L. Ann Marie (26 page)

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Authors: Tailley (MC 6)

BOOK: L. Ann Marie
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“I know all of that.  He’s fuckin pissed at me right now but I wasn’t trying to piss him off.”  He looks miserable.

I pull my phone and hand it to him.  “Call him.  He’ll answer my call before yours right now.”  He nods, taking my phone.  “I’m going to check on my kids and old lady.”

I walk out and see her across the hall.  She’s wrapping a bandage around an Associates arm.  I walk in and kiss her head.  The Associate gives me a look; I want to punch him.  “This is the husband I was talking about.”  What the fuck?  The Associate turns pale, looking at my cut.

“Problems?”  I ask, letting him know I get it.

Amanda laughs.  “Not a one, my beautiful Badass Biker Man.”  She tapes the gauze and stands up.  “You’re done.”  I look at her shirt and growl.  She’s leaking and her shirt is wet.  She crosses her arms and walks to the back.

“What’s going on, babe?”

She turns around and hugs me.  “Men are dogs.  Thank you.  I need to pump and get a shirt but it’s still busy.”

I look around.  “Sally, can you handle this?”

“I’m sorry, Amanda.  I didn’t know we were in lockdown until a little while ago.  You go ahead, I’ve got this.”  I throw her chin wondering why she didn’t know.  I take my cut off and pull my shirt for her.  She pulls the curtain and switches the shirts out.

I check in the meeting room, Pres is sitting still with his head in his hands.  He gives me my phone.  “Don’t try calling him, he won’t answer.”

I nod.  “You need company?”

“No, Brother.  I need some time.  Thanks.”  I throw him chin and go back for Mandy.

She’s waiting by the door.  She won’t go out without me?  It must be a fuckin full moon.  I call Rich and ask.  He laughs and says he’ll check, it would explain a lot.  I guide her to the kid’s room, taking slaps on the back but I don’t stop.  I throw chin and keep moving.  Nancy smiles at us; at least someone is acting normal.  We take the kids upstairs.  When they’re settled in the crib, I pull Amanda to the couch and hand her the pump and bottle from the bag on the side of her.  She pumps while I tell her how crazy it’s been.  She tells me about Doc and the guys getting checked at the end.  I’m fuckin pissed my Brothers would hit on her.  What the fuck is that?  I remember what Rich said; I have to work every day to keep her.

When she's finished, I take her to bed and work at keeping her.



He looks like he's stressed.  It's been a hectic day for everyone I bet.  I wonder what's going on then decide it doesn't matter.  We're all safe and no one was seriously injured.  We talk while I'm pumping; the more we talk, the less stressed he is.  He tells me of taking the kids for a walk and hanging with Rich for a while.  He loved being home with the twins. I'm glad; I love spending time with them too. 

When I'm finished, he carries me to bed.  I'm smiling; at least it will end on a good note.  "I need to be in you but I need to taste your sweet pussy, babe." I moan against his neck.  I like the sound of that.  He starts moving down my body; with my nipple in his mouth I moan again.  I need more and arch my back into him, trying to get his mouth to move lower.  He gets the hint and starts moving down me.  Bending one of my knees, he opens me and slides his tongue across.  Damn, that's just where I want him.  I hold his head with one hand and my tit with the other.  I like this position so much I come in minutes.  He's watching and smiles with that damn sexy look while he moves back up me. 

Laying down beside me he lifts my body on top of him so I can ride him and I ride him.  One hand on my hip, he uses the other, twisting my nipple, "So fuckin beautiful.  Ride me hard, babe."  I start moving faster, he moves his hand and lifts me pulling me into him harder.  Fuck he knows.  My hand moves to my nipple so I can twist it for him.  He moans; I love that this gets him every time.  Fuck, it gets me too, I feel it in my pussy and move a hand down; he watches, making me feel sexy and bold.  I cry out and he pulls faster and harder.  I yell his name; nothing registers but the pleasure racking my body.  When the room and Bob comes back into focus, I'm on his chest fighting to breathe.  I smile.  Ending on a very good note.  I kiss his chest and push myself up.  He's smiling at me; he's breathing heavy so I know it was good for him too.  I kiss his lips and lay my head back down.  Holy shit, that was good!



Chapter Twenty-Eight

Three month


She's taking forever, "Babe, I got Colt.  I meet you over there." 

"Wait, I'm almost done!"  She's running around the bedroom.

"Why is it taking so long for you to be ready?"  I try for light but by the way she stops I didn't make it.

Hands on hips, she glares at me.  "First, you wanted to fuck so I had to take a shower.  Then I fed the twins, then pumped so we'd have bottles.  Then I dressed Harley.  Only then could I get dressed.  If you wanted to be there early you shouldn't have fucked me!" 

Shit.  I walk to her and put my hand on her face tipping it up to me.  "You're right.  What can I do to help you?" 

She smiles that easy.  "I just need shoes and I'm ready." 

I go to the bed and move pillows so I can lift Harley.  With both kids against my chest, I carry them to the couch.  I lay Harley down and get Colt in his seat then Harley.  She's so damn pretty and she's a baby; I kiss her head.  With the bag on my shoulder, I lift both seats.  She comes running out of the bedroom with a smile.  I bend and kiss her.  "Sorry about the makeup, I had to try that smile.  It's as sweet as it looks." 

She smiles again wiping my lips.  "Watermelon gloss.  Let's go mister impatient." 

I get the kids seats clipped in and get us to the Club.  Thank fuck people are still showing up.  "Everyone loves the pictures; I forgot to tell you yesterday."  She smiles like she's surprised.  I laugh.  "You're really good, Mandy. I don't know why that surprises you."  She waves me away and grabs the bag.  The Club is chaos; it's always fuckin chaos when the families show.  I smile and keep walking.  The old ladies decorated, it looks nice.  I wait for Mandy to get the bottles in the fridge then we walk out the back to the big tent together.  I'm fuckin proud to have her on my arm with the babies in their seats.  Kate steals Harley right away.  I just smile; she's become a surrogate mother to Mandy.  I smile because she keeps telling everyone she's not taking any more kids but she adopts us all the same.

Danny comes to us and takes Colt out of his seat, never saying a word to us.  I'm laughing as I find our seats and put the empty baby carriers down.  I lean down and kiss her again.  "Let's find the rest of our table."  Rich and Patches are supposed to be sitting with us.  I see Tiny at the next table.  "Why are you sitting all alone, Brother?  The seats are marked."  He gives me a look.  Oh fuck, we just settled back to normal.  Pres isn't running Danny's Ops after Casper died; he's too worried about losing Danny, so VP or Rich took that over.  Doc and Sally got back together, not that we knew they split for a week.  The Bosses in Providence took over clearing the threat from the piece of shit son and his crew that took over after he disappeared.  Baxter's dealt with the backers for the Republican name on the ticket; they got an independent in.  Cloud is back to training the kids and we've had no major problems since the Worcester gang.  What the fuck is up for him to be pissed?

"CJ's parents are leaving, she needs house parents."  I heard that; she has a month to find someone.  I nod.  "Nancy ain't going to be happy until we're the fuckin parents."  Shit.  I look at Amanda; I hope she doesn't get ideas from this fuckin conversation. 

"Don't look at me!  I have my two; I can barely keep up with them and my jobs!"  Everyone looks at her with smiles. 

I laugh, "I was hoping you'd say that."  She smiles.  She's so easy.  I look back at Tiny.  He's still pissed.

"The Brothers will cover you." 

He hits the table, "I don't need fuckin cover; I need for Nancy to get this shit out of her head!  You know how many couples divorce over too many kids?  I watch the Oprah network, I see Dr Phil!  People get fucked up over kids!"  He's loud and people are moving closer.  Jeremy pushes his arm and sits on his lap.  Tiny kisses his head.  "What the fuck do I know about raisin other people's kids?  You need fuckin trainin for that shit."  Jeremy lays his head on Tiny's chest; Tiny holds his head so fuckin gentle.  "I'm too fuckin old to be learning new shit."  Jeremy laughs.  Tiny kisses his head again.  "What’s so funny, Little Ninja?" 

"Tiny's Badass."  Jeremy says.  Tiny cracks up and hugs him.  I'm surprised he spoke more than one word.

"You are too, Jeremy.  You're going to be a good Brother."  Tiny tells him.  I look around; everyone is watching, smiling.

Tiny looks up.  "Nothin to see here, fuckin nosey people!  My Little Brother just needed a hug!"  I laugh.  A tampon lands on the table, making everyone laugh.  More show up, making Tiny laugh.  "Fuckin Brothers."  Jeremy kisses his cheek and runs away.  "You too, Little Ninja!  Don't think I don't know what you did!"  He looks at everyone.  "I expect help, fuckin Brothers better step up.  I can't do this alone!" 

"I got your back Tiny, always."  I tell him.  Everyone around us says the same.  He nods like it's decided. 

I grab Mandy's hand and walk away from the crazy ass Brother.  As we get further away, Mandy's laugh gets to where she's wiping her eyes and having trouble breathing.  I stop and wait for her to get it out.  "We just watched him talk himself into moving into the fuckin group home, didn't we?"

I smile; she's cute.  "Yep.  With a little help from Jeremy." 

"That was the funniest thing I've ever seen.  I think the ink and piercings made it funnier."  She laughs again.  I kiss her lips and pull her against me.  She stops laughing and starts kissing. 

When I lift my head, she looks dazed.  "You done?"  She nods making me smile.  I keep walking to Rich, Tess and Patches. 

They throw me chin.  "What's up with Tiny?"  Mandy tells them about him talking himself into moving into the group home and the tampons hitting the table.  Everyone is laughing. 

Pres comes out telling everyone it's time.  We find our seats; Danny brings Colt to Mandy and goes up front with Doc, Tiny and Pres.  Dave walks with Sally and hands her to Doc.  Pres marries them and everyone moves to the front.  This is a fuckin huge wedding, I wait until it thins out.  Mandy hugged Doc and is already back by my side.  She pulls me down to her. "Don't you ever plan anything this big for me, ever!  I don't care how special you think it is; I would be pissed if I walked into this." 

I look at her.  "Do I look like I'm enjoying this?"  She shakes her head no.  "You got nothing to worry about.  We got married small so I could keep my hands on you.  Doc's got a fuckin thirty minute wait, then they have pictures.  Not my idea of fun, babe." 

She nods, "Knew there was a reason I married you."  She walks over to Kate and takes Harley.  I laugh, holding my boy closer.  Fuckin woman. 

The photographer calls them over and we sit; I never even made it to Sally.  Danny sits down with a plate of appetizers.  I hold my laugh and look at his plate; it looks good.  He slides it toward me to share.  I grab an egg, throwing chin.  Mandy gives Danny Harley and walks away.  I take some carrots.  "This is fuckin nuts.  Ben loves it.  He wants to do something like this with Kate as a surprise."  I bust out laughing.  He looks at me.  "How is it that you get how much she would hate it but he doesn't?"

"I don't know, Brother, but she’d do more than cut his balls for that one."  I tell him. 

He freezes.  "That's exactly how I'll stop this shit before it starts.  Thanks, Brother."  I watch him walk to Kate.  He kisses her then bends to her ear.  She's pissed and drags him to Pres.  I watch him pale and wipe his hand through his hair.  I'm laughing when Mandy gets back with a plate.  She puts it in front of me.  This one has rolled up meat on it.  I kiss her and she walks away again.  Danny sits with Harley on his shoulder.  "That was fuckin easy.  When did they put meat out?"  I smile and push the plate so he can reach it better. 

"Amanda just dropped it, she didn't say anything.  She warned me while I was waiting to get to Sally to never plan anything like this for her.  Ever.  Kate feel pretty much the same?"

He swallows a mouthful and smiles.  "Told us she'd cut our dicks off." 

I spit beer across the table.  Fuckin Brother says it so happy.  "Shit", I grab a napkin and wipe my face, Colt's head and what I can reach of the table. 

Cloud and VP sit with us; they have plates filled with appetizers.  Danny looks at what they have.  He gives Harley to VP and goes to the food table.  VP puts her on his shoulder and eats.  Cloud is smiling.  "What?"  VP asks.

Cloud swallows and takes a drink.  "CJ's said if I even think about a party with this many people I'll be sleeping in the fuckin tree house."  I laugh. 

"Mandy warned me too.  Kate will cut their dicks off.  What did Jess threaten?"  We look at VP.

He smiles, "Nothin.  Told her don't even think about it, then took her mouth, she laughed at me; she hates this."

Tiny sits with us, he has some pastry.  "Where's that?"  VP asks.

"In the Club.  Too many people at the tables.  They should have real food.  You're supposed to do pictures before the ceremony so the guests have fun at the wedding."  He says.  We all stop and look at him.   "What?  I watched it on the Chew." 

VP nods, "Would be better to have real food.  How come we don't get food anyway?  We're here."

The old ladies come over with trays.  Danny is following with a tray of beer.  Thank fuck, it's real food.  They put the trays down and pull chairs over.  Rich and Patches join us with the twins.  Tess is running toward us, yelling for us to wait for her.  She's so fuckin cute.  Mandy laughs.  "What did you tell him?" 

Tess sits and smiles at us.  "He was going to have eight kids if he stayed with the whore."  We all laugh.  "He gave the extra because he's relieved he dodged a bullet."  Rich and Danny say 'fuckin Tess' together. 

"That's how you got the food?"  Cloud asks. 

Danny shakes his head no. "Threatened to shoot him.”

Mandy laughs, "Told him I wouldn't let him intern anymore."

Kate smiles, "Told him Ben was hungry."

Nancy raises her hand, "Told him Tiny's pissed because he's moving to a group home." 

CJ laughs, "Told him Cloud will scalp him."  We all laugh. 

Jess raises her hand, "Told him I'd lose his payroll info." 

"Fuckin Prospect just gave up by the time I got there."  Geek says sitting down.  “Guy’s a fuckin wreck; he just walked away.

Danny hands beer around.  "This is what it's supposed to be about!"  Tiny booms.

"Fuckin A."  Geek says. 

Pres comes over.  "What the fuck?  Food isn't served until the bride and groom arrive." 

"All but Geek's bride or groom.  I give him a pass."  VP says, nodding at Geek. 

I laugh; Pres looks disgusted with us.  "You're going to wreck their day."

"Since there are more of us than them you should be worried they don't wreck our day.  Last time, my dad shot a guy's foot cause he wrecked a party."  Rich says, making Mandy laugh. 

Pres thinks about that.  "Did you get me a plate?"  Kate pushes a plate toward him. 

Danny pushes his plate away.  "We got money, women and strays, food, art, ink, clothes, jewelry, kids, our own angel, and medical all covered.  We need some fuckin music.  Geek, you're the only one left; find a musician." 

Geek starts choking; Mandy hits him on his back.  He takes a drink.  "There are still five fuckin Officers that aren't married; they can supply your fuckin music.  You're all crazy with the old ladies.  Every fuckin time, there's a war; people are shot, kidnapped, beat, raped, drugged, we're locked down, everyone is nuts.  I'm not interested.  You people and your women scare the shit out of me."  Danny laughs.  He's right; every time, there's a war.  Sometimes two.  Pres nods. 

"Yeah, but we get the women.  They're all fuckin awesome."  Danny says, as if it's worth the whole Club going crazy over.  I look at Amanda; she's worth it.

VP laughs, "All worth it."  I nod; they are. 


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