Let Go (30 page)

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Authors: Heather Allen

Tags: #fighter, #mma hero, #mma fighter romance

BOOK: Let Go
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“What the
hell, Jax? I’m not gonna beat his ass right
. I can
control myself believe it or not. But,” He leans in staring only at
Parker, “there will come a time and you can bet that I will make
him regret any of this shit he put Trinity through.”

voice cuts through, “Greylan just chill. Parker and I decided that
we are going to move here. It just makes sense now that I let him
explain it all. I jumped to conclusions before and acted ridiculous
and childish.”

“Are those
your words or his, Trin?”

Greylan huffs
out a breath, rests his chin on his hand and orders a whiskey when
the waitress approaches the table. Jackson interjects, “Ah, not
today champ, it’s fight day.”

Greylan throws
his hands in the air frustrated by everything. The rest of the
breakfast he spends either glaring at Parker or pissed off at the
whole Mollie situation. When they leave the table Trinity pulls him
aside and whispers, “Hey, I thought you were going to go and get
your head straight.”

“I never
promised that Trin, and anyway it’s better this way.”

“Are you sure
about that? You’ve always used the anger but what if something else
creeps in when you’re in there. What if you don’t know how to deal
with it?”

He glances
over at Parker and back to Trinity, “I think today is a day you
don’t have to worry about the anger going away.” He walks away
before she can talk him out of it. He needs to hold onto all these
pissed off feelings moving through him.

As five
o’clock approaches Greylan makes his way to the venue with Trinity.
Parker made some lame excuse about needing to take care of
something. Greylan is fine with that. The short ride over isn’t
nearly enough time for Trinity to tell him how proud she is so she
simply states, “Greylan, I know this has been a tough year. I mean
actually the past six have been rough but please let all of that go
tonight. Do what you came here to do, I know you can. And please
know that I am so proud to be your sister.”

He squeezes
her into his side and kisses her head. No words are necessary to
tell her how much her words mean to him. He would do anything for
this kid.

The room is
filling quickly with a different crowd Greylan notices. Many of the
people sitting in the chairs around the cage are dressed up. The
chatter is more subdued, not screaming expletives like he’s used
to. He moves with Trinity to a row of five chairs at the threshold
of the cage. A reserved sign stretches the length and Parker is
sitting comfortably on one end, his arm draped across the chair
beside him. He stands when they approach. His hand darts out in a
gesture of a handshake. Greylan ignores it and leans in to
Trinity’s ear, “Are you sure you want to watch from here?”

She nods her
head vigorously and doubt forms in his middle. But Parker takes her
hand and she seems to relax. He turns to find the locker rooms or
holding rooms as they are called here and she calls out, “Grey,
kick his ass.”

He smirks,
continuing on his way.

When he enters
he’s shocked to find that he has a room designated only for him and
his team. Jackson and Jimmy are already there both as serious as
he’s ever seen them. He walks over and begins changing into his
board shorts. He lifts his shirt over his head as Jackson runs his
hands together in anticipation and states, “I saw Pontas before we
came in here, and he’s smaller than he makes out on screen.”

Greylan shifts
on his feet looking back over his shoulder his brows rise up in
surprise. The tenor of Jackson’s voice gives away his fear.

“Hey Jax, it’s
all good. I’m ready for this.”

Jimmy, who’s
been quiet with his legs crossed sitting in the corner, pipes up,
“Yeah, Jax, take a load off, our boy has this.”

Jackson shakes
his head and tells them both, “I’m out, see you at the cage.” He
looks to Greylan squinting to makes sure Greylan is in this. More
than anything he is. He’s waited to get to this point his whole

When Jackson
is gone, Jimmy stands and grabs Greylan’s arm to make sure he is
listening to him.

“Hey, I spoke
to Meyer.”

“Shit Jimmy,
can this wait?’

He shakes his
head, a warning glance running through his face.

relents, “Fine.”

“It’s all a
little more complicated than I had originally thought. We accepted
this fight so we have our hands tied a little.”

“What the hell
does that mean?”

“It means
Meyer is still involved and I can’t do anything about that at the

Greylan nods
not really caring. Meyer being involved isn’t the end of the world.
But it means that he is possibly here and
might be as
well. Fuck. He moves his hand over his rough chin.

The announcer
breaks through his thoughts introducing Pontas. Jimmy walks across
the room leading him out. His heart speeds, balling up all of the
energy flowing through him. His name echoes through the room as he
steps up to the opened cage door. A referee is standing in the
middle of the mat all dressed in black. He glances over to Pontas
across the cage. He is moving back and forth on the toes of his
feet. His build is smaller as Jackson pointed out. The scowl on his
face is real though. Greylan glances to the side, meeting Jackson’s
eyes. He smiles assuringly and nods. As he scans back around his
eyes meet Trinity’s in the front row. She looks scared but she
squares her shoulders for his benefit. His glance moves along the
other chairs which are full. A greying older man dressed in a suit
is sitting next to Trinity. Further down he sees Meyer and Mollie.
His heart falters when their eyes meet. Quickly he looks away.
Jackson’s voice floats over to him, “Use it Grey, get angry.”

The whistle
sounds and Pontas is on him. His hands are on his biceps squeezing.
Greylan angles forward pushing into Pontas. His footing gives,
allowing Greylan to push him into the cage. It shakes with the
impact. Pontas uses it as leverage lowering his body forcing his
shoulder into Greylan’s stomach. Greylan’s hands move up to his
shoulders which gives him the chance to slam him backward. Greylan
hits the mat with his back knocking the wind out of him. He hears
his sister’s scream as he hits. His body moves to the side avoiding
the inevitable movement of Pontas trying to pin him. He comes up on
his knees and Pontas moves around him. His arms come up trying to
get Greylan in a choke hold but Greylan scoots on his knees again
landing on his feet. He uses the moment to land a rounded kick to
Pontas’ side causing him to double over as Greylan moves behind
him. His arms dart out along his jaw. Pontas’ arm flashes up and
over his head trying to get out of the hold. Greylan knows at this
moment that it is more than likely a tap out won’t happen. This is
going to be decision or time limit. He pulls the other man into his
lap as he hits the mat and wraps his legs around the other man from
the back clenching his arm tighter. Pontas’ chest heaves for air
but he refuses to tap out. A minute later the whistle rings ending
the round. Greylan releases the other man allowing him to scurry
away breathing heavily trying to regain his bearings. He glares at
Greylan and spits into the air at him. Greylan moves over to
Jackson for a drink of water. His eyes meet Trinity’s. He smiles to
assure her but he can tell that her nerves are shot already. He
doubts she’ll make it the whole fight. He smirks scanning the rest
of them. Red is looking directly at him almost pleading with her
eyes. He shakes his head and looks across the mat again.

The whistle
blows and Greylan surges forward. He tries a rounded kick but
Pontas blocks it. He crouches lower aiming for Greylan’s stomach
again. This time Greylan is ready he moves avoiding much of the
impact and follows with a rounded punch to his side. He turns
coming at Greylan with a flourish of punching. A few get through
hitting his ribs in the wrong spot. He winces at the contact and
turns away regretting that one tiny move. Pontas’ arm wraps around
him from the back pushing him down onto the mat. He lands on his
side and attempts to roll but Pontas pins him. He twists in the
other man’s grip but knows it’s futile. He most likely won’t come
out of this pin. He curses himself for the stupid move. A whistle
signals that time’s up and the decision is in Pontas’ favor.

This time he
tromps to his corner as Jackson delivers an onslaught of curses
coloring his complaints.
Dammit, he knows.

One last time
he tells himself. This is the one…the signal rings. He is on Pontas
in an instant. His fist balls delivering blows to his opponent’s
side successively. He can tell it has his desired effect. Greylan
places his hand at his neck pushing him while he’s trying to
recover. He attempts to land a kick on Greylan but he deflects the
impact and pulls Pontas to the mat. He mounts him hitting the
favored spot once again. A moment later as Greylan readies to hold
the pin, Pontas taps the mat. Greylan jumps to his feet looking to
the judges. They deliberate a moment before delivering their
decision to the referee. He announces, “Greylan Pace gets the

Air rushes to
Greylan’s lungs as he collapses to the mat. He braces his hands in
front of him feeling for the first time in a long time the rush
only this can bring him. When he looks up he meets Red’s stare. She
smiles and mouths, “Congratulations.”

He looks to
Jackson as he stands and his trainer comes onto the mat holding his
hand up to more applause. Greylan bows his head and turns to his
sister. She waves in complete excitement. He was wrong after all,
she made it.
No regrets.

The bar is
packed when they enter. A crowd hoots and hollers as he moves to
the counter. Leave it to Jimmy to find the only hole in the wall
place in Vegas. He slams back his first drink and signals to the
bar tender for another. As he’s about to tip it back a hand halts
him. Ready to tell whatever chick this is to get lost he looks over
and freezes as their eyes meet. She smiles uneasily and before he
can say anything moves her hand from his.

“Congratulations on your win tonight, Greylan.”

He nods and
slides the liquid down his throat. The bartender is there again
filling it up. He doesn’t bother asking if she wants a drink, he’s
out after this one. He tilts it back and turns to go. Her hand
grasps his arm and he has to hold every nerve ending back from
reaching over and devouring her lips that are calling to him. He
doesn’t look at her because if he does he knows it will be game
over. Her voice comes out in barely a whisper, pain and possibly
regret lacing the words, “Greylan, I’m tired of fighting all of the
thoughts I have of you. I don’t know what is happening to me but
I’m done battling it all.” He turns as the last word leaves her
lips. Her green eyes more truthful than he’s ever seen them. His
hand moves behind her neck as his mouth lowers to meet her lips
gently. He moves slowly along her pink lips, running his tongue
smoothly over the line willing her to open for him. She lets him,
in their tongues moving swiftly against one another. This is
everything he was trying to avoid but he doesn’t care. All he cares
about now is the warmth spreading through him at her touch and his
pulse speeding at being able to touch her again. All he wants to do
is feel, not think, just feel. A few minutes later breathless he
breaks the kiss. She looks up at him the shy girl he first spotted
all those years ago but this time she gives him control. She waits
for him and he loves it, another thing about her to add to his
list. He whispers into her ear, “Red, I’d like you to come with

She nods,
nothing on her face telling him that she doesn’t really mean it. He
grabs her hand and leads her to the door. Before they get there a
firm hand grasps his arm. He turns half dreading, hoping it’s not
Mollie having second thoughts. Instead he meets Trinity’s stare.
Her eyes are glazed over signaling that she is drunk.
. He looks around and spots Parker a foot away talking to
Jimmy. He grabs his sister’s arms and drags her and Mollie toward
Parker. He turns just as Greylan gets closer. Instead of telling
him what he thinks his hand releases Mollie and circles around
hitting Parker in the side. Immediately he turns around defensively
and the crowd around them starts to widen reminding him of those
fights in school with everyone looking on in anticipation. But once
Parker realizes who hit him he lowers his hand and raises his palms
in surrender.

Greylan spits,
“When are you gonna grow a set of balls and be a man? I fucking
hate that she loves you but it’s not my choice. If you don’t get
your shit together, I’m going to do more than punch you in the

Parker winces
at his words. He looks over to Trinity who is now on the edge of
the crowd, Mollie’s arms around her. She looks like she’s about to
puke everywhere. Parker hurries to her side and looks up to
Greylan. He nods before taking her to the back of the bar where the
bathrooms are located.

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