Lady Boss (44 page)

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Authors: Jackie Collins

BOOK: Lady Boss
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She thought he meant Tavern on the Green. ‘What time?'

‘I'll pick you up at noon.' He paused, waiting for her response.

‘I'm not sure. I—'

‘Twelve o'clock,' he interjected. ‘See you.'

She smiled. There'd been nobody since the soul singer. Just because Martin said she wasn't supposed to…

Why should she listen to Martin when he did exactly as he pleased?

But Paul Webster… a boy… Effie's son…

Deena Swanson
, she scolded herself.
You ought to be ashamed

* * *

Eddie Kane didn't sleep at all. He went to a party at the beach house shared by Arnie Blackwood and Frankie Lombardo. He got good and truly bombed. He snorted as much cocaine as he could manage because he knew Arnie and Frankie kept a generous supply for their friends, and it would cost him nothing. At one point he'd asked Arnie for a loan. Arnie had laughed in his face.

There were plenty of girls around, but Eddie didn't feel like getting laid. He knew how badly he'd treated Leslie. He'd hurt her, and he didn't know how she'd react. What was he going to do about it?

First of all he had no idea where she'd gone. And secondly he wasn't sure how long it would take her to return.

Talk about fucking up a perfect relationship. The story of his life.

On Saturday morning he came to, only to find himself slumped on the living room floor of Arnie and Frankie's house in Trancas along with half a dozen other bums who'd spent the night.

Fortunately, he'd managed to score enough coke at the party to give himself a jump start. After visiting the bathroom and doing just that, he felt considerably better. He made his way outside to his car.

Home sweet home.

He could only hope Leslie was waiting.

Chapter 53

‘Don't shoot! I'm her brother,' Emilio shrieked, his voice filled with panic.

‘Hit the ground
, or you ain't gonna be nobody's brother,' one of the cops yelled.

Venus Maria hovered behind them.

‘Get back, miss,' said the other cop.

She'd recognized Emilio's voice. Damn! What the hell was he doing sneaking around her house without permission?

Warily one of the cops climbed the stairs, while the other one stayed behind and covered him.

Cop number one reached Emilio, twisted his arms behind him, and roughly handcuffed his wrists.

‘You're making a big mistake,' Emilio managed. ‘I'm tellin' you, man, I'm Venus Maria's brother. I'm no trespasser.'

‘We'll see about that,' said the first cop. ‘On your feet.'

‘You bet we'll see about it,' Emilio shouted, gaining confidence. ‘I'll sue you.'

‘You'll sue us, huh?' said the cop in a bored voice. He'd heard it many times before. It was the Beverly Hills battle cry.

Once downstairs, they frog-marched him outside to the police car.

‘Get her to identify me,' Emilio screamed, suddenly panicking. ‘I'm telling you, I'm her brother.'

One of the cops walked back to the house. ‘Can I have your autograph?' he asked. ‘For my little girl. It'd really make her day.'

‘Sure,' Venus Maria said agreeably, signing the piece of paper he thrust at her.

‘Uh, I don't know if we've got a deranged fan or what, but this guy claims he's your brother. You have a brother?'

She nodded. ‘Four of 'em. All bums.'

‘How about takin' a look before we haul him in an' book him.'

For a moment she was tempted to say no, but then she thought about the headlines and reluctantly agreed.

Outside, Emilio slouched against the side of the police car looking guilty.

Shit! It
him. ‘I'm sorry, guys,' she said. ‘This is my brother. I have no idea what he's doing in my house – he doesn't live here.'

The cops exchanged glances. ‘Should we let him go?'

She had no choice. Locking Emilio up for being a pain in the ass was just not on.

Reluctantly she nodded. ‘I guess so.'

A night in jail would have done Emilio a world of good. Paid him back for all the bullying he'd inflicted on her when she was growing up.

They removed the handcuffs. Emilio rubbed his wrists, glaring at both the cops. ‘There'll be a court case about this,' he said, puffing himself up. ‘Count on it, man.'

‘Shut up and get inside,' Venus Maria interrupted. ‘Why were you breaking into my house anyway?'

‘Breaking in?' replied Emilio, aghast. ‘You think
would break in? Your own brother? I came to bring the money you said I could leave in your safe. I was looking for you in the bedroom when the cops arrived.'

‘How did you get in?' she asked suspiciously.

‘Through the back window. It's always open.'

‘You set off the silent alarm. There's a beam across it.'

He tried to look contrite. ‘Sorry, little sis, didn't mean to cause no trouble.'

Venus Maria glanced helplessly at the officers and ran a hand through her platinum hair. ‘I'm sorry you've been bothered, guys. Seems like it was a mistake.'

‘No bother,' they both agreed. ‘Any time. Love your records. Love your videos.'

She smiled. ‘Thanks. Hey, why don't you leave me your names? I'll see you get tickets for my next concert.'

The cops looked pleased.

Emilio slunk back into the house. All he had to do now was get out. He didn't want Venus opening her safe and finding her precious photo missing. He had the photograph safely stashed inside his jacket. Best to make a speedy getaway.

Venus Maria followed him in. ‘When you come to my house,' she said clearly, ‘you will ring the front doorbell. Can you do that?'

He nodded sulkily.

‘Give me the money you want me to put away. And Emilio, next time, telephone before you come here.'

He hit his forehead. ‘I'm stupid!' he exclaimed. ‘I rushed over here so fast I forgot the money. Left it in my apartment. Y'know, maybe I should put it in a bank anyway.'

‘Yes, maybe you should,' she agreed, wondering what he was up to.

He prepared for a fast exit. ‘I'll see you, little sis.'

Of all her brothers, Emilio was the most devious. She didn't trust him, she never had – and he was far too anxious to get out of there. He ran like a rat.

Maybe the police had unnerved him.

Or maybe not.

Venus Maria's gut instinct told her Emilio was up to something.

The trouble was, she couldn't figure out what that something was.

Chapter 54

‘What do you want to do today?'

‘I don't know. What do you want to do today?'

dunno, Marty. What do
wanna do today?'

Lennie laughed. ‘Hey, you're too young to have seen that movie.'

‘So are you,' she retorted affectionately, happy to be in her husband's company.

‘I'm not as young as I used to be.'

‘Who is?'

They bantered back and forth, delighted to be together. It was a hot New York day. They'd had breakfast, made love again, and now it was time for decisions.

‘What I'd
like to do,' Lucky decided, ‘is visit Mary-Lou and the baby. How does that grab you?'

‘It would grab me great if I even knew she'd given birth. What am I – the poor relation?'

‘No. You're the rich movie star relation who – if you hadn't vanished out of everyone's life – would certainly have been told.'

‘Enlighten me – is it a boy or a girl?'

‘A girl,' she said excitedly. ‘I haven't spoken to Steven yet. He must be out of his mind!'

‘Let's call 'em.'

‘Yes, and then I've got a great idea. We'll raid Zabars, pick up a whole load of food, and go over to see the baby.'

‘Is that all you have on your mind, food?' he chided. ‘What is it with you lately?'

‘I'm building up my strength.'

‘For what?'

‘A surprise.'

He groaned. ‘Not another one.'

one you're going to like.'

‘Does it involve travel?'

‘Not without you by my side.'

‘Does it involve sex?'

She looked at him quizzically. ‘Hmm… do you find power sexy?'

‘It depends who's got it.'

‘You'll see,' she answered mysteriously.

He shook his head. ‘You're a tough act to handle, kid.'

She laughed. ‘And you're beginning to sound just like Gino.'

‘Poor old Gino. It must have been some struggle bringing you up.'

‘Yeah, that's why he married me off at sixteen.'

‘He really did that, huh?'

‘You'd better believe it. I was the perfect little Washington wife. Craven and I lived with the Richmonds in their tasteful mansion while I played good little wifey-pie at all the fancy functions. And guess what? Peter Richmond is going to run for President one of these days. Ain't
the laugh of the century?'

‘Whatever happened to husband number one?'

‘Ah, Craven. He met a girl who liked horses. And I can assure you – a horse is about the only thing she'll ever find between

Lennie burst out laughing. ‘Hey – lady – I love it when you talk dirty.'

She grinned. ‘Why do you think I do it?'

‘To turn me on.'

‘You got it!'

He pulled her to him. ‘Come here, wife.'

She pushed him gently away. ‘Not now.'

‘How come?'

‘'Cause we gotta go out like normal people. We can't make out the entire weekend.'

‘Why not?'

‘No, Lennie,' she said firmly, trying not to give in.

He sighed with disappointment. ‘OK, so what are we going to do?'

‘Visit my brother. Unless you want to work. That, I'll understand.'

‘I've been locked up here so long I'm stir crazy.'

‘Can I read the script soon?' she asked eagerly.

‘I told you – not until it's finished.'

‘When will that be?'

‘I'm heading towards a rough draft.'

‘I can read it then, huh?'

‘We'll see.'

‘Bullshit! I'm reading it, Lennie!'

‘That's what I love about you – Little Miss Reticent!'

She called Gino, who sounded pleased to hear from her. ‘So you're back. It's about time,' he said good-naturedly.

‘I sure am.'

‘Everything go according to plan?'

‘It sure did.'

‘Hey – you broken the news to Lennie?'

‘I sure haven't.' She changed the subject quickly. ‘How about lunch today? I'd like to see Steven and Mary-Lou. Is she at home? How's the baby?'

‘Hey, hey, one question at a time. Yeah, they're all at home. It's a good idea. Steven's been missing you.'

‘We thought we'd pick up lunch and come over. Will you call Steven and warn him?'

‘You got it, kid. Family reunion, huh?'

‘Can't wait, Gino.'

Boogie drove them to Zabars, and then Lucky decided she needed to pick up gifts at Bloomingdales, where she ran riot in the baby department, selecting hundreds of dollars' worth of toys and clothes.

‘What's Mary-Lou going to do with all this stuff?' Lennie asked, exasperated.

‘Use it.'

‘Very funny. Can we leave?'

‘Let's go.'

Loaded down with packages they made it to the elevator, where Lennie was recognized and a crowd began to surround him. They had to run to get out of there.

Laughing and giggling they piled into the car.

‘I'm glad to see you're still a star,' Lucky joked. ‘I thought you might have lost it.'

‘Yeah. I really get off on being mobbed in good old Bloomies,' he said wryly.

‘I love you.' Gently she touched the side of his face. ‘And I missed you more than you can imagine.'

‘Don't get sloppy on me. I can't take the pressure.'

Giggling, she stuck her tongue out.

‘Nice tongue!' he said admiringly.

‘Keep this up an' you ain't
gonna know just how nice!'

Boogie sat impassively in the driving seat. ‘Where to?' he asked.

‘Steven's house,' Lucky said. ‘And fast.' She turned to Lennie. ‘Have you spoken to Brigette?'

‘Not lately. I promised she could stay with us in Malibu.'

‘Great. Maybe we'll all fly back together on Sunday night.'

‘What's your hurry?'

‘We don't want to hang around here, do we? It's hot and muggy, and we've got that great beach house sitting empty.'

He shrugged. ‘Whatever you like. I can pack in five minutes.'

‘So… what are we waiting for? You'll finish your script at the beach. It'll be sensational. A real family summer, right?'

‘Yeah, all the better to deal with the lawyers,' he said grimly.

‘I keep telling you, relax. They're not going to sue.'

‘Don't bet on it, Lucky.'

‘Oh, I'm betting. And I'm right.'

Steven greeted her with a big hug and a kiss. ‘
have you been?' he asked.

‘Japan,' she lied. ‘I learned to give a great back rub. Can I see the baby?'

Mary-Lou smiled proudly. ‘Come on, we'll take you up to her room.'

‘What did you name her?' Lucky asked.

‘Carioca Jade,' Steven replied.

Lennie nodded wisely. ‘That'll get her through school with no problems.'

‘It's a beautiful name,' Lucky enthused.

Carioca Jade was a cute little bundle, small, helpless, and appealing.

Steven picked her up and handed her to Lucky. ‘Say hello to Auntie,' he said.

‘Auntie?' Lucky exclaimed. ‘That makes me feel ancient!'

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