Lawful Domination [Uniform Fetish 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) (14 page)

BOOK: Lawful Domination [Uniform Fetish 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)
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Her heart raced. She dared not be presumptuous when so much lay on the line. “What are you going to do?” she whispered.

Gray nuzzled her neck, his scruff scraping her skin. He kissed behind her ear and suckled her pulse point. “You’re shivering,” he said.

“I’m naked.”

“That’s how I like you. A beautiful body like yours shouldn’t be hidden.” He trailed his hands down her back until he cupped her ass, squeezing the fleshy mounds. “I’m sorry, baby.”

“Don’t be.” She couldn’t even imagine losing a spouse to the icy grip of death. His strength was impressive, and she’d never judge him for loving his wife who passed away. As long as his sights were on the future, she wanted to be by his side. “You did nothing wrong.”

“Honesty from now on, okay?”

She thought about last Saturday and the lies she’d told to protect her own ass. She had to come clean, to start off on a fresh page. “I have a secret.”

“I know you do.” His voice was smooth, the sound cascading through her body like a gentle rain. “I’ve been waiting for you to tell me on your own.”

“I saw them. I saw the car thieves. I thought they were security guards so I didn’t say anything. I didn’t want to get into trouble.” She began stammering, everything spilling out. “One of them grabbed me and another one pointed a gun at my head. It was the scariest thing that ever happened to me.” Stephanie took a deep breath. “I’m still scared.”

“Protective custody, remember? I swear on my life, not a hair on your head will be harmed. You’re mine now, Stephanie. No more shitty apartment, no more worries. Understand?”

She nodded, terrified to break the spell by speaking. She’d been taking care of herself for so long it touched her to know she wouldn’t be alone any longer. Penny pinching she could handle. Loneliness was not so easy to live with.

He led her back through the forest a few feet before lifting her up into his arms. She loved how easily the men could carry her, even though she wasn’t a small woman. She only hoped the fairy-tale spell never broke because she imagined her mother had felt this way once upon a time for her father.


* * * *


“Where’s Gray?” asked Steph. She was only wearing a T-shirt, the bottom tied around her middle in a knot, and underwear.

“He’s cutting more wood for tonight. You ready to face the real world again tomorrow?” asked Dominic.

She sat on the edge of the hammock he was lounging in, starting the swinging motion. “It’s kind of magical here. I’ll miss it.”

“We can always come back next year. It’s been a tradition of ours for a few years. Now you can join us.”

The forest was so quiet and peaceful—no sirens, cars honking, or construction grating on his nerves. Sometimes a man needed to be at one with nature to keep sane.

“That sounds like a long-term kind of commitment,” she said before nibbling on her lush lower lip.

“That’s the only kind there is,” he said. “I come from a big family. They’ve been on my case to settle down for years, but I refused to rush into a relationship with a girl just to appease them. When I decide on a woman, there’ll never be another for me.”

He lifted his knee, forcing her to topple atop him. The hammock tangled, trapping them in a cocoon of netting before spilling them both to the forest floor.

When they finally stopped laughing, he cupped her face in his hand. “You’re the one, Steph.” They were side by side, neither of them eager to get to their feet. Everything was slowed down out here, any sense of urgency left in the city. He’d been able to learn about the beauty who’d become the center of his world over the past few days. She was complex, sweet, and feisty all rolled into one. She spoke her mind but also considered their feelings.

“I wonder what your family will think of your new ménage relationship. It’s not exactly traditional, you know.” He noted the hint of insecurity in her tone.

“I’m not a little boy, Steph. I’m a man. I make my own decisions for my own life. If they care about me, they’ll accept my choices
the woman I love.”

She smirked, her eyes playful. “That’s a big word, Officer Weston.”

“We may be the cops, but I promise you’re the one who saved us. I’ve never seen Gray so at peace, and you know how I feel about you.” He kissed her lips, silently thanking God for blessing him with such a good woman. It had been a long, aimless few years for him and his best friend.

A chipmunk scampered by them, capturing their attention.

“That reminds me,” he said. “Please tell me you like fishing.”

“I’ve never been, but I’m willing to try anything once.”

Dominic kissed her again, his cock suddenly thickening. “I’m glad to hear you say that.”


* * * *


Dominic did a last-minute check of the cabin to ensure they’d packed everything. He was going to miss their weekend of relaxation. Although his fishing venture hadn’t been as successful as he’d hoped, they did gain a woman. One they could devote their lives to. A lot had been said, and they all learned things they never knew about each other. It was the beginning of something beautiful, something forever.

“We’re all set,” he said after joining Stephanie and Grayson at the truck.

They hit the road back to the city. He’d definitely book the cabin again next year, maybe for a week.

“Do I really have to go to the station?” she asked. They’d discussed it several times. She had to give a description of the criminals to the detectives. They must have recognized her face from the newspaper article, linking her to the
Heartland Tribute.
Dom knew full well how easy it was to find out an address and telephone number once a person had a name. The thieves may still be looking for her, and there was no way they could afford to lose Stephanie. He’d do anything to protect her, to ensure her safety.

“We’ll be with you the whole time,” said Grayson. “It won’t be like last time. I promise.”

“You don’t have to worry about our place. It’s more secure than Fort Knox,” said Dom. He’d installed a high-tech security system, surveillance, and every gadget in the department’s arsenal. If she was in the house, she’d be safe. But every time she’d leave to go to work at the paper, he’d be worried sick. He couldn’t risk his job by constantly driving by the
Heartland Tribute
when he was on duty, so those fucking car thieves had to be put behind bars.

They pulled into the police station hours later. Dom was exhausted from the long drive and wanted to get home and rest. But sorting out the business with Stephanie’s case had to take priority.

“I need clothes,” she said. The poor girl only had a T-shirt and old shorts on. With her apartment trashed, she’d need to do some serious shopping. “How can I go to work tomorrow like this?”

“I’ll take you shopping. Don’t worry about that now.”

They escorted Stephanie into the station. Even with the old clothes on, she was still a beauty. He was proud to call her his woman, he just hoped his coworkers and friends would understand their unorthodox ménage relationship. The fact the men of Station 23 were sharing a woman had hopefully desensitized them to the idea.

Grayson went to get the detectives. He wanted to lay out their conditions before introducing Stephanie. She didn’t want to be alone during questioning, and they wouldn’t allow it.

The officers and detectives in the department were renowned for finding their man. Dominic was confident that the new information Stephanie could offer would give them the leads they needed to crack the case.

Chapter Thirteen


Brrrup, brrrup, brrrup

“Fuck!” Stephanie muttered. She was already late for a Christmas fundraiser at the community centre. Tammy and her firemen had already shown up, and she was supposed to be there. This was the warehouse district after hours so she didn’t understand why cops would set up a speed trap here. She quickly flipped through the messages on her iPhone after pulling to the side of the abandoned street. The last message was from Tammy fifteen minutes ago.

Where are you, Steph?

She quickly texted back.

I just got pulled over. Be there soon!

It was only two weeks until Christmas. The weather had been brutal the past week, an Alberta clipper passing through without mercy. She had her knee-high leather boots on, a black miniskirt, and a red silk blouse for a festive touch. The mere thought of being asked to get out of her car made her shiver. Hopefully, she’d be handed a ticket and be on her way.

The cop knocked on her window. She was hesitant to let the cold air into her car. He wore a heavy overcoat and black gloves on his hands. She could scarcely see his dark eyes.

She rolled down her window a few inches. “I’m sorry, officer. I know I was speeding. Can I please just have my ticket? I’m on my way to an important event.”

“Turn off the car, ma’am.”

Stephanie followed orders. Although she was thoroughly perturbed, she did have a new respect for the police of her city. They’d found the car thieves she’d photographed within three days of her eye-witness account. There hadn’t been much she could tell them. But apparently the half-moon tattoo on her attacker’s hand blew the case wide open. Now she could breathe easy knowing they’d be spending a long time behind bars.

“License and registration, please.” Another cop joined the first, wearing the same heavy black overcoat. They looked like two dark mountains in an Arctic landscape.

She passed him what he requested. “Sir, please. Can we speed this along?”

He scanned her information, a slight smirk on his face. “I’ll need you to step out of the car, ma’am.”

“But it’s freezing out!”

“Now, ma’am.” His tone deepened, an audible threat that she took seriously.

Stephanie exhaled with exaggeration and stepped out onto the icy asphalt roadway. She looked up and down the barren streets, wondering how she could be so unlucky to be pulled over in such a place. Her bare thighs burned from the bitterness of the wind. “I’m cold,” she said.

The first cop closed her door and pressed her back against the side of her car. He started at her shoulders and patted his way down her body with his big hands. When he palmed her breasts for an extended period her stomach began to flutter. She shouldn’t be turned-on by his inappropriate touching, but she was.

As he moved lower, he cupped her mound, his index finger probing under the edge of her panties. When he impaled her cunt all the way to the knuckle, she reached out and braced his arms.

“What are doing to me? Do you think I’m hiding weapons up my miniskirt?”

“She’s mouthy. We’ll add disorderly conduct to her charges,” said the blond. He twisted her around and forcibly pressed her against the car. His heavy black boot parted her legs. “Don’t you move.”

His hands slipped under her leather jacket and cupped her tits and he ground his heavy erection into her back. He bent down behind her, lifted her skirt over the curve of her ass, and lowered her panties.

“Shouldn’t I have a female officer checking me?”

“Hush,” said the first cop.

The blond spread her ass cheeks apart, his hot breath pleasant in the chilly air. When his tongue licked up her folds from clit to ass, she placed both palms on the car and gasped for breath. His tongue was heaven sent, exciting her enough to forget the cold.

He stood back up. “She tastes guilty.”

“What?” Stephanie turned around to find the first cop holding up a pair of handcuffs.

“You have the right to remain silent, and you have the right to suck my dick.”

She swatted Gray when he couldn’t hold back a laugh. “You’re ruining it, Gray! Act your part.”

They only had a few minutes before they had to haul ass and get to the fundraiser. There was no way she’d last the night a horny mess.

“Sorry. I’ll behave.” Grayson roughly grabbed her wrist, spun her around, and cuffed her hands behind her back. They’d brought the unmarked SUV, so they had plenty of room for some naughty fun.

They escorted her to their vehicle, leaving her car on the side of the road. Dom opened the rear door and Gray shoved her from the waist up onto the seat.

“If you want to save yourself from a ticket and numerous charges, you’ll need to take a different kind of punishment.”

“Anything,” she said, her cheek pressed to the vinyl seat. A strong hand came down on her ass, making her yelp. Her clit was rubbing deliciously against the edge of the bench seat each time the cop would smack her. Her ass began to burn, the heat settling in her cunt.

Brrruup, brrruup, brrruup.

Her pussy clenched as another police vehicle pulled up. Dom tugged her skirt down over her ass.

“Hey! Aren’t you guys going to the fundraiser?”

“We’ll be heading over in a minute. Just finishing up here,” said Dominic.

“Who you have in there, anyway?”

“It’s Mrs. Myers-Weston from the
Heartland Tribute
.” She still loved the ring to her new, legal name. She finally belonged, had a family of her own and a love that fairy tales were made of.

“Of course it is,” said the other cop. “At least try and make an appearance.” The sarcasm in his voice was clear. She heard laughter from the other cop in the cruiser as it continued on down the road.

Gray leaned over her back, kissing her temple. “The guys will be pissed if we don’t show up. Our department is getting a commendation. Can you take it hard and fast, baby doll?”

Did she like it any other way? “Yes, Officer Myers. I can take it.”









Stacey Espino resides in beautiful Ontario, Canada where she is busy raising her five school-aged children. She loves being a Canadian, but could do without the brutal winters. She enjoys writing erotic romance that will have you squirming in your seat. From hardcore cowboys to alpha shifters, she has you covered! Stacey also writes alternative M/M romance as Winona Wilder.

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