Lady Brittany's Love (7 page)

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Authors: Lindsay Downs

BOOK: Lady Brittany's Love
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Chapter Thirteen



With a relaxed grin and nod to Stanley, Lord Samuel stepped through the front portico to be greeted by a modestly warm sunny day. In the courtyard his well-sprung traveling carriage with two drivers sat in the box. At their feet, he knew, were two shotguns with reduced length barrels for ease of maneuvering.

Behind the coach three outriders waited beside mounts selected for their sturdiness. To one side, Quinn stood mumbling something to his mount, Tempest. This had been an easy decision for Samuel, as he wished to take his brute out to explore the countryside with Brittany.

Fastened to each of the saddles a brace of holstered pistols, while the men had a cavalry saber strapped to their waist. Inside the carriage Samuel had two hidden compartments, each with three pistols loaded and set on half-cock.

These precautions had been discussed with Eli the previous afternoon upon returning Brittany to her parents’ townhouse. The luncheon, he did admit to the earl, had been an interesting experience. Over the table Lady Wallace’s interrogation of him would have made Torquemada, of the Spanish Inquisition, proud.

Seeing everything ready, with a wave of his hand he brought the guards forward.

“During the trip we will follow the Bemming coach. We’ll be stopping at a tavern about four hours out for luncheon. If everything goes well we should be at the estate before dinner and the stablemaster is aware of your coming. Also, I expect to receive excellent reports from him.”

“You will, m’ lord,” Quinn declared.

“Good, now let’s be off to collect Lady Brittany and her maid.”

Half an hour later his coach entered the Bemming townhouse courtyard to a bustle of activity. Footmen were loading trunks in the boots of three carriages, while John supervised. Climbing down, Samuel carefully dodged empty boxes as he walked to the opened front door and stepped in to be met by Eli.

“M’ lord, it would seem we have a pleasant day to make the journey. I appreciate the extra precautions you are taking as per our discussion.”

“Lord Eli I would never do anything to put your daughter in jeopardy. Each man is well armed and will use their weapons without a thought, without instruction.” He wanted to continue when from his side he heard Barbara and Brittany talking as they descended the staircase.

He stepped forward.

“Ladies, you both look lovely.”

“Thank you, kind sir,” Brittany uttered.

“Excuse me, but it’s time to be off if we wish to make the inn for lunch and the estate before dinner,” Eli spoke out.

Samuel reached for Brittany’s hand which was easily given and together they strolled over to the waiting coaches. After assisting Aggie in he handed Brittany up then joined them. With a knock on the carriage roof to signal they were ready he felt a gentle jolt as they started off.

Considering the previous evenings late hour before separating and returning to his home, it didn’t surprise Samuel at how soon Brittany, quickly followed by Aggie, dozed off.

With a glance to her maid, Samuel wrapped an arm around Brittany’s shoulder drawing her to him. With his other hand he secured her against his side so she wouldn’t slip if the carriage took a dip in the road. Now with her comfortable, he hoped, he stretched his legs out on the squab opposite, crossed his ankles then dropped his chin to his chest.

The sound of iron covered hooves on cobblestones woke him. With care he looked down to see Brittany still napping then glanced to see if Aggie had woken. Much to his misfortune she had and glared at him. So not to disturb Brittany he drew his legs back and straightened himself.

“I only wanted to make her comfortable and safe. I can assure you nothing untoward happened,” he whispered.

“Of that, I’m sure,” Aggie replied, with a smile.

Giving her a nod he turned his attention to righting and awakening Brittany.

“Wake up, sleepy head. We’ve arrived at the tavern for luncheon,” he softly said.

“Ah, um. I’m sorry for having dozed off.”

“Think nothing of it, my dear. It would seem all of us needed a rest,” he barely got out as the carriage came to a halt and the door opened.

Climbing down he turned back and assisted Brittany then her maid out as the countess swept up to them.

“The earl has arranged for a suite so we may refresh ourselves before we dine,” she announced to them.

“And fear not, Lord Samuel, we’ve a room also. Maybe not as well appointed as the ladies but it will suffice of that I’m sure,” Eli said, before guiding his wife toward the tavern.

With Brittany’s hand on his arm, he covered it with his and followed the earl and countess in. As they stepped into the tavern the owner’s wife walked up and curtsied.

“If you’ll follow me, m’ lady, I will take you to the suite set aside for you,” the woman said.

Silently, he watched as the two ladies with their maids ascended the stairs then cocked his head to Eli and raised a brow.

“If you’ll follow me, m’ lord, to our room. I’ve already taken care of the luncheon.”

“Thank you. While you make sure everything for us is ready, I’ll see to the men. Can’t have them not well cared for,” he informed the earl, then followed him up the stairs to their room.

With his needs taken care of and cool water splashed on his face, Samuel raked his hair with damp fingertips. Looking into the mirror to make sure his cravat was still in order he left the room and made his way downstairs to the tap. When he entered he found his staff sitting at a large rectangular table talking with those from the Bemming household.

As he approached Samuel waved them back to their seats. He was greeted with smiles from all around.

“I do hope you’re all being well cared for?” he asked the men.

“Yes, m’ lord. All we’re waiting for are the two maids to join us then we’ll eat. Not wishing to offend anyone I’ve been able to convince these reprobates to drink cider while I’ve ordered lemonade for the women,” Quinn informed his master.

Samuel was a bit amazed at what he heard. From what he knew of his men they’d much prefer ale if given a choice, so this set well with him.

“Very good choice, men. I do hope there won’t be any swearing or inappropriate language coming from any of you,” he said, turning to see Aggie and the countess’ maid standing behind him.

“Excuse me, m’ lord, but are we allowed to swear?” Aggie replied.

The reaction from the men was exactly what he expected, they laughed. To that he sent them a killing glare to behave.

With the staff settled, Samuel turned and marched across the inn to the parlor set aside for them.

Entering the room he smiled on seeing the ladies were already seated at the table. With a nod from Eli, he took the chair opposite Brittany as the innkeeper’s wife entered with steaming plates of food.

Later, with the meal finished, Samuel guided Brittany back to his carriage. Assisting Aggie first, then Brittany, he turned and walked over to where Quinn and the other guards waited.

“Over our meal His Lordship and I discussed how to continue on. As nothing untoward has occurred so far, we both feel something will during this portion of the trip. Quinn, select two guards and ride further to the rear. This way, if we’re stopped they won’t expect to be pounced on by you.”

“Aye, m’ lord,” he answered.

Samuel noticed Quinn had selected one of his and the other from of Lord Eli’s. This way he suspected there wouldn’t be any favoritism which showed well the man’s leadership skill. With that resolved he returned to his carriage and climbed in after informing John Coachman of the change in protection.

“We’ll keep an extra keen eye out for anything unusual,” the man replied.

“Good and you might want to make sure one of the shotguns is visible to hopefully ward off an attack.”

With that said, Samuel climbed in, barely getting settled before the coach started off with a jolt.

Free of the tavern, he glanced first to Brittany then Aggie and was happy to see relaxed expressions on their faces.

“Aggie, I can only hazard the men behaved themselves in your presence?”

“Yes, m’ lord, they did,” she said with a smile. “Even that beast of a man Quinn was a perfect gentleman.”

With a smile back to her, Samuel cocked his head to Brittany who’d taken a book out and was reading. Then he noticed Aggie also had a book in hand. He wondered what they were but refrained from asking. Not wishing to disturb them, he reached under the squads, withdrew one of several broadsheets and started reading.

Finished with the first, he started to reach for another when the sound of yelling, followed by the loud crack of a pistol, alerted him to danger. Quickly, he looked to the ladies who, he wasn’t surprised, wore panic in their expressions.

“Could they be highwaymen after money?” Aggie asked, clutching her purse to her chest.

Another gunshot stopped him from answering then he heard horse’s hooves coming from the rear. Samuel leaned over and brought out a pistol from its hidden compartment, set it on full-cock then looked out the window. He saw the earl’s carriage had halted as had his. Turning his head to the rear, he saw Quinn galloping up. Once the man was close enough a scowl crossed his face.

“Ladies, stay inside,” he ordered, before climbing out to meet his man.

By the time he was on his feet the earl had joined up as Quinn brought Tempest to a halt.

“M’ lords, several men tried to attack us. Both of them aren’t in any shape to fight as they misjudged our strength. With your permission I’d like to bring the survivor along to question him upon arriving at the estate?”

Samuel shared a knowing look with Eli who nodded his approval, then added.

“Might as well bring the others also. All Lord Samuel and I ask, make sure none of the ladies see them.”

“Of course not, m’ lord. We’ll keep a bit back and when we arrive we can break off to the stables.”

“Good, now let’s be on our way as time is of the essence,” Samuel announced.

Finally, both carriages rolled into the forecourt of the Bemming country estate.

Climbing down Samuel smiled to himself when he didn’t see the guards. He helped Brittany then Aggie out and turned to see the Sexton butler and housekeeper awaiting everyone on the front steps.




Chapter Fourteen



While waiting for his trunks to arrive Samuel strolled over to the large window and looked out. His interest lay in the area between the veranda and garden which turned out to be expansive. He knew this would make it difficult for anyone to sneak up on the mansion. From what he’d seen on arrival any approach from the front would be impossible as well. This only left the sides. To examine those approaches he’d request a tour of the grounds from Brittany.

Hearing footsteps in the hall he turned, expecting to see footmen with his baggage. Instead he came face to face with Peter, the Sexton butler, with another staff member at his side.

“Yes, Peter?”

“M’ lord, I couldn’t help but see you arrived without with a valet.”

“That’s correct. I take care of dressing myself.”

“I understand. However, Lady Brittany has, through the earl, requested you be assigned one for the duration of your stay.”

“It wouldn’t do to upset the fair lady so I accept the kind offer.”

The grin he saw forming on the butler’s face told him he’d made the correct decision. Samuel waited while the other man entered his suite and bowed.

“I go by Jack, m’ lord, and have trained under the earl’s valet.”

In just those few words Samuel knew the man would be efficient, which he needed. Between continuing to study the book, when it arrived, and proving to Brittany he would make a worthy husband the last thing he needed would be someone who questioned his decisions as to proper attire.

“Good. When my trunks arrive set the deep blue jacket and black trousers out. I’ll wear them for dinner. I’m going to check on my horse. I will be back in an hour to bathe and dress,” Samuel told Jack, then without looking back strolled from the suite.

On Samuel’s way down past the first floor he heard Eli call out.

“M’ lord?” Samuel said. Turning, he joined Eli in the office.

Neither spoke until Eli closed the door, so not to disturb either of the ladies, Samuel assumed, should they come by.

“I received a disturbing report from your groom about the prisoner. Seems the man knows as much as the others we’ve captured. Nothing,” Eli stated.

“Not even a description as to who hired him?” Samuel queried.

“Unfortunately, no. This man seems to remain a mystery and well hidden. We’ll need to enlist the aid of the villagers and tenants,” the earl answered.

“Then Eli, I’d suggest tomorrow we ride out to spread the word. Also, do any of the staff live off the grounds? We can start with them to pass the alert”.

“That’s something I never would have thought of. We do have a few I believe. Between Peter, Cook and Mrs. Garrett they would know. Then instruct their staff on what to look for.”

“Also, thank you for the loan of Jack. Usually, I don’t bring mine as he’s quite aged thusly doesn’t travel well.”

“You’re welcome. I’m sure Peter informed you the request came from my daughter. For some reason she seems you need one to set the proper tone,” Eli replied, with a chuckle.

“Yes, he did which I thought interesting that Lady Brittany would take such concern for my comfort. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I want to check on my horse to make sure he’s up for a gallop tomorrow.”

“If you don’t mind, I’ll join you. I’d like to get a closer look at your beast.”

While they made their way to the stables, Samuel glanced around, wondering if there might be a way someone could sneak in. Again, as with the rear, at least one side of the house seemed well protected from any hiding spots.

“Samuel, worry not for the entire building is well protected from assault. The original had been a castle surrounded by a moat. About three hundred years ago when the building fell into ruins the current mansion construction began. For some reason, which I now appreciate, when the original designs were drawn up what used to be the moat is what you see. A wide expanse of grass between the gardens or woods,” Eli explained.

“Thank you, for the reassurance. We only have to figure out how they will get in? But, let’s leave that for now,” Samuel said, as they entered the barn, only to come to a halt on hearing a feminine voice at the far end.

Peering through the shadows he didn’t see anyone but recognized the speaker. Two questions came to mind. Where is she? To whom is she conversing with?

“Eli, I suggest we approach quietly so not to startle your daughter, in case she’s in a stall,” he whispered, receiving a nod of understanding.

Slowly, making his way forward when from the last stall he heard, “I can’t understand why everyone is so afraid of you. You’re sweet and adorable like my Pattie. I bet you both would get along quite well, if you promise to behave like Samuel.”

On hearing his Christian name he stopped so suddenly Eli bumped into him. Quickly, he gathered his feet under him thus saving himself from a fall.

“My apologies but hearing her words caught me by surprise,” he whispered.

“Let’s see what mischief Brittany is causing with your charger?”

With a nod Samuel started forward until they came to Tempest’s stall. Peering in, he almost choked when he saw his horse lying down with his huge head in Brittany’s lap. Happy that she didn’t know of his or her father’s presence he retreated down the aisle aware the earl was following. Once far enough away he turned to Eli.

“Do you believe Lady Brittany might wish to accompany me tomorrow to alert tenants to be on the lookout for strangers?” he announced in a loud voice.

“I’m sure she would and I’ll arrange for a groom to accompany you both for safety.”

Having made their presence known, they walked up the aisle, this time to see Brittany leaning against the inside of the stall door. Not surprised, his mount had also risen and stood calmly in front of her, something he’d never seen.

“Yes, I would love to go with you on the morrow. I’d also like to ride this beautiful horse. I’m sure you’ve heard me say he has such a sweet disposition and as you see we already get along,” Brittany declared, while patting Tempest’s nose.

“M’ lady, except for Quinn and myself, you’re the first person able to get this close to him without being attacked.” Samuel opened the stall door so she could slip out.

“I don’t believe that. When I came to see him he was standing quietly with his head hanging over the stall door. When he noticed me, he whinnied. It sounded so friendly I didn’t think he would hurt me, but I was careful. Father, m’ lord, if you’ll excuse me I must return to my suite to dress for dinner. Later, I might play the pianoforte.” She gave her father and Samuel a curtsey then strolled down the aisle.

Samuel watched as she glided down the passageway, a slight haughty tilt to her chin. He’d first noticed the special mannerism, her stubbornness, when they’d butted heads in London. Her determination to be herself. Not superior to another. Not to be told what to do. Was this what had attracted him to her, and not the Hersey book, to begin with?

Granted, from the start he found her intelligent and attractive, but until now he had no idea the true reason. Would he be able to keep her safe from Hersey and his henchmen? He’d risk his own life to save her. A hand on his arm brought him out of his ruminating.

“Yes, m’ lord?” Samuel said.

“I should have mentioned this before. Besides being a bluestocking, she does have a way with animals, particularly horses,” Eli explained.

“Well, that explains why she could sit on the straw with his head in her lap.”

“Correct. Shall we return to the mansion for as she said, time is getting on so we should return to dress for dinner? We’ll gather in the family parlor for a drink which will be served at seven,” Eli directed to him.

An hour later, bathed, even shaved and dressed to perfection, something his regular valet at times failed to do for him, Samuel descended the stairs to the family parlor.

“M’ lord and lady and Lady Brittany,” he said.

From the nervous wringing of her hands, he suspected Brittany had a request.

“Lady Brittany, I’m sorry, but I can’t allow you to ride my horse. And before you try arguing, my decision is final. Even though you seem to get along well with him I can’t assure your safety on his back. Also, he’s never been trained to accept a sidesaddle.”

“I agree with your decision and will abide by what you stated. He’s much too tall for me anyway.”

Samuel nodded.

“With your permission Eli, I thought Lady Brittany and I would start tomorrow afternoon with the farms closer to the mansion. Then the next day go farther afield,” Samuel suggested.

“Yes, that would be good and I’ll start with the village. I spoke with the senior staff and they have several who live in or near town. They’ll pass the word to be on the lookout for strangers. I feel strongly within two days the entire district will be alerted,” Eli added, just as Peter stepped in to announce dinner.

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