Lei Me Down (2 page)

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Authors: Selena Cooper

Tags: #erotic Romance, #Mystery, #Contemporary

BOOK: Lei Me Down
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I was a freelance journalist. Bad publicity for me might have even been a good thing. At least, it would’ve gotten me recognized.

I first met Luke when I interviewed him for an article for an entrepreneurial magazine. We met, hit it off, began dating, and the rest was history.

I had to admit, I felt a little weird walking to the adult toy store by myself wearing nothing but my wedge hills and blue silk dress. It was breezy, and I was self-conscious about the dress clinging to my body.

I noticed I was being followed. The man was discreet. At first, I wasn’t even sure he
following me. I thought I was being paranoid. But then, every step I took, every turn I made, he made too.

When I started to go into the adult toy store, he stepped up and opened the door for me.

I hesitated, my eyes wide with alarm.

“It’s all right,” he said softly. “Mr. Fontaine didn’t want you walking around the city unprotected.”

I smiled as I breathed a sigh of relief. “Thank you.”

Although I didn’t recognize this particular brown-eyed wall of muscle, it wasn’t the first time Luke had assigned me a security detail.

The guard nodded.

I stepped into the store. He followed me inside but remained at the front of the store where I could call him should I need to do so.

I wasn’t used to being inside adult toy stores, but I was intrigued. One section was filled with lingerie—all kinds, all sizes. There were role-playing outfits, garments that were essentially nothing but scraps of lace and a couple of thin ribbons, and fetish-wear.

I was especially excited to find comic book villainess and hero costumes. I grabbed them in our sizes and chose a pair of thigh-high stiletto boots to go with my outfit.

Next I went to the fetish section. Being new to fetishes, I bought a kit that had furry handcuffs, a satin eye mask, a roll of bondage tape, a feather tickler, and a set of Ben Wa balls.

Last but not least, I chose a massage seduction kit. It had a heated massager, massage oil, and an aromatherapy candle.

I was getting ready to head to the register when I noticed my bodyguard nod to me. He then opened the door for Luke. I hurried to the register before Luke could see what I’d bought. Surprising each other would be part of the fun.

I bought my items, which were then discreetly bagged, and then I turned and wandered up to Luke.

We looked at each other but said nothing. I pretended a red lace teddy had caught my eye, and I walked down the aisle toward it. I fingered the lace while looking back at Luke with what I hoped was a seductive expression. It must have been because he eased down the aisle behind me, grabbed me by the hips, and pulled me against him. I could feel his erection pressing into me.

I gasped as he reached around, unbuttoned one of the buttons of my dress, and slipped his hand inside. He snaked his finger past my clit and into my pussy.

I stifled a moan.

“How wet you are,” he whispered against my ear.

“Someone will see us,” I whispered, biting my lip as he added another finger and pumped them inside me.

“Maybe.” He kissed the back of my neck.

I melted against him. “Please hurry…to the hotel, I mean.”

He chuckled. “I will.” He removed his fingers and put them into his mouth. “Mmm.”

I whimpered.

“Don’t forget to button your dress back.”

With trembling hands, I refastened the dress. “See you in a few?”

“As few as possible.”

I blushed as I neared the bodyguard. He lowered his eyes but did open the door for me. I knew he’d be following me back to the hotel, and it made me wonder if I should wait to walk with him or simply go on ahead? I was a blue collar girl. I didn’t know the protocol for security detail.

I decided to walk on. If he should catch up to me, I would walk with him and try to make small talk…which would be difficult given the fact that we’d just left an adult toy store and that he undoubtedly guessed that Luke and I had engaged in some heavy petting in an aisle that I hoped had no security camera.

It was so gorgeous here. I walked along the street, taking in the palm trees, the beautifully tanned people, the white limousines, and the lovely Romanesque architecture.

Luke and I were going to the beach later today. There was a luau tonight at the hotel, then we were planning to visit some Oahu sites tomorrow and then do some island hopping the next day.

I wondered how finding the body on the terrace below ours would affect our plans. I figured it wouldn’t overmuch. We didn’t know the man, had no connection to him whatsoever, and couldn’t contribute anything to the investigation.

And, yet, there was a homicide detective waiting for me when I returned to the hotel.

He was in the lobby and had approached me the instant I walked through the door.

“Excuse me, are you Mrs. Fontaine?”


He flipped open a wallet to show me a badge. Then he motioned the bodyguard forward.

“And are you Mr. Fontaine?” the detective asked.

“No.” The bodyguard put himself between the detective and me. “I’m with Mr. Fontaine’s security detail here on the island. Is there anything I can help you with?”

“Where is Mr. Fontaine?”

“He’ll be along in about twenty minutes or so.”

“Thank you.” He stepped to the side so he could see me beyond the bodyguard’s bulk. “Mrs. Fontaine, I’m Detective John Harker. I’d like to speak with you.”

“Of course,” I said. “I don’t know that I’ll be of much help, but I’ll be glad to answer your questions.”

“The hotel has provided us a small conference room,” he said. “Please step this way.”

The bodyguard stepped forward. “Wait. Mrs. Fontaine, shall I accompany you?”

“I’ll be questioning Mrs. Fontaine alone,” Detective Harker said.

“Very well. Then I’ll wait here for Mr. Fontaine.”

“Please do,” said Detective Harker. “Let him know I’d like to speak with him as soon as I finish talking with his wife.”

“Mrs. Fontaine, would you like me to take your bag up to your room?” the bodyguard asked.

My eyes widened. “Please.”

He nodded and took the bad. “I’ll see to it right away.”

Detective Harker, a man of average height, slender build, and thinning dark blond hair, led me back to a conference room with an oval table surrounded by six chairs. Although the table took up the majority of the room, there was a credenza on the far side of the room with bottled water and a coffee maker.

“Would you care for a bottle of water?” Detective Harker asked.

“No, thank you. I’m fine.” And I was…at the moment. I simply hoped this wouldn’t take too long. Something about the entire ordeal made me nervous. I was beginning to wish we hadn’t been the ones to make that morbid discovery.

And, with that thought, Detective Harker seemed to dive right into my thoughts.

“Mrs. Fontaine, you told the security guard here at the hotel that you were standing on your balcony at approximately seven fifteen a.m. when you discovered the man lying on the balcony below yours. Is that correct?”

“Actually, my husband is the one who first saw the body. He took a photo of me with the phone in his camera, and then he noticed the man lying on the veranda below us.”

“And did he immediately call security?” he asked.

“Of course he did.”

“Had you met the couple staying in the room below yours?” he asked.

“As we already told the security guard, we have not met them…nor have we met any of the other couples staying at the hotel,” I said. “We’re planning on going to our first luau tonight. Perhaps we’ll socialize some then.”

“Right. So you know
of the man you discovered this morning?”

“Nothing.” What was he trying to get at? Hadn’t I made myself pretty clear?

“All right. I guess that’s all I have for you for now.” He handed me his card. “Should you think of anything…even anything you can think of that might be trivial…about the victim or his wife….”

“Victim?” I interrupted.

“Yes. Mr. Columbus was murdered.”

I gasped. “By whom?”

“Well…that’s what we’re trying to discover,” he said. He stood. “Thank you for your time, Mrs. Fontaine.”

“Of course.” I placed his card in my purse and stood.

Detective Harker opened the door to the conference room, and I stepped out into the hallway. Luke and the bodyguard were there waiting for us.

“Good. You’re here, Mr. Fontaine,” said Detective Harker. “May I speak privately with you now?”

“After I have a moment with my wife, you may.” Luke pulled me slightly aside. “Is everything okay?”

I nodded. “I’m fine. It’s just that the man we saw this morning…the police think somebody

“Stay in the lobby with Fisk until I speak with the detective. I don’t want you to be alone.”

“Okay.” I turned to Fisk, glad that I finally had a name for him. “Do you mind, Mr. Fisk?”

He smiled slightly. “Not at all. That’s what I’m here for.”

Luke ran a hand down my cheek. “Everything will be all right. Don’t worry.”

I nodded. But it was hard
to worry. Had the murder of Mr. Columbus been an isolated incident? Or were others—like Luke and I—in danger too? Luke was an important businessman, thus, Fisk and other security guards. Was Harker questioning us because he thought Luke might’ve been the killer’s intended target?


Chapter Three



After talking with Detective Harker, Luke joined Fisk and me in the lobby.

“Let’s go into the coffee shop and have a latte,” he said.

Fisk nodded as if “latte” was some sort of code word.

We went into the coffee shop. Luke and Fisk did indeed get a latte. I got a cappuccino and talked Luke and Fisk into joining me in having chocolate cupcakes with coconut frosting. They were so big they came on a saucer with a fork. Yummo!

The shop was practically deserted, but Luke led us over to a table in the far corner. Fisk took the seat facing the front of the shop, and Luke sat facing the window. I wasn’t sure what was going on, but I felt I was in the middle of some sort of top secret mission. I didn’t care. I had a cupcake.

After oh-so-carefully placing my cupcake and cappuccino on the table, I took the seat to Luke’s left. I dug my fork into the cupcake, took a bite, and moaned in ecstasy.

Luke arched a brow. “Really?”

“Really,” I said. “Taste.”

He took a bite. “Not bad.”

I rolled my eyes.
Men. Sometimes I think they don’t know how to fully appreciate anything.

“Fisk, I’d like you to find out everything you can about this Columbus guy who was found dead on his veranda this morning,” Luke said.

“Yes, sir,” said Fisk.

“Say whatever you need to say—you’re concerned about the security of your client…whatever—but dig a little. Bribe, if you need to. Do you have enough cash on you for that?”

Fisk nodded. He was a man of few words.

“Great. I want to solve his murder before Harker does,” said Luke.

My eyes widened, and I nearly choked on my bite of cupcake. I took a sip of my cappuccino. “You’re kidding, right?”

Luke shook his head. “No. I’m completely serious. You know I read a lot of thrillers and mysteries. I’ve always thought I would make a good detective. I can finally put my theory to the test.”

“But surely Harker has leads,” I said.

“Then why would he waste time talking with us?” Luke asked. “The security guard already deduced that we know nothing about Mr. Columbus. Then he spoke with both of us separately. He doesn’t have a clue about this case.”

“You’d think if he wanted to know something from us, he’d be a little more forthcoming with his information,” I said. “I mean, do they think it was a botched robbery attempt?”

“He didn’t tell me any of his theories,” Luke said. “That’s why I think he doesn’t have much.”

“Then what makes you think you’ll fare better than the police in solving this case?” I asked.

“Are you doubting my abilities?” he asked. “Do you think I can’t do something I put my mind to?”

I smiled. “I
you can do anything you put your mind to.”

“And I’m putting my mind to solving the murder of Mark Columbus.” He winked.

Fisk stood. “I should get to ferretting out any information I can then. If you don’t mind, I’ll take my latte with me.”

“Great, Fisk. Thank you,” said Luke.

Fisk nodded to me, took his latte, and left the coffee shop.

“You’re really serious about this, aren’t you?” I asked.

He nodded. “I think I can do this. Correction—I know
can do it. What do you say? We’re here for a fortnight full of adventure. Let’s add one more.”

I laughed. “You know I’m all for your adventures.”

“Good. Let’s go back to the room.”

I looked at his plate. “You’ve barely touched your cupcake. And Fisk
touch his.”

“I’ll get a box, and we’ll take them with us.”

I took another bite of my cupcake while Luke was retrieving the box. I didn’t need the calories…but I figured Luke and I would work them off later.

As we walked down the hall toward our room, I wondered aloud how we’d know whose bag was whose.

“I mean, both were plain brown paper bags,” I said. “Do we just dump both in the middle of the bed and have show-and-tell?”

Luke shook his head. “Nope. Fisk is efficient. I’m certain he took care of it.”

He was right. When we went into the room, the bags were on the bed. Fisk had used the pen on the nightstand to write
on them.

I laughed. “He
efficient. Where’d you find him?”

“I use Fisk’s agency whenever I’m on the West Coast,” he said. “We’ve worked together for years.”

“He doesn’t say much.”

“Doesn’t have to. When you’re in a tight spot, Fisk is the guy you want to have your back.”

I went over and linked my arms around his neck. “You’re the guy I want to have my back.”

“I’ve got it, baby. I’ve got it.” He bent his head and covered my mouth with his. Our tongues twined together as we pressed our bodies closer.

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