L. Ann Marie (23 page)

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Authors: Tailley (MC 6)

BOOK: L. Ann Marie
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I get up; I always feel relaxed when I leave the patio.  "Night, Brothers."  They throw chin.  I get home, drop my leg in the holder and climb in bed.  Mandy rolls right onto me; I don't know how the fuck she knows when I'm here but it's the same every night.  I kiss her head and close my eyes.

Chapter Twenty-Five


Rich sticks his head in my office.  "VP needs us in the meeting room."  I get up and follow him.

I wonder if Geek got the information on the crew; he's a wiz but that would be fuckin crazy fast if he did.  There were more than twenty five on the list I saw.  I walk through the door and only Rich, Danny and Dave are here.  Doc comes in with Pres, Tiny and VP.  I sit with my pad and pen out.  Danny has his iPad on the table.

Everyone sits but Pres.  "First, there are no notes for this.  VP will give the handlers anything that they will need.  I don't even see it.  I get a list of names and cross them off when it's called in.  The only contact you have is with your handler and that's in the vehicle they use to transport you and your gear from one place to another.  When you're finished you go to the Club.  There are rooms for you there; no one will bother you, no one will know you're there.  You go in the room, it will be stocked with what you need to get the shit out of your head.  Sleep for a while; when you leave that room, you leave the shit there.  If you’re not ready to leave the shit behind, don't leave the room.  The Club will be in lock down until the morning.  We're not calling everyone in, just your families and it's just a precaution."  He walks to the door and opens it then turns back.  "Good luck, Brothers."  He throws chin and leaves.

Fuck, it's about to get real.  VP stands up.  "He don't see the Ops.  No need to have it in his head.  Handlers: Tiny, you’re with Bob; Dave, you’re with Danny; Doc, you’re with Rich.  Geek, you’re with me."  He hands them each a piece of paper.  I'm fuckin shocked.  I'm with them and not a handler.  "After every hit, you call Pres with the number.  Do that when your Brother is not with you.  Brothers don't need to talk, so don't unless they ask you somethin.  You meet them tonight at eight outside the Club; trucks will be brought to you.  Brothers will carry their gear.  Get your families to the Club for six.  Dinner at six thirty.  Questions?"  No one has a question.  "Handlers have to leave."  They get up and walk out.

He looks at us.  "Each stop will be different; handler will tell you what to expect.  It's not a guarantee, just a best guess accordin to the latest report.  All guns are silenced.  You adjust for that.  Use whatever you need to make the hit; gun, knife, hands, wire.  Don't give a fuck how, just get it done quick.  Be silent, slip in and out without notice.  Nothing on you to catch light.  Black powder for your face is in the trucks.  Clothes, delivered to the rooms at five.  No coat, no cut, no jewelry, no ID.  Bob, you have a bar; mask in truck, rapid fire and slip out.  Bar has dark hallway; no one will see.  Rich, got two long shots; bring the gear.  Questions?"

I shake my head no.  This doesn't sound so bad; we've done this before without the handler.  "Got nothin else.  See you at six."  He throws chin and walks out.

I look at Danny and Rich.  "Guess we're done."  I stand.  "I need to get my leg on the holder.  I'll be back in a few."

"What's wrong with it?"  Rich asks looking concerned.

Fuck, I hate this shit.  "This one is more comfortable than the other.  I guess I'm not wearing it enough, the bands are stiff.  I need to be comfortable."

He watches me.  "Nothing wrong with being comfortable.  I can guarantee VP has a dull black patch waiting for my dad.  You're here because you're one of the best; that leg is just like the patch.  Dad doesn't need it, he feels comfortable wearing it for everyone else.  You do what you need to be comfortable and don't try shielding us from knowing.  It's ok for us to remember what's been sacrificed for our families.  It reminds us why we do things like tonight.  This crew was going to pick our women and kids off at a soccer game.  We fight harder knowing that; what you and dad gave up, what our fallen Brothers gave up.  When you're done tonight, remember that. It will be important for you to take the time like Pres said but you and my dad probably need it less than me and VP.  You live the sacrifice every day; we see it but it will mean more to you.  That's why the military did isolation; when you have no vested interest in the lives of the people you're protecting, you need time to come to grips with killing people.  You have nothing to justify it with."

Danny slaps his back.  "Well said.  I'm hungry; want to go to the Diner on the way?"  He asks me and I bust out laughing.  I throw chin at Rich, who’s shaking his head, and walk out with him.  I could eat.

At the Diner, we sit in the back booth.  "Do you think Rich is right?  We won't have as hard of a time as them."

He looks at me for a few seconds before answering.  "I do.  We never got the military training;  they were taught to kill, then use the isolation to process what they did and why.  We learned kill or be killed; we already lost a piece of us to the crazy fuckers out there.  We understand why we're killing before we actually do it and don't need to process it."

"Thank Fuck.  I thought there was something wrong with me.  We've done this before; maybe not with so many, but the same kind of job.  Why all the cloak and dagger?"

"It's not like the other jobs, this is silent; you're not waking anyone up so they know it's you.  You don't alert them that you're there; you hit them from behind, no noise, and move to the next.  It's harder to kill that way, that's why you need time after.  Just remember they were coming for our kids and women; they were willing to kill innocents for a payoff."

We stop and give our order.  When coffee is brought I ask, "What’s with the soccer game?  Soccer is done."

"It's the scrimmage the boys are planning for next weekend.  The MVP's from the other teams against the Club kids.  It's the first time they'd be playing without holding back.  Christian had the vision and Little Ben took it as a sign.  It won't be a blow out but the other team won't win."  He looks like he's thinking about that, so I let him.

We eat and I visit Mandy at the Muse shop.  She's smiling from ear to ear, "It's all working perfect!  The printer just called, Digs set his program to print every twenty minutes.  He had prints waiting for him to deliver this morning; he's so happy all he has to do is make sure everything is full when he leaves.  Love for the MC gushed from him more than once."

I laugh.  "Why every twenty minutes?  Wouldn't it be better to just have them print?"

She looks serious.  "The ink has to dry before the next picture is dropped on it and the printer needs the time for the ink settle so there aren't spots with missing ink.  It would leave empty lines or the color won't blend right."

I nod, that makes sense.  "I'm glad it works for both of you."

She pulls me down by my shirt and kisses me.  I'm hard before she lets me go.  "Thank you, my Beautiful Biker Man."

I smile, "I like Badass better."

"Don't care; you're beautiful to me.  I can call you whatever the hell I want."  She's so fuckin cute, hands on hips, ready to battle me over a name.

"Yes ma’am."  I kiss her lips and stand straight.  "We have a dinner at the Club tonight at six.  You need a bag, we'll be sleeping there.  Other women will be there too. I'll be late."

She watches me; I'm waiting for her to ask, knowing that I can't answer.  "What do I get out of this slumber party?"

I laugh; I didn't expect that.  "I'll give you waking up with my mouth on your pussy."

She watches me.  I wonder what's going through her head.  "Orgasm guaranteed?  First thing?  Do I get to work tomorrow?"

She's got me smiling; she's going to let it go.  "Yeah, with Security."

She nods and makes like she's thinking about it.  "You got a deal. I'll let you drag me to the Club with the promise of a fuckin nice wakeup call in our new bed that's in our new room."

Nina laughs.  I kiss Mandy’s lips. "I'll pick you up at the house at quarter of."

"You want me to pack a bag for you?"  She's smiling.

"No, they'll have my clothes already up there.  They keep a week’s change for all of High Security.  I'll have them send a day up; they have a holder and a shower leg there already.  I'm good, just get for you, babe.  Bring another sexy as fuck outfit.  I like this."  I pull her shirt tight on her belly.

She laughs.  "The MC is nuts but they love you.  I like that."  She squeezes my hand.  "Nancy had a bunch of outfits in the bag.  I like them too; she even had panties.  You can rip away, Badass."

People are laughing, I look around.  Fuck, Nina and two people are standing right behind me; I didn't hear the bell.  I kiss her lips.  "Count on it.  I gotta go."

"Love you, my beautiful Badass Biker Man."

I laugh and turn back.  "Not as bad but I like just Badass better."

"My name, my damn choice.  Get your ass to work and stop bothering me!"

I let the door go and get my ass to the house to switch out legs.  The day flies; I thought I'd be nervous but I have no anxiety or nervousness.  Pres used to think the violence affected our ability to live normally; maybe this is what he meant.  I should be feeling something, I don't know what but it feels odd not have an emotion one way or another.

We got a tour of the Club at church last week.  Mandy's going to love our room.  They had a table of sex toys to replace what was lost.  The Officers had the table cleared before the tour was done.  Chet thought it was funny because we're all married.  I think it's like Rich said; we need to work at keeping our women happy, that means in the bedroom too.  I haven't met a stupid Officer yet.  Well, Rob wasn't street smart but he wasn't stupid until the end.

I get to the house, grab my leg and Mandy for our dinner.  We make it just in time; I drop the bag and leg by the stairs.  It's just a dinner but it’s nice to talk about nothing important.  We spend an hour shooting the shit and eating then VP gets up, looking at us.  "Got a job.  We'll be late."  The women smile at him with a ‘no shit’ smile; I smile at their reaction.

"Go take care of your job.  Don't miss and make sure you get them all.  I love the girls and margaritas but I love you more."  Jess says, looking at Steve. 

I look at Mandy; she's watching me.  I throw her chin because I don't know what to say.  She gives me a smile and throws it back.

Tiny laughs.  "Fuckin Badass old ladies."  We walk to the stairs; I pick up my leg and Mandy's bag.  I hope the Prospect put the flowers in the room already; I want her to see them when she comes in.

I'm changed and on the stairs with VP and Danny before the others are out.  "I don't know who got the holder and shower leg here but I appreciate it."  VP throws chin.  I wouldn't have guessed that one but I'm thankful for it.

He holds my eyes.  "You have two silencers, change after the bar."  I throw chin, glad that he told me.  I don't use silencers regularly.  We train with them to get the adjustment but I'm High Security; we shoot without worrying about who hears.  We want to scare the fuck out of any other pussies before they act stupid.  "Only Officers train with silencers.  Just in case somethin like this.  Brothers don't get that."  I nod, thinking 'get out of my head'."  He laughs.  "Need to see you're clear.  You and fuckin Danny got no fear."  He shakes his head with a smile. 

Everyone is here.  I wonder about Dave again, he was close to Casper.  Maybe this is his shot at closing the book on these assholes.  VP looks at me and nods; his eyes and face are blank, already in commando mode.  We walk to the new meeting room.  The handlers walk right out.  Every one of us opens our bags and checks everything making sure we won't have surprises.  I strap my knife on and ask about wearing it open.

"You wear it there.  Could get you killed changin it now.  I should’ve remembered.  First stops bar.  I'll have Tiny cover it while you’re in.  Good it's black."  Only the tip of the handle is showing steel.  The handle is black leather.

He hands pictures to us.  "Give these to your handler before you get out at the first.  He'll give you targets for the next."

I nod and lift my bag. I'm good; I have a target, my gear and a ride.  Everyone is at the door waiting for VP.  He stops and looks at us.  "Never did it like this.  Good luck, Brothers."  He throws us chin and walks by.

I walk to the SUV Tiny is standing by.  When I get in, the seat is all the way back; I set the bag on the floor, thinking this is comfortable.  We drive for a good twenty; I look through my four pictures and watch the road.  No other SUV drove with us.  He stops at a light, showing me the bar.  "Go around to the road behind."  I look at where I need to be then how I'm getting back.  "Wait for me here."  I give him my knife and the pictures and take the automatic with the silencer and the mask.  Checking the clip, I slide it behind me and get out.  Staying in the shadows, I wonder if someone took out the street lights for me.  At the back of the bar, one of my targets is standing, having a smoke.  I drop him then hit the light.  No one comes out.  I drag him to the side in the shadows and walk in.  My other three are playing pool.  VP is right, the hallway is pitch black.  Not smart for a bar; they're looking for rape charges in this fuckin place.  I hit quick and walk out before the first scream.

When I get back in the truck, Tiny rolls, handing me a picture.  "Problems?"

"No."  He points to my knife; he tied black to the top of the handle.  I slide it in its sheath and look at my picture.  I've seen this guy in town.  I'm pissed clenching my jaw.  Tiny slows, "First floor, back bedroom; has his mistress with him, wife's at her mother's."  I nod sliding out at the corner.  Lights are out again.  Fuckin VP, taking care of us.  I hop the fence and slide along the building.  The window is open but there's a slider a few feet over.  I close the window and move to the slider.  Using my small knife, I slide the lock open then the door.  Guy should have used the safety bar; I always use the pins, they're just as good.  I shake my head and walk to the bed.  The girl is asleep, facing the other way.  I pull my knife, cover the guy’s mouth, lean on his shoulder so he doesn't move and slide my knife into his chest turning it twice.  I wipe the blade on the bed and slide back out.  I hear the girl mumbling something, then silence.  Over the fence I take a breath and jog back to the truck.  Tiny has a towel and a new pair of gloves.  Fuckin nice.  I tell him no problems as I change gloves.  He gives me a new picture.

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