Lafayette (89 page)

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Authors: Harlow Giles Unger

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Napoléon III, emperor of France

National Assembly (French)

constitutional suspension by

deposition of king by

factionalization of

French Revolution outbreak and

Lafayette’s election to (1818)

leadership vacuum in

mob march on

move to Paris by

political/social reforms by

radicalization of

National Convention

National Guard (French)

Jacobin control of

Lafayette belief in

Lafayette funeral and

Lafayette’s retirement from

Native Americans.


neutrality, American

Newport campaign

New York

British evacuation

British occupation

Lafayette welcomes

Washington’s ruse strategy and


Noailles, Adrienne de.
Lafayette, Adrienne Noailles de Noailles, duc de (grandfather-in-law)

Noailles, duchesse de (grandmother-in-law),

Noailles, Louis, vicomte de (brother-in-law)

American Revolution and

flight to England by

return to France by

Noailles, Louise d’Ayen de (sister-in-law)

burial site

guillotining of, xviii,

Noailles, marquis de (great uncle-in- law)

Noailles, Pauline de (sister-in-law)

Noailles Dragoons

Noailles family

North, Lord

North Carolina

Nôtre-Dame Cathedral

“Oath of the Tennis Court” (1789)

O’Hara, Charles

Ohio Territory

Olmütz prison

Onondaga Indians

Order of the Cross

Orléanists (populists)

Orléans, duc d’ (Philippe Egalité)

guillotining of

Orléans, duc d’ (son).
Louis-Philippe I

Oswald, Richard

Otisquette, Peter

Paine, Tom


against Lafayette

Parish, Robert

Paul, czarevitch of Russia

Pension Lemoyne

Pershing, John


British evacuation of

British occupation of

British threat to

Lafayette visits to

Washington strategy and

welcome to Lafayette (1784)

welcome to Lafayette (1824)

yellow fever epidemic

Phillips, William

Picpus cemetery,

Pinckney, Thomas

Pitt, William (the Younger), xix

Pius VI, Pope

Plutarch’s Lives


independence movement,

press censorship

price fixing

Prisoners of Olmütz, or Conjugal
Devotion, The


Programme de l’Hôtel de Ville


French repression of

Lafayette championship of

self-rule tradition and

Provence, comte de.

provincial assemblies (France)

radicals’ abolishment of


French wars and

Lafayette at maneuvers by

Lafayette imprisonment by

Napoleonic wars and

von Steuben training in

Pulaski, Casimir

Rabaut-St. Etienne, Jean-Paul

Raynal, Abbé Guillaume

Reed, Esther

Reed, Joseph

religious tolerance, xvii


American vs. French traditions and

Freemasonry and

Jacobin policies against

Lafayette commitment to

Morris’s predicted failure in France

royal family’s scorn for


Revolutionary War.
American Revolution

Richmond, Va.

rights of man

Rights of Man, The


Rivarol, Antoine

Rives, William C.

Robespierre, Maximilien, xix

anti-Lafayette rhetoric of

death of

on Desmoulins


execution of king and queen and

extremism of

paranoia of

political control by

rabble-rousing by

Terror and

Rochambeau, comte de

American Revolution and

French Revolution and

Society of Cincinnatus and

Rochambeau, vicomte de (son)

Roman Catholic Church

absolute rule and

Enlightenment ideals and

French national church vs.

French secular government and

Jacobin violence against

National Assembly measures against

radicals and

restoration in France

as Second Estate

Rouërie, marquis de

Rousseau, Jean-Jacques

rue d’Anjou (Lafayette home)

rue de Bourbon (Lafayette home)

destruction of

purchase of

salon at


Napoléon’s invasion of

Rutledge, John

Saint Helena island

salt tax (

Saratoga, battle of

Sauvigny, Bertier de

Savannah, Ga., British capture of

Saxe-Teschen, duke of

Schuyler, Philip

Second Empire

Second Estate

Second French Republic

Ségur, comte de (son)

Ségur, marquis de (father)

Seven Years’ War

Shippen, Peggy

Short, William

on imprisonment of Lafayette

Sieyès, Abbé

Six Nations

slavery, abolition of

Lafayette advocacy, xvii, xxii

slave trade, abolition of

Social Contract

Society of the Cincinnati

Society of the Friends of the Rights of Man and the Citizen

Society of Thirty.

South Carolina

American Revolution and

Lafayette’s landing in

Lafayette visit to


American independence and

British peace treaty (1783)

French invasion of Britain plot and

French West Indian plot and

Jay as minister to

Lafayette mission to

Staël, Madame de

Stanton, Charles E.


Steuben, “Baron” von

Stirling, Lord (William Alexander)

André court-martial and

Stormont, Lord

Sullivan, John

background of

d’Estaing conflict with

Lafayette anger at

Newport campaign and


Tappan, N.Y.

Tarleton, Banastre


of American colonies, xviii

of French peasants

French reform needs

of nobility and clergy

provincial discontent over

See also

tennis court oath (1789)

Ternay, Chevalier de

Terror, the, xviii, xix

Tessé, countess de (aunt-in-law),

Thacher, James

Third Estate

duc d’Orléans and

Parisian ad hoc government by

parliamentary despotism of

Third Republic

“Three Glorious Days,”

Ticonderoga, battle of


tobacco trade

Tracy, Destutt de

Tracy, Emilie de,


British-American treaty

French-American negotiations

French barriers to

French reform proposals

See also
free trade

Treaty of Paris (1783)

Unger, Baron Jean Louis de

Valley Forge, Pa.

Valmy, battle of


Vendée massacre

Vergennes, comte de (Charles Gravier)



American Revolution in, xviii

British/Hessian prisoners of war in

Jefferson and

Lafayette as honorary citizen

Lafayette daughter named for

Lafayette’s return visit to


voting rights

French limitations on

Lafayette championship of, xvii

Wadsworth, Jeremiah

Walpole, Horace

War of 1812

Warren, James

Washington, George

aides and advisors

American Revolution command, xviii

Arnold’s treason and

on British evacuation of New York

celebrity in Europe of

Conway Cabal and

”day of public celebration” proclamation

death of

early military career of

enemy confusion strategy of

farewell to troops by

financial aid to Lafayette family

Freemasonry and

French-American undeclared war and

French Revolution qualms of

Genêt asylum grant by

godsons of

horticultural interests of

Lafayette command and

Lafayette correspondence with.
Lafayette-Washington correspondence

as Lafayette’s “adoptive father,”

Lafayette’s commission and

Lafayette’s first impression of

Lafayette’s imprisonment and

Lafayette’s similarities with

Lafayette’s son, harboring of, xviii

Lafayette’s son’s birth and

Lafayette’s ties with, xix, xx, xxi

neutrality proclamation by

physical appearance of

presidency and

refusal of compensation by

Rochambeau and

sculpted bust of

slave emancipation and

Society of Cincinnatus and

southern strategy of

on Treaty of Paris signing

unconventional warfare and

wealth and property of

Yorktown victory and

Washington, George Augustine (nephew)

Washington, Martha

Washington City (D.C.)

Waterloo, battle of

Wayne, “Mad” Anthony, xix

banquet toast to Lafayette

Virginia campaign

Webster, Daniel

Webster, Noah

Weeden, George

West Indies

American Revolution and

British naval successes at

French-Spanish takeover plan

Lafayette plantation, xxii

West Point, N.Y.

whale oil

Wharton, Francis, xx

White Terror

Wilberforce, William

Wolcott, Oliver

World War I

World War II

XYZ affair

Yorktown, battle of, xviii

anniversary celebrations

Cornwallis surrender

victory celebrations

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