Lafayette (87 page)

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Authors: Harlow Giles Unger

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Newport campaign failure

peace negotiations

Saratoga victory

sniper tactics

Southern campaign

Treaty of Paris signing

troop supplies and training

Washington’s strategic deception

Yorktown campaign and surrender

See also individual battles and campaigns

André, John

Arnold, Benedict

Articles of Confederation

Artois, comte d’.
Charles X

Assembly of Notables (French)

Aubert-La Fayette, Geneviève and Michel


French royal family and

Lafayette’s capture by

Lafayette’s imprisonment by

Lafayette viewed as dangerous by


Auvergne assembly

Ayen, duc d’ (Jean-Paul François de Noailles; father-in-law)

birth of grandson and

as émigré

Lafayette and

remarriage of

Ayen, duchesse d’ (mother-in-law)

burial site of

guillotining of, xviii,

objection to Adrienne’s betrothal by

Bailly, Jean-Sylvain

guillotining of

Louis XVI and

as mayor of Paris

resignation as mayor

Barren Hill, Pa.


razing of

storming of

Beauchet, Marie-Josèphe


Bentham, Jeremy

Black Musketeers

mob attack on

Bollmann, Justus-Erich

Bonaparte, Joseph

Bonaparte, Lucien

Bonaparte, Napoléon.
Napoléon I

Bonhomme Richard


Lafayette welcome

mourning for Lafayette

Bouillé, marquis de

monarchy, French Bowdoin, James

Braddock, Edward

Brandywine, Battle of

Brienne, Loménie de

Broglie, Charles-François, comte de,

Brunswick, duke of

Bunker Hill

Bunker Hill Monument

Bureaux de Pusy, Jean-Xavier

Bureaux de Pusy-La Fayette, Gilbert

Burgoyne, John

Burr, Aaron

Cabot, George

Cadwalader, John

“Ça ira, ça ira!” (song)

Caldwell, John Edwards

Calhoun, John C.

Calonne, Charles-Alexandre de

Camden, S.C.


Lafayette aborted invasion mission

Lafayette argument to retake

“Captivity of La Fayette, The” (poem)

Caraman, chevalier de


Carmichael, William

Catherine the Great, czarina of Russia

Roman Catholic Church

Chadd’s Ford, Pa.

Chamber of Deputies

Chamber of Peers

Chambray, René, marquis de

Champ de Mars



Charles III, king of Spain

Charles IV, king of Spain

Charles VII, king of France

Charles X, king of France, xix

abdication of

pamphlet campaign against

repressive policies of

revolution against

succession to throne

Charleston, S.C.

British occupation of


Adrienne’s first visit to

American-sponsored restoration of, xix

description of

feeding of starving peasants by

Jacobin pillage of

Lafayette’s childhood at

Lafayette’s restoration of

citizen soldiers (American)

citizen soldiers (French)

Fête de la Fédération

Lafayette’s belief in

See also
National Guard (French)

Clay, Henry

Clinton, George

Clinton, Sir Henry

Cornwallis and

Washington’s campaign against

Washington’s deception of

Cochran, John

Collège de Plessis

Committee of Public Safety (Paris)

Condorcet, marquis de

Congress of the United States

first members

French undeclared war and

Lafayette’s address to

mourning for Lafayette by

Olmütz prisoners and

opening of western lands by

See also
Continental Congress

Congress of Vienna

Constitutional Charter (France)

Constitutional Convention (U.S.)

constitutionalists, French

Jacobins and

radicals and

reasons for failure of

constitutional monarchy

Constitution of the United States

constitutions, French

approval of first (1791)


Continental Congress

army mutineers and

Canadian project and

congratulations to Washington by

critics of Washington

d’Estaing support by

foreign military commissions and

French Assembly compared with

French loans to

impotency of

Lafayette and

Lafayette’s farewell speech to

last meeting of

privileged members of

retreat from Philadelphia by

See also
Congress of the United States

Continental dollar

Continental System

Contrat Social, Le

Conway, Thomas

Conway Cabal

Cooper, James Fenimore

Cooper, Samuel

Corday, Charlotte


Cornwallis, Lord Charles, xviii

Carolina campaign

Lafayette and

Laurens prisoner exchange for

pilfering of Monticello by

Virginia campaign

Washington’s southern strategy and

Yorktown surrender


Council of Elders (les Anciens)

Council of Five Hundred (les Cinq-Cents)

Coupe-Tête, Jourdan

guillotining of

Court party (ultraroyalist)

Cowpens, Battle of

Crèvecoeur, Jean de

Cross of St. Louis

Custis, George Washington

Danton, Georges-Jacques

guillotining of

rabble-rousing by

radical takeover and

Deane, Silas

Deane, Simeon

Declaration of Independence

fifth anniversary celebration

Lafayette display of

Declaration of the Rights of Man

factional reinterpretation of

Jacobin version of

Lafayette and Jefferson writing of

Louis XVI and

National Assembly approval/expansion of

replacement by “bourgeois republic” leaders


Desmoulins, Camille

guillotining of


divine right of kings

challenges to

restoration in France

Roman Catholic tradition and

Doniol, Henri, xx


Du Buysson, Chevalier

Du Coudray, Philippe-Trouson

Duer, William

Dunn, Susan

Edict of Nantes

Elba (island)

Elizabeth, Madame


restoration of citizenship to

Great Britain Enlightenment


Essai sur les privilèges

Estaing, Charles-Henri, comte d’

Hancock and

Lafayette and

Newport campaign

personality of

plans for Canada and

Society of the Cincinnati and

West Indies and

Estates General

European monarchs

fear of revolution by

hatred of Lafayette by

mockery of Louis-Philippe by

European revolutionaries

Eustis, William


Fayette County, Pa.

Fayetteville, N.C.



explanation of

Lafayette manifesto against

Fête de la Fédération

restaging in 1830


First Estate

First French Republic


Fort Ticonderoga

Francis, archduke of Austria

Francis I, emperor of Austria

Franklin, Benjamin

on Adams (John) personality

American trade promotion by

British peace negotiations and

Freemasonry and

Lafayette and, xix, xxi

on naming of Lafayette daughter

Treaty of Paris signing

Franklin, William (grandson)

Fraunces Tavern (N.Y.)

Frederick II, emperor of Austria

Frederick the Great, king of Prussia, xix

Frederick William II, king of Prussia

freedom of religion

freedom of the press

incendiary propaganda and


in America

free trade

Lafayette championship of, xvii

French-American amity and commerce treaty (1778)

French-American undeclared war

French and Indian War

French Assembly.
National Assembly

French colonialism

French Convention

“French disease,”

French Guyana, xxii

French language

French-Prussian War (1870)

French Revolution (1789–1799)


Bastille seizure and

class warfare and


émigrés from

European monarchs’ fears of

genocidal legacy of, xix guillotine invention and

Jacobin triumvirate and

Lafayette’s disgust with

Lafayette’s ideals and, xviii

official end of

outbreak of


radicalization of

religious civil war and

royal family and

savagery of, xviii

Terror phase, xviii, xix

thwarted outcome of, xviii

Washington’s critique of

world wars of, xviii

French Revolution (1830)

French Revolution (1848)

French West Indies.
West Indies

Frestel, Félix

fur trade

(salt tax)

Gallican church

Gates, Horatio

letter to d’Estaing by

Saratoga victory and

Southern Department command

Geismer, baron de

gender equality, xvii

Genêt, Edmond Charles

George III, king of Great Britain


Germaine, Lord George

Germantown, Pa.

Gerry, Elbridge

Gimat, Jean-Joseph Sourbader de


Gloucester, duke of

Gloucester, skirmish at

Grand Guignol

Grasse, comte de

capture by British

Gravier, Charles.
Vergennes, comte de

Great Britain

Adams as minister to

American trade agreement

in coalition against France

French diplomatic relations

French émigrés in

French-Spanish invasion plan

French wars against

Lafayette’s coastal raid plan

Lafayette’s Olmütz imprisonment and

Lafayette’s visit to

naval war with America

privateering by

taxation of colonies by, xviii

Treaty of Paris and

See also
American Revolution


Greene, Caty

Greene, George Washington

Greene, Nathanael, xix

background of

Carolina campaign

Lafayette and

letter of apology to d’Estaing

Monmouth battle and

monument to

as quartermaster general

as Washington loyalist

West Point command by

Guérin, Charlotte (Lafayette aunt),

Guérin, Marie de (Lafayette cousin)

Guilford Courthouse, battle of

Guillaume Tell

Guillotin, Joseph Ignace

guillotine, xviii

mass executions by

procedure of

Robespierre’s death by

victims’ mass burial site,

Hamilton, Alexander

Arnold’s treason and

background of

death in duel

French-American undeclared war and

Lafayette and, xix, xx

as Washington’s military aide

Yorktown and

Hampton Roads, Va.

Hancock, Dolly

Hancock, John

as d’Estaing host

Lafayette and

Hand, Edward

Hartford, Conn.

Lafayette as honorary citizen

Harvard College

Lafayette honorary doctorate

Henry IV, king of France

Henry, Patrick


internment in Virginia

Hôtel de Noailles (Paris)

Hôtel de Ville (Paris city hall)

Festival of Peace and

Jacobin occupation of

Revolution of 1830 and

royal family arrival at

Houdon, Jean-Antoine

Howe, Richard

Howe, William

Huger, Benjamin

Huger, Francis

Hundred Years’ War


Independence Hall (Phila.)

Indians, Lafayette relations with





Jackson, Andrew


American plot by

call to arms

counterrevolutions against

Lafayette flight from France and

liberalization measures

military infiltration by

mob violence against

Morris’s protests to

political infiltration by

power in Paris

September Massacres and

Terror and


Jay, John

British peace negotiations and

in Spain

Treaty of Paris signing

Jefferson, Lucy Elizabeth

Jefferson, Patsy

Jefferson, Polly

Jefferson, Thomas

British plot against

death of

Declaration of Independence and

Declaration of the Rights of Man and

departure from Paris by

Fayettistes and

in France

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