Authors: Carey Regenold

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Sheriff Stone.  How can I help you?”  The plump woman smiled pleasantly behind
the counter of the Bureau of Records. 

there, Lydia.  Why you’re just growing prettier every day.”

woman blushed with a pleased smile.  “We missed you in church yesterday.  I
talked to Martha and she said you were on a case.”

scratched his head and nodded. “Yeah, well...it sorta goes with job, ya know. 
I was elected to take care of the people of our little town here and sometimes
that requires me being away from home.”  Then he changed the subject. “I need
some info, Lydia, and was wondering if you could help me.” He flashed a
beguiling smile.  “I need to look over all the files you might have on the
properties for a Mr. and Mrs. Mark Anderson.”            

dear.  Wasn’t he the one who died in that horrible plane crash this past summer?”

he was.”  Gene shook his head sadly.  “Tragic thing.  I’m here on behalf of
Mrs. Anderson, his widow. She and I are friends and I'm helping her out, you
see.  Mrs. Anderson asked if I’d help with some of the estate planning. She has
no family here, and doesn't really have a head for that sort of thing.  Nice
lady but she don’t know much about business. I'm just stepping in to see what I
can do. I'm sure you understand."

that’s awfully sweet of you, Sheriff Stone.  The Lord will truly bless you in
heaven for it.  But you know those files are strictly confidential.  I'm not
supposed to let anyone look at them without legal documentation, even you,
Sheriff Stone. You don't happen to have a letter signed by Mrs. Anderson and
stamped by a notary republic, do you?”

flashed his most charming smile. "Aw now Lydia.  You know it's going to
take too much time and inconvenience to scare up that notary.  I got it
somewhere but not on me.  Can't you just take my word for it?"  He leaned
over the counter and made his voice low.  "Why I seen me some mighty
pretty pearls in Mr. Lewis's jewelry store today.  They sure would look beautiful
around your lovely neck.  Let's just make this our little secret, shall we?" 
Gene took her hand and closed it around a fistful of crisp bills.

left the courthouse tucking a fat folder under his arm.  With a brisk walk he
headed toward the florist across the street. Martha needed a bit of sweetening
up. On the way, he opened the folder and let loose with a low whistle.  Whoa,
Ellen was more loaded than he thought. 

head was buzzing with all kinds of plans involving the widow Anderson and her
money.  However he didn't count on the additional problem of his brother in
law.  Now what were the odds of those two getting together?  Gene never did
care for that over educated son of a bitch.  Luckily his in laws had moved to
Florida.  Good riddance as far as he was concerned.


stepped out of the steamy shower wrapping a towel around her hair.  Her heart
was strumming with an excitement she never thought to feel again.  Tonight
their relationship would take a giant step toward forever after.  She marveled
at her total lack of anxiety or nervousness.  What Ellen shared with Rick felt
right.  It had been the same with Mark.  From day one she just knew. 

naked into the bedroom she selected a body lotion with a subtle, exotic
fragrance.  Her choice of clothes would be sensual but not flagrant.  Ellen
wanted Rick to feel relaxed and not pressured.  He had been alone much longer
and had resigned himself to a lifetime of solitude.  This consummation would be
their commitment for a lifetime.  The thought made her smile.  In fact her
whole body was abuzz with delightful, sexual fluttering.  It felt marvelous.


her hands on the dish towel, Ellen checked the rib roast.  The chalet was
filled with the aroma of fragrant beef and home baked bread.  When the door
bell sounded Ellen couldn't stop grinning. 

I got the right house?" 

stood there looking like a million bucks.  His arms were full with flowers and

on in here, you."  She pulled at his arms until they stood in the foyer
gazing at each other.

are for you."  Rick handed her the bouquet. Gosh, it smells heavenly in

you, my handsome prince."

wrapped her arms around his neck, pressing her lips against his.  What was
supposed to be a greeting kiss caught fire.  When the kiss ended, both were out
of breath.

we keep this up I'm going to burn the dinner.  I hope you like roast beef, home
baked bread, corn on the cob, salad, and apple pie."

no, I can't stand any of that."  Rick held up the champagne.  "Where
can I put this?"

two chilled glasses.  Let's have some now."

lit candles on the dining room table casting the room in a romantic glow.  She
put the flowers on the table as a colorful center piece.

their champagne, Rick and Ellen put dinner on the table and sat down to enjoy
the feast. They talked about plans for the women’s shelter.  Ellen thought it
was so wonderful to be able to share this dream. 


dinner Rick and Ellen sat in front of a crackling fire, its flickering light casting
dreamy reflections on the hardwood floor. Rick had been happy with Laura, his
first and only love.  But their life was busy and hectic.  Raising two children
less than a year apart took its toll on a set of parents who wanted to do
everything right.                                                   

looked at Ellen nestled against his chest.  The tranquility in his soul felt
unbelievable. Somehow fate decided to smile on him for a second time.  For that
he would be forever grateful.

was so much to say and to share.  Their thoughts and feelings, their hopes and
dreams were amazingly in sync.  Rick could see himself, at the end of his days,
old and gray, sitting next to Ellen just like this.                                             

took her hand and rubbed the small white area of her left ring finger. "I
have a white spot too."  He held up his finger where his wedding band used
to rest.  "You think there will be rings here again?"       "I'm
counting on it."                                            

you think we might be moving too fast?"          

we were teens, yes, but this is the way I see it.” Ellen turned taking Rick's
face in her hands.  "You and I have loved completely. When that kind of
love happens for the second time, we know.  It doesn't require time to figure
things out."

smiled.  "I love you, Ellen."                             

I love you, Rick."                                  

kiss was like liquid fire spreading through her system. Rick had a way of
bringing her to instant mind boggling ecstasy. As turquoise eyes locked with
emerald, Ellen said softly, "come upstairs with me."                                                                                                                  

in the room she had shared with Mark, Ellen caressed Rick’s chest and knew her
husband was at peace.  She could feel the slight trembling where she touched
him. As buttons slowly gave beneath her fingers Ellen took her time.  This
shared moment was to be savored. As her tongue caressed his chest, she smiled
at Rick's sharp intake of breath. Her ability to bring him to a fever pitch of sensual
ecstasy had her own arousal soaring.  Ellen ached to feel him inside her but
she refused to rush this sacred communion. They had a lifetime to explore the
wonders of each other.                               

to skin, Rick and Ellen laid together kissing and exploring each other for what
seemed like hours. They whispered and giggled like children with a big,
beautiful secret. When Rick finally entered her, Ellen closed her eyes and
gasped at the intensity of throbbing pleasure. Their coupling felt so natural,
Ellen was once more astounded by a strange feeling she had known Rick. As she rode
the crescent wave to climax, Ellen basked in the ecstasy of finally coming

and wrapped in each other’s arms, Rick and Ellen fell into a deep sleep. A tiny
red light, hidden well inside the ceiling air duct went unnoticed.                 







































next morning, Ellen awoke to the aroma of freshly brewed coffee.  She reached
out her hand touching cool sheets. Opening her eyes she stretched and looked
around.  Her body felt slightly tender and very satisfied. Sometime in the
night they had come together again.  Rick must be downstairs, she thought.
Coffee doesn't make itself and Juanita had the day off.          

just started to get out of bed when he appeared carrying a tray. "Don't
move. I want to serve you my own idea of breakfast in bed. I hope you like

love waffles."

put the tray on her lap and sat down.  There was a rosebud on the tray along
with coffee, sugar, cream and waffles piled high with strawberries and whipped

took me awhile to find everything but I wanted to have it ready before you woke

shook her head feeling the sting of tears.  "You are so good to me.  Do I
deserve to be this happy?"

most certainly do." He gave her a kiss followed by a delicious bite of
strawberry waffle.

do know, my beautiful man that I will require desert following breakfast."

He gave her an innocent look. “And what would that be?"

get back in this bed and I'll show you."

sounds like my kind of desert. Come on, let's hurry up and eat." Ellen
laughed as he held up another bite of waffle.

go shopping today," said Rick.                     

She grinned at him with a smirk. "We go from fishing to shopping?  We're
having some very unusual dates."


made the drive into Knoxville. When Rick guided Ellen into the high end jewelry
store, she thought it was sweet.  Mark had given her every piece of jewelry any
woman could own.  Maybe he wanted to get her a pair of earrings to commemorate
their first night together.                                                

he led her toward the diamond solitaires and proudly announced to the
salesperson, "We would like to look at your best selection of engagement

Ellen looked at him with astonishment.

did I forget something?"  With flourish, he dropped to one knee. "I
love you, Ellen.  Will you do me the honor of becoming my wife?"

hands went to her face as her eyes filled with tears. Everybody in the store
was clapping as Rick stood and Ellen's arms went around his neck, hugging him
with the most incredible feeling. She then gazed into his eyes. "I will most
definitely become your wife, Dr. Carrington, with pleasure.  And by the way, I
love you too."  Ellen kissed him soundly as the store patrons clapped and
cheered for a second time.

left the store holding hands as everyone smiled.  Her left hand sparkled with a
yellow gold ring displaying a fiery, perfectly cut oval diamond.  To have in
her lifetime the love of two wonderful men, Ellen couldn’t believe this was
actually happening to her.

      Ellen slammed the car door and walked into the Sheriff's department.  Gene
saw her drive in and felt a momentary surge of excitement.  She was coming to
see him and Richard wasn't with her.  That had to be a good sign.  He ushered
her into his office and closed the door.  Gene reached out for a hug and Ellen
moved away.

go there, Gene. I'm here to get papers on that animal who nearly killed his
wife?  Heather is in critical condition and I want to file charges as a witness
for attempted murder. This goes way beyond domestic abuse. He'd better still be
in jail too.”

pictured you to be the angel of mercy type.  Guess I'm learning more about you
every day.  That was a nice thing you did for Heather and those kids."

was hoping to sweet talk her out of pressing charges against Raymond.  But now
that she was here looking like a million bucks, another plan began forming in
his mind.

Princess, let’s talk about this.  There are things to consider here that you
don’t understand.”

shot him a chilly stare. “I told you not to call me that. it's not cute
anymore.  I'll tell you what I understand. There's an innocent woman fighting
for her life laying in a hospital bed because she was almost beaten to death. What
is there not to understand?”  Her voice was cold and hard. “The man had every
intention of killing her, and he was ready to do Rick and me in also.  Couldn’t
you see that for yourself? If he happens to be your buddy and you’re reluctant
to pursue this then fine, I’ll find somebody who will. Money will buy a lot of
clout, Gene.  Don't think for one minute, I can't rattle enough cages to have that
monster put away for good. I can and I will. Just give me the papers to sign,
or I will go to the courthouse and speak with the District Attorney. Patrick
Duncan and Mark were friends.  He'll listen to me and he'll do what's right."

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