Lawful Lover (Eternal Bachelors Club #2) (17 page)

Read Lawful Lover (Eternal Bachelors Club #2) Online

Authors: Tina Folsom

Tags: #romance, #roman, #liebesroman, #contemporary, #fiction

BOOK: Lawful Lover (Eternal Bachelors Club #2)
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She squeezed him. “Not bad at all.” She paused, licking her lips. “In fact, I don’t think I’ve ever touched anything as impressive as your cock.”

At her last word, he groaned. He loved it when she used words like that, when she talked dirty to him while they had sex. It turned him on more than anything. And now that he knew that she was into all kinds of experimentation, having proven it when they’d made love in his office, he got even more excited every time he knew they were about to have sex.

Sabrina had turned into quite a seductress, more so than he could have ever hoped for.

“Tell me,” she whispered now, bringing her head to his ear, her soft breath caressing him. “What would you like? Would you like me lying on the bed, my legs spread wide for you, or would you rather bend me over that chaise longue and take me hard from behind?”

Daniel swallowed hard, his throat suddenly parched. Both suggestions seemed equally enticing.

Her hand moved up and down his cock. “Or maybe you’d like me to get on my knees and suck you.”

At her words, he thrust his cock harder into her hand. “What are you trying to do to me, Sabrina? Make me spill before I’ve even gotten inside of you?”

Because if she continued talking to him like that, that was surely going to happen.

“We wouldn’t want that,” she responded and pressed open-mouthed kisses along his neck. “Because I want to feel you come inside me.”

“Oh God, Sabrina!” He pulled her head to him and captured her lips, hungry for her.

Parting her lips, she invited him inside, and he invaded like a barbarian, without much finesse, but with strength and determination. His arms wrapped around her and he lifted her up and carried her to the bed, where he lowered them both onto the sheets, his knees wedging her legs apart to make space for him as he slid over her.

“This is what we’re gonna do, my sweet escort,” he said as he shifted into position, his cock poised at her pussy. He could already feel her heat. And calling her his escort added something forbidden to the act. “I’m going to thrust inside you, and you will tell me how much you like my cock, and what you like me to do with it.”

Her eyes pinned him, and slowly, her arms slid down his back, then clamped over his backside. “And are you going to do what I ask you to?”

“Only if you ask for it properly.”


“You’ll have to use the proper words.”

Her mouth formed a perfect ‘O’. Then her lids lowered halfway. “I want your cock inside my pussy.”

Sabrina’s words sent a bolt of lightning through his body and straight into his balls. Without a conscious thought, he pushed forward, plunging into her and seating himself to the hilt.

“Fuck!” he hissed when he felt her muscles clamp around him tightly.

A moan came from Sabrina. “I like it that you’re so big.” She wrapped her legs around him, crossing her ankles behind his butt. “Do it again. I want to feel you impale me.”

Heat surged through Daniel as he drove into her again, then withdrew and delivered thrust after thrust. Maybe telling her that she should talk dirty to him hadn’t been such a good idea after all: he was close to coming, and he’d barely started.

He clenched his teeth, his weight braced on his arms and knees, and looked into her eyes. They shone with lust and desire. Her lips were parted, and quick breaths and moans came from them, while underneath him, her body writhed and her rapid heartbeat pounded against him.

Just having her underneath him like that was enough to drive him wild. Knowing that she wanted him as much as he wanted her was the greatest aphrodisiac he’d ever felt. No woman had ever made him feel like this: complete.

“I love you,” he murmured and noticed how her eyelids lifted to look at him.

“Then take me hard,” she demanded. “Show me that you want only me.”

“Oh God, yes, Sabrina!”

He captured her lips and delved into her delicious mouth, stroked his tongue against hers and explored her. Like a conqueror, he took what she offered and poured all his love and passion into the kiss, while lower down, his hips moved in sync with hers, thrusting, then withdrawing in a frantic rhythm, driving them toward the inevitable.

It was crazy to take her this hard, to drive his cock into her so deep, to grip her hips for more leverage, and pound into her as if there were no tomorrow. But she’d asked for it; she’d demanded it.

“Like that?” he pressed out between clenched teeth, desperately holding onto the last threads of his control.

“Yes, Daniel, yes!” she cried out.

“I should fuck you like this every night!”

Her eyes met his. “You should!” Her fingernails dug deeper into the flesh of his ass, yanking him harder against her and driving his cock deeper.

When her muscles suddenly convulsed around him, there was no way back from the edge: he came in hot and eager spurts, joining Sabrina in her climax. But he couldn’t stop yet. He needed to continue driving his cock into her warm silken sheath, slamming his pelvis against her sex and igniting her clit once more.

“Oh God, not again,” she begged, but he couldn’t be stopped now.

“Yes, again, Sabrina,” he demanded. “You’re my woman, and I’m going to see to your pleasure.”

When she shuddered again, her eyelids fluttering, and moans releasing from her throat, he slowed his thrusts.

Then he kissed her gently on the lips. “Give me a few minutes and we’ll see if we can improve on this.”

“You’re crazy,” she said breathlessly.

“Yes, crazy about you.”




“He said you’d know who he is,” Frances said over the intercom, sounding annoyed. “He’s very rude. I wouldn’t even put him through, but that’s the third time he’s called in five minutes and I’m afraid I won’t get any work done if—”

Daniel sighed. “Put him through, Frances, I’ll deal with whoever this is.” He ran a hand through his hair.

There was a click in the line. “Daniel Sincl—”

“You dirty, rotten son of a bitch!” an angry male voice interrupted him.

Daniel shot up from his desk, his hand balling into a fist instantly. “Hannigan!”

“So you think you can play me like that? You think you can hide behind a woman? You coward!”

He had no idea what Hannigan was talking about. “What the fuck do you want?”

It sounded as if Hannigan growled. “That fucking whore of yours sent those bitches on my tail. As if you didn’t know it! You devious asshole!”

Fuming, Daniel clenched his jaw. “You call her whore one more time, I’m going to fly to San Francisco and finish the job I started.” And this time, Hannigan would need an ambulance.

A ragged breath came through the line. “You tell that little tramp that one day I’m gonna get her for that.”

“Keep Sabrina out of this. She’s got nothing to do with this!”

Hannigan snorted. “Right. That’s why she’s riled up those bitches at the office and is threatening to sue me if I don’t drop the suit.”

Stunned, Daniel was speechless for a moment.

“Yeah, that fucking bitch got all the secretaries at the firm to make statements against me. Unfounded statements!” he yelled through the phone so loudly that Daniel had to move the phone farther away from his ear. “I’m dropping the fucking lawsuit! Happy now?”

Before Daniel could say anything in response, a click in the line indicated that Hannigan had hung up.

Shocked, he let himself fall back into his chair. When the door opened, he whirled his head in its direction.

“Everything all right?” Frances asked, a worried look on her face.

Numbly, he nodded. “That was Hannigan.”

“From the lawsuit?”

“He’s dropping it.”

“Well, congratulations. That new lawyer in San Francisco must be brilliant.”

“Yes, that lawyer is a genius.” Though he wasn’t talking about the lawyer Tim had referred him to, but an altogether more enticing one: Sabrina.

Sabrina had done this for him. She’d talked to the female staff at Brand, Freeman, and Merriweather behind his back and gotten them to come forward with their accusations against Hannigan. She’d put this all together, knowing that Hannigan would have no choice but to back off if he didn’t want to land in deep shit.

Daniel realized that he’d totally underestimated Sabrina.

“Frances, I’ll be gone for the rest of the day.”

He got up and snatched his jacket, then rushed out of the office. He couldn’t wait to see Sabrina and thank her for what she’d done.


Holly was due to arrive in about two hours. Sabrina had spent the early afternoon in the kitchen, preparing dinner in advance, knowing that Holly wouldn’t want to go out after spending six hours on a plane. She couldn’t wait to see Holly again, spend time with her, and catch up on all the gossip.

Sabrina covered the casserole and placed it in the refrigerator when the door bell chimed. She closed the refrigerator door and wondered if Maurice, the driver who would take her to the airport, was early.

“Coming,” she called out and rushed to the door. “I’m not quite ready, Maurice.”

She opened the door wide, then stopped in her movements. “Oh, you’re not Maurice.”

The Fedex delivery guy gave her a puzzled look, then handed her a large envelope. “Delivery for Sabrina Palmer.”

“That’s me.” She took the envelope.

“Sign here!”

Sabrina took the plastic stylus and scribbled her name on the display area.

“Have a nice day,” he said and disappeared.

Sabrina closed the door and looked at the thin envelope. The return address was a company located in New York, but she didn’t recognize it. Shrugging, she ripped the envelope open and peered inside.

At first, she thought it was empty, but then she noticed a photo and pulled it out.

Her heart nearly stopped, and her breath deserted her.

In her hands she held a glossy photo of Daniel and Audrey. Behind Daniel she could see bras hanging from a display, indicating that they were in a lingerie store. But that fact wasn’t the worst. Daniel’s hand lay possessively on Audrey’s breast, his hand squeezing her boob while Audrey had her hand on his nape, her fingers splayed in his hair as if she were caressing him.

Shock made her legs shake. The way Audrey’s arm was angled, it was impossible to tell whether the two were kissing, but from the distance between their heads Sabrina could only assume the worst.

Sabrina swallowed the bile rising in her throat and braced one hand on the side table in the foyer. Her hands shook and tears threatened to overpower her.

, she told herself. Maybe this was an old picture. It could easily have been taken a few months ago when Daniel and Audrey had still been together. This didn’t have to mean anything.

Calmer now, she looked at the picture again and inspected it more closely, trying to find some sort of clue as to when it had been taken. She turned it around, but there was no date stamp on the back. She turned it to the front again, once more looking at Daniel and Audrey embracing.

No, she couldn’t believe it. This had to be an old picture, and whoever had sent it to her simply wanted to spook her so she’d leave. Most likely, it had come from Audrey herself. Who else would try to get her to break up with Daniel? Hadn’t she said herself that Daniel would come back to her? Was that how she was going to do it? By sending her some old picture of them and making her believe it was recent?

Sabrina looked closer, seeing a
sign on a display table, but it didn’t tell her what kind of sale it was. Besides, sales happened practically every week for one reason or another. It wouldn’t help her pinpoint the date when this photo was taken.

She looked at Audrey’s immaculate appearance: perfect make-up, plenty of jewelry, and expensive clothes. Her handbag had probably cost more than a sales clerk’s monthly salary.

Sabrina scoffed. “Ugly thing!”

Then her eyes suddenly zoomed in on something that seemed out of place: a newspaper sticking out of Audrey’s handbag.

She read the headline and recognized it. She’d read the first paragraph of the article a few days ago in the law library where somebody had left it on the desk where she’d studied all evening.

Devastation coursed through her: the photo was recent; in fact, it was from only a few days earlier. Was that why Daniel was never home in the evenings, because he was still seeing Audrey?

A sob tore from her chest.

Daniel was cheating on her. With his ex-girlfriend!

How could he do this to her? Why had Daniel asked her to move in with him when he wanted to carry on with Audrey?

“Why?” she choked out on another sob.

Had this all been a game for him to see how far he could go with a woman who’d once pretended to be an escort? Was that how he was repaying her now for her earlier deception? For pretending to be an escort? For lying to him about who she was?

A terrible thought struck her: what if this was another bet he and his friends from the Eternal Bachelors Club had concocted? Had he told them the truth about how they’d met? Was that why they’d all flirted with her? Had he bet with them that he could have two women at the same time?

She felt betrayed. She’d only asked for two things when she’d agreed to come to New York with Daniel: his love and his respect. It appeared that he’d never intended to give her either.

The sound of a key in the door made her snap her head to it.

Daniel entered, a massive bunch of red roses in his hand. “Hi, baby,” he started, then stared at her. “What’s wrong, Sabrina?”

His voice was laced with panic as he rushed to her, his free hand reaching for her.

“How could you?” She thrust the picture into his palm. “I trusted you!”

She glanced at the flowers and felt more anger well up. If anything had guilt written all over it then it was a man giving his girlfriend flowers for no reason. She almost choked on their strong scent.

“What is this?” His eyes darted from her to the photo in his hand.

Feeling another sob working its way north, she snatched her purse from the side table, stormed out and rushed to the elevator. Frantic, she punched the call button. The doors slid open instantly, the elevator car still being where it was when Daniel had used it, and stepped inside.

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