La Famiglia (4 page)

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Authors: Sienna Mynx

BOOK: La Famiglia
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The two women, Cecilia and Rosetta, hadn’t seen each other since the wedding. Truthfully, the apprentice work Rosetta did for Mira at times left Eve to Ana on some days. And soon Mira would add two more babies to the mix. She couldn’t complain for assistance because Giovanni would then learn of how time consuming her side project of being Rosetta’s teacher had become.

Mira smiled. Zia always knew her needs without her voicing them. “It would be great for Cecilia to return.” Mira clapped. “We leave for Mondello tomorrow and I won’t return to Sorrento until after the babies are born. Cecilia you can help us get the nursery ready.”

Zia,” Rosetta went to her aunt to embrace her. She never took her eyes from Cecilia who held her stare. “What is this about? Sicily?” Rosetta asked.

“Giovanni informed me that we have to leave in the morning. So we have plenty of packing to do,” Mira said.

“But… what about Catalina? She’s returning from Milano. You said I might be able to go back with her.”

Mira shrugged. “Don’t worry about that. I’ll work it out. You’ll get your chance to work in Milano.”

“Are you feeling okay, Mira?” Zia asked. “Not over-exerting yourself?”

Mira laughed. “How can I? Everyone around here watches me like a hawk, including your stubborn grand niece. Do you know the other day she grabbed my hand and forced me to sit down, imitating her father?”

Zia laughed. She put her arm around Mira’s waist. “Let’s go upstairs and look in on Eve. You can tell me how you keep your days. And tonight we can prepare a good dinner for the family.”

Mira welcomed the comfort of Zia’s embrace. Together they walked out of the room. She glanced back at Rosetta who paced. Cecilia sat on the sofa once more watching Rosetta. “You two come up in an hour and I can show you all the things we need to pack. Okay?”


“Sí, Donna,”
said Cecilia.

“Sí, Donna,”
said Rosetta.

After a few minutes Mira and Zia were out of earshot. It was only then that Rosetta turned her attention to Cecilia. If Cecilia ever told any of them what she’d done she didn’t know what Mira or Giovanni would do to her. Cecilia stared up at her silently. Rosetta relaxed. Cecilia was just a simple country girl. Rosetta didn’t see any malicious intentions in her silent stare. But she had to be sure that Cecilia remained quiet. She was so close to having everything she wanted.

Rosetta cleared her throat.

“If this is going to work you are to tell no one what happened the day you fell at the church,” said Rosetta.

“The day you pushed me?” Cecilia asked.

“No one!” Rosetta narrowed her eyes. “If you think I pushed you, then what do you think I’ll do if you accuse me?”

Cecilia lowered her gaze. Rosetta watched the courage drain from Cecilia’s face.

“Catalina came to visit me soon after. She asked me,” Cecilia glanced up. “She asked me if you had anything to do with my accident. You haven’t fooled everyone, Rosetta.”

Rosetta was stunned. Her relationship with Catalina had improved. She even thought they were friendly now. When exactly did she go to visit Cecilia?

“I told her nothing,” Cecilia quickly added. “I didn’t do it because I fear you. I don’t want the
or Gio embarrassed by your behavior at their wedding.” Cecilia took a step forward. Rosetta locked eyes with her and clenched her fists and teeth. “I told Catalina I slipped on the top step. Because I did slip, I let my guard down with you. That will be my one and only mistake.”

“Really?” Rosetta smirked.

“Yes. I want no trouble with you, Rosetta, or the Battaglias. I only need a job to help feed my family. It’s important.”

Rosetta relaxed. She believed her. Cecilia was not a real threat. Not now that she had the
trust, and apparently Catalina’s. Let the stupid fool wipe Eve’s butt and runny nose. Rosetta had bigger things to do. Satisfied that her message was clear she smiled. “Catalina works out of Milano and lives with Dominic in Napoli. So I am the one the
trusts. Do we understand?”

Cecilia nodded.

“Good. Welcome back. I’m sure Evie will be glad to see you.” Rosetta turned and walked out. The smile she wore broadened. As long as their stay in Sicily was temporarily she could withstand the return trip home. Everything she’s ever wanted was now within her reach.

* B

Papa mangiare
—eat!” Eve hit Giovanni’s hand and opened her mouth. In her free hand she held her pacifier away ready to be sucked. He lifted the fork from his plate with a small portion of gravy and pasta. He then fed her once more. The laughter at the table mixed with eager conversation about the return to Sicily. Most of the men in his
clan were Sicilian. And since the tensions with Mancini were elevated he intended to take many of them on the visit. Tonight however, his attention was split between Eve and the business conflict Santo and Dominic were barely managing.

Eve grabbed the fork and tried to scoop more food. With his assistance she managed control. His little firefly was very independent like her mother in that regard. Giovanni kissed the top of her curly head after feeding her a mouthful. Once satisfied his daughter dropped back against his chest pushing her pacifier back in her mouth as she chewed.

She had grown an inch. Mira showed him her height marks on the inside of the door. The other day Giovanni learned she wore a thing called ‘training bloomers’ and could go to her little pink plastic toilet without soiling herself. When he arrived home early one evening she took his hand and led him to the toilet to show him. He was very proud.

Bella returned with Zia. His wife and aunt carried trays of fresh baked bread and meat for his men who ate with the family. He watched as she dropped several on their plates and joked with them. When her gaze lifted to his he winked and she flashed him the sweetest grin. Bella was in her best of moods today.

The evening would be perfect if all of the family were present. Lorenzo’s absence was felt. Especially since he’s had several intense arguments with his cousin because of his exile. Lorenzo had the balls to threaten to return. Under Dominic’s advisement, Giovanni dispatched Carlo to ensure Lorenzo continued on the path agreed upon.

The empty chairs for Dominic and Catalina kept drawing Giovanni’s attention. More and more lately they too had been absent and in his thoughts. Giovanni struggled with their independence and growth as a couple. Soon Dominic would press him for a date they could marry and he’d have to honor his word and grant it. How could he ever make them understand why it broke his heart that his brother and sister had chosen this path? Mira had begged him to open up and explain his confliction to her, but the words constantly failed him. For now he walked the tightrope of complacence and disgust.

The good news was Dominic handled his role as
beyond Giovanni’s expectations. Youth be damned, Dominic Battaglia was his left and right hand. A brother to him, a confidant, a constant in the turbulent waters of their joined lives.

And Mira often shared with Giovanni news of Catalina’s achievements since they opened her design factory and boutiques in Milano. They were happy. Their happiness made his beautiful wife healthy, thus enough happiness for him.

“Papa?” Eve turned up her face. She said something that sounded to be a mix of Italian and English. He couldn’t discern the meaning of her question. He gave her a nod as if he understood. Eve plucked her pacifier from his hand and stuck it in her mouth. She turned in his lap and he pulled her up against his chest so she could rest her head under his chin. The love of his
was always so genuine and pure. And when he held her in this way a calm went through him unlike anything he’s ever known outside of Mira’s love.

Giovanni smiled.

Fatherhood had changed him. And it was all thanks to Mira. They were solid. Rocco’s fears were unfounded. Mira vowed to him that their family would always be her first and only priority.


Three Months Earlier - March 2, 1992

Milano, Italy –

The enforcer stepped forward and unchained the locks to the entrance of the building Giovanni now owned. His name was Renaldo Cracchiolo. He was a silent lethal presence that shadowed Giovanni’s life on every mission. Renaldo entered first but held the door open for his boss to pass.

“Careful of where you step, Bella,” Giovanni said.

His hands held her gloved ones and he walked backward over the threshold to lead the way. She wore sharply pointed heeled boots and designer jeans that fit nicely around her shapely slender legs. It was the damn boots she wore that kept him nervous over each step she took. She was pregnant after all, and should probably dress more matronly for comfort. His wife would not be told what to wear. Period.

Underneath her magenta red leather blazer she wore a white button down blouse that clearly defined the gentle swell of her small round belly. It wasn’t as profound at three months pregnant, but the baby bump, her enlarged breasts, and thick dark hair that dusted her shoulders enhanced her natural beauty. Around her eyes he tied a blindfold of the silk scarf she wore around her neck after their plane landed. She’d been bubbling with questions and a bit irritable over his secrecy. Giovanni loved to surprise his lady. But this secret was the only one he struggled to keep.

He let her hands go.

“Where are we?” she asked in that soft inquisitive voice of hers he loved.


“How can I when I’m blindfolded?” she chuckled.

“Try and guess,” he teased.

She removed her gloves and lifted her chin as if sniffing the air. The temperature inside was considerably warm. The place smelled of sawdust and fresh paint thanks to the round the clock workers sent in to prepare the building. The Nigerians who dealt in unsavory business behind the walls of his property had been eradicated. The entire building had been scrubbed clean. It felt pure enough for his wife’s dreams.

“A new building. I smell paint, fresh paint,” she said.

“Is that all?” he asked.

“Stop teasing me,” she laughed. “I have no idea where we had to fly to and drive to that has new paint.”

“You’ve been on me for weeks about this, and you can’t guess?” Giovanni replied.

Her nose wrinkled. “What are you talking about? Guess what? For all I know you’ve bought another tower to keep me locked away in,” she teased.

He laughed. Giovanni had noticed that he often laughed when it was just him and her. Giovanni’s gaze swept the open space of the boutique. According to Dominic and Catalina the walls were to be stark white. This aided in making the workspace open, clean, and it inspired creativity. The floors were done in blood red Italian marble tiles, which was his idea. He liked the contrast.

The building had three floors above them and one beneath. Catalina assured him that the layout was similar to Mirabella’s in New York. To confirm it he had the man, Theodore “Teddy” Tate, send him the floor designs for her American business.

“Well? Can I remove my blindfold? Let’s stop with the games I have to pee,” she said after a lengthy pause. Her tone and mood had shifted from excited delight to irritability.

Giovanni smiled, not the least bit affected by her aggravation. “Go on. Take it off.”

She untied the knot to the back of her head.  When the blindfold lowered and her gaze lifted the frown lines melted off her face. She blinked and turned in awe. Dress mannequins, clear racks for clothing to be hung, a changing room, and all the things that women would find appealing as furnishing for a high-end boutique awaited her.

“What have you done?” she asked.

He watched with Renaldo at his side as she walked around smiling, touching, and then laughing over one thing then another.

“Is it mine?” she asked.

“It’s yours. And this isn’t all.”

Before he could anticipate her next move she flew into his arms. Giovanni was bowled back from the surge of excitement. His wife squealed with tears in her eyes. She hugged his neck so tight he felt choked and restrained. “Thank you! Oh my God! Thank you, Giovanni! I can’t believe it. It’s beautiful. When did you… how?” she let him go. She jumped up and down in her heels and he held her hips to keep her steady.

“Bella, calm yourself,” he chuckled, but he meant it. The last thing he needed was for her to trip in those dangerously high-heels she wore.

“What’s upstairs? Is upstairs ours… did you do this upstairs too… is it mine?” she queried.

“Yes… It—”

She grabbed his hand and started toward the elevator to the back of the boutique. Bella talked so fast he could barely catch on to what she was saying. She spoke of break down rooms typically used to do dress runs for her models before and after fashion shows. Offices needed for her staff and sewing rooms for the business of cutting, stitching, and weaving her designs in-house for special clients. All of it was information overload. But he nodded with a sly grin and let her have her fun.

They visited each floor and she pointed out how similar the layout was to her office in New York. When they reached the fourth floor it dawned on her how he had done this exactly in the fashion of her New York office.

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