Lex (Unconventional Hearts) (23 page)

BOOK: Lex (Unconventional Hearts)
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“What time is it?” I mumble, my mouth

“It’s midnight. I tried to text you. You
didn’t answer.” He smiles and leans in, kissing his daughters head.
God he smells so good. Even after working all day. He must have
just smoked a Black & Mild because his breath smells like it.
It’s a good smell. A smell that reminds me of Gage and makes my
heart go pitter-patter.

Opening up my eyes fully, I take in more of
this sexy man. He looks like he’s been through hell. Bags droop
under his eyes, his normally perfect hair is in shambles, and his
white dress shirt is unbuttoned at the top showing me a little peek
of some sort of tattoo. I’m not sure where his tie went, but he’s
not wearing it anymore.

“Let me take her.” His arms try to lift her
and I hold onto her tiny body for dear life. He’s not taking her
home at this hour. She has school in the morning and needs her

Shaking my head, I lean up onto my elbow.
“No. She stays right here.”

Gage’s nostrils flare and he flashes me a
sharp scornful glare. Boring his beautiful eyes into mine, telling
me in his own nonverbal way that I stepped over the line and this
means business.

“Lex, Emma is mine. I’ve had one woman try to
tell me what’s best for her. I won’t fight to gain control again.”
His ruthless hard unyielding tone washes over me and I wince. I
can’t believe he’s being so harsh, I was just trying to help.

Swallowing hard, trying not to let my
emotions get the best of me. I blink to keep the tears from falling
and gently whisper, chewing on my lip. “I was just trying to help
Gage. I care for her. She has school tomorrow and she needs her
sleep. That’s all I meant. I’m sorry.”

Breathing in deep breath and releasing it
slowly, he visibly relaxes his shoulders and reaches over Emma, his
palm sweetly cups my cheek as a sleepily grin plays on his handsome

“I know, I’m sorry too. It’s been a long day.
I need to go home and get some rest.”

“Stay here. I have four bedrooms. A pretty
pink one I’m sure Emma would love to wake up in.”

Turning his gaze away from me he runs his
hands through his hair and sighs. “Ok.” He gives in and stands and
when he does I hear his knees crack.

Slipping my arms from around Emma, Gage
offers his hand and I slowly maneuver out from behind her. One foot
lands quietly on the floor and as I pull my other one, it gets
stuck in a cushion, and I yank it. When I do, I yank too hard, and
lose my balance. Just as I think I’m going down Gage catches me and
pulls me protectively against his warm chest.

Breathing hard I stare up into his eyes and
he down into mine. “Thanks.” I mutter, feeling too close to him.
Trying to pull myself away, he hugs me tighter against his strong
hard body and crushes his lips to mine. Stealing all the air from
my lungs as he forcefully plunges his velvety tongue into my mouth
and I groan. Being swept away in pure Gage bliss, swirling my
tongue against his, he devours me with a heady kiss. Drowning me in
wanton need, his hard dick is pressed against my belly in his dress
pants as his hand feverishly roams my back. Deepening the kiss he
grabs my neck, holding my mouth to his and sucks my tongue with
forceful pulls, igniting the lady to wake up.
The lady

Oh no!

Breaking myself from his raw sexual magnetism
I push him away and he stumbles backward, both of us breathing
heavily, my heart hammering painfully hard in my chest. I’m so
turned on, I can hardly see straight.

Raking his lustful gaze up and down me,
fucking me with his eyes. My toes curl and I bite my lip,
desperately wanting to give into my desires, I back away knowing if
he finds out about lady, I’ll never see Emma again.

“Lex, I need you.” His voice huskily states
in a deep baritone, as he changes course and advances on me.

“No, no more.” I shake my head, being stalked
by the sexiest predator.

Coming towards me, I back my way into my
foyer, never taking my eyes off him. He slowly stalks me, throwing
his jacket on the floor. Leisurely taking off his belt and dropping
onto my hardwood floor with a clunk. Next goes the button on his
pants. We reach the kitchen and he drops his pants to the ground,
revealing legs full of intricate tattoos, black skull boxers and a
huge dick poking right at me that I can’t help but salivate at.

“Like it?” He winks, stopping just long
enough to kick off his shoes and pants. I’ve never seen a sexier
man in my entire life! I know my lady agrees because she’s
painfully throbbing between my legs. I can feel the wetness oozing
out of her and dampening my panties.

Pressing myself against my kitchen cupboards,
I find myself cornered, and he smirks.

“Lex, please, let me make you feel good.”
Lovingly he reaches out his hand to me, showing me his less
predatory side and more of his caring heart. Which makes my body
and mind crave his warm touch even more.

Shaking my head, I start to tremble in fear.
“No… I can’t.”

“Sweetheart, you’re shaking. Come here.” His
eyes drop into a worried expression and he sweetly comes to me,
wrapping me in his arms. Still in his boxers and dress shirt, his
dick still hard, he caresses my back with strong hands. “It’s okay
sweetheart. I’m sorry. I hope I didn’t scare you.” His lips find my
hairline and he kisses it over and over. Whispering how sorry he
is, I take a deep breath and relax into him, trying to calm

How I wish I could have just given in to him,
to open up and share myself. I want to be able to do that so badly
that I start to cry into his shoulder, staining the fabric with my
silent tears. Being who I am is so hard. I can’t risk Emma for
this, even if I want Gage. I just know deep down he could never
accept me for who I really am. He knows nothing about what I’ve
gone through. Between the scars that cover my body with a painful
roadmap and lady between my legs, there is way too much for him to
wrap his head around. I could never ask him to even try to do

Holding onto him, I cry and he lets me. I’ve
never cried in anybody’s arms before, not my mothers, and not
Roni’s. Nobodies. I’ve never shown weakness, but for whatever
reason I feel comfort with Gage. He makes me feel things I’ve never
felt before, things that frighten the hell outa me.


Chapter Fifteen




As a tranquil song changes, I roll myself
onto my back, raising my legs above my head, my toes touch the
floor. Folding my body in half, I clasp my hands behind my back
with my shoulder blades squeezed together and lift my ribcage off
the floor, to hold Plough pose. Closing my eyes, I stretch and
breathe in through my nose and out my mouth, slowly.

Knock, Knock.

Faint thuds sound at my door.

“Lex?” I hear the tiniest and sweetest voice

Smiling, I reply. “Good morning Emma, come

The door to my yoga room hesitantly starts to
open at a snail’s pace and a sleepy eyed little girl pokes her head
around the corner.

“Hi.” She meekly greets, glancing around the
room, fixing her stare on the giant Buddha statue.

“He’s called Buddha, he’s the Zen master.
Have you ever heard of him?”

Shaking her head, she freezes just inside the
door, like she’s afraid to come in any further.

I transition out of my pose and lie flat on
the mat. Stretching my arms high above my head, I tug on my
muscles, giving them a good pull. Then I roll up into the sitting
position and pat the mat beside me, welcoming her into my tranquil
space. That nobody else has set foot in since it’s been complete.
Not even Roni.

Rubbing her tired eyes, she tiptoes to my
side and instead of sitting next to me, she climbs into my lap.

“Morning, Princess.” I instinctively kiss her

“Morning.” She snuggles into me, curling into
a ball, her legs tucking up under her nightgown. Wrapping my arms
around her, I hold her close against my body and chest, allowing
some strange instinct to take over. I know it should feel wrong to
be doing this, but I need to. It feels — right.

“Did you sleep well?” I quietly ask, slightly
rocking my body. I can tell she just woke up; she’s still half a

Nodding, she yawns. “Yes… I woke up in a pink
bedroom with pretty white bedding. It was like a room from one of
the fairy-tale books my grandpa reads to me.”

Awe! I knew she’d love that room. I’m not a
huge fan of pink— but for whatever reason a few years back, I went
through a pink phase and decided to turn that room into a princess
room of sorts. With mauvish pink walls, a queen sized four post
white canopy bed and a few white and pink vintage floral furniture
pieces. I never slept in there before, but I like the way it looks.
Never had a guest crash in there, yet, until last night, that is. I
also have a man’s room too. It’s like I have a theme bedroomed
house. Strange… I know. It is what it is, and now I’m glad it’s
that way.

Last night’s fiasco of me crying on Gage’s
shoulder was embarrassing. He stayed and cared for me until I’d
stopped. Afterward, he didn’t ask what was wrong, or why I cried.
I’m certain he might think it has something to do with him, not one
hundred percent sure though. Dismissing myself from the kitchen as
he began to dress himself, I went into the living room to gather my
wits and calm down. Every single part of me was on high alert. Once
he’d dressed, I tailed him as he carried Emma upstairs, into the
princess room and then I showed him to his own. I felt a twinge of
guilt when he thanked me and retired for the evening. I didn’t want
him sleeping alone. Truthfully, I wanted him sleeping in bed next
to me. No matter how crazy that notion may be, it’s what my heart
kept telling me once I crawled into my own bed, alone.

Knowing he was just across the hall. I stared
at my ceiling for what felt like hours, replaying over and over
what had happened since Gage has entered my life. Not sure how I
never met him before the date with Corey, but I hadn’t. Maybe he
didn’t spend much time in Heartfair when he was married. I haven’t
the slightest clue. I just know that since he’s entered my life, my
emotions are a bucket of mush, and swimming through them is
impossible to navigate. One moment, I don’t like him. The next, I
think I might be falling in love with him. I’m sure it has a lot to
do with the fact his daughter is the most spectacular little girl,
and he’s a wonderful dad. Another reason might have a little do
with his looks. As shallow as it may seem, he is hot. Scorching,
fiery, melt my panties; take me to bed, kind of delicious.

Hopelessly, I’ve drooled over David Boreanaz
since I was a teenager and Robert Downy Jr. for almost as long. The
thing they both have in common with each other and with Gage as
well, is they all enhance a suit. Sexy just isn’t sexy, without a
man filling out a suit so scrumptiously you literally become
tongue-tied. Gage in a suit does that to me. It’s hard not to like
or possibly be falling for someone who carries himself that way.
And the tattoos make it all sexier. Never been a fan of tattoos
before. Now I am.

Glancing down at my groggy princess, she
peeks up at me through tired eyes and provides me with the cutest
heartwarming smile.

“Your daddy stayed the night too. Have you
seen him yet?” I ask her.

Slightly shaking her head, she replies. “I
went into his room when I got up. He snores so I knew it was

I chuckle at her comment. She’s right he does
snore a little. “Do you want some breakfast before we wake him

My suggestion perks her right up and with my
help she gets out of my lap and we leave my yoga room. Passing
Gage’s sleeping quarters I can hear him snoring. Just like Emma
said. Going down stairs, I know Roni won’t be up for another hour.
So Emma and I get to have some more time alone. In the kitchen, she
sits on the window bench, just as she did last night during

“Can we make my daddy breakfast in bed?” she
asks, as I pull the fresh loaf of Barbie’s bread out of the fridge.
I don’t have much for Emma to eat. Next time I go shopping, I’ll be
sure to pick up some milk and cereal. All I’ve got is toast or
biscotti to offer her and orange juice to drink.


Popping two pieces of bread into the toaster,
I turn on the stove, fill the kettle with water and place it on the
burner. Next, I get the butter from the fridge just as the toast
pops up. Retrieving two of my vintage floral milk glass snack plate
with cup sets out of the cupboard, I place the toast on one of the
plates. I grab it, the tub of butter, and a butter knife from the
drawer and carry it over to Emma, setting it down in front of

“Here, you butter the bread for daddy while I
get your toast and pour him a glass of juice.” I instruct.

With an over the top, thrilled expression,
Emma follows my instructions to the T. I pop two more pieces of
toast into the toaster for her and remove the whistling kettle from
the stove. Grabbing the juice from the fridge, I pour Emma and Gage
some into their cups, and hot water into one of my paisley tea cups
for me, tossing in a tea bag without paying attention to what kind.
Once I finish Emma has already completed her task of buttering her
daddy’s bread.

“Ready?” I wink, grabbing the plate from in
front of her and the cup of his juice.

“Yes.” She wiggles out of her seat and I let
her lead the way up the stairs and open her daddy’s bedroom

Giving her some distance, I stand just inside
the opened door and watch her approach her sleeping father. In my
hands, I hold his breakfast, courtesy of that sweet daughter of
his. I hope he likes it. Not sure how much of a morning person he
is. He could be grumpy like Roni. I pray that’s not the case.

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