Authors: Carey Regenold


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man ogled the swell rising from her sweater.  “Well, well.  Sure is nice to see
a pretty little thing like you around here.  Usually the women that come to
these parties are two ton tillies and desperados.” He actually smacked his
lips. “Yes siree.  Sure is nice.  What’s your name, Sweetie Pie?”  He lowered
his head to peer at her nametag causing Ellen to take a step back.  “Ellen, now
that's a beautiful name for a beautiful lady.”

had to work to keep her mouth from dropping open. She was speechless and wasn’t
even sure how she was going to get away from this person.  Desperately, her
eyes scanned the room searching for a means of escape.

my bad manners, Honey.”  He thrust a beefy hand in her direction.  “My name is
Elmer. See?  He pointed to his tag.  Says so right here.  Hey we kinda match,
don't we?  Ellen and Elmer.”  Then he laughed loudly as if the statement was

to meet you.”  She tried to balance her plate and drink to shake his hand.

Miss Ellen.” Elmer tucked her hand between his arm and rotund body. What’s a
sweet looking thing like you doing in a place like this?”  His lecherous gaze
raked her body coming to rest once more on the V of her sweater.                          

thing you are, I guess.”  His condescending attitude was getting on her
nerves.  She tugged to free her hand and not topple her plate and punch.                                        

Elwood...”                                            “

Honey.  The name’s Elmer.  Come on. I think they’re playing our song.”  He took
her plate and punch, and placed it on the table. Ellen felt like a hapless lamb
being led to the slaughter as he maneuvered her out onto the dance floor.  He
was every bit as clumsy as he looked. She winced when his heavy shoe came down
on her tender toes.  He had her in a tight bear hug and she grimaced as her
face was pressed against his rough shirt.  Damn, she thought.  This was
insanity. Her mind worked feverishly to find a way out of this predicament.
Pissing off Big Foot might be hazardous to her health.  The situation called
for some tact, a lot of stealth, and perhaps some brute strength. She moved her
head and attempted to look around the room.  His voice came down close to her
ear.  His spittoon breath made her want to gag.

ya lookin for, Honey?  I’ve already staked my claim on this little heifer
tonight.”  He patted her rump.  “You is now with me, pretty lady.”

Ellen had taken all she could stomach.  At this point she didn’t care about
anything but getting away from this lecherous buffoon.  Who did he think he was?
 Still her common sense warned her.  He was a stranger and making enemies of
strangers was not a good idea.  Ellen shoved hard to put some distance between
them.  She tried to keep her voice as civil as possible. “I’m looking for the
bathroom, do you mind?” 

looked down at her grinning, and his arms loosened. “No problem, Honey.  You
just remember to come back now, ya hear?  Cause your Elmer is gonna be right here
a waitin.”

he released her, Ellen began walking away quickly.  It didn’t matter which
direction she was going.  She just wanted to get away.  She saw the sign
pointing to the ladies room and ducked in.                Women were coming and
going.  Ellen sat down in front of the mirror feeling at a loss.  This was not
the kind of evening she had envisioned. Ellen thought she could be brave and was
hoping to make some friends. Now all she wanted to do was go home where she
felt safe.  Ellen gave herself a sardonic look in the mirror.  Well, coming
here seemed like a good idea at the time. At least she got in the door. For
her, that was a feat in itself. She didn't count on being man handled by some
giant mountain man.

wondered how long she would have to hide out in the ladies room. Thirty minutes
later, Ellen went to the door and peeped out.  Surely Big Foot has given up on
her by now and found himself another victim.  She left the restroom and stayed
against the wall, slowly working her way to the exit.  Her gaze darted around
the room like a frightened deer ready to bolt.

you are."  Ellen froze. "I’ve been lookin all over for ya, Honey.
Figured ya fell in or somethin.”  Elmer’s voice blasted behind her, as he
hooted in laughter at his own joke.

fought the urge to run and suffered his heavy hand on her shoulder. In
exasperation Ellen flung his hand off her body.

Mister, keep your hands off me.”

name’s Elmer, Honey.  Come on over here and sit down with me.  Can’t have you
sneaking off before I get your phone number.  I want to see a lot more of you. 
Yes siree, I sure do.”

really have to leave.”  She dug her heels in and struggled against his iron
clad grasp on her wrists.

ain’t letting you go, Honey.  I’s been lookin for a gal like you all my life. 
You ain’t gettin away that easy.  Now be a good girl and come on over here and
set with me.”

a second male voice came from behind Ellen. “Darling, there you are. I’m ready
to leave and I couldn’t find you.”

swung her head around, wondering who was trying to hit on her this time. 
That's when her mouth opened in shock.























Carrington had just walked up like a knight in shining armor and placed a
protective arm around her shoulders. Rick put his other hand out to the
mountain man for a friendly shake. With a warm smile he said.   “I see you’ve
met my fiancé, Ellen.  Isn’t she a jewel?

turned accusing eyes on Ellen. “You didn’t tell me you was engaged. So whatcha
doin at a single’s dance?”

felt tongue-tied. “I...uh...”

beamed at her.  “Actually Elmer, Ellen and I love to dance and there aren’t
very many places around here. Isn’t that right, my love?” 

nudged her with his knee, bringing her brain to life. “Yes, that’s right,
Elmer.”  She slipped her arm around her  doctor's waist.  “Now, if you’ll excuse
us, we really need to run. It was so nice to have met you.” 

reached out to shake his fat hand and Rick guided her to the door. When they
got out into the cool night air, Ellen breathed a sigh of relief. "Oh my
God, that was utterly awful."                    

you got here. See?  I said you were brave."                 

flashed him a sardonic look.  "You also said I wasn't crazy. This is the
epitome of crazy."                  

gave her his killer smile.  "Perhaps, but at least you had the courage to
get in there and try."              

Carrington, this was a once in a lifetime, never to be attempted again."             

not my client tonight.  Why don't you call me Rick."                                                                  

I'm Ellen, see?"  She pointed to her name tag.               

laughed. "It is so very nice to meet you, Ellen."             

she looked into his emerald eyes an inappropriate emotion hit her out of the
blue. Ellen felt herself become so sexually aroused she could hardly breathe. 
What was it with her and married men?  This was ridiculous. Quickly looking
away, she grappled for composure.       

can I thank you for rescuing me?"                         

you hungry?"                                               

Elmer Big Foot took my food away, so I'm starving."                                                     

I know just the place."                               


drove to a quaint little inn nestled in the hills where the restaurant was
elegant and the food delicious.  As they sipped their wine, Ellen was puzzled. 
Why was Rick at a singles dance?                    

you look like you want to ask me something."        

saw the photo on your desk and I thought you had a family. So what..."                                                        

I doing at a singles dance?"                                  


widowed like you."              

did understand what I was going through."                

I did, very much so."                                        

shadow of sadness in his eyes, it all made sense now.  This wonderful man was wounded

you talk about it?"                                           

not easily."  Rick lowered his head and wiped at the corner of his eye.   

okay Rick.  I'm sorry I asked. You don't have to." Why did she invade his
privacy like that?  How embarrassing.

do want to tell you, Ellen, if you'll just give me a minute."

was ironic that she felt their roles were now reversed. "Take all the time
you need, Rick.

years ago we were coming back from vacation.  A drunk driver was speeding
toward us, drifted into our lane and we were hit head on. My wife and two children
died instantly in the crash."             Oh God.  There were no words to
express her anguish at this moment. All Ellen knew was that she needed to be
here for him.  Reaching over she took Rick's hand as he told his story.

was hospitalized a several weeks and they thought I might die too. I wanted to
but I didn't. Apparently it was my calling to hang around this earth plane and learn
a few more of life's dire lessons.  Sometimes I still have some pretty horrid
nightmares, but slowly that's getting better."     

can relate, Rick."

know you can."                   

sat in silence for several minutes, hands entwined, just giving each other
comfort. It was Ellen who spoke first. "I hope in some way I can help you
like you've helped me."    

I need to talk to you about that. We have a professional relationship. With you
being my client, I shouldn't be seeing you outside the office like this.  For
me that is unethical.  The problem is I would like to see you socially."  

Rick, I believe I can help you solve that problem.  As of this very minute I am
no longer your client.  You are such a good psychiatrist that you have cured me
completely, Dr. Carrington.  Shall we drink to my graduation?" 

held up his glass. "Well you certainly are adept at cutting through all
the red tape of an ethical issue. I tried to date once I healed from my
injuries, but just couldn't bring myself to do it. Laura was just too much in
my heart. I still wear my wedding band."           

held out her left hand displaying her diamond band in front of Mark's gold
one.  She touched the gold band.  "I found Mark's ring in the wreckage and
got some mighty nasty cuts in the process."

had to have been horrible to see where he died."

was but it was something I felt compelled to do. If I had not received help
that night, I could've easily been hopelessly lost out there."

for that, I owe a thank you to Gene Stone." Rick enclosed her hand inside
his, touched the rings, and looked into her eyes. "Both of us have loved
deeply which is very rare. Many people have no clue as to what that really
means.  Will you do me the honor of your future company, Ellen Anderson?"          

would be delighted, Richard Carrington."                         

do you feel about volunteer work?"                           

I would love to do that. I just don't know how to go about it.  And as you well
know I've been in this black funk."          

volunteer at a soup kitchen on Wednesday nights.  Would you like to join me?  I
don't mean it to be our first date or anything."                                          

you warm my heart.  Tonight is our first date when you became my hero and saved
me from Big Foot. I also have some ideas about working with people in need if
you'd like to hear them.                  "Tell me about it."                                               

I said in my sessions, my drunken dad knocked around my mom and me a lot and
there was really no place for us to go." 


and I were making plans to build a shelter until... Well I still want to do it.
Something needs to be done about so much violence to women and children.  Somebody
needs to protect them, give them a place where they can feel safe. My dream is
a state of the art shelter for the victims of this horrid crime."      

love that idea and would really enjoy helping you with it."            

would be wonderful.  It seems my mind has been so bogged down with grief, I had
forgotten about these plans."

plan it together, Ellen."

inconspicuous man sat at a corner table with a ball cap pulled low.  He was
close enough to hear their conversation and his hidden camera had already snapped
several pictures.  Then he slipped out a side door unnoticed.

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