Lady Brittany's Love (14 page)

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Authors: Lindsay Downs

BOOK: Lady Brittany's Love
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She wasn’t sure if it was the sound of guests and staff in the mansion talking or the slightly calloused hand of her husband rubbing her back that had slowly brought Brittany awake. Turning her head, she met his loving gaze.

“Good morning,” she whispered.

“And to you. I hope I didn’t hurt you last night?” he pleaded.

“No, it was heavenly. I can tell you the books I’ve read don’t hold a candle to the real event. I never thought it could or would be so pleasurably enjoyable.”

“I’m so glad,” he responded, brushing his lips over her earlobe.

“Do you have any suggestions as to how we spend today?”

“As much as I’d love to keep you hidden away, we both know your parents and godmother do expect to see us for the grand luncheon.”

“Yes, and I know we have to attend as it will be the first time we will be introduced by Peter as Lord and Lady Palmer. That’s something I’m sure he’s dying to do. Then we need to decide when to depart for our estate?” she said.

“We can either leave tomorrow or wait until after the New Year, as originally discussed, when work will have started on the orangery,” he recommended.

Before Brittany could even think of a reply her suite door burst open and Sally rushed in.

“I found out who the ring leader of the slavers is?” her friend blurted out then glared at Brittany and Samuel. Finally getting her voice back, Sally shouted , “What on earth are you doing naked and in bed with him?”

“Sally darling, we were married last night. If you’ll give us an hour we’ll join you in the family dining room for breakfast then we’ll explain everything. You can also tell us where you disappeared to and why you missed the wedding,” Brittany said, only to spot the Hersey book clutched tightly in her friend’s hands.

“Fine, an hour and not a minute more,” Sally stammered out, turned and slipped from the room.

At the appointed time, hand in hand, Brittany and Samuel strolled into the private family dining room to be met by her parents, godmother along with Sally and Cole.

Brittany cocked her head to her husband then to Sally, a slight smile on her lips.

“All right, what was so important for you to miss our wedding?”

“Only the names of the ringleaders of the slavery ring. Mrs. Winterbottom and her nephew who is assigned to Sierra Leone with the West Africa Squadron.”

The clank and crash of knives and forks landing on china plates rang through the room. Eli who spoke first.

“Are you positive?”

“Yes and it’s all in the Hersey book. After we finish I’ll explain everything to you all,” Sally announced to everyone.


The End


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