Lex (Unconventional Hearts) (22 page)

BOOK: Lex (Unconventional Hearts)
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“It’s okay, Daniel, I’ll be okay.” She moans,
throwing her head back and biting her lip.

“I want to boss. I love it.” I grunt,
unzipping my own fly and pulling out my meat.

I fist my throbbing cock and lean over Lex,
wrapping my mouth around her, sucking her lady all the way back
into my throat.

Her hands thread into my hair and she huskily
moans. “Yes, Daniel, just like that.” She thrusts, filling my

Sucking on her silken rod, I moan in my
throat, frantically fucking my fist. Damn I love when I get to do

“I’m close.” She breathily states, sliding
herself in and out of my dripping mouth. Her eyes boring into me,
biting her lips as she watches me pleasure her. “Don’t stop.” Her
face contorts into the sexiest thing I’ve ever seen and I suck on
her harder and faster.

“Yes….” She hisses, tugging my hair, jerking
into my mouth, filling it with her deliciousness. I hum in my
throat and I swallow, licking my lips, as I pull her lady cock from
my mouth. A perfectly sated smile pulls at the corners of her lips
and she turns my head to the side, resting it on her thigh.

“Finish.” She orders in a whisper, lovingly
combing her fingers through my hair. Following her instructions, I
close my eyes and pump my cock up and down, frantically. Soon my
come starts to shoot and I catch it in my hands. Reaching down she
hands me a tissue and I lift my head from her thigh and sit back on
my heels. Wiping my mess off with the tissue and tucking my dick

Once I stand, she grabs my hand, smiles up at
me and says. “Thank you.”

“No problem, boss.” I smile back and drop the
tissue in the trash on my way out the door.

I pray I didn’t just cost myself my manhood
by servicing her, but she’s impossible to say no to. She’s an
addiction and I can see why so many men lust after her.



“Lex!” Emma skips out of the glass front
doors of her school toward me, her backpack swallowing up her tiny
body. Gage put her hair into pigtails today and she’s wearing a
purple floral dress and white Maryjane’s. A little girl after my
own heart.

“Hi, Emma.” I crouch, making sure my red
dress isn’t riding up the back. Her little arms wrap around my neck
and I pick her up, carrying her on my hip just like Gage did

“How was school?” I ask walking along the
sidewalk toward my VW Bug that’s parked down the car-lined

This morning Daniel serviced me as soon as I
got to work. I was so turned on from seeing Gage yesterday I hardly
slept last night. At noon today, Gage’s secretary Megan, who I’ve
decided I hate, dropped Emma’s car seat off to me, but not before,
she raked me up and down with disgusted eyes and a snooty upturned
nose. Megan’s a pretty girl, early twenties, red hair, brown eyes,
curvy, and small breasted. I noticed her staring enviously at my
chest more than once when she dropped off the car seat. Then this
afternoon, I had another flower arrangement delivered from the Suit
Master, no surprise there. Although he hasn’t texted all day. Which
kind of surprises me, and if I’m honest, a little sad. I don’t know
why but his little games are enticing. They keep me on my toes.

“School was great!” Emma bounces in my arms,
pulling me from my reverie.

“That’s great sweetie. Want to come to my
house? Daddy said he won’t be able to get you until late.” I
explain setting her down next to my car, opening the door for her
and she climbs in the back. Leaning inside, I strap her into her
booster seat and shut her in. I’m thrilled to be spending the day
with Emma. If I was able to birth children, I’d have ten.
Unfortunately I can’t, didn’t get those parts or the other parts I
was supposed to be born with.

Sliding behind the wheel, I turn my review
mirror so I can keep an eye on Emma. She’s happily smiling in her
seat, looking out the window with her backpack pressed to her
chest. My heart swells just watching her so carefree and beautiful.
If I was able to have a daughter, I’d want one just like her.

Turning Patsy on the radio, I drive away from
her school, towards my house.

“What we going to do, Lex?”

“I have a surprise.” I wink at her in the
mirror and she giggles, bouncing her feet, dancing to Patsy’s
“She’s Got You.”

Today, before I came to her school, I went to
Walmart and bought an entire
My Little Pony
castle play set
and three extra ponies. I also went a little overboard when I
picked up two easy reader level two
My Little Pony
The Little Merm
aid DVD Blu-ray combo pack and a little girls
size six
My Little Pony
nightdress. I wasn’t sure what size
to pick up so I guessed. I just pray it fits.

Slowly pulling up my cement driveway, I click
the button on my garage door opener and it retracts.

“This is your house?” Emma asks, her eyes
looking out one window, to the next.

“This is my garage.” I explain parking and
opening my door. I flip my seat forward and unbuckle her. Climbing
out, her eyes wander the expanse of the garage.

Without even looking at me, her hand clutches
my dress and I pull her close. “This way.” I guide her out of the
garage and through my back door. Her eyes shoot up as she notices
the tall ceilings and then her widened eyes roam over my

“It’s a castle.” She whispers to herself,
making me chuckle.

“Doesn’t daddy live in a big house?”

Shaking her head, she drops her bag on the
floor and does like I suspect most kids do —wander. There isn’t
anything she could hurt. So I let her go to search out the house,
or the
, as she calls it.

Picking up her backpack, I lay it on the
table and that’s when I hear her enthusiastically screech. She must
have found the toys I set up in the bare corner of the living room,
just for her. I even threw down some extra pillows so she’d have
something to sit on. If she likes to do that sort of thing. I’m new
to watching kids. I have no brothers or sisters or anybody I’ve
been close enough with to babysit for. Even though I’ve wanted to
do this forever, and I genuinely like Emma.

Slipping off my heels and setting my purse on
the counter, I pad my bare feet into the giant doorframe of the
living room and lean against it, watching Emma submerged into
playing with her new ponies.

“This one is Rainbow Dash.” She explains like
an expert on the matter, holding up the blue pony with sparkly
wings, once she notices I’m watching her.

“I thought she was pretty. Do you like

Repeatedly nodding she answers, hugging
Rainbow Dash to her chest. “Yes, I love them. My babysitter has a
couple like this and daddy bought me some too, but he works a lot
so I don’t get to play with toys at his apartment.”

Apartment? Why would Gage be living in an
apartment? He’s a lawyer with a daughter. She needs a yard and
places to run.

“You live in an apartment?” I gently
question, coming over to the couch and sitting down.

Not looking at me, busy brushing her pony’s
hair she sadly mutters. “Yes…my mom has our country house. Daddy
has an apartment here in Heartfair not far from my school or my
babysitters. I miss my old house, but I don’t want to live with

The pain in my chest radiates and sharply
twists. I hate to think of Emma living like that. I can’t explain
why, but I want to take care of her. Call it some strange form of
motherly instincts or protectiveness, but I feel sorry for her. I
hated my childhood and being a child is something you should enjoy
and cherish. You’re only a child once. More often than not children
are pushed to become an adult way before they should. I know I was.
I’d hate that to happen to Emma.

Hours pass by and Emma doesn’t stop playing
with her prized toys. I texted Roni around dinner time to bring
Dolly’s Dairy Dream home for Emma and me. She did, and we just
finished eating in the kitchen. Emma seems to like Roni and I know
the feeling is mutual. We all ate cheeseburgers, fries and shakes.
I know it’s not the healthiest meal, but I figured the cutie
deserved a little spoiling. I just sent Emma into the bathroom to
put her new pj’s on. I haven’t checked my phone in a while and Gage
hasn’t texted me all day like he said he would, not that it’s that
big of a deal. Emma is safe with me. I’d never let anything happen
to her.

Stealing my phone from the charger port in
the kitchen, I slide the screen on and see I have three missed

Sorry I haven’t gotten back to you
sooner. Please, please, please, forgive me. How’s Emma? I know
she’s in good hands. One of my employee’s completely fucked up a
damn case and I’ve spent all god-dammed day fixing this
catastrophic bowl of bullshit he’s forced me to have to clean up
for him. Idiots. I have no idea how you handle so many employees.
I’ve got twelve that I want to kill half the time.

Lex, I need you to get back to me. I
need to know how Emma is. I texted an hour ago and haven’t heard a
thing. I’m worried. Is my daughter alright?

Suit Master:
Miss you.

Ignoring the Suit Masters plea. I hit reply
to Gage.

Emma is great. She played with My
Little Pony’s, we just had dinner, I’m getting her into pj’s right
now and we’re going to read and watch The Little Mermaid. Don’t
worry. Take your time. I’ve got it covered.

I’m going to be a few more hours.
I’ll try to make it by nine. I won’t blame you for not wanting to
watch Emma again. I’m sorry. This doesn’t usually happen. I’m out
of here by seven most meeting days.

I love watching her. I want to
continue if that’s alright. Oooppss gotta go; my little princess is
grabbing my hand right now dragging me into the living room to
watch The Little Mermaid. See you when you get here.

Trailing behind the most adorable
barefooted-pigtailed little girl on the planet, into the living
room she jumps onto the couch and pats the cushion beside her. “You
want me to cuddle?” I ask with a raised brow.

“Yes…please.” She bats her eyes and

Who could say no to a face like that?

Grabbing the blanket off the back of the
couch, I sit next to her and she cuddles against my side. Maybe I
should change into something other than this dress.

Turning on the movie, I face Emma. “Honey, I
need to change. Can you stay down here for a few minutes while I
get into some pj’s so we can have a party?” I wink.

Smiling, she nods, and turns her focus back
to Ariel.

I run as fast as I can upstairs, change, and
I’m back in a silk, jade green tank and shorts set, before Scuttle
starts blabbing about dinglehoppers.

Cuddling with Emma is peaceful. She rests her
head in my lap and yawns. It’s nearly nine so I’m sure she’s
getting pretty tired. I gently tug out her elastic hair ties and
slowly comb her hair with my fingers.

“My daddy does that.” She whispers, snuggling
her cheek into my thigh, her hands tucked adorably under her cheek,
eyes heavy, with the blanket pulled just under her chin. I can see
the pictures of the TV dancing off her eyes as I stare down at her,
soaking up the memory of her and this perfect moment. Tears well in
my eyes on how much this feels right. I never thought being a
mother was a huge deal. Now, I see that I was wrong. Everything
thing about this little girl feels like she’s a part of me.

“Lex.” A warm hand is gently rubbing my arm.
“Lex,” the man whispers.

Opening my heavily lidded eyes, I blink a few
times and focus. Gage is crouching next to the couch eye level with
me. The TV somehow got turned off and I look down to see Emma
curled into a sleepy ball in my arms. I squeeze her tight against
my chest and she makes a cute little mewing noise.

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