Authors: Carey Regenold


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to, he was over the limit."

is bull shit, Gene and you know it."

maybe not."

is it that you want?"

know the answer to that.  It's what I've always wanted since I first met
you."  He reached out and she backed away. "I'm the better man,
Ellen, and I love you."

me get this straight.  I give myself to you and Rick goes free. Is that how
we're playing this game?"

might work."

pointed her finger.  "And you think you could be satisfied having me that

shrugged. "I'll take you any way I can get you."

pointed. "You, Gene Stone are seriously disturbed, and you stay the hell
away from me." 

remember a time..."

time is over and my debt to you has been paid in full. I have the clout to
cause a big stink for this department if you don't let Dr. Carrington go and I
mean it."

grinned.  "You're really beautiful when you're mad, Princess."

light knock on the door and the deputy looked in.

there's a Tom Sherman here, says he's the attorney for Dr. Carrington."

turned her back on Gene and breezed past the deputy without a backward glance. Twenty
minutes after the sheriff and Tom disappeared in the back, they came back with
Rick. Ellen rushed to him.

you all right?"

is good.  I'll tell you about it later."

moved in close putting her arm around Rick's waist.  Staring straight at Gene
she said. "I'm glad we were able to come to an understanding.  Hopefully
this won't happen again."

out of ear shot of the department, Ellen turned to Tom.  "What happened in

figured it was a trumped up charge since Dr. Carrington told me what he had to
drink and how long it had been.  I demanded a blood alcohol and that was the
end of it.  This is a small town.  Dr. Carrington is a well known, upstanding
citizen that's respected. I don't believe the sheriff wants any negative
publicity so he agreed to drop all charges."

Tom for coming."

Mark was my best friend. Of course I'm going to be here for you." Tom gave
her a hug and shook hands with Rick.  

word of advice, Ellen.  This sheriff isn't on the up and up.  Not sure what's
going on but you both watch yourselves."


in the dark car Ellen turned to Rick and went into his arms trying to swallow
the lump in her throat.

okay. Let's just go home," he said.


this particular winter day, Rick and Ellen were going to look at another
mansion that might be suitable for the shelter.  Driving down the highway, Rick
hit the brake.

going on up there?"

my God."

prickled the back of Ellen's neck.  An old beat up car and a junky pick-up
truck were pulled off on the side of the highway.  Two small children stood by
the car very close to the dangerous street.  At first she thought perhaps they
had car trouble but the children looked wide-eyed and terrified. 

slowed and pulled over to the shoulder.  They saw no adults and thought there
may have been an accident.  The adults could be injured and helpless, leaving
the children to wander out on the highway.

doesn't look good, Rick."

agree. Call 911."

reached for her cell phone, punching in the emergency numbers."

this is Ellen Anderson.  I want to report an accident on Highway 11 about ten
miles north of Cedar Grove.  There may be injuries and there are children

opened her car door so she could go to the children and anyone else who might
be in the vehicles.

when they a heard a man’s angry shouting.  A woman was screaming and crying. Ellen
started toward them but the man’s voice made her hesitate.  Rick put his hand
on her arm.   

a minute, Ellen.  The man might be armed.  We don't know what we're walking
into here."


picked up his radio. "What's up?"

Chief, A 911 call just came in about an accident on highway 11 about ten miles
out of town.  Are you anywhere near there?  It was called in by an Ellen
Anderson. Do you want to take it or do you want me to notify highway patrol?"

don't get them involved.  I'll go check it out."  Gene reached for his
emergency blue lights and the car took off like a shot.


Rick." Ellen gasped and put a hand to her mouth.  The man was dragging the
woman by the hair as she fought to free herself.  Her face was swollen, bruised
and bloody.  When his fist came around and smashed into her again, Ellen's fear
was replaced by livid rage. 

that beast is going to kill her if we don't do something fast." 

scene was hitting way too close to home.  Ellen grabbed a two by four Rick had
on the back floor board and charged into the scene before he could stop her.

you there.  Let her go.”                                 

was a giant of a man, unshaven and grisly.  When he swung his massive head
around and pierced Ellen with a hateful stare, she readied herself with the
board over her shoulder. “Butt out, Lady. This ain’t none of your concern.”

was racing to catch up with her. "Ellen, wait."

too, Mister.  Back off."

held out his hands. “The cops are on the way, Man.  "Let the lady go.” 

and Ellen stood shoulder to shoulder ready to do battle.

you wanna be next huh?”  He shoved the woman to the pavement and kicked at her
side viciously. Pulling a hunting knife from his belt, he crouched and began to
circle the pair.

gripped the board tighter and waited for her chance. Rick looked around
frantically for a weapon. Fueled by anger and loathing, Ellen was oblivious to
the extreme danger of this situation.  Women and children were being bullied
and hurt. Domestic violence or any kind of violence was something she was never
able to stomach.  It brought back too many horrific childhood memories.

ain’t gonna use that thing, Bitch.”  He spat a brown stream of tobacco
spittle.  You ain’t got the guts.  Trashy, stupid women, you’re all alike. 
Garbage, the whole lota ya.”     

swung the board as hard as she could.  It whistled so close to his head he had
to stumble backwards to avoid it. 

you’s a fightin spit fire, ain’t ya.  I like um like that. Come on Bitch, make
my day.” He circled and slowly began to close in on her.

was when Rick stepped in front of her.  He took the board. "Allow

was breathing hard, still crouched and watching.  Sirens could be heard whaling
in the distance.  Thank God, they were coming.  Ellen couldn’t take her eyes
off the man but she heard the squad car pull over and the car door slam.  Then
she heard Gene’s voice behind her.

Raymond, what the hell’s going on here?  Drop that knife now, ya hear

sheriff's hand rested on his holster and Raymond was no fool.

Sheriff, my ole lady's actin up again."  The knife hit the pavement with a
clang and Gene kicked it aside. 

his eyes focused on Ellen and Rick. "How did you two get involved in

looked at Gene with exasperation.  "We saw small children about to wander
out on the highway so we stopped. How do you think we got involved?"  She
pointed to the man. "Keep him away from her. She's hurt really bad."

another word, Ellen ran to the fallen woman and sank to her knees.  Tears
spilled from her eyes as she pushed back the long sable hair back and felt for
a pulse.  Her breathing was shallow and her skin looked gray. It felt cold and
wet.  Quickly Ellen took off her jacket and wrapped it around her lifeless
shoulders.  She cradled the battered head in her lap and watched helplessly as
the woman's life force slowly ebbed away. Ellen called back over her shoulder.

the ambulance to hurry.  I'm afraid she's going to die.” 

intent on the victim, Ellen failed to notice the exchange between Rick and


Rick gave a curt nod. "I assume you have control of the situation, so I
don't need this anymore. He dropped the board and went to Ellen, totally
ignoring the sheriff standing there."

put gentle hands on her shoulders.  "Are you okay?"

she sobbed."She's hurt bad, Rick."

dropped to his knees and did a quick medical exam, felt her pulses and checked
her breathing. 

going to make it, Ellen. It's okay."

stared at him in amazement completely forgetting the fact Rick was a medical
doctor.  "Thank you.  You are so wonderful."                                                           

smiled giving Ellen's shoulders a hug. "You're doing great. Just keep her
warm, I'm going to position her so she can breathe better." 

went to work elevating her legs.  He took off his own jacket and made a neck
roll to help keep her airway open.  He then rechecked her pulses and breathing.

felt a small tug at her sleeve.  Looking up, she saw two pitiful little faces,
etched with fear and sadness; streaked with tears and dirt. Silently, she
opened her arms and the children sat down next to her. Their tiny hands clung
to Ellen's shirt as they stared unblinking at their unconscious mother. 

The small boy uttered the one word then fell silent. 

tried to give him a reassuring smile but her mouth trembled.  "It's going
to be alright.  We're getting help for your mommy right now."  Please God,
she prayed.  Don't let her die.  Don't let these precious children become
orphans or worse have to live with that inhuman thing over there. 

as she thought it, the man’s hateful voice pierced the air. “Hey, you bitch. 
You get away from my wife and kids.”

it, Raymond.”  Gene’s voice was ominous.  “That’s a friend of mine you’re threatening.”    

Sheriff, hell. I’m sorry bout that but my old lady’s really done it this time. 
She stole all my money and was tryin to run off with the kids.  Damn slut, I
had do somethin didn’t I?”

applied cuffs, then grasped the man’s arm none too gently. “Look,
Raymond," his voice was stern. "Let me put it to you this way.  Your
wife’s hurt bad this time. You’re in a heap a trouble and I may not be able to
do anything about it. I'm reading you your rights so just listen up."

voices were loud enough for Ellen to overhear and she didn't care for the way
Gene was handling things.  It almost sounded as if Gene knew this man and he
could pull some strings. That was going to be over her dead body.  Ellen was determined
to see the son of a bitch rot in jail and if Gene tried to fight her he would
see a whole new side of Ellen Anderson. 

to keep her voice calm she turned and stared at Gene but it was deadly when she
finally spoke. “Sheriff Stone, I'd like to speak with you, please."

looked at the man and gestured with his head.  “Go sit in the squad car,

then walked over and knelt down by Ellen putting his hands around her shoulders
totally ignoring Rick.

is it you need, Princess?"

pulled away from him, the furor building up inside her like a toxic cloud.

touch me, it's not appropriate. That piece of low life you have over there had
better be punished for this. Do we understand each other?”                       

Princess, just calm down.  We have an ambulance on the way.  Heather is going
to be fine.  This sort of thing has happened before.  She’s tough, she'll make

just glared at him.  She had nothing more to say.

two children were sitting by their mother, crying.  Heather’s breathing was
uneven and Ellen was fearful it might even stop. Her pallor was alarming. She
looked at Rick and he checked her again, repositioning to keep her airway open.
 With Ellen’s heart pounding in her throat, she tried desperately to keep her
cool and not panic. She was so afraid this poor, frail woman was going to die
right in her lap. 

wanted to kill Gene Stone with her bare hands.  His familiarity with her and
his casual attitude concerning the man was infuriating. Right now, she had to
save a life.  Where was that damn ambulance?  Ellen pulled a Kleenex from a
packet and dabbed at the dirt on Heather’s face.  She watched Rick's concerned
face as he continued to minister first aid to the woman. A silent prayer went
up as she thanked God this wonderful man was now a part of her life. Ellen
hugged the children and tried to give them as much comfort as she could.                    

lights could be seen flashing down the highway. Ellen breathed a sigh of relief. 
Heather's color was taking on a bluish tinge and her breathing was getting
shallow.  Ellen tried to rub her hands and arms, anything to get the blood
flowing again. 

Heather," she whispered.  "Hang on.  They're almost here.  For your
children's sake, stay with me."

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