Lawful Domination [Uniform Fetish 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

BOOK: Lawful Domination [Uniform Fetish 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)
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Uniform Fetish 2

Lawful Domination

Stephanie Vasquez can’t seem to keep the law off her back. Officers Grayson Myers and Dominic Weston are dead set in teaching her to abide by the rules of the road. As much as she’d love to give in to their flirtation, she’s hesitant to trust any men—even if they do look delicious in their police uniforms.

After she’s caught in the middle of a major crime investigation, her two cops take her into their protective custody. They teach her that it’s okay to trust them, to give in to their raw domination of her body and soul.

Grayson and Dominic have a lot invested in the feisty brunette. They want to keep her for themselves, to finally commit to one woman. But will the criminal element get their hands on her before they can prove their love?

BDSM, Ménage a Trois/Quatre

34,246 words



Uniform Fetish 2






Stacey Espino










Siren Publishing, Inc.

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IMPRINT: Ménage Amour




Copyright © 2012 by Stacey Espino

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First E-book Publication: September 2012


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Lawful Domination
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To Sheri Vidal, because she may just have a uniform fetish worse than mine.


Uniform Fetish 2



Copyright © 2012






Chapter One


Stephanie Vasquez attempted to add some lip gloss using the rearview mirror of her car. She was used to multitasking. Ever since Tammy got her promotion, Stephanie’s workload had practically doubled at the office. Driving with her knees while applying makeup, eating, or texting was nothing unusual for her.

Today was special, though. Mr. Templeton had given her the opportunity to attend a premier gala for a new car dealership. It had been big news in the city because they’d be unveiling an environmentally friendly sedan. The
Heartland Tribute
was going to make it front-page news in tomorrow’s edition. The new car was the first of its kind, a new step in the future of automotive sales.

“Fucker!” Stephanie dropped her lip gloss under the gas pedal. She attempted to lean over and grab it while steering. Stretching that low wasn’t easy. She’d gone all out and bought a brand-new skirt suit for the event. Anything not secondhand was a big deal when her salary barely paid the rent and utilities at her apartment. The black pencil skirt had a high slit on one side—perfect for grabbing attention. The jacket was form fitting. She wore a tight spandex tank top underneath so she could leave the buttons undone. To top off the outfit, she wore her prized five-inch Christian Louboutin heels. They were four years old, an old college gift to herself, but she’d kept them in mint shape.

A car honked behind her so she ignored her task and raised her middle finger out the sunroof. She had no patience for the multitude of assholes in the city. Stephanie swore she was a magnet for creepy little jerks. Her last two boyfriends had been cheaters. There was no self-esteem blow worse than knowing the guy you were dating ran around. Each time she’d picked herself up, dusted herself off, and moved on. But it was impossible for each negative experience to not harden her to a degree.

She hit gridlocked traffic at the next intersection. Stephanie tapped her manicured nails on the steering wheel. “Come on, come on…”

When the light turned green, she rode the bumper of the car in front of her all the way to the next street. She had to take a back route or she’d never make the gala on time. The clock on her dashboard said 5:47 p.m. and she had to be there at six o’clock. She had less than fifteen minutes to arrive, find parking, and get inside before the opening ceremony. There was no way she’d blow this opportunity for herself. It could mean an advancement at work if she proved an asset on the field. Editing at her desk for eight hours a day, five days a week was sucking her soul dry.

Once free from the traffic and on a quiet side road, she hit the gas. Her hair danced wildly from the breeze rushing in the cracks of the front windows, so she scrambled to find the control buttons on the side of the door.

Brrrrup, brrrrup, brrrrup.

Stephanie’s body jerked in alarm. She looked into her rearview mirror. “No fucking way!” There was a white, marked police car right behind her with the lights flashing. She hadn’t even noticed one when pulling onto the side street.
How fast was I going?
She’d been going over the speed limit, but she wasn’t sure by how much. Hopefully, he’d just toss her a ticket so she could be on her way. The dashboard clock flashed 5:51 p.m. Her nerves began to race.

Maybe she’d mention her best friend. The name Tammy Palmer was well recognized amongst the men in uniform. Her friend had settled down with the four firefighters in the local Station 23. If she didn’t love her friend to death, she’d wish for terrible, terrible things to come her way. How many women got to have one muscle-bound firefighter in their bed, never mind four? It wasn’t fair. But maybe Tammy’s influence would get her out of a jam now.

She peeked at the side mirror as one of the two cops finally got out of the driver’s seat.
Hurry up, dammit!
He was in full uniform, a weakness of hers. Until Tammy claimed the whole fire station for herself, Stephanie had looked forward to her daily walks by the station’s weight room for an eyeful. After two years of reluctant celibacy, it was still the best she could get. Now she had nothing, so the man sauntering toward her window made her stomach flutter.

He tapped on the glass with a pen, so she lowered it all the way down. The cop leaned one arm on the roof of her car and entered her personal space. He was gorgeous, with dark eyes and a neatly trimmed goatee. She was sure she’d seen him in her bedtime fantasies. “Good evening, ma’am. I’m Officer Myers. Have you been drinking tonight?”

She lowered her brow, insulted. “It’s not even six o’clock. I’m not a lush.” He was only inches from his face. “Go on, smell me all you want.”

“I’ll need to see your license and vehicle ownership.”

“What?” She practically screamed the word, then controlled herself. “Why, sir? Can I just have my ticket?”

“You were going seventy in a fifty. On a one-way street. Please get out of the car, ma’am.”

She quickly looked up the street, finally noticing the arrow facing the opposite direction
. Fuck.
This was a new area for her and she wasn’t familiar with all the little side streets. She should have paid more attention, but what was done, was done. Hopefully, he’d respond to a little innocent flirting. She was certainly dressed the part today. The last time she got a ticket she was on her way home from the Laundromat in old sweats with her hair in a messy bun. She didn’t even bother flirting after being caught at her worst.

Stephanie opened the door and stepped out. Her long legs were accentuated by the high heels. At five foot seven, she was often the same height as the male clients who came into the office. Add five-inch heels and she would tower over most men.

“Sir, I have a really important meeting in like five minutes. Could you just let me off with a warning? I promise I won’t do it again.” She shut the door, handed him her paperwork, and leaned against the side of the car.

Wait a minute.
Stephanie had to double-check that she was even wearing her heels because the officer looked down at her. He must have been a good six foot three, which was not a common thing for her to see. He wasn’t just tall, but built, with broad shoulders, a wide chest, and a tapered waist. Actually, the cop was ridiculously nice to look at.

Her body began to react. Tammy always said Stephanie was a natural-born flirt. Maybe she was correct because right now all she cared about was meeting this man’s approval.

“You won’t learn your lesson unless you’re punished.” His voice was deep, rich, and seductive. She could listen to it all night, preferable talking dirty to her.

“Do you have any weapons on you?” A new voice.

Stephanie whipped her head to the side to find the other man. Another officer had joined them on the side of the road. This man was just as tall—what were the odds? He had thick, dirty-blond hair kept in a short buzz cut. He was just as delicious as the first man with an intense, expressionless stare that made her pussy pulse.

“Weapons? You’ve got to be kidding. Where would I even hide one?” She slipped off her jacket, tossing it in the open window. Then she raised her hands at the elbows and did a little spin. She knew she looked hot because she’d taken hours to get ready for the event at home. “Do you not see how tight this skirt is?”

BOOK: Lawful Domination [Uniform Fetish 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)
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