Lady Brittany's Love (13 page)

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Authors: Lindsay Downs

BOOK: Lady Brittany's Love
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Chapter Twenty Five



“To begin with, I’m unhurt. Mad at whom, I’m not sure. That being said, have a pot of tea along with a sandwich delivered to my suite. Then make sure my bath water is heated. After I nourish myself I’ll want to relax before bathing and dressing for the evening,” Brittany ordered her lady’s maid.

“As you wish, m’ lady,” a stunned Aggie answered.

“Sally, come along as we’ve much to discuss before Mother arrives,” Brittany all but demanded as she started for the stairs.

“Speaking of such, I would have thought she would have accompanied you back. What happened?” Sally asked.

“Guess? Samuel was in such a state he wanted to get me away from the hunting lodge as quickly as possible,” Brittany told her friend as they swept into her suite.

A firm hand on her arm stopped Brittany midstride. Turning she came face to face Sally, who wore a puzzled look in her eyes.

“Excuse me. Now you’re calling him Samuel?”

Brittany could feel her face warm at being caught. With slightly trembling hands she tried to avoid Sally’s stare but with no success especially when her mother marched in.

“Well, I’m pleased to see you arrived safely and I wish to learn why the sudden change myself. Now, out with it daughter,” her mother demanded.

Just then Aggie entered carrying a food laden tray and several pots of tea.

“M’ ladies, considering everything and how long it will be before the banquet Cook and Mrs. Garrett thought you all might need refreshing. I’ve also ordered your bath water to arrive in an hour, m’ lady.”

“Thank you, Aggie and thank them for us,” Brittany said, pointing to the still present table she and Sally had used yesterday.

Over the sandwiches and tea, Brittany couldn’t miss the questioning glare from her mother.

“Over our private dinner, Sally,” she paused and nodded to her friend, “and I talked about what Samuel had said. Also, we discussed everything which had occurred since he’d tried to get the Hersey book away from me. As it turns out he did what any gentleman of his ilk would do, protect me as I wasn’t fully aware of the hidden meanings of it. To that end, I commend him considering what happened today.”

“Yes, my dear daughter, they can be overbearing at times but please continue. How or when did you come to realize he’s perfect for you?” her mother pleaded.

Brittany explained being out on Patti gave her the calmness needed to review everything. That even before she had been grabbed she’d decided Samuel would be her perfect husband. Then, while being held something told her if anyone would come, even alone, he would be the one to save her. This helped confirm to her he would be the best, most caring and loving husband he could be.

“You do realize there might be times when he becomes overbearing? Do you think you can handle him when that happens?” Sally asked.

“Yes I do, considering his last words to me when we returned a while ago. He told me he’d see me at the dinner. To that end, I’m going to start this evening making sure he doesn’t take me for granted,” Brittany replied, with a teasing smile to the others.

“I do know you plan on wearing the beautiful red and green skirted gown along with the jewelry he gave you, so what are you thinking to do now?” her mother inquired.

“You see, that’s exactly what he will expect. How do you think he’ll react when he sees me in a different gown and the necklace you and father gave me on the eve of my coming-out ball,” she declared, leaning back in her chair.

Brittany smiled to herself on seeing her mother’s reaction to what she planned, exactly as she anticipated and knew Samuel’s would be the same. Now, she just needed to put everything into motion. But, first a bath then rest for a bit as she knew the night would be long.

“M’ lady, excuse me. Your bath water is ready.”

“Thank you. I’ll be ready in a few minutes and I feel the rose bath oil will be perfect for tonight.”

“I want you to rest afterwards and no looking through the book. That can wait until a later date,” her mother all but demanded of her.

“Yes, mother, I do plan to relax and read a romance novel to help get me in the mood for this evening,” she answered coyly.

With a smile she watched as her mother swept out of the suite. With a glance to Sally she grinned.

“Go bathe and meet me back here afterwards. I’ve no intention of not finding out who the leader is. From what I overheard from Hersey I’m sure neither of them are and I need to find out who is.”

“Of course, I’m with you and I might have an idea who the person could be. I need to check a few more anagrams then I’ll be sure. I don’t want to say anything until I’m correct,” Sally pronounced with a smile.

Brittany waited until Sally left then turned to Aggie and directed her to retrieve the gown she planned to wear.

“M’ lady, I thought you’d decided on wearing—”

Brittany held up her hand to silence Aggie.

“I will but first the pale green gown then as there will be time between the ending of dinner and beginning of the ball I’ll rush up and change into the red gown and jewels. This will keep Lord Samuel off balance.”

“Wonderful, now let’s get you bathed so you can relax, which of course will consist of not reviewing the original Hersey book,” Abby said, reiterating the countess’ instructions.




With his horse groomed to his satisfaction Samuel checked to make sure Tempest had a full water bucket and a pile of fresh hay in the corner. After giving his beast a pat on the neck Samuel stepped from the stall. Closing the half door he hunted down the stablemaster.

“Hold Tempest’s oats for another several hours then only give him half a scoop. Tomorrow, if you have a free paddock I’ll instruct Quinn to turn him out for an hour or so.”

“Yes, m’ lord,” the wizened old man said, giving him a slight nod.

Leaving the barn Samuel, slowly and with head hung in thought, crossed the courtyard to the mansion. He hoped Brittany, considering the events of earlier and the briefest of kisses they’d shared, would still consent to marry him.

Watching the carriages still discharging guests, he couldn’t believe the turn out. Of course, this would be the first of many more opportunities to attend the traditional Sexton Hall Christmas Eve ball, he so hoped. What made everything more interesting, the event which would happen tomorrow would set the
on its collective ear.

Peter met him at the top step of the front portico.

“M’ lord, welcome home after a successful rescue of Lady Brittany. The men you apprehended are well secured in the cellar apart from each other as ordered. I’ve also arranged for guards at each door, footmen I trust.”

“Thank you, for taking care of everything. I know this must be putting you a bit short staffed for which I apologize.”

“Not at all. I borrowed staff from several guests to fill out the ranks for this evening. Also, His Lordship wishes to meet with you. I do believe he’s in his office.”

“Thank you. I’ll go up immediately and please make Jack aware I’ll be along shortly to bathe and dress for the evening.”

“Certainly, m’ lord.”

As Samuel made his way up to Eli’s office he wondered what this meeting could be about. The only thought which came to mind, finalizing of the marriage contract. That, by tradition would be signed by both parties either later this night or tomorrow before the wedding.

Not seeing a footman at the door he knocked, then entered. “Eli, you wish to see me?”

“Yes. I just want to make sure you still wish to marry my daughter?”

“Sir, it would be my honor. Of all the ladies I’ve been introduced to there isn’t one who has the fire and determination as she. I can assure you, on my word as a gentleman, I’ll do nothing to extinguish that flame.”

“Wonderful, as that’s what I needed to hear. Now go relax as we will all be gathering in the formal sitting room at eight.”

“Until then,” Samuel responded, gave the man a slight bow and strolled confidently from the room.

As he climbed the stairs to the second floor he stopped at the junction where he could go straight to her room, or left to his. Given a choice he would have hunted out her suite save for the fact a burly footman stood in his path. He knew if he tried, even being an earl, the man would have pummeled him.

Stepping into his suite he was met by his valet.

“Welcome back, m’ lord. I’m pleased to see you have returned unscathed. Not having instructions as to which attire you wished for this evening I took it upon myself to select the deep blue jacket and trousers.”

With a nod for taking the initiative Samuel had an interesting thought. Knowing Brittany would be in the ruby red gown this evening he wondered how his vest in almost the same color would work. Throwing caution to the wind, something he never did when dressing, he turned to Jack.

“I’ll bathe now as it’s getting late but instead of the matching vest I wish to wear the red one. And before you say anything to contradict my selection I’ve a specific reason.”

“Yes, that will be an interesting combination of which I shan’t inquire as to why. I’ll make sure it’s brushed out. I’ve already ordered your bath water which should be here shortly.”

Five minutes before the appointed hour Samuel took one last glance in the mirror, smiled then with a nod to his valet stepped from the suite. Making his way down to the formal sitting room he wondered if Brittany was there or would she make a grand entrance as she so richly deserved.




Chapter Twenty Six



In the gown she’d chosen for the banquet, Brittany turned to Aggie.

“I need to know when Lord Samuel is announced so I may make my entrance thus setting the tone with him for this evening. Wait at the top of the stairs and listen but try to stay out of sight.”

“Yes, m’ lady. First though on the off chance he’s already gone down, I’ll ask the footman who’s guarding his corridor.”

With a nod Brittany waited until Aggie slipped out of the suite.

Now alone, she took the opportunity to reflect on her plan. Was she risking everything in the hope of letting Samuel know she was her own woman? Or would her plan drive him away?

So deep into her thoughts Brittany never heard her mother step in.

“Mother you startled me,” she cried out, clasping a hand to her breast.

“I’m sorry, my dear. Now stand so I can see how beautiful you are.”

Doing as requested, Brittany swept to the middle of the room and slowly turned. With a glance down she smiled at seeing how the gown billowed out at the hem, not as nicely as the red one but this she’d only wear for the dinner.

“Mother, do you approve?”

“Yes, my dear,” her mother said, pointing to the one spread out on the bed.

“After dinner I’ll slip up here, change then meet Samuel at the top of the ballroom stairs for our introduction,” she said, in explaining her simple and, hopefully, brilliant plan.

“Wonderful. Now let’s go to the sitting room as I’m sure many guests are wondering where I’ve disappeared to.”

“Of course, I’m only waiting to hear from Aggie that he’s arrived so I may make my entrance.” What she didn’t say, “And see the horrified expression on his face when he sees me wearing this gown.”

A few short minutes later, hidden behind Aggie in an alcove opposite the formal sitting room, Brittany waited as her mother slipped in and swept up to her father. She caught a glimpse of Samuel and Cole in deep conversation with him. With a confident breath she stepped around her maid and up to Peter.

“M’ lords and ladies, Lady Brittany Sexton,” Peter called out, so his voice would carry through the room.

With a nod to the butler she set her chin at an angle of confidence then proceeded to make her way down the long room. With a nod here and there mixed with curtseys when needed she kept a close eye on Samuel, in particular his drastic change of expression.

With this a formal event Brittany curtsied to her parents then to him and Cole.

“M’ lords, it is a wonderful pleasure you have decided to grace us with your presence,” she announced, straightening.

“Lady Brittany, thank you. I must say you look quite lovely this evening.” She heard Samuel sputter out.

It came as no surprise when Cole didn’t comment as Brittany could easily see the poor man was smitten by the young lady approaching from the left, Miss Sally Crocker. Ignoring them politely, she focused on Samuel.

“Thank you. With the stressful day I had I thought this would suit and help improve my disposition.”

Seeing his look of confusion as he’d declared ladies could only discuss gowns and their colors but knew it was most likely about the kidnapping, brought a faint smile to her lips. She thought to clarify her meaning when, at the far end of the room, she saw Peter enter and announce dinner.

With a cool smile to Samuel, her dinner partner, she accepted his proffered arm then took their place in line for the grand march into the formal dining room.

As the courses were presented and table cloths removed Brittany could tell something greatly bothered him. Not able to stand his discomfort anymore she cocked her head to him and smiled.

She placed her hand on his forearm and leaned toward him. “M’ lord, you seem a bit out of sorts this eve. I do pray nothing is amiss?” she softly said so no others could hear.

“Yes, my dear, if I may. I thought you planned to wear the gown purchased in London,” he whispered.

“As I mentioned earlier, I wished for something to lighten my mood from the events of the day.”

Brittany saw the disappointment in his eyes. Giving him a soft smile she saw her mother rise, thus ending the dinner.

At the entrance to the dining room Brittany turned to Samuel. “M’ lord, please excuse me as I need to refresh myself. I’ll meet you at the top of the stairs leading into the ballroom,” she stated, then released his arm and ascended the stairs to her suite.

Stepping in she saw not only Aggie but her mother’s lady’s maid as well.

“M’ lady, I’ve been sent to assist in the transformation.”

With a nod Brittany turned so Aggie could undo the tiny bone buttons down the back of the gown. Once the dress pooled at her feet Brittany stepped out raised her arms and into the gown she’d bought, actually Samuel had, for the evening.

“Now, m’ lady, while I finish fastening you up take a seat at your dressing table and Her Ladyship’s maid will work on your hair. We have a holly crown which will set you off perfectly,” Aggie declared.

Minutes later, with a final glance in the mirror and a slight adjustment to her crown Brittany stepped from her suite and into Samuel’s arms.

“Oof, you big oaf. I said I’d meet you at the ballroom. What on earth are you doing here, much less how did you get past the footman?”

“All this evening I knew something seemed amiss, not so much with the gown but your mind kept drifting during dinner. Sally told Cole what you’d planned, who of course informed me. As for how I slipped past the footman, the same way you come and go as you wish, the servant stairs.”

“Then, m’ lord I suggest you retreat the same way,” Aggie announced.

A glare from Brittany confirmed the maid’s words.

“I’ll depart only to meet you as we agreed,” he responded with a bow.

She watched as he closed the door to the servant stairs before turning back to Aggie who had a silly grin on her face.

“What?” Brittany demanded.

“His Lordship is so impossible. I still don’t understand what you see in him and wish to marry.”

“You said it yourself, he’s impossible—for me to live with or without. I know we’ll get along perfectly for that reason. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’ve a gentleman to meet and marry,” she replied, with a bright smile, then turned on her heel and swept down the stairs to the ballroom.

Spying Samuel in the crowd waiting to be announced she glided up to him. She settled her gloved and bejeweled hand on his chest right were his pocket would be. The feel of parchment under her fingertips brought a smile to her lips.

Announced to the throng by Peter, she and Samuel stepped up to the earl and countess.

“My dear, Lord Samuel,” her mother said, accepting a bow from him and curtsey from Brittany.

“Thank you, m’ lady, for allowing me to partake of your annual ball.”

“Yes, tonight’s event shall go down as the best you’ve ever held, mother,” Brittany added.

As they descended the grand marble staircase to the ballroom floor the musicians started playing the introduction to a waltz.

“Shall we, m’ lord?” she asked.

As they twirled around the dance floor, she explained why the change in attire.

“From the moment we become husband and wife, I humbly promise never to take you for granted,” he uttered softly.

Glancing up to his eyes she could tell he spoke the truth as he’d never looked upon her so lovingly and with such warmth.

Once the dance ended Brittany allowed Samuel to guide her to where Lady Wallace relaxed on a divan holding court with several old friends. She waited until they left then took a seat beside her godmother.

“Brittany darling, I have always been able to tell when you’re worrying, now tell me what is on your mind?”

Taking a moment to collect herself, Brittany looked around the ballroom and spied Samuel talking with several friends including Cole. What she did find interesting, Sally wasn’t with him. This caused her to wonder if something had gone wrong between them. Silently, she prayed nothing had, then turned her attention to her godmother.

“It’s about the wedding tomorrow. What I’m going to say you can’t mention to my parents until I do.”

“Are you wishing not to go through with marriage?”

“No, no. It’s not that. I want to marry that impossible man, but not tomorrow,” she started to explain.

“Then when?”

Brittany smiled and her godmother’s eyes widened. “Heavens me. Are you suggesting tonight? Right now?”

“Yes.” Brittany declared, beaming a warm smile to her godmother. She then went on to explain about the gown change and why she’d done it. “So you see, I wish to keep him always guessing what I’ll do next, otherwise we might become complacent with each other.”

“If this is what you wish then I say do it. I love the idea. But, what about the talk your mother and you should have?”

Brittany could feel her face warm at the mention of the discussion held between a mother and daughter on the eve of the wedding. What her godmother wasn’t aware of, she had a fair idea what happened between husband and wife. This she’d learned from reading romance novels, many of which she’d hidden from her mother.

“Shall we say, I have knowledge of the events and I trust Samuel will be gentle,” she finally said.

“Then collect him and I’ll meet you where your parents are, at the far end of the room. Oh, and how convenient, they’re talking with Reverend Christian,” Lady Wallace whispered, then offered her hand to Brittany to help her stand.

“Yes. Carefully inform them what I have planned so mother won’t get the vapors.”

Searching Samuel out she was happy to see he was still discussing a topic of great interest with the same gentlemen. Carefully, she made her way across the dance floor.

“M’ lord, might I have a word with you and my parents,” she whispered, slipping her hand in his.

“Of course,” he replied, with a grin.

Together they started to make their way to the far end of the ballroom and to the earl and countess.

“Do you know why they wish to speak with us? Moments ago I saw you talking with Lady Wallace and now she’s with them.”

“Oh, most assuredly I do. I’ve decided not to wait until the morrow to wed. As the minister is here and you’ve the special license with you, why wait. Let’s get married now.”

“My dearest, I was hoping you’d not want to wait.”

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