Lei Me Down (6 page)

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Authors: Selena Cooper

Tags: #erotic Romance, #Mystery, #Contemporary

BOOK: Lei Me Down
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Okay, that was an exaggeration…and I
been getting more exercise since Luke came along. We enjoyed taking walks…and other things.

Speaking of other things….

Luke opened a bottle of body wash and poured some into his hands. He rubbed his hands together and began massaging my shoulders. I moaned as he stroked the muscles in my shoulders and back.

“Lean forward,” he said.

I did as he instructed, and he worked on down to my lower back. He then took a washcloth and squeezed water over my soapy skin, giving me delicious chills.

“Turn to face me now.”

I turned, and he picked up a folded towel that had been lying by the tub.

He handed me the towel. “Roll this up and put it behind you so you won’t hit the water faucet if you lean back.”

“You really think of everything, don’t you?” I asked.

He nodded, lathered up his hands again, and took my right foot in his hand. He massaged my feet, pulling gently on each of my toes, and then he began stroking my legs. He deeply massaged my calf and then worked his way up to my thighs.

I arched my pussy toward his hand.

“Not yet,” he said with a grin.

He rinsed my right foot and leg and then kissed the bottom of my foot, making small circles with his tongue on my arch.

“Luke, please….”

“Not yet,” he said.

He repeated the entire process with my left foot and leg, and this time when he worked his way up my thigh, I took his hand and pulled it toward my clit.

He tsked, flicked my clit a couple times with his thumb, and told me not to be so impatient. He took my legs and gently pulled me closer. The rolled-up towel fell into the tub behind me.

“Leave it,” he said, as I started to turn and get it. “You’re not finished with your bath.”

My body quivered with excitement.

He soaped up his hands and began caressing my neck, then my chest. He ignored my nipples—which were straining for his touch—and went on down to my stomach.

He watched my face and smiled.

“You’re so mean,” I said.

“What happened to
you’re incredible

incredible. You’re just frustrating me to death right now!”

He chuckled. “I know.”

He finally moved his thumbs to my nipples, fondled them for a moment, and then rolled them gently between his thumbs and index fingers.

I tried to take his erect cock in my hand, but he wouldn’t let me.

“Not yet,” he said for the umpteenth time.

After kneading my breasts, I thought he was finally getting around to my pussy. But, no, he simply gave my clit a couple of agonizing strokes before taking the washcloth and rinsing my torso.

I cried out in frustration. “Please, Luke! Please, please, please!”

He grinned. “How badly do you want it?”

“I’m aching for it. You
I am!”

“I do know,” he said. “And I love it.” He stood.

I took that opportunity to get on my knees and suck him like I was dehydrated in the dessert and that his dick was a glass of the best spring water I’d ever tasted.

He eased me away from him. “You know I love it, but it’s my turn to tantalize you.”

“Haven’t you done enough?” I asked. “I don’t know how much more I can take.”

He smiled, got out of the tub, and held open his arms. I stepped out and into his arms. He lowered his head and kissed me, his erection growing even larger as he explored my mouth with his tongue.

He picked me up and carried me into the bedroom. He laid me on the edge of the bed, lifted my legs to his waist, and drove his cock inside me.


I arched my hips, meeting him thrust for thrust until we came together in a shattering orgasm.

“Was it worth the wait?” Luke asked softly.

“Oh, yeah….”

He pulled out of me and sank onto the bed beside me, wrapping one arm around my waist. “You feel so good.”

feel good? You feel good,” I said. “You feel magnificent.”

Within minutes, we were both asleep.


I was awakened by a bell…a shrill ringing bell. I frowned, rolled over, and threw my leg across Luke’s hip. Whatever that noise was, it would quit in a minute…right?


Even as I tried to nestle against Luke’s chest and go back to sleep, the incessant ringing of the bell drove me up the wall.

Luke opened his eyes. “What

“Who cares? Just make it stop.”

On the third ring, it dawned on us both that what we were hearing was the phone in our room. It was such a foreign concept for someone to be ringing our hotel phone rather than calling our cell phones that it actually took our groggy brains a few minutes before it clicked.

“The phone,” Luke said. “I’ll get it.”

I moved my leg, and Luke crawled on his elbows like a soldier navigating enemy territory to the other side of the bed. He snatched the receiver from its cradle.

“Yeah,” he answered. “No…no bother at all. Of course, we’d love to have dinner with you, Mr. De Marco. Sure…. See you then.”

He hung up the phone, and I inched up the bed to snuggle back into his arms.

“How long do we have before we meet the De Marcos?” I asked.

“We need to be ready in about forty-five minutes,” he said. “I can call him back and cancel if you’re not up to it.”

“No. I’m fine. I just didn’t want to get out of your arms yet.”

Luke kissed the top of my head. “Let’s stay here for twenty minutes and then we’ll get ready.”

“Where are we meeting?”

“The restaurant downstairs,” he said.


Chapter Eight



Believe it or not, I was able to get ready to go down to dinner in fifteen minutes. I quickly pulled my hair up into a French twist, brushed on a little bronzer and some pink lipstick, and pulled on a white sundress. Luke wore dark slacks and a white shirt open at the throat. He was, of course, gorgeous. Looking at him standing at the vanity slipping on his watch, I could hardly wait until we got back to the room.

When we got to the dining room, we saw Mr. De Marco right away. He stood and waved us over. He was with a diminutive but elegant woman whom I recognized from the wedding photo as his wife.

“Thank you for joining us, Mr. and Mrs. Fontaine,” said Mr. De Marco.

“Please call us Luke and Brandy,” Luke said as we took our seats.

“Very well. I’d like you both to meet my wife Patricia. Patricia, these are the fabulous people I spoke with you about.”

Patricia smiled. “It’s a pleasure to meet you. Jim told me how kind the two of you were to him this morning.”

“We’re sorry your daughter’s—and your—time of joy has turned into such a tragedy,” I said. “Is there anything at all we can do?”

“Just dine with us,” said Mr. De Marco. “We’re glad that at least some good—making two new friends—has come out of all this.”

A waitress came over to take our orders. My three companions ordered fish, but I ordered spinach ravioli. We all chose a glass of pinot grigio. The waitress brought out our wine and told us that she’d put our food orders in.

After she left, Luke decided it was time to learn more about the De Marcos.

“Tell me, Jim, where are you and Patricia from?” he asked.

“We live in Vermont,” said Jim. “We own a chain of restaurants across Vermont and New Hampshire called, unimaginatively enough, De Marcos.”

“What do you do?” Patricia asked.

“I’m a journalist,” I said. “Luke is an entrepreneur like you guys.”

“Yep. I run Fontaine Enterprises.” Luke grinned. “Also not a very imaginative name. But it gets the job done.”

Jim laughed. “That’s what I say. Keep it simple and without gimmicks. Let the products speak for themselves.”

A waiter hurried out with a basket of rolls and placed them on our table. “Connie got held up and asked me to bring these out. Your food will be out in a few minutes.”

“Thank you,” said Luke.

I noticed the waiter’s watch. I’d seen one like it somewhere…recently. I touched his hand.

“What a lovely watch! I like that it has the moon phases on it,” I said.

“Thank you,” said the waiter. “There’s supposed to be a full moon tomorrow night.”

“I’ll look forward to seeing that,” I said.

“So will I,” said Patricia.

“Excuse me,” the waiter said.

As he scurried away, Luke and I shared a look.

“Good eye,” Luke murmured to me. “That
a nice watch, wasn’t it, Jim?”

“Indeed.” The older man looked faintly troubled.

“Do you suppose this restaurant pays their waiters well enough for them to afford Patek Philippe watches?” Luke asked.

Jim’s eyes widened. “You don’t think….” He looked at Patricia. “Julie never found Mark’s watch.”

“Call Detective Harker,” she said.

“But we don’t
it’s Mark’s watch. We didn’t get a close enough look at it,” Jim said. “What if we jumped to conclusions, and the boy was innocent? What if it was a gift from his grandfather or something?”

“But what if it
Mark’s watch?” Patricia insisted. “Wouldn’t it be better to be safe than sorry?”

Jim nodded. “I’ll call him tomorrow morning.”

Patricia gave him a disapproving glance.

“It’s late,” he said. “You know the man has gone home for the evening. This can wait until morning.”

rather hard to believe that anyone would be so brazen about wearing a stolen watch,” I said.

“True,” said Luke. “But you never can tell.”

The waitress Connie brought our food out and sat our plates in front of us. She said she’d bring us more wine and asked if there was anything else we needed.

“Yes, please,” Luke said. “The young man who brought the rolls out to us…could you send him over? I have a quick question for him.”

Connie appeared to be a bit troubled by Luke’s request, but she said she’d send the waiter to our table as soon as he got a free second.

When Connie left the table, Patricia whispered, “What are you going to do?”

“I’m not quite sure,” Luke said. “Frankly, the idea popped into my head before I’d fully executed any sort of plan. At the very least, we can ask him about the watch. I’ll pretend I’m looking to buy one.”

We began eating, and soon Connie returned with our fresh glasses of wine.

“Did you talk with the waiter?” Jim asked. “We wanted to ask where he got the watch he was wearing. It was a beauty.”

“I’m sorry,” Connie said. “Our supervisor said he got sick and had to leave just a few minutes ago.” She looked at our untouched rolls. “I don’t think it was anything contagious, but it’s probably good that you haven’t eaten any of the rolls. I’ll take these away and bring you some fresh ones.”

As Connie left the table, Patricia hissed to her husband, “
are you going to call Detective Harker?”

Jim excused himself from the table and went to make the call. When he returned, he said the call went to voice mail but that he asked the detective to call him as soon as possible.

We set the matter aside and finished our meals amid companionable conversation. The men exchanged business cards, and we promised to keep in touch.

I hugged Patricia. “I just want to say again how sorry I am for your daughter’s losses and that I wish her well.”

“Thank you,” she said. “Hopefully, the next time we get together you can meet her. The two of you would get along famously.”

“I’m sure we would.”


The elevator was empty on the ride back up to our room, so Luke and I started our make-out session en route. By the time Luke got the room door unlocked, we were ready to hit the sheets and finish what we’d started.

But our hitting the sheets was not part of Roll Boy’s plans. Smashing Luke over the head with a DVD player was.

He hit Luke as soon as we stepped into our room.

I screamed as Luke staggered and then crashed to the floor, taking the waiter with him as he went.

I grabbed my phone from my purse and called 9-1-1. I quickly told the operator the nature and location of my emergency, then put the phone on speaker and looked around for a weapon.

Luke and the waiter were still thrashing away on the floor, and I needed to help Luke restrain Roll Boy.

The handcuffs!

I hurried over to the night stand and took out the black furry handcuffs and the roll of bondage tape.

“Hold him, Luke! I’ve got him!”

Luke stumbled to his feet and pulled Roll Boy up by the collar. I grabbed Roll Boy’s hands behind his back and fastened them into the cuffs. I wrapped his ankles in bondage tape and then put a piece of the tape over his mouth.

I smiled at Luke triumphantly. “We got him!”

My smile disappeared as I noticed blood trickling down Luke’s face. I raced back to my phone. “Be sure and send an ambulance! My husband is hurt!”


Detective Harker seemed surprised and kind of amused when he stopped by to see us the next day.

“They tell me down at the station that the waiter—” He checked his notebook. “—Mr. Clark was bound with furry handcuffs and bondage tape when they arrived.”

“It pays to be prepared for anything,” I said.

“Mr. Fontaine, are you all right?” Detective Harker asked. “I understand you were treated and released from the hospital last night.”

“Yeah. The waiter was waiting for us when we came in the door. I’m glad it was me and not Brandy.”

“We’re going to stay in and take it easy today,” I said. “Luke suffered a cut on his head and a mild concussion. I plan on watching him very carefully to make sure he’s all right.”

“Well, thank you both for your help in bringing this guy in,” said Detective Harker. “The story he told us was that Mr. and Mrs. Columbus had gone down to the beach to watch the sunrise. Mr. Columbus came back to the room for his camera and caught Mr. Clark in the room. They fought, and he bludgeoned Mr. Columbus with a golf club. Mr. Columbus stumbled out onto the balcony—we believe he intended to call for help—but died.”

“What about the groomsman?” I asked.

“Like the two of you and the De Marcos, the groomsman recognized the watch the waiter was wearing at the luau. The young man confronted the waiter, and the waiter stabbed him with a knife that was lying there in the kitchen.”

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