Lex (Unconventional Hearts) (27 page)

BOOK: Lex (Unconventional Hearts)
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Nodding, she adds. “Okay. You call outside
and have your driver come back inside for your things. I don’t
think you can.”

Rude, much? I can do whatever it is I want.
Although she’s probably right. Now that I’m standing, I’m
rethinking this whole going outside or doing anything. I drank way
more than I thought I did. Woooo, I am remarkably
or that’s how Roni, would explain how I’m feeling right now. I
added the remarkably to keep myself from sounding too much like a

“Oh-okay.” I mutter and vigilantly make my
way to the door.

Whoa! Guess walking in heels and being tipsy
wasn’t such a bright idea after all. Stopping half way to the door,
next to a booth full of six nicely dressed people, I put my hand on
the black cushioned back and steady myself. Blinking a few times, I
try to wash the drunken goggles from my view, no such luck.

Dammit, I really am hammered. Roni is going
to murder me when I call her to be DD. I’m the Veronica Phoenix,
proclaimed sensible one. This doesn’t bode well for my perfect

“Don’t go far.” Raul smiles, opening the
front glass door for me.

“No worries. I just going to call Roni.” I
slur, showing him the phone I’m holding.

Crap! Now… I’m slurring. She’s really going
to be angry. I’m breaking her date with Bob for this.

My heels clicking on the pavement becomes a
serious distraction as I look down at my feet to watch myself walk.
It’s really beautiful out tonight and it even smells like spring.
The bright floral fragrances hang heavily in the night air.

Turning the corner around Vino’s, headed to
my Bug…

Umph! Shit! I stumble, running into a rock
hard body. Mayday-Mayday I’m going down!

Flailing my arms, my hand holding onto my
cell for dear life, I brace myself for impact and I squeeze my eyes
shut in fear. My heart thudding so loudly in my chest it pounds
into my ears. Suddenly, thick searing hands save me, by grabbing my
upper arms and pressing me firmly against their hard chest. Out of
nervousness or fear, not sure which, my entire body shivers and I
keep my eyes closed.

Inhaling a deep breath, a man’s scent
assaults my senses and I fall into heaven. It smells just like him,
like my Gage.

What did I just think? No! Not Mine. It can’t
be him.

“Lex.” The clearly agitated, panty melting
voice says, and clears his throat. “Lex.”

“Uh?” I whisper.

“Did you hear a word I said?”

I shake my head. I haven’t heard a thing.
Unless my mind is deceiving me, or I’ve passed into a drunken
dreamlike state this
Gage. He has me wrapped into his
strong arms. God! I love how he touches me. He’s so warm and
comforting. Like a thick blanket of soul seeping security.

“Lex?!” he yells startling me, causing my
eyes to pop open.

“Did you hear me?” He’s definitely

Glancing up, I take in his moonlit handsome
face. Sweet Jesus he is to die for.

“You’re so hot.” I slur, blinking

Chuckling and shaking his head in notable
amusement, he blushes, and shyly smiles. “Thanks. Now, I was
asking, why are you here? And you’re drunk. You weren’t planning on
driving were you?”

Closing my eyes, I try to remember the

“Too many question…things. One time.”

Now laughing he softly glides his hand down
my side, to my lower back, and I instantly meld into him, our
fronts intimately touching.

“Sweetheart, look at me.” His gentle tone
evokes a sensual shiver to wash over me and I bite my lip,
suppressing a moan. I’ve not been drunk in years and I’ve never
been drunk around a man that I desire more than chocolate. This is
a first.

Opening my eyes, I gaze up into his.

“Why are you here?” he softly questions,
caressing my lower back, igniting a fire in my belly. I want him so
much. God, no wonder women throw themselves at Gage. He’s the whole

“A man bought dress. Asked me to eat.”

“Where is he now?”

I innocently shrug. “Dunno. Not that kind of
date.” I’m honest; I don’t know what else he needs or wants to

He looks at me confused. “Okay? Why are you
drunk outside?”

“Going to…call…Roni to pick…up me.” I fumble
over my words and lick my dry lips.

Shaking his head with a tiny smile, he states
confidently. “No, I’m taking you home. I’m parked right there.” He
points to his truck.

“Okay. Have stuff inside.”

Nodding, like he understands what I’m trying
to tell him. He walks me over to his truck, helps me inside and
buckles my seatbelt.

“Thanks.” I pat his forearm even though I
feel a deep urge to do so much more.

“Don’t mention it. Be right back. Don’t go
anywhere.” He shuts me in and I watch his scrumptious ass walk back
into Vino’s.

I’m so drunk, and lady likes Gage. She’s
fully awake, begging to be touched. I don’t think I’ve ever been so
horny in my life. He does this to me.



“I don’t need a babysitter.” My sweetheart,
orders drunkenly as she clumsily staggers up her stairs. Using both
her hands and feet to climb them. Damn, she’s so fucking

Grabbing her hips so she doesn’t fall over, I
help her to the top.

“I know, but I can’t leave. I won’t get any
sleep worrying about you.” Which is one hundred percent true. I’ve
hardly slept as it is since I said all those awful things to her
this week. The guilt has been relentlessly gnawing at my insides
for days. I hate that I’ve had to do all of this to claim what’s
mine, to ultimately show her how much I care. But she’s not an easy
catch. Most women are like Bluegills; they just want a worm and can
be reeled in. My Lex, isn’t like that. She’s like a Blue Marlin. It
takes patience to hook her, and even longer to reel her in. But
when you do, it’s the biggest, most stunning prize.

Trailing her into her bedroom, she
haphazardly tosses her heels into her closet, and my face winces.
Those shoes set me back a pretty penny, and I have a serious fetish
for shoes. Heels and women are the ultimate turn-on. And yes,
you’ve guessed right. I’m him, her Suit Master.

“You didn’t…oh…crap…I’m going to be sick!”
Covering her mouth, she sprints into the bathroom. Not giving a
damn about privacy or seeing her this way, I quickly follow

Violently she purges into the toilet and I
kneel behind her, rubbing her back.

“Go away!” she screams mortified, between
painful heaves, hugging the basin of the toilet, her head hanging

“No, I’m right here.” I sweetly rub, speaking
to her in a gentle calming tone. I’m not leaving her like this, not
when it was my fault in the first place.

Disagreeably shaking her head, she struggles
to catch her breath. “No…” is all she makes out before she wretches
into the bowl again.

Resting her forehead on her arm, that’s
propped onto the toilet seat, she breathes heavily. Knowing she’s
finally done, I get up from the floor and I search her vanity for a
washcloth, and dampen it with warm water from her sink.

Kneeling beside her, I flush the toilet, and
hand her the rag. Turning her face on her arm, she looks at me.
Poor Angel looks so tired, with hooded wrung out eyes, a morose
frown and pale washed out skin. I don’t want to see her like this.
It hurts.

Taking the rag from me, she dabs her face. “I
drank too much.” She mumbles moving the rag over her lips.
Everything about her lips is so sexy, even wiping a washcloth
across them. I’m getting hard just thinking about those perfectly
pink kissable lips of hers. They turn me painfully hard every time
she bites them. I’ve never been turned on by a woman biting her
lip. Lex, though, God help me. I have to seriously control myself
every single fuckin’ time she does. If I don’t, I’d be kissing her,
and ravishing her perfect body. It’s hard enough keeping my hands
off her as it is.

“I know, sweetie. How about you brush your
teeth and I’ll turn down your bed.”

Nodding, she pushes herself up and I grab
around her waist to help her stand.

Leaving her to brush her teeth, I go into her
bedroom and flip back her covers. She has a great sense of style.
Her entire house is immaculately clean and beautiful. So much
better than that shit apartment I have. My ex-wife took the country
house in the divorce and I decided to rent an apartment in
Heartfair. It works out okay, although, Emma hates it. I promised
Emma I’d buy a house soon. I’ve looked at a few, but none of them
felt like home. To be honest, I don’t know if it’s the house that
doesn’t feel like home or who will be living in it. It’s kind of
hard to explain the difference to a five year old. Emma’s been
through enough. I just want her to have some sense of normal and a
mother who loves her. My ex-wife is a real piece of work. Dating
and fucking everything with a dick is much more important to her
than attending Emma’s parent teacher conferences or taking her
Easter dress shopping. Not sure what I saw in that woman when I
married her. She’s no prize. More like a spoiled rich bitch that
I’m forced to pay outrageous amounts of alimony to, even though she
doesn’t have custody of our daughter or do a damn thing except sit
on her spoiled ass and spend my hard-earned money. What a crock of

“Eh hem.” Lex clears her throat with a sleepy
smile dragging me into the present. “I’m sorry. I’m feeling so much
better now. I don’t usually drink that much, learned my lesson.
Thanks for bringing me home.”

“Want me to tuck you in?”

Looking over at her clock she laughs, her
fingers delicately touching her chest, as she does. “It’s only
nine. I don’t go to sleep until eleven at the earliest.”

“Does that mean I can stay and we can talk?”
Please say yes!

Chewing her lip, she timidly shrugs looking
down at the floor.

I don’t know what that means, but looking at
her all damn night wearing that dress has me wound up tighter than
an eight-day clock. Now she’s biting her lip and I’ve waited long

Taking in a deep courageous breath, I take
three strides and close in on her. As she looks up, without a
second guess, I possessively pull her into my arms and smash my
lips down onto hers with a growl. Darting my tongue into her mouth,
and relishing in the moan she lets escape.

That’s it, Angel, moan for me.

Deepening our kiss, I bravely grab her ass
anchoring her me to me and grind my hard dick into her stomach. To
let her know how much she turns me on. Fuck! I’m so hot for

Her hands wrap around my neck, and she kisses
me with as much passion as I do her. Our tongues are battling with
each other’s, both of us breathing so hard. My heart pounding so
fast it might beat right out of my chest. Fuck. I’ve wanted to do
this forever.

Walking her backward, her legs bump against
the bed and she falls back onto the mattress. I take this chance
and grab her hips, wrapping her legs around my waist. Still kissing
her, her hands feverishly roaming the back of my head and neck, I
nestle my dick at her core and hump her.

Damn! What I wouldn’t do to make love to her
right now.

Another hump and she breaks from my lips with
a fearful squeal.

“No!” She tries to drop her legs from around
my waist to retreat. I don’t let her. I grab her legs, securing
them around me.

“Let me go!” she cries. Tears are starting to
pool in her panicked eyes, her back now lying flat on the bed, with
her chest raising and falling rapidly. The hard peeks of her
nipples showing through the thin fabric of her dress.

I knew this time would come. I knew this
would be the hardest thing for her to overcome. I know she can do

“I can’t.” I growl, grinding her core.

Now crying, she shakes her head. “Gage, I’m…

“You’re not attracted to me? You don’t want
to touch me? You don’t want me to make love you to?”

“I want those things.” She sobs, swiping the
tears away. Her sexy bottom lip trembling.

Thank God! It’s about damn time she admits
it. I’ve been waiting to hear those words for the past six fucking

“Then let me.” I sweetly mutter, and lean
over her, still standing, and place a chaste kiss on her lips, down
her chin, across her neck and slowly I press tiny kisses between
her breasts.

“That feels so good.” She moans, arching her
back to my touch.

“I want to make you feel good.” I whisper,
pressing another kiss to her sternum.

“I can’t let you. I’m different.”

No, she’s not, she’s perfect.

“No, you’re just want I need.” I suck my lips
onto the side of her milk white breast and savor the flavor of her
sweet skin.

“Gage, I can’t.” Her body begins to shake and
she whimpers.

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