Lafayette (88 page)

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Authors: Harlow Giles Unger

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French mobs and

intellectual interests of

Lafayette and, xix, xx, xxi

Lafayette’s first meeting with

Lafayette’s reunion with

melancholia of

misreading of French character by

as president

retirement of

as secretary of state

toast to Lafayette

as Virginia governor

Virginia tobacco trade and

on Washington’s heroic deportment

Joan of Arc

Jones, John Paul

Joseph, czar of Russia

Joseph II, king of Germany and Holy Roman emperor

Joséphine, empress of France

Kalb, “Baron” Johann de

death of

monument to

as Washington loyalist

Kayenlaha (Lafayette ward)

Kayewla (Lafayette’s Indian name)

Knox, Henry, xix

André court-martial and

Lafayette and

Society of the Cincinnati and

Kosciuszko, Tadeusz

Kramer, Lloyd, xx–xxi, xxii

La Colombe, Chevalier Morel de

Lafayette, Adrienne Noailles de (wife)

American circle of

background and youth of

betrothal of

business sense of

in Chavaniac

courage of, xviii

daughters of

death and grave of

family life at La Grange and

father’s remarriage and

flight to America, plan of

health decline of

hospitality of

imprisonment in Olmütz, xviii

imprisonment in Paris

Jacobin arrest of

kindness of

on Lafayette’s Assembly speech

Lafayette’s dependence on

Lafayette’s devotion to, xxii

Lafayette’s letters to

as Lafayette’s political ally

Lafayette’s popularity and

Lafayette’s reunion with (1779)

Lafayette’s tribute to

memoir by, xx

Monroe’s aid to

Morris’s financial aid to

Napoléon’s negotiations with

parental warmth of

political skills of

pregnancies of

Roman Catholic piety of

royal functions and

saving of family fortune by, xviii

social causes of

son’s birth and

son’s safety and

Washington and

wealth of

wedding of

as young wife

Lafayette, Anastasie (daughter), xx

birth of

imprisonment in Olmütz, xviii

Jacobin arrest of

marriage of

note to Washington by

Lafayette, George-Washington (son)

birth of

in Chamber of Deputies

descendants of

escape to America, xviii

father’s death and

father’s liberal salons and

marriage of

military service by

return from America

tour of America (1824)

La Fayette, Gilbert de Motier, II (ancestor)

La Fayette, Gilbert de Motier, III (ancestor)

La Fayette, Gilbert du Motier, IV (father)

Lafayette, Henriette (daughter)

Lafayette, James Armistead (freed slave)

La Fayette, Marie-Louis-Julie La Rivière (mother)

Lafayette, marquis de (Gilbert du Motier de La Fayette)

accomplishments of, xvii–xviii

Adams, John Quincy, eulogy of, xvii

agricultural interests of

American farewell tour (1784)

American government’s financial gifts to

as American hero

American lands of

as American liaison to French court

American Revolution role.
American Revolution

American sites named for, xix

American ties, xvii, xviii–xix

American trade negotiations

American triumphal tour by (1824), xxii–xxiii

American vs. French veneration of, xix

as America’s first ambassador-at-large

on Arnold’s treason

as Auvergne assembly delegate

awards and honors

biased biographies of, xix, xxi bibliography of, xxi birth of

birth of son to

broken leg of,
celebrity of

in Chamber of Deputies

children of

chronology of life, xiii–xvi

compassion of, xxii

“Conqueror of Cornwallis,”

death of

debts of

descendants of

as devoted husband and father, xxii

diplomacy by, xviii

English language facility of

Enlightenment as influence on

exile of, xviii

failing health of

failure of republican dream of

family background and youth of

Fête de la Fédération

flight from Jacobin France by

Freemasonry and

French citizenship restoration to

French military ranks of

French Revolution (1789) and, xviii

French Revolution (1830) and

funeral and grave of

grandchildren of

grandmother’s upbringing of

as Hero of Two Worlds

honesty of, xxi hospitality of

idealized portraits of

last days of

last political appearance of

leadership in early revolution

liberal salons of

long lifespan of, xix–xx

marriage of.
Lafayette, Adrienne Noailles de

maturation of

of, xx

Mill’s characterization of, xxi–xxii

as orphan

“Our Marquis” sobriquet

personal qualities of, xxii

popularity in France

principles of, xvii–xviii, xxii

in provincial assembly

Prussian/Austrian imprisonment of, xviii

rejection of military power

rejection of Napoleon’s awards

rejection of political power

relations with key Americans.
See individual names

renunciation of noble title

return to France by (1779)

return to France by (1782)

return to France by (1799)

return to private life by (1791)

sculpted bust of

seen as traitor, xviii, xix

source materials on, xx–xxi

as spanning Old and New World

Washington as “adoptive father” to

Washington’s death and

wealth of, xvii, xviii

Yorktown victory

Lafayette, Virginie de (daughter)

on brother’s return

as father’s hostess

imprisonment in Olmütz, xviii

Jacobin terror and

marriage of,

mother’s biography by, xviii,

on mother’s death

naming of

Lafayette family name

Lafayette Fund

Lafayette Guards

“Lafayette March” (music)

Lafayette-Washington correspondence

on American-British peace treaty

on American independence

on American Revolution

on birth of Lafayette’s son

on Conway Cabal

on French-American undeclared war

on French revolutionary excesses

gift exchanges

on Lafayette’s third child

on Prussian maneuvers

on return of Lafayette’s son

1779 farewells

1784 farewells

on U.S. lands policy

on Washington’s celebrity in Europe

on Washington’s presidency

La Grange

Lafayette family life at

Lafayette’s descendants at

Lafayette’s routine at

Louis-Philippe’s police surveillance of

profitability of

Prussian commandeering of

return to Lafayette

La Grange Township, Fla.

Lamarque, Maximilien

land ownership

La Rivière, comte de (maternal grandfather)

La Rochefoucault, duc de

Lasteyrie du Saillant, marquis de,

La Tour-Maubourg, César de

La Tour-Maubourg, Charles de

La Tour-Maubourg, Victor

Laurens, Henry

British imprisonment of

British release of

as president of Congress

Treaty of Paris signing

Yorktown battle and

Laurens, John

death in battle

mission for French aid

Yorktown surrender and

Lavasseur, August

Ledyard, John

Lee, Arthur

Lee, Charles

Lee, Henry (“Light-Horse Harry”)

Lee, Richard Henry,

L’Enfant, Pierre Charles

Levasseur, René

Liancourt, duc de


French arousal for

French mob misunderstanding of

Lafayette championship of, xvii, xviii,

National Assembly misreading of

Lincoln, Benjamin

Cornwallis’s sword surrender to

Livingston, Robert

Locke, John

Long Island, battle of

Louis XIII, king of France

Louis XIV, king of France

Louis XV, king of France

Louis XVI, king of France

American Revolution and

Assembly of Notables and

assumption of throne by

concessions made by

Estates General and

execution of

retention by

Festival of Peace and

Fête de la Fédération

fiscal crisis/reform proposals and

flight attempt

forced abdication by

French Revolution outbreak and

Lafayette ties with, xviii, xix

mob mockery of

National Assembly and

political ineptitude of

public distrust of

transfer to Paris of

Louis XVII, king of France

Louis XVIII, king of France

as comte de Provence

death of

plot against

Louis, Antoine

Louis-Charles de France

Louisiana Purchase

Louis-Philippe I, king of the French

as duc d’Orléans

forced abdication of

mourning for Lafayette banned by

pear and puppet caricatures of

repressive policies of

Lovell, James

Luckner, Nicolas


Madison, Dolley

Madison, James

Lafayette and, xix, xx, xxi

Magdeburg prison

Marat, Jean-Paul

assassination of

Marbois, Ambassador de

Maria Theresa, empress of Austria

Marie-Antoinette, queen of France

birth of dauphin

execution of

faux peasant hamlet of

Fête de la Fédération

fêtes and spending by

flight attempt by

French Revolution and

imprisonment of

Lafayette ties with, xviii, xix

pamphlet attacks on

public dislike of

religious schism and

resistance to reforms by

Marie-Louise, empress of France

Marion, Francis (“Swamp Fox”)

“Marseillaise, La” (anthem)

Marshall, John


Lafayette as honorary citizen

Masonic lodges.
Freemasonry Massachusetts militia

Maurepas, comte de, 616

Mesmer, Friedrich Anton


Mifflin, Thomas

citizen soldiers

Mill, John Stuart, xxi–xxii

Minden, battle of

Mirabeau, comte de

mobs (French)



anti–royal family

as barrier to constitutional republicanism

Bastille seizure by

bloodthirsty violence of

food riots

Lafayette’s control of

Lamarque funeral riots

looting by

march on Versailles

misinterpretation of rights and liberty by

National Assembly terrorization by

Parisian anarchy and

rabble-rousers and

Revolution of 1830

riots against Charles X

riots in French provinces

royalist retributions

constitutional monarchy; European monarchs

monarchy, French

Lafayette speeches against

Lafayette ties with, xviii, xix

radicals’ abolishment of

restoration of, xx

revolutionary overthrow advocates

Monmouth, battle of

Monroe, James

aid to Lafayette family by, xviii

Era of Good Feeling and

Lafayette and, xix, xx

Lafayette’s American visit and

Lafayette’s financial aid to

Monroe Doctrine


British looting of

Moravian Community

Morgan, Daniel

Morgan’s Raiders

Morris, Gouverneur

Adrienne’s imprisonment and

on Estates General

on French revolutionary army

Lafayette and, xx

on Lafayette family’s plight

Lafayette imprisonment and

loans to Lafayette family by

on Louis XVI’s execution

on march on Versailles

on National Assembly

on Parisian anarchy

on Parisian mob savagery

on Parisian oratory

pessimism on French republicanism

on spread of revolution

Morris, Robert

Morristown, N.J.

Motier, Gilbert du.
Lafayette, marquis de

Motier, Pons (Lafayette ancestor)

Moultrie, William

Mount Vernon, xviii

Lafayette’s invitation to

Lafayette’s purchases for

Lafayette’s visits to

portrait of Lafayette children at

Muhlenberg, John Peter Gabriel

Nantucket whalers

Napoléon I (Bonaparte), emperor of France

abdication of, xx

Adrienne’s audience with

coup against Directory

crowning as emperor

downfall of

European coalitions against

Fête de la Fédération

final defeat of

as First Consul

Hundred Days of

Lafayette and

Lafayettes’ release from Olmütz and

Louisiana Territory sale by

military conquests

Washington memorial service held by

Napoléon II, king of Rome

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