, 87, 288, 289, 298
visible light, 95–97
visible universe, 350–51
vision, 94, 95–97
volume, 19,
Vulcan, 367
boson, 108
Wagner, Walter, 167, 181
Wallace, Alfred Russel, 409
Wanderer Above the Sea of Fog
warped extra dimension, 322–30,
, 404–5
warped geometry,
, 324–30,
Warped Passages
(Randall), xvii, 247, 338, 411, 417
wavelengths, 95–97
wave theory of light, 23–25
weak boson,
weak gauge boson
, 324–26,
weak energy scale,
, 118–19
weak force, 108–9, 114, 130, 251–54, 268, 280, 283–85, 425
weak force carrier
weak gauge boson
weak gauge boson (weak boson, weak force carrier, weak vector boson), 108–9,
, 116–17, 130, 251–54,
, 281–82, 292,
weak mass scale, 296, 298, 319, 327, 377, 380–82
weak vector boson,
weak gauge boson
Weinberg, Steven, 26
Weiner, Neal, 384
West Side Story
(musical), 247–49,
What the Bleep Do We Know!?
(movie), 10–11
white dwarfs, 174
Wilczek, Frank, 263
Wilkinson, David, 364
Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe (WMAP), 364–66, 372
Wilson, Robert, 356–58
WIMP (weakly interacting massive particle), 381, 383
wino, 305
Witten, Edward, 26
World Wide Web (WWW), 239–40
xenon experiments, 384, 385, 387–88
XENON10 Dark Matter Search Experiment, 386, 387
XENON100 Dark Matter Search Experiment, 384, 386, 387–88
Young, Thomas, 23–24
Zanonato, Flavio, 27
boson, 108–9, 130, 251–54, 281–82, 292
ZEPLIN-III Dark Matter Detector, 384
Zinn, Kai, 401
Zweig, George, 82, 262
Zwicky, Fritz, 369
Zwirner, Fabio, 26–27

This book covers a lot of ground and I was fortunate to have had many wonderfully generous and thoughtful people providing guidance throughout. Knowing I could count on keen minds to reflect on even early incarnations of this work was a powerful incentive when moving forward. I am especially grateful to Andreas Machl, Luboš Motl, and Cormac McCarthy, all of whom read more than one draft of the book and provided valuable feedback during its different stages. Cormac’s high standards, patience, and belief in “my project,” Luboš’s precision as a physicist and care for science communication, and Andreas’s wisdom, enthusiasm, and consistent support were invaluable.

Others’ edits, input, and enthusiasm also mattered a great deal. Anna Christina Buchmann was delightfully insightful, smart, and kind with her suggestions and contributions; Jen Sacks helped me through moments of indecision with wisdom and care; Polly Shulman provided important direction and encouragement early on; Brad Farkas’s interest and sharp editorial pen helped solidify my enterprise; and the keen eye and overwhelming skill of my British editor, Will Sulkin, improved some key chapters at a critical stage. Thanks, too, are owed to Bob Cahn, Kevin Herwig, Dilani Kahawala, David Krohn, and Jim Stone for their proofreading and suggestions after reading a more final draft.

For helping get details of both the LHC machine and the ATLAS and CMS experiments correct, I am very grateful to the physicists Fabiola Gianotti and Tiziano Camporesi, who know their detectors as well as is humanly possible. And who could be better than Lyn Evans for reading over my writing about the LHC and its history? Thanks also to Doug Finkbeiner, Howie Haber, John Huth, Tom Imbo, Ami Katz, Matthew Kleban, Albion Lawrence, Joe Lykken, John Mason, Rene Ong, Brian Shuve, Robert Wilson, and Fabio Zwirner who also generously commented on some of the physics sections. Thanks as well to my 2010 and 2011 Harvard freshman seminar classes for their input about their understanding of the LHC.

Religion and science was somewhat new territory for me, which I could tread much more confidently equipped with the advice and wisdom of Owen Gingerich, Linda Gregerson, Sam Haselby, and Dave Thom. I am also grateful to others who helped with science history—Ann Blair, Sofia Talas, and Tom Levenson—all of whom made my story more accurate.

Topics like risk and uncertainty can be risky (and uncertain). Thanks to Noah Feldman, Joe Fragola, Victoria Gray, Joe Kroll, Curt McMullen, Jamie Robins, Jeannie Suk, attendees at the Harvard Law School Colloquium, and particularly Jonathan Wiener for sharing their expertise, and also to earlier conversations with Cass Sunstein. Creativity can be another slippery topic and I’m grateful to Karen Barbarossa, Paul Graham, Lia Halloran, Gary Lauder, Liz Lerman, Peter Mays, and Elizabeth Streb for sharing their insights. Special thanks also to Scott Derrickson for his conversations that were key to the first chapter, and for correcting me when his memory was better than mine. Thanks to the organizers of 2010 Techonomy for inviting me to join the opening panel—preparing for it contributed to the book’s conclusions. Thanks, too, to the others whose conversations were mentioned in the text. Thanks also to Alfred Assin, Rodney Brooks, David Fenton, Kevin McGarvey, Sesha Pratap, Dana Randall, Andy Singleton, and Kevin Slavin for their generous feedback and thoughts, and to A.M. Homes and Rick Kot for advice and encouragement.

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